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关于灰色系统建模公式的改进 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文从理论角度对灰色系统建模公式进行了讨论,证明灰色系统建模公式仅仅是一个近似运算公式,并在此基础上,推导出灰色系统GM(1,1)模型的改进模型GM’(1,1).通过运算结果比较,证明改进模型比原系统模型具有更高的预测精度. 相似文献
基于机械加工误差的特点 ,利用灰色系统理论建立轴承磨削加工过程尺寸误差动态分析的数学模型。根据该模型分析 ,预测了当前和未来的加工尺寸的动态分布。结果表明 ,模型精度高 ,计算值与实测值能够较好地吻合 相似文献
为有效提高废旧机电产品数量预测准确度,提出一种基于灰色GM(1,1)模型的废旧机电产品数量预测方法.首先对初始数据序列累加生成趋势明显的新序列,按照其增长趋势建立模型,然后通过累减还原得到预测结果,以平均绝对百分比误差检验模型精确度.最后以2006—2014年我国汽车报废数量作为原始数据建立灰色GM(1,1)模型,验证... 相似文献
疲劳寿命预测的问题是疲劳研究中的重要课题。影响疲劳寿命的因素多且复杂,利用灰色理论方法进行疲劳寿命预测,提出了非等间距GM(1,1)模型和中心逼近式GM(1,1)模型两种预测疲劳寿命的方法。通过对实验数据进行分析和整理,然后建立微分方程,利用MATLAB软件计算得到灰色预测值。与实验数据值进行比较,得出结果表明灰色模型方法具有很高的预测精度,证明灰色理论是一种简单可行的、可靠的分析方法。 相似文献
灰色系统理论在油管腐蚀寿命预测中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用灰色系统理论,对N80钢氮化在郝现联合站介质中的腐蚀数据进行了灰色分析,建立了对上述数据的GM(1,1)模型。经检验,此模型预测精度较高,对实际工程油管腐蚀寿命的研究起到指导作用。 相似文献
采用灰色系统理论中的GM(1,1)模型对汽车大修期里程表读数进行数值拟合和预测,结果显示,灰色系统理论与方法应用于汽车大修期里程表读数的处理是可行的,且预测精度较高。 相似文献
针对武器装备在使用过程中故障率变化的复杂性,提出了灰色线性回归组合模型的故障率预测方法。该模型用线性回归方程和指数方程的和来拟合故障率曲线,它可以改善线性回归模型中没有指数增长趋势和GM(1,1)模型中没有线性因素的不足。通过对装备备件故障率的预测分析表明,灰色线性回归组合模型在故障率预测精度上优于单一的灰色模型和线性回归模型,且不要求对所提供的历史数据具有典型的分布规律。该模型的预测结果可以为装备的维修工作提供决策依据。 相似文献
由于在役结构受到外部各种因素的影响,使其结构参数及材料性能都发生了变化,而这种变化对结构的力学性能的影响又是不确定的,因此结构在实际工作状态下的强度难于用一个确定的数学公式表达清楚。本文运用灰色系统理论的多变量动态灰色建模方法建立了在役结构在实际工作状态下的载荷-应变关系的预测模型,并对失效荷载进行了预测,计算得到了结构的失效载荷及在该载荷作用下的应变,与实测结果十分吻合。因此运用多因素灰色系统理论建立的预测模型MGM(1,N)具有较高的拟合精度和预测精度,在其它工程领域的数据处理中具有广阔的应用前景。 相似文献
试验数据处理的多因素灰色模型GM(1,N)及其应用 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
在分析试验数据处理的现状后,运用灰色系统理论,通过优化模型系数与背景取值,建立了多因素灰色GM(1,N)模型。该模型克服了现有GM(1,N)模型的不足,扩宽了GM(1,N)模型的应用范围,具有精度高、使用简便等特点,计算实例表明,该模型简单实用,值得在试验数据处理中推广应用。 相似文献
在分析计算机辅助设计产数据处理的现状后,提出了其线图数据处理的GM(1,1)模型参数估计的函数变换法。该模型不仅适用于等间距也适应用于非等间距的线图。实例表明,该方法简单实用,值得在计算机辅助设计中推广使用。 相似文献
In this paper, we consider fuzzy identification of uncertain nonlinear systems in Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) form for the purpose of robust fuzzy control design. The uncertain nonlinear system is represented using a fuzzy function having constant matrices and time varying uncertain matrices that describe the nominal model and the uncertainty in the nonlinear system respectively. The suggested method is based on linear programming approach and it comprises the identification of the nominal model and the bounds of the uncertain matrices and then expressing the uncertain matrices into uncertain norm bounded matrices accompanied by constant matrices. It has been observed that our method yields less conservative results than the other existing method proposed by S?krjanc et al. (2005) [11] and [12]. With the obtained fuzzy model, we showed the robust stability condition which provides a basis for different robust fuzzy control design. Finally, different simulation examples are presented for identification and control of uncertain nonlinear systems to illustrate the utility of our proposed identification method for robust fuzzy control. 相似文献
W. M. Lee Y. S. Liao 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2007,34(5-6):527-537
A control system to improve the efficiency of machining a workpiece with varying thickness in the wire electrical discharge
machining (WEDM) process is proposed. The abnormal ratio R
defined by the proportion of abnormal sparks in a sampling period is taken as the controlled variable. It is allowed to reduce
temporarily as the cutting thickness is changing. A gain self-tuning fuzzy control algorithm is used so that the transient
situation as the cutting thickness is suddenly increasing can be suppressed immediately, and a stable performance can be achieved.
In addition, the grey predictor is adopted to compensate the time-delayed R
caused by the low-pass filter data processing. Experiments reveal that there is a slight variance in the optimal reference
of R
when the cutting thickness is larger than 20 mm, and its value is set to 55% in these cases. Three cases were tested: the
constant machining parameters, the constant R
and the proposed adaptive R
. The results show that the cutting speed can be obviously improved by the proposed control strategy. 相似文献
Ruey-Jing Lian Bai-Fu Lin Jyun-Han Huang 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2006,29(5):436-445
Constant force control is gradually becoming an important technique in the modern manufacturing process. Especially, constant
cutting force control is a useful approach in increasing the metal removal rate and the tool life for turning systems. However,
turning systems generally have nonlinear with uncertainty dynamic characteristics. Designing a model-based controller for
constant cutting force control is difficult because an accurate mathematical model in the turning system is hard to establish.
Hence, this study employed a model-free fuzzy controller to control the turning system in order to achieve constant cutting
force control. Nevertheless, the design of the traditional fuzzy controller (TFC) presents difficulties in finding control
rules and selecting an appropriate membership function. Moreover, the database and fuzzy rules of a TFC are fixed after the
design step and then cannot appropriately regulate ones real time according to the system output response and the desired
control performance. To solve the above problem, this work develops a self-organizing fuzzy controller (SOFC) for constant
cutting force control to evaluate control performance of the turning system. The SOFC continually updates the learning strategy
in the form of fuzzy rules, during the turning process. The fuzzy rule table of this SOFC can be begun with zero initial fuzzy
rules which not only overcome the difficulty in the TFC design, but also establish a suitable fuzzy rules table, and support
practically convenient fuzzy controller applications in turning systems control. To confirm the applicability of the proposed
intelligent controllers, this work retrofitted an old lathe for a turning system to evaluate the feasibility of constant cutting
force control. The SOFC has a better control performance in constant cutting force control than does the TFC, as verified
in experimental results. 相似文献
W. M. Lee Y. S. Liao 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2003,22(7-8):481-490
Wire rupture in the wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) process is one of the most troublesome problems in practical applications. In this paper, the abnormal ratio Rab, defined as the proportion of abnormal sparks in a sampling period, is taken to represent the gap state in machining. The grey predictor is adopted to compensate the time-delayed Rab caused by the low pass filter data processing. A gain self-tuning fuzzy control system has been developed to cope with the conditions that often occur with wire rupture in the WEDM process, such as an improper setting of machining parameters, machining the workpiece with varying thickness, etc. Experimental results of several cases show that the proposed controller results in a satisfactory performance. Not only can it immediately suppress transient situation once there is a sudden change of workpiece thickness, but a stable performance can also be achieved during machining a workpiece of constant thickness. As a result, wire rupture problems in most WEDM processes can be successively solved by the proposed control strategy. 相似文献
Ruey-Jing Lian Bai-Fu Lin Jyun-Han Huang 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2006,29(5-6):436-445
Constant force control is gradually becoming an important technique in the modern manufacturing process. Especially, constant
cutting force control is a useful approach in increasing the metal removal rate and the tool life for turning systems. However,
turning systems generally have nonlinear with uncertainty dynamic characteristics. Designing a model-based controller for
constant cutting force control is difficult because an accurate mathematical model in the turning system is hard to establish.
Hence, this study employed a model-free fuzzy controller to control the turning system in order to achieve constant cutting
force control. Nevertheless, the design of the traditional fuzzy controller (TFC) presents difficulties in finding control
rules and selecting an appropriate membership function. Moreover, the database and fuzzy rules of a TFC are fixed after the
design step and then cannot appropriately regulate ones real time according to the system output response and the desired
control performance. To solve the above problem, this work develops a self-organizing fuzzy controller (SOFC) for constant
cutting force control to evaluate control performance of the turning system. The SOFC continually updates the learning strategy
in the form of fuzzy rules, during the turning process. The fuzzy rule table of this SOFC can be begun with zero initial fuzzy
rules which not only overcome the difficulty in the TFC design, but also establish a suitable fuzzy rules table, and support
practically convenient fuzzy controller applications in turning systems control. To confirm the applicability of the proposed
intelligent controllers, this work retrofitted an old lathe for a turning system to evaluate the feasibility of constant cutting
force control. The SOFC has a better control performance in constant cutting force control than does the TFC, as verified
in experimental results. 相似文献
大型水轮机设计方案多属性灰色模糊决策模型 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
针对大型水轮机方案设计中属性信息的不完全性和不确定性,研究了复杂产品方案设计的决策问题,给出了基于灰色系统理论的灰区间数关联决策方法和基于模糊理论的模糊多属性决策方法的优属度的实现过程,建立了基于优属度的多属性灰色模糊决策模型.该模型综合考虑了决策过程中的灰色信息和模糊信息,通过比较设计方案与正负理想区间方案的接近程度,从整体的角度获得最优方案.最后,以大型水轮机方案设计为例,验证了该模型的有效性和可操作性. 相似文献