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This paper describes the state of blog archiving by identifying from the published literature the most popular blogs and blogs on major events. Next it will check their current status and archiving methods. Blogs are not systematically archived, and some blogs on major events of the first decade of this millennium may already have been lost. It calls for better preservation and organization of blogs that have historical significance.  相似文献   

Using the blogosphere as an enabling IT environment, this paper investigates how self-concept influences virtual self-presentation behavior and the use of IT artifacts. Self-presentation theory is adapted from the social psychology literature to develop a theoretical research model of virtual self-presentation. We tested the research model and hypotheses with data collected from 312 bloggers. Structural equation analysis of this data reveals a nomological net of self-concept leading to IT-enabled virtual self-presentation and the use of IT artifacts. Our findings provide a new perspective of users as heterogeneous individuals who have various self-concepts that change the sequence and dynamics among users, IT artifacts, and tasks. In contrast to traditional systems, in the social context of virtual self-presentation, users are the primary and essential drivers who determine vaguely defined tasks and systems.  相似文献   

K Means聚类算法由于无法准确确定初始化聚类中心,容易造成 聚类结果准确率低下。对微博数据聚类时,可能会导致无法正确反映兴趣热点。本文 设计了基于主动学习的聚类算法,在确定初始聚类中心过程中应用Min Max主动学习策略, 使 得算法每次在很小数量的查询后都会提供数据点供用户进行初始中心点确认,并在K Means算 法中重新计算聚类中心时设置其权重值,从而减少迭代的数量,提高聚类结果的准确 率,并将这一算法运用于微博聚类分析,得出微博热门话题。  相似文献   


This study investigates employees’ acceptance of corporate Web 2.0 applications for collaboration and knowledge sharing. Results show that altruism, managerial support, and perceived usefulness are good predictors of the intention to use corporate blogs as tools for collaboration and knowledge sharing. The study further explores differences between employees from companies with low and high adoption rates, and uses prediction-oriented segmentation to unveil two different paths to adoption of Web 2.0 collaborative tools in companies.  相似文献   

研究中文微博情感分析中的观点句识别及要素抽取问题。在观点句识别方面,提出了一种利用微博中的情感词和 情感影响因子计算微博语义情感倾向的新算法;在观点句要素抽取方面,利用主题词分类及关联规则,辅以一系列剪枝、筛选和定界规则抽取评价对象。通过观点句识别和观点句要素抽取结果的相互过滤,进一步提高召回率。实验数据采用第六届中文倾向性分析评测所发布的数据,结果表明,本文方法在观点句识别和要素抽取方面能够取得较好的效果,观点句识别的精确率、召回率入F值分别为95.62%,54.10%及69.10%;观点句要素抽取的精确率、召回率以及F值分别为22.07%,12.66%和16.09%。  相似文献   

通过基于概念的聚类方法,对博客作者的情感极性进行分析。在知网情感词汇库的基础上,将概念引入向量空间模型。首先,提取博客文本情感词,利用基于情感词概念的向量空间模型完成对博客文本的表示。然后,使用k-means算法对博客文本进行聚类,完成对博客情感极性的分析。在向量空间模型中使用概念作为特征项,提高了对博客作者情感极性分析的精度。实验证明基于概念的向量空间模型比传统基于词语的向量空间模型在博客文本情感聚类上具有更好的性能。  相似文献   

This research explores variables related to the use of personal-journal style blogs for interpersonal goals. A random sample of bloggers completed surveys exploring how the combination of extraversion and self-disclosure affect strong tie network size, which in turn serves as motivation to use blogs as an alternative communication channel. Bloggers who exhibit both extraversion and self-disclosure traits tend to maintain larger strong-tie social networks and are more likely to appropriate blogs to support those relationships. Age, gender, and education have no relationship to network size, blog content, or the use of blogs as a relationship maintenance tool. These results contribute to the continuing discussion about the impact that the Internet and its tools are having on relationships by suggesting that, rather than promoting isolation, computer-mediated communication tools such as blogs often function to enhance existing relationships.  相似文献   

Analysis of affective intensities in computer mediated communication is important in order to allow a better understanding of online users' emotions and preferences. Despite considerable research on textual affect classification, it is unclear which features and techniques are most effective. In this study we compared several feature representations for affect analysis, including learned n-grams and various automatically and manually crafted affect lexicons. We also proposed the support vector regression correlation ensemble (SVRCE) method for enhanced classification of affect intensities. SVRCE uses an ensemble of classifiers each trained using a feature subset tailored towards classifying a single affect class. The ensemble is combined with affect correlation information to enable better prediction of emotive intensities. Experiments were conducted on four test beds encompassing web forums, blogs, and online stories. The results revealed that learned n-grams were more effective than lexicon based affect representations. The findings also indicated that SVRCE outperformed comparison techniques, including Pace regression, semantic orientation, and WordNet models. Ablation testing showed that the improved performance of SVRCE was attributable to its use of feature ensembles as well as affect correlation information. A brief case study was conducted to illustrate the utility of the features and techniques for affect analysis of large archives of online discourse.  相似文献   

This article presents a tongue-operated switch array (TOSA) that provides not only an alternate input for a computer or operative system, but also an approach for silent and hands-free communication among humans or between human and machine. A TOSA has been designed and fabricated using printed circuit board technology and a membrane-switching mechanism and is integrated with a dental palate mold made from a silicone impression material. The TOSA has 5 switches (4 switches are laid out in cardinal directions and a fifth switch is located in the center). Human participant experiments have been conducted to evaluate and improve device performance. The characteristics of tactile sensation and mobility of the tongue are used to quantify the performance and optimize the geometric design of the TOSA. The results from controlled studies using repeated measures with 4 participants revealed a maximum average accuracy of 91% with SD = 5 in a switch depression task and a maximum repetition rate of 2.47 depressions/sec (SD = .21). These results indicate that operation on all switches is highly accurate and fast enough for use as an alternate input device.  相似文献   

A significant amount of research has focused on blogs, bloggers, and blogging. However, relatively little work has examined blog readers, their interactions with bloggers, or their impact on blogging. This paper presents a qualitative study focusing specifically on readers of political blogs to develop a better understanding of readers?? interactions with blogs and bloggers. This is the first such study to examine the same blogging activity from both readers?? and bloggers?? perspectives. Readers?? significance and contributions to blogs are examined through a number of themes, including: community membership and participation; the relationship between political ideology, reading habits, and political participation; and differences and similarities between mainstream media (MSM) and blogs. Based on these analyses, this paper argues that blogging is not only a social activity, but is a collaborative process of co-creation in which both bloggers and readers engage. Implications of this finding contribute to the study and understanding of reader participation, to the design of technologies for bloggers and blog readers, and to the development of theoretical understandings of social media.  相似文献   

We consider a model of alternative trading with interval supply and demand of a good formalized as a transportation problem with fixed transportations and a disconnected set of plans. We study the consistency of this problem and offer a decomposition method that reduces it to a classical transportation problem.  相似文献   

This study develops and tests operational definitions of relational maintenance strategies appropriate to online public relations. An experiment was designed to test the new measures and to test hypotheses evaluating potential advantages of organizational blogs over traditional Web sites. Participants assigned to the blog condition perceived an organization's "conversational human voice" to be greater than participants who were assigned to read traditional Web pages. Moreover, perceived relational strategies (conversational human voice, communicated relational commitment) were found to correlate significantly with relational outcomes (trust, satisfaction, control mutuality, commitment).  相似文献   

In evolutionary computation the concept of a fitness landscape has played an important role, evolution itself being portrayed as a hill-climbing process on a rugged landscape. In this article we review the recent development of an alternative paradigm for evolution on a fitness landscape—effective fitness. It is shown that in general, in the presence of other genetic operators such as mutation and recombination, hill-climbing is the exception rather than the rule; a discrepancy that has its origin in the different ways in which the concept of fitness appears—as a measure of the number of fit offspring, or as a measure of the probability to reach reproductive age. Effective fitness models the former not the latter and gives an intuitive way to understand population dynamics as flows on an effective fitness landscape when genetic operators other than reproductive selection play an important role. Additionally, we will show that when the genotype-phenotype map is degenerate, i.e. there exists a synonym symmetry, it can be used to quantify the degree of symmetry breaking of the map, thus allowing for a quantitative explanation of phenomena such as self-adaptation, bloat and evolutionary robustness.  相似文献   

Interval Monte Carlo offers an alternative to second-order approaches for modeling measurement uncertainty in a simulation framework. Using the example of computing quasi-extinction decline risk for an ecological population, an interval Monte Carlo model is built. If the model is not written optimally, the mean and standard deviation of the growth rate repeat, then the bounds on the quasi-extinction risk will be sub-optimal. Depending on your operational definition of what an interval is, the sub-optimal bounds may be the best possible bounds. A comparison between second-order and interval Monte Carlo is made, which reveals that second-order approaches can underestimate the upper bound on the quasi-extinction decline risk to the population when there are a large number of parameters that need to be sampled.  相似文献   

In recent years, weblogs (or blogs) have received great popularity worldwide, among which video blogs (or vlogs) are playing an increasingly important role. However, research on vlog analysis is still in the early stage, and how to manage vlogs effectively so that they can be more easily accessible is a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a novel vlog management model which is comprised of automatic vlog annotation and user-oriented vlog search. For vlog annotation, we extract informative keywords from both the target vlog itself and relevant external resources; besides semantic annotation, we perform sentiment analysis on comments to obtain the overall evaluation. For vlog search, we present saliency-based matching to simulate human perception of similarity, and organize the results by personalized ranking and category-based clustering. An evaluation criterion is also proposed for vlog annotation, which assigns a score to an annotation according to its accuracy and completeness in representing the vlog's semantics. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed management model for vlogs.  相似文献   

北京时间10月3日;麦晨,当全世界都知道2016年奥运会主办权被巴西人夺得的时候,西班牙真的黯然神伤了。但是很快,他们就以同样的热情宣布开始着手申请2020年奥运会。西班牙人的灵魂里,有着像弗朗门戈舞一般的奔放和洒脱。无论何时,当你漫步于太阳门广场,或拥挤在拉斯温塔斯斗牛场,甚至只是躺在“太阳海岸”静静享受阳光海滩,你都能感觉到西班牙的厚重和丰富。  相似文献   

In paper I of this series we reviewed the recent development of an alternative paradigm for evolution on a fitness landscape–effective fitness–which offers an intuitive way to understand population dynamics as flows on an effective fitness landscape when genetic operators other than reproductive selection play an important role. In this article we demonstrate the utility of the concept using several simple analytical models and some more complex models that we simulate numerically. In particular, we show that effective fitness offers a qualitative and quantitative framework within which the phenomenon of induced symmetry breaking of the genotype-phenotype map may be understood. As explicit examples we consider: the violation of the building block hypothesis in non-epistatic landscapes; self-adaptation of genetic algorithms in time-dependent fitness landscapes and the appearance of evolutionary robustness as an emergent property in the evolution of language. In all cases we demonstrate that effective fitness offers a framework within which these diverse phenomena can be understood and in principle quantitatively studied.  相似文献   

Blog is currently a popular form of knowledge production on the Internet. Research shows that relatively few bloggers produce "filter blogs," which focus on political knowledge. Most bloggers produce personal journals. This study uses national survey data to determine whether and why people have differential knowledge production in the form of different blogs. As knowledge is a critical indicator of social power, this research also examines whether blogs with different levels of political knowledge demonstrate unequal social power. Results show that bloggers with higher socioeconomic status contribute more filter blogs than lower-status segments. Even among filter bloggers, socioeconomic status, gender, and print-media use are associated with social influence. These findings suggest that a knowledge production gap merits more scholarly attention.  相似文献   

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