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An ant colony optimization algorithm for optimum design of symmetric hybrid laminates is described. The objective is simultaneous
maximization of fundamental frequency and minimization of cost. Number of surface and core layers made of high-stiffness and
low-stiffness materials, respectively, and fiber orientations are the design variables. Optimal stacking sequences are given
for hybrid graphite/epoxy-glass/epoxy laminated plates with different aspect ratios and number of plies. The results obtained
by ant colony optimization are compared to results obtained by a genetic algorithm and simulated annealing. The effectiveness
of the hybridization concept for reducing the weight and keeping the fundamental frequency at a reasonable level is demonstrated.
Furthermore, it is shown that the proposed ant colony algorithm outperforms the two other heuristics. 相似文献
Y. Goldfeld K. Vervenne J. Arbocz F. van Keulen 《Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization》2005,30(2):128-141
Optimum laminate configuration for minimum weight of filament-wound laminated conical shells is investigated subject to a buckling load constraint. In the case of a composite laminated conical shell, due to the manufacturing process, the thickness and the ply orientation are functions of the shell coordinates, which ultimately results in coordinate dependence of the stiffness matrices (A,B,D). These effects influence both the buckling load and the weight of the structure and complicate the optimization problem considerably. High computational cost is involved in calculating the buckling load by means of a high-fidelity analysis, e.g. using the computer code STAGS-A. In order to simplify the optimization procedure, a low-fidelity model based on the assumption of constant material properties throughout the shell is adopted, and buckling loads are calculated by means of a low-fidelity analysis, e.g. using the computer code BOCS. This work proposes combining the high-fidelity analysis model (based on exact material properties) with the low-fidelity model (based on nominal material properties) by using correction response surfaces, which approximate the discrepancy between buckling loads determined from different fidelity analyses. The results indicate that the proposed multi-fidelity approaches using correction response surfaces can be used to improve the computational efficiency of structural optimization problems. 相似文献