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The paper presents a new triangle for analysis of laminate plates and shells. The in-plane degrees of freedom are interpolated quadratically whereas a linear layer-wise approximation is chosen for the normal displacement. A substructuring technique is used to eliminate the in-plane degrees of freedom during the assembly process thus reducing substantially the computationed costs. The element performance is evaluated in the static and dynamic analysis of different laminate plate and shell structures. 相似文献
This paper addresses optimal design of simply supported symmetrically laminated composite plates with central circular holes.
The design objective is the maximization of the buckling load, and the design variable is considered as the fiber orientation.
The first-order shear deformation theory is used for the finite element analysis. The study is complicated because the effects
of bending–twisting coupling are also included for the buckling optimization. The modified feasible direction method is used
to solve the optimization problems. Finally, the effect of different number of layers, boundary conditions, width-to-thickness
ratio, plate aspect ratios, hole daimeter-to-width ratio, and load ratios on the results is investigated. 相似文献
In this paper, a split least-squares characteristic mixed finite element method for a kind of Sobolev equation with convection term is proposed, in which the characteristic method is based on the approximation of the material derivative term, that is, the time derivative term plus the convection term. The resulting least-squares procedure can be split into two independent symmetric positive definite sub-schemes and does not need to solve a coupled system of equations. Theory analysis shows that the method yields the approximate solutions with optimal accuracy in L2(Ω) norm for the primal unknown and in H(div;Ω) norm for the unknown flux, respectively. Numerical examples in one dimension, which are consistent with the theoretical results, are provided to demonstrate the characteristic behavior of this approach. 相似文献
We present a new mortar approach in the spectral context for the analysis and optimization of L-shaped thin composite laminates. Its roots may be found in the (very few) existing mortar approaches for the bi-Laplacian that are herein extended to handle the fourth-order elliptic operator governing thin anisotropic laminates. For the computation of the structural matrices, exact symbolic integration is used rather than more classical Gauss–Lobatto quadrature schemes. Thanks to the underlying spectral approach, considerable CPU times savings are obtained compared with finite-element approaches when the optimal design of the laminates is pursued. A few numerical studies that are concerned with the analysis and the optimization of L-shaped single-layered plates are described in detail. 相似文献
A mixed shear flexible finite element based on the Hencky-Mindlin type shear deformation theory of laminated plates is presented and their behavior in bending is investigated. The element consists of three displacements, two rotations, and three moments as the generalized degrees of freedom per node. The numerical convergence and accuracy characteristics of the element are investigated by comparing the finite element solutions with the exact solutions. The present study shows that reduced-order integration of the stiffness coefficients due to shear is necessary to obtain accurate results for thin plates. 相似文献
In this paper, a solver for poroelasticity problems related to osteoporotic human bones is discussed. Osteoporosis is a major health problem that compromises the integrity of bones. A good understanding of the disease requires an accurate simulation of the physics. For that purpose, a finite element solver based on Biot’s consolidation equations has been developed. A mixed formulation is used to discretize the geometries taken from medical imaging. The resulting indefinite linear systems are solved by Krylov space methods supplemented by variants of Schur complement-based block preconditioners. 相似文献
Effects of random system properties on the thermal buckling analysis of laminated composite plates 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper examines the effect of random system properties on thermal buckling load of laminated composite plates under uniform temperature rise having temperature dependent properties using HSDT. The system properties such as material properties, thermal expansion coefficients and thickness of the laminate are modeled as independent random variables. A C0 finite element is used for deriving the eigenvalue problem. A Taylor series based first-order perturbation technique is used to handle the randomness in the system properties. Second-order statistics of the thermal buckling load are obtained. The results are validated with those available in the literature and Monte Carlo simulation. 相似文献
《Computers & Structures》1987,25(2):241-249
In view of the increasing interest in using composite materials for aerospace structures, the analysis of laminated composite plates becomes essential. A three-dimensional eight-node hybrid stress finite element method is developed for the analysis of laminated plates. The hybrid stress model is based on the modified complementary energy principle and takes into account the transverse shear deformation effects. The displacement field is interpolated through shape functions and nodal displacements. All three displacement components are assumed to vary linearly through the thickness of each lamina. The stress field is interpolated through assumed stress polynomials with 55 stress parameters for each lamina. All six stresses are included and satisfy the homogeneous equilibrium equations. The validity of the hybrid stress finite element model is determined by comparing the predicted numerical results with the existing three-dimensional elasticity solutions. Excellent accuracy and fast convergence are observed in the numerical results. 相似文献
R. Piltner 《Advances in Engineering Software》1995,24(1-3):107-115
In 1926 E. Trefftz published a paper about a variational formulation which utilizes boundary integrals. Almost half a century later researchers became interested again in the ideas of Trefftz when the potential advantage of the Trefftz-method for an efficient use in numerical application on a computer was recognized. The concept of Trefftz can be used both for finite element and boundary element applications. A crucial ingredient of the Trefftz- method is a set of linearly independent trial functions which a priori satisfy the governing differential equations under consideration. In this paper an overview of some recent developments to construct trial functions for the Trefftz-method in a systematic manner is given. Using different types of approximation functions (singular or non-singular) we can obtain very accurate finite element and boundary element algorithms. 相似文献
We present a numerical approximation of the Giesekus equation which is considered as a realistic model for polymer flows. We use nonconforming finite elements on quadrilateral grids which necessitate the addition of two stabilization terms. An appropriate upwind scheme is employed for the convective term. The underlying discrete Stokes problem is then analysed. Finally, numerical tests are presented in order to validate the code, illustrating its good behavior for large Weissenberg numbers. Comparisons with Polyflow® and with the literature are also carried out. 相似文献
Masaaki Yokoyama 《Advances in Engineering Software》1992,15(3-4):203-210
As a basic study for the establishment of an accuracy estimation method in the finite element method, this paper deals with the problems of transverse bending of thin, flat plates. From the numerical experiments for uniform mesh division, the following relation was deduced, ε ∝ (h/a)k, k 1, where ε is the error of the computed value by the finite element method relative to the exact solution and h/a is the dimensionless mesh size. Using this relation, an accuracy estimation method, which was based on the adaptive determination of local mesh sizes from two preceding analyses by uniform mesh division, was presented.
A computer program using this accuracy estimation method was developed and applied to 28 problems with various shapes and loading conditions. The usefulness of this accuracy estimation method was illustrated by these application results. 相似文献
A general higher-order deformation theory is developed to analyse the behaviour of an arbitrary laminated fibre-reinforced composite plate. Three-dimensional effects such as the warping of sections and the presence of interlaminar stress field components are taken into account assuming a power series expansion of displacements along the thickness. A class of C0 finite element models based on this theory is then developed for mono- and bi-dimensional elements. Applications of the models to bending and vibration of laminated plates are then discussed. The present solutions are compared with those obtained using the three-dimensional elasticity theory, classical laminate theory and other higher-order theories. 相似文献
An efficient facet shell element for corotational nonlinear analysis of thin and moderately thick laminated composite structures 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In the present work, an efficient facet shell element for the geometrically nonlinear analysis of laminated composite structures using the corotational approach is developed. The facet element is developed by combining the discrete Kirchhoff-Mindlin triangular bending element (DKMT), and the optimal membrane triangular element (OPT). The membrane-bending coupling effect of composite laminates is incorporated in the formulation, and inconsistent stress stiffness matrix is formulated. Using corotational formulation and the proposed facet element, some example laminated composite structures with geometric nonlinearity are analyzed, and the results are compared with those found using other facet elements. 相似文献
An alternative mixed variational theory for the higher order shear deformable plates is presented in this article. Based on this variational principle, the quadrilateral finite elements are derived for the numerical investigation. These elements, consisting of eight fields per node including three displacements, two rotations and three higher order moments, are applied for the bending analysis of laminated plates. An elegant least-square based variational projection method for the recovery of the transverse shearing stresses is also included. The Navier-type analytical solution using the developed mixed functional is appended to evaluate the present elements. The accuracy of the present elements and the effectiveness of the transverse-stress recovery scheme are illustrated through numerical examples. 相似文献
A mixed, eight-node solid element is developed with the aim to accurately and efficiently capture local stresses in composites. The nodal degrees of freedom are the three displacements and the three interlaminar stresses. Characteristic features, C0, tri-linear, serendipity shape functions are used to interpolate these quantities across the element volume. With this choice, the intraelement stress fields satisfy the equilibrium equations in integral form. Integration is exact. It is carried out by a symbolic calculus tool. To test the element performances, the intricate stress fields of thick sandwich composites with undamaged and damaged face layers, piezoelectrically actuated beams, thermally loaded laminates and close to a two-material wedge singularity are investigated. The element appears robust, stable and rather accurate using reasonably fine meshes. Compared to displacement-based counterpart elements, the computational effort is not larger. 相似文献
This paper addresses the bending and free vibrations of multilayered cylindrical shells with piezoelectric properties using a semi-analytical axisymmetric shell finite element model with piezoelectric layers using the 3D linear elasticity theory. In the present 3D axisymmetric model, the equations of motion are expressed by expanding the displacement field using Fourier series in the circumferential direction. Thus, the 3D elasticity equations of motion are reduced to 2D equations involving circumferential harmonics. In the finite element formulation the dependent variables, electric potential and loading are expanded in truncated Fourier series. Special emphasis is given to the coupling between symmetric and anti-symmetric terms for laminated materials with piezoelectric rings. Numerical results obtained with the present model are found to be in good agreement with other finite element solutions. 相似文献
Exact solutions are presented for analyzing dynamics of composite plates with piezoelectric layers bonded at the top and the bottom surfaces. The expressions for mechanical displacements, stresses, electric displacements and potential are derived from constitutive relations and field equations for the piezoelectric medium under applied surface traction and electric potential. The procedure is illustrated with a simply supported symmetric cross-ply (0°/90°/0°) graphite–epoxy composite plate covered with piezoelectric material polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). Results are in good agreement with those obtained from finite element model. 相似文献
A class of specialised data structures designed for the distributed solution of non-conventional finite element formulations, which are equally effective when used in conjunction with conventional formulations, is presented. We begin by briefly discussing how the non-conventional finite element formulations being developed within the structural analysis group at IST [Freitas JAT, Almeida JPM, Pereira EMBR. Non-conventional formulations for the finite element method. Comput Mech 1999;23(5–6):488–501] lead to systems of equations that appear to be naturally suited for parallel processing, but we also recognise that to take full advantage of the characteristics of these systems – large dimension, non-overlapping block structure and sparsity – it is necessary to use appropriate data structures. The approach presented, which references the logical subdivisions of the system matrices, was designed to fulfil these objectives. Examples of parallel performance and efficiency on an homogeneous distributed platform are presented. 相似文献
Hierarchical parallelisation for the solution of stochastic finite element equations 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Andreas Keese 《Computers & Structures》2005,83(14):1033-1047
As an example application the elliptic partial differential equation for steady groundwater flow is considered. Uncertainties in the conductivity may be quantified with a stochastic model. A discretisation by a Galerkin ansatz with tensor products of finite element functions in space and stochastic ansatz functions leads to a certain type of stochastic finite element system (SFEM). This yields a large system of equations with a particular structure. They can be efficiently solved by Krylov subspace methods, as here the main ingredient is the multiplication with the system matrix and the application of the preconditioner. We have implemented a “hierarchical parallel solver” on a distributed memory architecture for this. The multiplication and the preconditioning uses a—possibly parallel—deterministic solver for the spatial discretisation as a building block in a black-box fashion. This paper is concerned with a coarser grained level of parallelism resulting from the stochastic formulation. These coarser levels are implemented by running different instances of the deterministic solver in parallel. Different possibilities for the distribution of data are investigated, and the efficiencies determined. On up to 128 processors, systems with more than 5 × 107 unknowns are solved. 相似文献