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The effect of local venous stasis upon blood flow in human subcutaneous adipose tissue on the distal part of the forearm was investigated in three healthy subjects and two chronically sympathectomized patients suffering from manual hyperhidrosis. The area under study was separated into two parts by means of a lead shield exerting a pressure of about 360 mmHg on the skin. The effect of venous stasis of about 40 mmHg on one side of the shield upon blood flow measured simultaneously on both sides of the shield by the local 133Xenon washout technique was investigated. During venous stasis on one side of the shield, blood flow decreased about 40% on both sides. The vasoconstrictor impulse could be transmitted over a distance of about 1-2 cm. The phenomenon was unaffected by nerve blockade induced 3 cm proximally, medially, and laterally to the area by infiltration the skin with lidocaine. Thus a vasoconstrictor impulse could be transmitted from the side of stasis to the non stasis side of the lead shield. The transmission was not affected by phentolamine but was blocked by lidocaine and chronic sympathetic denervation. The vasoconstrictor impulse elicited during venous stasis is therefore most likely transmitted by means of a local nervous mechanism involving sympathetic adrenergic vasoconstrictor fibres.  相似文献   

Previous studies on intact human subcutaneous tissue have shown, that blood flow remains constant during minor changes in perfusion pressure. This so-called autoregulatory response has not been demonstrable in isolated preparations of adipose tissue. In the present study on isolated, denervated subcutaneous tissue in female rabbits only 2 of 12 expts. revealed an autoregulatory response during reduction in arterial perfusion pressure. Effluent blood flow from the tissue in the control state was 15.5 ml/100 g-min (S.D. 6.4, n = 12) corresponding to slight vasodilatation of the exposed tissue. Following total ischemia all experiments showed a period with reactive hyperemia, and both duration of hyperemia and excess flow was related to the duration of the ischemia. This response therefore seems more resistant to the experimental procedure, while autoregulation of blood flow to lowered pressure is more susceptible to surgical exposure of the tissue. During elevation of arterial perfusion pressure blood flow in the isolated tissue showed a transient increase and then almost returned to the level during normotension, indicating an elevated vascular resistance. Raising of venous pressure elicited vasoconstriction with pronounced flow reduction. These two reactions may be important for local regulation of blood flow in subcutaneous tissue during orthostatic changes in arterial and venous pressure. It is concluded that the response in adipose tissue to changes in arterial pressure (autoregulation), venous pressure and total ischemia appear to be elicited by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Symptomatic compulsive water drinking is uncommon. The pathophysiology of compulsive water drinking is essentially that of an acute organic brain syndrome from cerebral edema. The syndrome does not occur clinically unless there is an impairment of water excretion, since normal renal function allows up to 20 liters per day excess intake without accumulation. It has been reported that about 80 percent of cases are neurotic middleaged females. In almost all cases there is at least a history of neurotic symptoms or maladaptive symptoms if the history is probed. In most reported cases the patients were psychotic. When symptoms and laboratory aberration are mild, the sole treatment is water restriction. In moderate but very symptomatic cases, treatment includes both intravenous saline and water restriction. In severe cases treatment includes water restriction, intravenous hypertonic saline, diuretics, and anticonvulsants. After the acute phase, patient education may suffice as in the above case, but if psychosis is present, appropriate therapy is indicated accompanined by frequent checks of serum electrolytes to detect early aberration.  相似文献   

Regional limb blood flow has been measured with dilution techniques (cardio-green or thermodilution) and ultrasound Doppler. When applied to the femoral artery and vein at rest and during dynamical exercise these methods give similar reproducible results. The blood flow in the femoral artery is approximately 0.3 L min(-1) at rest and increases linearly with dynamical knee-extensor exercise as a function of the power output to 6-10 L min[-1] (Q= 1.94 + 0.07 load). Considering the size of the knee-extensor muscles, perfusion during peak effort may amount to 2-3 L kg(-1) min(-1), i.e. approximately 100-fold elevation from rest. The onset of hyperaemia is very fast at the start of exercise with T 1/2 of 2-10 s related to the power output with the muscle pump bringing about the very first increase in blood flow. A steady level is reached within approximately 10-150 s of exercise. At all exercise intensities the blood flow fluctuates primarily due to the variation in intramuscular pressure, resulting in a phase shift with the pulse pressure as a superimposed minor influence. Among the many vasoactive compounds likely to contribute to the vasodilation after the first contraction adenosine is a primary candidate as it can be demonstrated to (1) cause a change in limb blood flow when infused i.a., that is similar in time and magnitude as observed in exercise, and (2) become elevated in the interstitial space (microdialysis technique) during exercise to levels inducing vasodilation. NO appears less likely since NOS blockade with L-NMMA causing a reduced blood flow at rest and during recovery, it has no effect during exercise. Muscle contraction causes with some delay (60 s) an elevation in muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA), related to the exercise intensity. The compounds produced in the contracting muscle activating the group IIl-IV sensory nerves (the muscle reflex) are unknown. In small muscle group exercise an elevation in MSNA may not cause vasoconstriction (functional sympatholysis). The mechanism for functional sympatholysis is still unknown. However, when engaging a large fraction of the muscle mass more intensely during exercise, the MSNA has an important functional role in maintaining blood pressure by limiting blood flow also to exercising muscles.  相似文献   

The respiratory exchange ratio (R) during steady-state exercise is equivalent to whole-body respiratory quotient (RQ), but does not represent muscle metabolism alone. If steady-state values of carbon dioxide production (VCO2) and oxygen uptake (VO2) are plotted for different work rates, the slope of the line fitting these points should estimate muscle RQ. Twelve cyclists randomly performed five 8-min, constant work rate tests of 40, 80, 120, 160 and 200 W. Whole-body R, averaged over the final 2 min of each exercise bout, increased with increasing work rate. When VCO2 was plotted as a function of VO2, the regression lines through the five points displayed excellent linearity, had negative y-intercepts, and a slope of 0.915 (0.043) [mean (SD)], which was greater than the whole-body R at any individual work rate [range 0.793 (0.027) at 40 W to 0.875 (0.037) at 200 W]. This slope was comparable to the lower slope of the VCO2 versus VO2 plot of an increasing work rate (ramp) protocol [0.908 (0.054)]. We conclude that, during mild and moderate exercise of relatively short duration, contracting muscle has a high and constant RQ, indicating that carbohydrate is the predominant metabolic substrate. Whole-body R does not accurately reflect muscle substrate utilization and probably underestimates muscle RQ at a given work rate.  相似文献   

1. Interactions between autacoids may play important roles in the regulation of blood flow in the foetal placenta. In order to investigate this aspect of placental haemodynamics, human normal-term placentae were perfused in vitro and the responses of the foetal vessels to various combinations of vasoactive agents were determined. 2. Vasoconstriction responses to 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) were potentiated in the presence of endothelin-1 (ET-1), the thromboxane A2-mimetic U46619 and a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, N-nitro-L-arginine (NOLA), but not in the presence of angiotensin II. 3. N-Nitro-L-arginine caused vasoconstriction of the perfused placenta and indomethacin attenuated this effect and blocked the potentiation of the 5-HT response by NOLA. 4. Indomethacin did not affect ET-1-induced pressure increases and infusion of U46619 had no effect on release of ET-like immunoreactivity into the foetal placental circulation. 5. The present study provides evidence of interactions between several autacoids in human perfused placentae in vitro. These interactions may play important roles in foetal placental haemodynamics in normal or pathological situations.  相似文献   

In humans, matching of heat loss and heat production in the "neutral" zone, defined operationally in terms of a range of skin temperatures (Tsk), is accomplished by regulation of skin blood flow (SkBF). Our studies were designed to reveal the characteristics of control of SkBF [from measurements of forearm blood flow (FBF)] in this zone. We controlled the temperature of water sprayed on most of the body of supine men and women at 33 or 35 degrees C in a square-wave pattern (15 min at each temperature) or a step pattern (60 min at 33 degrees C separated by short periods at 35 degrees C). FBF followed Tsk (0.5 ml.min-1.degrees C-1). Esophageal temperature changed approximately 0.11 degrees C with each 2 degrees C change in Tsk, falling with Tsk increase and vice versa. Little influence on FBF, < 0.1 ml.min-1.100 ml-1. degrees C-1, was observed when only the forearm was sprayed with 33 and 35 degrees C water. We conclude that SkBF control in the 33-35 degree C range of Tsk is dominated by the feedforward reflex influence of Tsk on SkBF. The reflex response overcompensates for the effect of Tsk on thermal balance in the neutral zone, so that equilibrium core temperature has an inverse relationship to Tsk.  相似文献   

EDRF-NO probably participates-besides the prostaglandins [3, 4]-in local circulatory changes in the bones of female rats with modified level of sex hormones; we could demonstrate it indirectly using methylene blue as a blocking agent [5]. In this paper, we present corresponding results of two experiments with NG-nitro-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) as a substance blocking the production of endothelium derived relaxing factor, i.e. nitric oxide (EDRF-NO). Circulatory values were estimated by means of 85Sr-microspheres. In experiment A we ascertained whether the duration of L-NAME administration (0.025% in the food) influenced the effect. It could be demonstrated that the effect of one week's, two weeks', or four weeks' administration of L-NAME was the same: 85Sr-microsphere uptake and blood flow throught the tibia of female rats, increased after oophorectomy (OOX, performed four weeks prior to the experiment), was significantly suppressed to the level in sham-operated animals. In the experiment B, L-NAME was administered in the food in concentration of 0.05% for two weeks prior to the experiment. 85Sr-microsphere uptake was decreased significantly after L-NAME in the tibia of sham-operated females, in the tibia and distal femur of OOX animals; no significant changes were found in the diaphysis of femur and in calvaria. Blood flow values were significantly decreased in all bone samples of OOX females and in tibia of sham-operated rats (besides the local reaction also due to the decrease in the cardiac output). In both experiments the cardiac output was decreased and blood pressure elevated after L-NAME. It can be concluded, from the results of both experiments, that the blockade of EDRF-NO production by L-NAME decreases local circulatory values in the bones of female rats-particularly OOX-in a similar way as methylene blue; however, in contrast to methylene blue, L-NAME induces marked increase in the blood pressure and partially decrease in the cardiac output. Thus, as in the case of methylene blue, the effect of L-NAME on the circulation of blood in the rat bones supports the hypothesis of the participation of EDRF-NO in bone blood flow regulations.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of a microvasculature was used to study the effects of myogenic and flow-dependent stimuli on the characteristics of vasomotion and microvascular perfusion regulation. The model includes three branching orders of arterioles derived from in vivo observations and incorporates a mechanism for terminal arteriolar closure during vasomotion. Simulations were performed to evaluate the effect of vasodilation and vasoconstriction on vasomotion pattern, and the changes in arteriolar effective diameter and flow in response to arterial blood pressure variations triggering the regulatory mechanisms. Vasomotion patterns were studied in the hamster cutaneous muscle, visualized by fluorescent microscopy, in control conditions and after injection of acetylcholine (Ach) or NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA). We have found that vasomotion may be caused by different combinations of feedback mechanisms, including a strong rate-dependent myogenic response or a strong flow-dependent mechanism with no rate-dependent response. Decreasing the rate-dependent component of the myogenic mechanism and increasing the time constant of the flow-dependent mechanism causes vessel stabilization and disappearance of vasomotion. In hamster microcirculation, Ach decreased vasomotion frequency and increased vasomotion amplitude and arteriolar effective diameter, whereas L-NMMA caused a slight increase in vasomotion frequency and decrease in effective diameter. Model simulations, under dilatory and constrictory stimuli, confirmed these results. Moreover, the model predicted that mean blood flow is maintained closer to normal despite arterial pressure changes (+/-15% flow changes versus +/-50% pressure variations) when the vessels were in nonoscillatory than when they are in oscillatory state. In conclusion, a large variety of vasomotion patterns affect arteriolar resistance and microvessel perfusion in skeletal muscle. Furthermore, in the presence of vasomotion the network exhibits a poorer aptitude for regulating blood flow during arterial pressure changes (i.e., worse autoregulation) than the nonoscillatory network.  相似文献   

Granulosa cells produce inhibin and activin, proteins implicated in the local regulation of preovulatory follicular development. To assess interactions among FSH, LH, inhibin and activin on primate granulosa cell aromatase activity, we studied primary granulosa cell cultures from the ovaries of the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), a monkey with an ovarian cycle similar in length to the human cycle. The distinctive action of activin was augmentation of gonadotropin-responsive aromatase activity throughout antral follicular development. FSH-stimulated aromatase activity in granulosa cells from immature follicles was augmented many fold by picomolar amounts of activin. In cell cultures from preovulatory follicles, the presence of activin stimulated basal aromatase activity in the absence of gonadotropin, as well as augmenting the action of LH. Thus, locally produced activin has the potential to modulate aromatase activity in developing ovarian follicles. By contrast, inhibin or inhibin alpha-subunit purified from bovine follicular fluid had minimal effects on aromatase activity. The only significant effect was slight suppression of FSH-inducible aromatase activity in granulosa cells from immature follicles at an inhibin concentration of 100 ng/ml. The finding that inhibin has a negligible effect on aromatase activity in granulosa cells from mature follicles suggests that it is unlikely to exert a physiologically significant influence on aromatase activity in vivo. However, evidence from other studies suggests that inhibin might affect aromatization indirectly through acting locally to modulate thecal androgen (aromatase substate) production. Therefore, both inhibin and activin have the potential to contribute at different levels to paracrine and autocrine regulation of follicular oestrogen synthesis.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the role of nitrergic nerves in the regulation of ocular blood flow. METHODS: Conscious, lightly restrained rats were treated with either the neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibitor 7-nitroindazole (7-NI), or the nonselective inhibitor, NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), and ocular blood flow was measured ex vivo from tissue samples, using the fully quantitative [14C]-iodoantipyrine technique. RESULTS: In the peripheral circulation, L-NAME produced an increase in arterial blood pressure (+22%) while 7-NI had no effect. In contrast, both 7-NI and L-NAME produced significant decreases in ocular blood flow (-31% and -59% respectively). The ocular vascular resistance calculated from ocular blood flow and mean arterial blood pressure increased by 29% following 7-NI, but by 130% following L-NAME. CONCLUSIONS: Nitric oxide releasing neurons may play an important contributory role in regulating ocular blood flow.  相似文献   

A simple compartmental model for myogenic regulation of interstitial pressure in bone is developed, and the interaction between changes in interstitial pressure and changes in arterial and venous resistance is studied. The arterial resistance is modeled by a myogenic model that depends on transmural pressure, and the venous resistance is modeled by using a vascular waterfall. Two series capacitances model blood storage in the vascular system and interstitial fluid storage in the extravascular space. The static results mimic the observed effect that vasodilators work less well in bone than do vasoconstrictors. The static results also show that the model gives constant flow rates over a limited range of arterial pressure. The dynamic model shows unstable behavior at small values of bony capacitance and at high enough myogenic gain. At low myogenic gain, only a single equilibrium state is present, but a high enough myogenic gain, two new equilibrium states appear. At additional increases in gain, one of the two new states merges with and then separates from the original state, and the original state becomes a saddle point. The appearance of the new states and the transition of the original state to a saddle point do not depend on the bony capacitance, and these results are relevant to general fluid compartments. Numerical integration of the rate equations confirms the stability calculations and shows limit cycling behavior in several situations. The relevance of this model to circulation in bone and to other compartments is discussed.  相似文献   

It has been known for some time that regional blood flows within an organ are not uniform. Useful measures of heterogeneity of regional blood flows are the standard deviation and coefficient of variation or relative dispersion of the probability density function (PDF) of regional flows obtained from the regional concentrations of tracers that are deposited in proportion to blood flow. When a mathematical model is used to analyze dilution curves after tracer solute administration, for many solutes it is important to account for flow heterogeneity and the wide range of transit times through multiple pathways in parallel. Failure to do so leads to bias in the estimates of volumes of distribution and membrane conductances. Since in practice the number of paths used should be relatively small, the analysis is sensitive to the choice of the individual elements used to approximate the distribution of flows or transit times. Presented here is a method for modeling heterogeneous flow through an organ using a scheme that covers both the high flow and long transit time extremes of the flow distribution. With this method, numerical experiments are performed to determine the errors made in estimating parameters when flow heterogeneity is ignored, in both the absence and presence of noise. The magnitude of the errors in the estimates depends upon the system parameters, the amount of flow heterogeneity present, and whether the shape of the input function is known. In some cases, some parameters may be estimated to within 10% when heterogeneity is ignored (homogeneous model), but errors of 15-20% may result, even when the level of heterogeneity is modest. In repeated trials in the presence of 5% noise, the mean of the estimates was always closer to the true value with the heterogeneous model than when heterogeneity was ignored, but the distributions of the estimates from the homogeneous and heterogeneous models overlapped for some parameters when outflow dilution curves were analyzed. The separation between the distributions was further reduced when tissue content curves were analyzed. It is concluded that multipath models accounting for flow heterogeneity are a vehicle for assessing the effects of flow heterogeneity under the conditions applicable to specific laboratory protocols, that efforts should be made to assess the actual level of flow heterogeneity in the organ being studied, and that the errors in parameter estimates are generally smaller when the input function is known rather than estimated by deconvolution.  相似文献   

We developed a closed-skull model of freeze injury-induced brain edema, a model classically thought to produce vasogenic edema, and observed the natural course of changes in edema and blood flow using xenon-enhanced computed tomography (CT) in five rhesus monkeys before and for up to 6 h post insult. Intracranial pressure (ICP) gradually rose throughout the duration of the experiment. CT scans and CBF images permitted direct observation of the evolution of the lesion and revealed early ischemia in the periphery of the injury zone that progressed over time in association with edema. Frequency histogram analysis of local CBF (ICBF) demonstrated subtle but potentially important changes in distribution of ICBF between and within hemispheres at various times post insult. Changes in ICBF distribution were phasic and dissociated from increases in ICP in the latter stages of injury. The Xe/CT CBF method can be used to evaluate the effects of injury and therapy on CBF in this and other models of acute brain injury.  相似文献   

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