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In a survey of levels of acesulfame-K and aspartame in soft drinks and in light nectars, the intake of these intense sweeteners was estimated for a group of teenage students. Acesulfame-K was detected in 72% of the soft drinks, with a mean concentration of 72 mg l?1 and aspartame was found in 92% of the samples with a mean concentration of 89 mg l?1. When data on the content of these sweeteners in soft drinks were analysed according to flavour, cola drinks had the highest mean levels for both sweeteners with 98 and 103 mg l?1 for acesulfame-K and aspartame, respectively. For soft drinks based on mineral water, aspartame was found in 62% of the samples, with a mean concentration of 82 mg l?1 and acesulfame-K was found in 77%, with a mean level of 48 mg l?1. All samples of nectars contained acesulfame-K, with a mean concentration of 128 mg l?1 and aspartame was detected in 80% of the samples with a mean concentration of 73 mg l?1. A frequency questionnaire, designed to identify adolescents having high consumption of these drinks, was completed by a randomly selected sample of teenagers (n = 65) living in the city of Coimbra, in 2007. The estimated daily intakes (EDI) of acesulfame-K and aspartame for the average consumer were below the acceptable daily intakes (ADIs). For acesulfame-K, the EDI was 0.7 mg kg?1 bw day?1 for soft drinks, 0.2 mg kg?1 bw day?1 for soft drinks based on mineral waters, and 0.5 mg kg?1 bw day?1 for nectars, representing 8.0%, 2.2%, and 5.8% of the ADI, respectively. A similar situation was observed for aspartame. In this way, the EDI for soft drinks was 1.1 mg kg?1 day?1, representing only 2.9% of the ADI. In respect of nectars, the EDI was 0.2 mg kg?1 bw day?1, representing 0.5% of the ADI. Soft drinks based on mineral waters showed the lowest EDI values of 0.3 mg kg?1 bw day?1, accounting for 0.7% of the ADI.  相似文献   

A reliable method for the determination of benzoic and sorbic acids, caffeine and saccharin in soft drink and nectars using high performance liquid chromatography and UV detection was validated. The chromatographic separation was achieved with a C18 column (250 × 4.6 mm) and one buffered mobile phase, KH2PO4 0.02 M/ACN (90:10)/phosphoric acid at pH 4.2. The effluent was monitored at 220 nm.  相似文献   

高压液相色谱法快速测定饮料中的五种食品添加剂   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 建立一种高压液相色谱方法同时检测饮料制品中3种甜味剂(安赛蜜、糖精钠、阿斯巴甜)和2种防腐剂(苯甲酸、山梨酸)。方法 样品采用起始流动相稀释后直接过膜分析, 色谱分离在极性修饰XAqua C18色谱柱上进行, 流动相采用50 mmol/L pH 4.5 KH2PO4和乙腈, 梯度模式洗脱, 流速2 mL/min, 柱温40 ℃, 6 min内即可完成一次分离分析, 加上4 min梯度平衡时间, 10 min内即可完成平衡及分离。结果 5种食品添加剂在0.5~50 mg/L内线性关系良好, 相关系数r2均大于0.9999。在两种饮料基质中添加50、100、150 mg/kg 3个浓度水平, 方法回收率为96.48%~105.64%, 相对标准偏差为0.21%~5.39%; 以信噪比S/N =3计算, 方法检测限为0.02~0.08 mg/L。结论 建立的分析方法快速、准确, 可满足饮料中甜味剂和防腐剂的同时检测。  相似文献   

A simple and rapid liquid chromatographic method based on a new stationary phase Teknokroma, Tr-010065 Mediterranea sea18 (15 cm × 0.4 cm, id 3 μm), to determine ascorbic acid in beverages is reported. With the proposed method the samples were analysed by direct injection without a previous treatment. The total analysis time does not exceed 6 min. The method showed a good repeatability (RSD < 2%: n = 6) and an excellent sensitivity (LOD = 0.01 mg/l). Seventeen samples were analysed, including fruit juices, soft drinks and isotonic beverages. Ascorbic acid contents ranged from 6.6 to 840 mg/l. The ascorbic acid stability in some beverages during their shelf-life was also evaluated. Degradation of about 54% was observed in a tea drink.  相似文献   

An automated, simple, and reproducible method based on isotope dilution headspace gas chromatography/mass spectrometry developed previously for the determination of benzene in soft drinks was further improved by adding sodium sulfate to samples, lowering the gas chromatography oven starting temperature to narrow benzene peak width, and increasing sample injection volume. This improved method had a lower detection limit (0.016 µg l?1) and good repeatability, and was used in a follow-up survey to assess benzene levels in 139 samples of soft drink products. Benzene was detected in 67% of the 139 products tested. Compared with the previous survey, the average benzene concentrations in most products from this survey were lower, and only a few products had benzene at elevated levels.  相似文献   

An automated, simple, and reproducible method based on isotope dilution headspace gas chromatography/mass spectrometry developed previously for the determination of benzene in soft drinks was further improved by adding sodium sulfate to samples, lowering the gas chromatography oven starting temperature to narrow benzene peak width, and increasing sample injection volume. This improved method had a lower detection limit (0.016 µg l-1) and good repeatability, and was used in a follow-up survey to assess benzene levels in 139 samples of soft drink products. Benzene was detected in 67% of the 139 products tested. Compared with the previous survey, the average benzene concentrations in most products from this survey were lower, and only a few products had benzene at elevated levels.  相似文献   

In our daily life, we use our senses to acquire information about the objects that surround us. However, the information processing that allows for the recognition and consecutive classification of those objects into categories remains unclear. Our purpose is to analyze the categorization mechanism taking into account: (a) package visual metrics and (b) consumer perceptions of this basic visual information. First of all, we quantitatively analyzed the physical characteristics of 52 bottle silhouettes of seven soft drink categories: sports drinks, water, flavored water, sodas, fruit juices, malt drinks and tea. We found that measures of the shape of the bottles can model the membership to a product category. Our first experiment tested how accurately consumers could recognize product category from real bottle silhouettes. We found that the visual characteristics that differentiate product category silhouettes are lid width and bottle shape (body kurtosis). Our second experiment tested the capacity of consumers to recognize artificially created bottle silhouettes. When basic information, such as the product shape is modified, consumers are not always capable of recognizing its corresponding category. We concluded that the physical attributes of bottles are related to the categorization process of the bottle content made by consumers. These findings may provide guidelines for new bottle designs that capitalize on existing categorization rules based on consumer perception.  相似文献   

A capillary electrophoresis method was developed for the analysis of Class IV caramels using sodium carbonate buffer at pH 9·5. A relationship was established between the migration time of the coloured ‘caramel’ peak and the caramel's sulphur content. There was also a linear relationship between the concentration of caramel solids in water and the peak area of the ‘caramel’ peak in the range 0·1–10 g litre−1. A range of soft drinks was analysed for caramel. Seven non-diet and 12 diet cola products had Class IV caramel of high-sulphur, high-nitrogen content at concentrations estimated to be between 0·57 and 0·82 g solids litre−1. © Crown Copyright 1998.  相似文献   

Aluminium content of soft drinks from aluminium cans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aluminium (A1) content of soft drinks from A1 cans has been measured during 12 months of storage, by the graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry (GFAAS) method. The results show that the A1 content in all soft drinks increased during the whole storage time. This increase was a result of dissolution of A1 from the can wall due to the presence of aggressive ingredients in the soft drinks, mainly acids. The A1 content rose with increasing acid concentration and decreasing pH value of the soft drinks. The evaluated possible daily intake of A1 (0.8 mg) through consumption of these drinks was practically negligible in relation to total daily dietary Al intake, as well as to tolerable daily intake. Thus, soft drinks from A1 cans are an insignificant source of dietary A1 intake and it appears that the A1 intake from this source should not be a cause for concern in regard to A1 toxicity for the human body.
Alnminiumgehalte in Erfrischungsgetränken aus Aluminiumdosen
Zusammenfassung Es wurde der Aluminiumgehalt in Erfrischungsgetränken aus Aluminiumdosen im Laufe von zwölf Monaten Lagerzeit durch GFAAS gemessen. Der Aluminiumgehalt nimmt in allen Proben im Laufe der erwähnten Lagerungszeit zu als Folge des Lösens von der inneren Dosenseite her durch das VorhandenScin von aggressiven Bestandteilen in Erfrischungsgetränken, vor allem durch Säuren. Der Aluminiumgehalt steigt mit der Säurekonzentration, d. h. mit der Abnahme des pH-Wertes, in Getränken. Die Tagesaufnahme von Aluminium (0,8 mg) durch den Konsum dieser Getränke ist allerdings bedeutungslos im Vergleich mit der Gesamttagesaufnahme von Aluminium durch die Nahrung sowie im Vergleich mit der zugelassenen Tagesaufnahme. Aus diesem Grunde stellen Erfrischungsgetränke aus Aluminiumdosen keine beachtenswerte Quelle der Aluminiumaufnahme dar.

A highly sensitive and simple method has been developed for the determination of total arsenic, by continuous hydride generation and atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HGAFS), in refreshing drink samples as colas, teas and fruit juices. Samples were mixed with concentrated HCl and KI to obtain final concentrations of 2 mol l−1 and 1%, respectively. These solutions were aspirated and merged with a reducing NaBH4 3% (m/v) solution, with sample and NaBH4 flow rates of 12.5 and 1.5 ml min−1, respectively. The hydride generated in a 170 cm reaction coil was transported to the detector with an Ar flow of 400 ml min−1. The recovery values of added concentrations, from 0.1 to 0.9 ng ml−1, of arsenic in colas, teas and fruit juices were 94 ± 5, 101 ± 9 and 94 ± 6, respectively, achieving variation coefficients between 0.1% and 9%, confirming the accuracy of developed procedure. Detection limit, ranged from 0.01 to 0.03 ng ml−1. On comparing the direct determination with a reference procedure made after dry ashing operation it can be noticed that the direct approach provides a simplification of the handling and time consuming, achieving statistically comparative results.  相似文献   

The synthetic phenolic antioxidants butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and tert-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ) were pre-concentrated by stir-bar sorptive extraction and thermally desorbed (SBSE-TD) before analysis by GC-MS. Several parameters affecting the derivatisation step and both SBSE extraction and thermal desorption were carefully optimised. When the analyses of BHA and TBHQ in their acetylated, silylated and underivatised forms were compared, the best results were obtained when the in-situ derivatisation procedure with acetic anhydride was employed. Quantification was carried out using carvacrol as the internal standard, providing quantification limits of between 0.11 and 0.15 ng ml?1, depending on the compound. Recovery assays for samples spiked at two concentration levels, 1 and 5 ng ml?1, provided recoveries in the 81–117% range. The proposed method was applied in the analysis canned soft drinks and the analytes were found in five of the 10 samples analysed.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of six water‐soluble vitamins based on capillary electrophoresis (CE) operated in micellar mode was developed. Thiamine hydrochloride (vitamin B1( riboflavin (vitamin B2( pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6( pantothenic acid (vitamin B5( nicotinamide (vitamin B3( and cobalamin (Vitamin B12) could be separated in a single run. All CE parameters such as buffer composition and operation temperature were optimized in order to achieve better separation. Relative standard deviations (RSDs) of the described method ranged from 1.08 to 3.68% (intra‐day precision) and 1.26 to 3.35% (inter‐day precision). The method was then used for measuring various soft drinks and vitamin supplements directly without any step of sample cleanup. The determination of niacin was successful for all samples tested, reaching recoveries near 100%. Riboflavin and pyridoxine were quantified successfully in some but not all samples. Therefore, an evaluation on a case‐by‐case basis is mandatory. When applicable, this method provides a fast, accurate, simple, and inexpensive way to quantify selected vitamins, and is therefore well suited for routine analysis in soft drink industry.  相似文献   

High performance liquid chromatography was carried out to determine the soluble sugar content in canned soft drinks and commercial fruit juices stored in different types of containers. The total amount of sugars ranged from 9.2 to 13.5 g 100 ml?1 for the soft drinks, 10 to 14 g 100 ml?1 in fruit nectars and 3 g 100 ml?1 in tomato juice. The individual sugar content of soft drinks varied between different batches, although the total amount remained fairly constant for each kind of drink or juice. Only in tomato juice where sucrose was not present, did the values for glucose and fructose remain constant.  相似文献   

建立了利用钛胶反相柱快速测定饮料中咖啡因的含量的高效液相色谱方法.色谱条件:分离柱为Titania Sachtopore - RP柱(250mm×4.6mm i.d.,5μm),柱温30℃,流动相为水∶甲醇=83∶17 (V/V),流速1 mL/min,检测波长273nm.线性范围为12 - 900μg/mL,此范围内标准曲线线性良好(R2=0.9998).最低检出限(S/N =3)为0.03 μg/mL,样品加标回收率范围为98.6%~102.2%,精密度即相对标准偏差(n=9)小于0.23%.本法简单易操作、分析速度快,精密度和准确度均取得满意效果,适用于各种饮料样品中咖啡因的定量分析.本研究不仅是对食品中咖啡因检测方法的补充,更重要的是发挥了钛胶固定相不可比拟的优势.  相似文献   

运动饮料的开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
敬璞  苏晔 《饮料工业》2000,3(5):7-9
论述了运动饮料配方设计的理论基础,举例说明了一种运动饮料的开发,并对运动饮料的发展方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

Allura Red, Sunset Yellow, and Tartrazine usually present in commercial soft drinks were accurately quantified using HLA/GO method, a net analyte signal-based method, without the need for solutes separation. The obtained percent recoveries (R.S.D.) of dyes were 99.8 (2.8), 102 (3.3), and 100 (4.5) for Allura Red, Sunset Yellow, and Tartrazine, respectively. The calibration method was applied for analysis of food dyes in powdered soft drinks with minimum sample preparation measures. The proposed HLA/GO method was validated against a standard HPLC method. Statistical analyses showed insignificant differences between the results of two methods. The developed HLA/GO method offers a simple and rapid procedure for determination of food dyes in powdered soft drinks in comparison with HPLC methodology.  相似文献   

安神降脂功能性饮料是针对目前日益增加的危害或者影响到人们健康的两大公共卫生:血脂异常以及睡眠不好而研制的功能性饮料。该饮料以山楂汁为基础饮料加入银杏叶提取物、酸枣仁提取物以及由高粱麸皮酿制的陈醋,并且加入低热量的醇类甜味剂麦芽糖醇,使得产品不仅适合正常人群也适合糖尿病人群食用。  相似文献   

The monitoring of synthetic dyes in foods is very important due to their potential harmfulness to human beings. Herein, a carbon-paste electrode (CPE) that is chemically modified with gold nanoparticles (nAu) was fabricated and used for the determination of Sunset yellow (SY) and Tartrazine (Tz). Cyclic and differential pulse voltammetry (CV and DPV) results revealed two well-resolved anodic peaks for SY and Tz with remarkably increase in oxidation signals of these colourants. Based on this, a novel electrochemical method was developed for the simultaneous determination of SY and Tz. High sensitivity and selectivity, sub-micromolar detection limit, high reproducibility and regeneration of the electrode surface by simple polishing make the nAu-CPE electrode very suitable for the determination of SY and Tz in commercially available soft drinks. The detection limits was 3.0 × 10−8 and 2.0 × 10−9 mol l−1 for SY and Tz, respectively, which are remarkably lower than those reported previously for SY and Tz using other modified electrodes.  相似文献   

酸性含乳饮料中蛋白质稳定性的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
综述了不同类型的卡拉胶和果胶在乳饮料中与酪蛋白的作用机理,并介绍了影响酸乳饮料稳定性的主要因素。  相似文献   

传统的运动饮料通常含有水、能量物质、电解质成分、蛋白质、肽、氨基酸、抗氧化物质等,可调节运动生理和酸碱平衡。随着人类健康意识的提高,越来越多的研究注重开发具有显著抗疲劳、增加运动耐力功效和具有活力的纯天然配方饮料。同时,新产品的功效评价同样将是未来研究的重点。本文主要介绍了运动饮料的定义、针对抗疲劳及增加运动耐力方面的主要功效,幵从原料成分角度对运动饮料的分类和研究现状加以综述,以期为运动饮料的多元化发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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