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Observer of autonomic cardiac outflow based on blind source separation of ECG parameters 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Vetter R Virag N Vesin JM Celka P Scherrer U 《IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering》2000,47(5):578-582
We present a novel method which provides an observer of the autonomic cardiac outflow using heartbeat intervals (RR) and QT intervals. The model of the observer is inferred from qualitative physiological knowledge. It consists in a problem of blind source separation of noisy mixtures which is resolved by a simple and robust algorithm. The robustness of the algorithm has been assessed by numerical simulations in adverse noisy environments. In clinical applications, we have validated the observer on subjects exposed to experimental conditions known to elicit sympathetic or parasympathetic response. 相似文献
Atrial activity extraction for atrial fibrillation analysis using blind source separation 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
Rieta JJ Castells F Sánchez C Zarzoso V Millet J 《IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering》2004,51(7):1176-1186
This contribution addresses the extraction of atrial activity (AA) from real electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings of atrial fibrillation (AF). We show the appropriateness of independent component analysis (ICA) to tackle this biomedical challenge when regarded as a blind source separation (BSS) problem. ICA is a statistical tool able to reconstruct the unobservable independent sources of bioelectric activity which generate, through instantaneous linear mixing, a measurable set of signals. The three key hypothesis that make ICA applicable in the present scenario are discussed and validated: 1) AA and ventricular activity (VA) are generated by sources of independent bioelectric activity; 2) AA and VA present non-Gaussian distributions; and 3) the generation of the surface ECG potentials from the cardioelectric sources can be regarded as a narrow-band linear propagation process. To empirically endorse these claims, an ICA algorithm is applied to recordings from seven patients with persistent AF. We demonstrate that the AA source can be identified using a kurtosis-based reordering of the separated signals followed by spectral analysis of the sub-Gaussian sources. In contrast to traditional methods, the proposed BSS-based approach is able to obtain a unified AA signal by exploiting the atrial information present in every ECG lead, which results in an increased robustness with respect to electrode selection and placement. 相似文献
根据多维盲信源分离中源信号组内相关、组间独立的特点,提出一种利用联合块对角化解决该问题的方法,并用经过改造的雅克比算法实现。源信号自相关矩阵具有块对角结构,使得白化后观测数据的时延相关矩阵具有可联合块对角化的结构,因此可以通过联合块对角化来辨识分离矩阵中的正交部分以恢复源信号。针对联合块对角化的特点,对传统的雅克比方法加以改造,将GIVENS旋转矩阵中参数的选择问题转化为一元四次三角函数多项式的优化问题,同时调整旋转的循环顺序。这样,通过连续的GIVENS旋转即可实现联合块对角化。实验仿真和分析表明了算法的有效性。 相似文献
Analysis of individual noise sources in pre-nanometer circuits cannot take into account the evolving reality of multiple noise sources interacting with each other. Noise measurement made at an evaluation node will reflect the cumulative effect of all the active noise sources, while individual and relative severity of various noise sources will determine what types of remedial steps can be taken, pressing the need for development of algorithms that can analyze the contributions of different noise sources when a noise measurement is available. This paper addresses the cocktail-party problem inside integrated circuits with multiple noise sources. It presents a method to extract the time characteristics of individual noise source from the measured compound voltage in order to study the contribution and properties of each source. This extraction is facilitated by application of blind source separation technique, which is based on the assumption of statistical independence of various noise sources over time. The estimated noise sources can aid in performing timing and spectral analysis, and yield better circuit design techniques. 相似文献
A blind source separation technique using second-order statistics 总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22
Belouchrani A. Abed-Meraim K. Cardoso J.-F. Moulines E. 《Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on》1997,45(2):434-444
Separation of sources consists of recovering a set of signals of which only instantaneous linear mixtures are observed. In many situations, no a priori information on the mixing matrix is available: The linear mixture should be “blindly” processed. This typically occurs in narrowband array processing applications when the array manifold is unknown or distorted. This paper introduces a new source separation technique exploiting the time coherence of the source signals. In contrast with other previously reported techniques, the proposed approach relies only on stationary second-order statistics that are based on a joint diagonalization of a set of covariance matrices. Asymptotic performance analysis of this method is carried out; some numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method 相似文献
A novel scheme for blind source separation of nonlinearly mixed signals is developed using a hybrid system based on radial basis function (RBF) and feedforward multilayer perceptron (FMLP) networks. In this paper, the development of the proposed RBF-FMLP network is discussed, which hinges on the theory of nonlinear regularisation. The proposed network uses simultaneously local and global mapping bases to perform both signal separation and reconstruction of continuous signals in addition to signals that exhibit a high degree of fluctuation. The parameters of the proposed system are estimated jointly using the generalised gradient descent approach thereby rendering the training process relatively simple and efficient in computation. Simulations of both synthetic and speech signals have been undertaken to verify the efficacy of the proposed scheme in terms of speed, accuracy and robustness against noise. 相似文献
For the time-frequency overlapped signals, a low-complexity single-channel blind source separation (SBSS) algorithm is proposed in this paper. The algorithm does not only introduce the Gibbs sampling theory to separate the mixed signals, but also adopts the orthogonal triangle decomposition-M (QRD-M) to reduce the computational complexity. According to analysis and simulation results, we demonstrate that the separation performance of the proposed algorithm is similar to that of the per-survivor processing (PSP) algorithm, while its computational complexity is sharply reduced. 相似文献
Superefficiency in blind source separation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Blind source separation is the problem of extracting independent signals from their mixtures without knowing the mixing coefficients nor the probability distributions of source signals and may be applied to EEG and MEG imaging of the brain. It is already known that certain algorithms work well for the extraction of independent components. The present paper is concerned with superefficiency of these based on the statistical and dynamical analysis. In a statistical estimation using t examples, the covariance of any two extracted independent signals converges to 0 of the order of 1/t. On-line dynamics shows that the covariance is of the order of η when the learning rate η is fixed to a small constant. In contrast with the above general properties, a surprising superefficiency holds in blind source separation under certain conditions where superefficiency implies that covariance decreases in the order of 1/t2 or of η2 . The paper uses the natural gradient learning algorithm and method of estimating functions to obtain superefficient procedures for both batch estimation and on-line learning. A standardized estimating function is introduced to this end. Superefficiency does not imply that the error variances of the extracted signals decrease in the order of 1/t2 or η2 but implies that their covariances (and independencies) do 相似文献
Ying-Chang Liang A. Rahim Leyman Francois Chin 《Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing》2000,19(1):43-58
This paper addresses the problem of blind separation of cyclostationary sources. By using the cyclostationarity property of the source signals, new criteria based on second-order cyclic statistics (SOCS) are established, from which two algorithms for blind source separation are proposed. Compared with the existing higher-order statistics-based approaches, our new approach requires few data samples and does not impose any restrictions on the probability distributions of the source signals. Simulation results are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of this new approach. 相似文献
General approach to blind source separation 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Xi-Ren Cao Ruey-Wen Liu 《Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on》1996,44(3):562-571
This paper identifies and studies two major issues in the blind source separation problem: separability and separation principles. We show that separability is an intrinsic property of the measured signals and can be described by the concept of m-row decomposability introduced in this paper; we also show that separation principles can be developed by using the structure characterization theory of random variables. In particular, we show that these principles can be derived concisely and intuitively by applying the Darmois-Skitovich theorem, which is well known in statistical inference theory and psychology. Some new insights are gained for designing blind source separation filters 相似文献
Khan Muhammad Umair Habib Tania 《Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing》2021,32(4):1159-1184
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing - Speaker localization has been an active topic of research due to its wide range of applications in multimedia and communication technologies. While... 相似文献
Spatiotemporal blind source separation approach to atrial activity estimation in atrial tachyarrhythmias 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Castells F Rieta JJ Millet J Zarzoso V Associate 《IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering》2005,52(2):258-267
The analysis and characterization of atrial tachyarrhythmias requires, in a previous step, the extraction of the atrial activity (AA) free from ventricular activity and other artefacts. This contribution adopts the blind source separation (BSS) approach to AA estimation from multilead electrocardiograms (ECGs). Previously proposed BSS methods for AA extraction-e.g., independent component analysis (ICA)-exploit only the spatial diversity introduced by the multiple spatially-separated electrodes. However, AA typically shows certain degree of temporal correlation, with a narrowband spectrum featuring a main frequency peak around 3.5-9 Hz. Taking advantage of this observation, we put forward a novel two-step BSS-based technique which exploits both spatial and temporal information contained in the recorded ECG signals. The spatiotemporal BSS algorithm is validated on simulated and real ECGs from a significant number of atrial fibrillation (AF) and atrial flutter (AFL) episodes, and proves consistently superior to a spatial-only ICA method. In simulated ECGs, a new methodology for the synthetic generation of realistic AF episodes is proposed, which includes a judicious comparison between the known AA content and the estimated AA sources. Using this methodology, the ICA technique obtains correlation indexes of 0.751, whereas the proposed approach obtains a correlation of 0.830 and an error in the estimated signal reduced by a factor of 40%. In real ECG recordings, we propose to measure performance by the spectral concentration (SC) around the main frequency peak. The spatiotemporal algorithm outperforms the ICA method, obtaining a SC of 58.8% and 44.7%, respectively. 相似文献
Chunqi Chang Sze Fong Yau Paul Kwok Francis H. Y. Chan F. K. Lam 《Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing》1999,18(3):225-239
The uncorrelated component analysis (UCA) of a stationary random vector process consists of searching for a linear transformation that minimizes the temporal correlation between its components. Through a general analysis we show that under practically reasonable and mild conditions UCA is a solution for blind source separation. The theorems proposed in this paper for UCA provide useful insights for developing practical algorithms. UCA explores the temporal information of the signals, whereas independent component analysis (ICA) explores the spatial information; thus UCA can be applied for source separation in some cases where ICA cannot. For blind source separation, combining ICA and UCA may give improved performance because more information can be utilized. The concept of single UCA (SUCA) is also proposed, which leads to sequential source separation.This work was supported in part by grants from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, grants HKU553/96M, HKU7036/97E, and HKUST776/96E. 相似文献
Took CC Sanei S Chambers J Dunne S 《IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering》2006,53(10):2123-2126
The underdetermined blind source separation problem using a filtering approach is addressed. An extension of the FastICA algorithm is devised which exploits the disparity in the kurtoses of the underlying sources to estimate the mixing matrix and thereafter achieves source recovery by employing the ll-norm algorithm. Besides, we demonstrate how promising FastICA can be to extract the sources. Furthermore, we illustrate how this scenario is particularly appropriate for the separation of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) sounds. 相似文献
In this paper, we present a new simple deterministic blind source separation algorithm, which is based on modulating the same data symbol sequence with different code sequences and transmitting the resulting modulated data symbol sequences through different antennas. The algorithm does not exploit the finite alphabet property of the data symbols. As a result, no iterations are required, and convergence is not an issue. Instantaneous mixtures (frequency-flat fading), as well as convolutive mixtures (frequency-selective fading), can be handled. In the case of a convolutive mixture, the difficulties that occur when the users have unequal channel orders are avoided. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is robust against channel order underestimation 相似文献
Underdetermined blind source separation based on sparse representation 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
Yuanqing Li Amari S. Cichocki A. Ho D.W.C. Shengli Xie 《Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on》2006,54(2):423-437
This paper discusses underdetermined (i.e., with more sources than sensors) blind source separation (BSS) using a two-stage sparse representation approach. The first challenging task of this approach is to estimate precisely the unknown mixing matrix. In this paper, an algorithm for estimating the mixing matrix that can be viewed as an extension of the DUET and the TIFROM methods is first developed. Standard clustering algorithms (e.g., K-means method) also can be used for estimating the mixing matrix if the sources are sufficiently sparse. Compared with the DUET, the TIFROM methods, and standard clustering algorithms, with the authors' proposed method, a broader class of problems can be solved, because the required key condition on sparsity of the sources can be considerably relaxed. The second task of the two-stage approach is to estimate the source matrix using a standard linear programming algorithm. Another main contribution of the work described in this paper is the development of a recoverability analysis. After extending the results in , a necessary and sufficient condition for recoverability of a source vector is obtained. Based on this condition and various types of source sparsity, several probability inequalities and probability estimates for the recoverability issue are established. Finally, simulation results that illustrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results are presented. 相似文献
在卫星导航系统遇到的干扰中,一般分为压制式干扰和转发式干扰。压制式干扰远大于卫星信号,采用功率倒置算法就可以形成所需的零陷;转发式干扰的信号强度可以与卫星信号相比拟,要在干扰位置处形成零陷存在一系列困难。在干扰信号与有用信号相比拟的情况下,提出将快速独立分量分析算法(fast independent component analysis,FastICA)结合自适应抗干扰算法对干扰进行抑制,自适应算法采用波达方向估计(DOA)算法及基于DOA的波束形成算法,该方法能在干扰与有用信号比拟的情况下,对干扰进行有效抑制,计算机仿真结果也证明了该方法的有效性。为导航系统中有效抑制弱干扰提供了一种新思路。 相似文献