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工艺管理水平的高低是制造业提升基础管理水平的关键绩效,该文以轨道交通制造行业为背景,通过构建面向产品全生命周期的工艺管理成熟度评价模型,建立基于评价模型的工艺管理成熟度评价指标体系,及相应的评价维度权重设置等配套措施,对工艺管理成熟度进行评价,从而确定企业工艺管理成熟度等级。继而针对成熟度评价结果进行有针对性地改进,补齐工艺管理短板。  相似文献   

加强建筑工程项目的成本管理,可以提高企业经营管理水平,合理补偿施工耗费,保证企业再生产的进行。促进企业不断挖潜节能,降低生产成本,提高经济效益,从而整体提升企业综合竞争力。  相似文献   

为了提升企业标准化工作水平,有效地评估标准化管理工作的成效,本文通过对企业标准化工作的全流程分析,建立了系统全面的评价指标体系,构建了标准化管理成熟度模型,为企业标准化评价工作的开展提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

提高产品质量 增强竞争能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨泳 《上海包装》2004,(4):41-41,42
一、重视产品质量及质量管理。随着经济改革的不断发展,特别是当前市场经济的条件下,竞争越来越激烈。我们印刷厂面临着严重的挑战,大的业务定单不多,客户对产品的质量要求越来越高,利润的空间逐趋窄小。在这种情况下,企业要求得发展和生存就必  相似文献   

仓储企业如何应对我国的物流市场全面向国际投资者、运营者开放的挑战?最根本的出路就是提高仓储企业的核心竞争能力。虽然目前在我国市场,还没有纯粹的社会化服务的外商独资仓储企业。可通过分析我们不难看出,跨国仓储企业尚未对我国的实际情况有一个完全、清晰的了解,现阶段只能从专业服务的角度进入我国市场,在条件成熟之后扩大业务范围,最后进行全面进入。这部分外资进入的速度,很可能比我国国有仓储企业改制转型的速度还有快。外资仓储企业,有先进的管理经验、雄厚的资金、成熟的运作模式、先进的技术和国际化的客户。与之相比,我们的国有仓储企业在资金、技术上还有欠缺,特别是高端技术和管理手段差距较大。文章围绕仓储企业的核心竞争能力这一中心,指出了仓储企业核心竞争能力研究的必要性,通过对仓储企业存在的问题的分析,提出了培育和发展仓储企业可持续发展的六种竞争能力(市场化能力、创新能力、人力资源管理能力、仓储资源整合能力、获利能力和满意最大化),才是我国仓储企业获得竞争优势,能够长期发展的出路所在。  相似文献   

佟顾民 《安装》2014,(8):22-23
企业文化具有一种强大的力量,优秀的企业文化可以成为企业的核心竞争力之一.中电四公司在企业文化建设方面进行了一些探索,增强了企业的软实力,展示了企业文化建设对企业发展的巨大推动作用.  相似文献   

医药产品质量好坏,直接关联到人民用药安全有效和身体健康,其质量特性可以概括为,有效性、安全性、稳定性.包装质量好坏,对确保药品质量十分重要.一个药厂的产品既要抓好药品的内在质量,又要抓好外观质量,使包装起到良好的保护作用,并要在装潢设计上具有强烈的吸引力.这样,药品才能为用户欢迎,在市场上有竞争力. 两年来,我们针对本厂药品包装装潢上存在的问题,广泛征求群众意见,采取多种有效措施,不断改革,使包装成为不用说话的优秀推销员,适应了国内外市场的需要,受到用户的好评,我厂的主要产品脉通、益寿宁、牡荆油滴丸、红花油、瑞草油、橙维C、宝宝乐、  相似文献   

建筑工程项目管理组织工作是非常复杂的,随着建筑施工不断增加,建筑工程项目管理组织也逐渐受到重视。建筑工程项目管理对于整个施工过程有着十分重要的监督作用,如果管理不当,就会使施工出现问题,这样就会给建筑单位带来很大的经济损失。本文主要是对建筑工程项目管理中存在的问题进行分析,并探讨了建筑工程项目管理组织的有效途径。  相似文献   

由北京质量协会、海德国际集团共同主办的“第二届中国企业组织管理成熟度(竞争力发展指数)发布会暨中国企业竞争力发展论坛于2011年12月18日在北京隆重举行。会上公布了由海德国际集团研发的拥有自主知识产权的2011-2012年度中国企业管理成熟度(竞争力发展指数)报告,中国企业的平均企业管理成熟度为48.35%,导入卓越绩效模式的中国企业平均管理成熟度为52.13%,最佳实践的管理成熟度为64.94%,从调查报告来看,我国企业组织管理成熟度和世界先进企业相比仍有较大的差距。  相似文献   

张璐 《中国科技博览》2013,(26):522-522
矩阵型组织中项目经理的角色如同协调人员或者督办人员,通常项目管理的课程是介绍项目管理的基本思想和方法,一般是以大型项目为参照来设计的。对于小规模、轻量级的项目该如何进行管理则很少涉及。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the health care system in the United States, the management of chronic health conditions and their functional consequences challenge and frustrate patients, caregivers/families, health care providers, and physicians. Contributing factors include a lack of physician and health care provider training and a health system that emphasizes diagnosis and management of acute illnesses. A broader patient care model is required for patients with chronic disease(s). USING THE DOMAIN MANAGEMENT MODEL (DMM) TO CLASSIFY PATIENTS' CLINICAL PROBLEMS: The DMM is a synthesis of approaches used in internal medicine, geriatric medicine, and physical medicine and rehabilitation. All clinical problems, their treatments, and their outcomes can be classified and followed over time in a multiaxial model with four domains-medical/surgical issues, mental status/emotions/coping, physical function, and living environment. APPLICATIONS OF THE DMM IN MEDICAL RECORD TEMPLATES: Use of the four domain headings in standard templates can lead to an improved awareness of all the relevant issues in the management of chronic illnesses. This awareness precedes a physician's implementation of better care processes. Also, good patient care decisions require good information. MANAGEMENT OF FUNCTIONAL PROBLEMS: The DMM can be used to educate care providers and organize care in terms of important and common functional problem (for example, trouble walking, which lacks a standard approach in health care). CONCLUSION: This common framework for the organization, documentation, and communication of patients' care over time will help teach systematic mangement of chronic health conditions and help with future research on complex patient management.  相似文献   

When scheduling an uncertain project, project management can wait for additional (future) information to serve as the basis for rescheduling the project. This flexibility enhances the project's value by improving its upside potential while limiting downside losses relative to the initial expectations. Using traditional techniques such as net present value (NPV) or decision tree analysis (DTA) can often lead to misleading results. Instead, a real options analysis should be preferred. The potentials of a real options approach to project management are discussed with an example and future research directions are highlighted.  相似文献   

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a new management philosophy and a set of guiding principles that represent the basis of a continuously improving organization. This paper sheds light on the application of TQM concepts for software development. A fieldwork study was conducted on a Lebanese software development firm and its customers to determine the major problems affecting the organization's operation and to assess the level of adoption of TQM concepts. Detailed questionnaires were prepared and handed out to the firm's managers, programmers, and customers. The results of the study indicate many deficiencies in applying TQM concepts, especially in the areas of planning, defining customer requirements, teamwork, relationship with suppliers, and adopting standards and performance measures. One of the major consequences of these deficiencies is considerably increased programming errors and delays in delivery. Recommendations on achieving quality are discussed.  相似文献   

空分设备项目建设是一项涉及面广、时间跨度大、技术性强的系统工程。文章对空分设备项目建设从立项到竣工验收全过程主要环节的工作要点与注意事项进行了总结与探讨。  相似文献   

An increasingly competitive environment and the changing customers' preference have forced manufacturers to find ways to increase productivity. The cellular manufacturing system has proved to be an alternative for improving manufacturing efficiency and increasing productivity. A major problem in implementing an FMC is how to evaluate its total throughput efficiently. In this paper, we apply a network flow model to select different machines in an FMC. This network flow model can be used in a processing environment with multiple available routings and obtain the maximum total throughput. In addition, two numerical examples are demonstrated to illustrate the use of this model. The results show that the network flow model established in this paper provides a simple and powerful tool when evaluating different machine configurations with limited information available. That is, only the operating routings and operating time are required when using the network flow model.  相似文献   

Applying scheduling techniques to manage activity instances (tasks) in executors’ personal work lists is crucial in workflow management systems (WFMSs). To date, most practical scheduling techniques focus on process (control-flow) perspective of WFMSs but do not adequately address issues relating to work lists containing executors’ to-do activity instances. Existing simple-dispatching-rule based techniques cannot fully capture the complexity in personal work list management under dynamic workflow environments. Given this motivation, this paper proposes an approach that applies genetic algorithm (GA) to manage activity instances in personal work lists. This approach is applied according to activity instances’ probabilities of satisfying deadlines and costs of violating deadlines. The approach can schedule activity instances among multiple executors’ personal work lists and recommend to each executor a list of activity instances that can be successfully executed, while minimising the overall deadline violation cost. Using real-world data collected from three manufacturing enterprises, the paper fits the probability distributions of activity instances’ key time features such as starting time and execution durations, and then generates simulation experiment data. This paper also studies the setting of GA’s parameters to fit the practical manufacturing scenarios. Finally, by comparing with other seven typical workflow scheduling algorithms, the paper evaluates the effectiveness of our algorithm using a large scale simulation experiment.  相似文献   

What every manager needs to know about project management.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
THIS PAPER OFFERS ten common sense principles that will help project managers define goals, establish checkpoints, schedules, and resource requirements, motivate and empower team members, facilitate communication, and manage conflict.  相似文献   

This paper develops a generic forecasting framework for product returns that combines concepts used in different disciplines. If more-step ahead forecasts of product returns are required, estimating sales data is necessary. This is accomplished by adopting growth curve models based on the extended Kalman filter. In order to capture the process generating product returns more adequately than in the literature, we propose an adaptive Bayesian approach to forecast future returns. The combination of these two concepts enables us to conduct more-step ahead forecasts. We evaluate the robustness of this approach against Holts approach, a Kalman filter based approach, and the model by Toktay et al. (Manag Sci 46:1412–1426, 2000) for varying degrees of misspecification. In addition, we create a link between forecasting accuracy and the economic value added. This enables the user to choose the economically worthwhile forecasting method that trades-off additional operating costs and savings in working capital. Our theoretical and numerical results indicate that our approach operates on high accuracy even in situations when the underlying assumptions are obviously violated.  相似文献   

高薇 《中国标准化》2005,(12):58-59
企业产品标准是企业进行生产经营活动和检验产品质量的依据,也是企业向消费者的质量承诺。根据《标准化法》的规定,我国标准分为国家标准、行业标准、地方标准和企业标准,而国家标准、行业标准又分为强制性标准和推荐性标准两种。强制性标准是企业必须执行的标准,推荐性标准是国家鼓励企业自愿采用的,企业可以采纳,也可以不采纳。近年来,国家经过清理,将绝大多数国家标准和行业标准由强制性标准转为推荐性标准,使企业在适用标准时享有更大的选择权,这是符合市场经济发展规律的。但笔者在长期的质检工作实践中,也发现企业在选择标准和自行制…  相似文献   

To address the wide variety of solder joint configurations, the authors have developed and applied a physics-of-failure model to predicting the service life of solder joints under thermal cycling conditions. The wide variety of solder joint geometries, materials and environments makes it impractical to develop and apply empirical models to predicting the service life of solder joint interconnects. On the other hand, a physics-of-failure model that describes the failure mechanisms in solder joints can be applied to a wide range of conditions. The physics-of-failure model framework is described and a model is demonstrated for predicting the failure of a leadless surface mount solder joint under slow thermal cycling conditions.  相似文献   

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