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3月25日,乌克兰国家能效与节能局发布通报G/TBT/N/UKR/55和G/TBT/N/UKR/54,通报2011年2月16日通过的有关电冰箱和洗衣机能效标签技术法规的第107号和第108号内阁决议。  相似文献   

我国家用电器能效标准的发展和作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能效标准是指规定产品能源性能的程序和法规,主要是指在不降低产品的其他特性的前提下,对用能产品的能源性能做出的具体要求。能效标准的提出,为世界各国政府节能政策的实施提供了技术依据,对提高用能产品的能源效率,加速淘汰那些耗能高、经济性差的用能产品,鼓励和促进经济性好、能源效率高的产品和技术的发展起到了至关重要的推动作用。我国能效标准的研究与制、修订工作起步于20世纪80年代中期,主要集中在技术成熟、使用普遍、产量大和具有较大节能潜力的家电产品上。为我国家用电器的节能与环保以及经济的可持续发展发挥了积极的作用。…  相似文献   

《家用太阳能热水系统能效限定值及能效等级》是太阳能热水器行业第一个强制性国家标准,该标准于今年8月1日起实行。从9月1日开始,家用太阳能热水器需要贴上能效等级标签才能上市销售。这就意味着,太阳能热水器即将加入"彩虹军团"(能  相似文献   

近日,美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)发布一项决议,要求2011年5月10日后生产的电视机标贴能效标签。当前,黄黑色的能效标签涉及洗衣机和电冰箱等诸多消费用品,要求这些产品提供每年预计的运行费用及与所有类似型号运行费用总体范围相比所处的位置等信息。  相似文献   

电磁炉在中国市场上高速发展,随着电磁炉技术性能的提高,和消费者认知度的提高,电磁炉成了家用电器产品中主要的用电大户,为了提高电磁炉的能源利用率和提高企业自身生产高效节能产品的能力,国家相关部门针对性的制定了电磁炉能效标准.  相似文献   

电器产品在整个生命周期的能耗/能效和生态设计要符合有关法规的要求,制造商在开发设计制造产品时必须符合这些要求,那么如何让消费者了解制造商生产的产品是符合这些要求的,还能了解产品不但达到最低要求而且还达到了较高的指标,通过加贴能效标签/生态标签可以做到这一点。  相似文献   

近期,我国台湾拟发布关于电热壶的能耗标签和检查要求及能效等级要求。台湾能源局拟议一项能效标签计划,以管理电热壶的能源性能。本拟议的标签计划适用于进口产品和台湾生产的产品。除了该计划之外,拟议的技术法规同样还规定了标签要求、合格评定程序和售后监督行动。不符合该要求的产品将禁止出售和投放岛内市场。这种根据《能源管理法案》授权的电热壶标签将分为五个等级,并且应当包括下列项目:  相似文献   

知名品牌自动洗衣机,不仅耗电量大、洗不干净,而且还虚标能效等级。日前,康佳、松下Panasoriie、威力等五品牌自动洗衣机,在上海市质量技术监督局,家用电动洗衣机产品质量专项监督抽查中,因质量问题严重,被列入黑榜。本次抽查家用电动洗衣机产品17批次中,经检验,不合格5批次。  相似文献   

欧盟委员会不久前公布了为构建绿色产品单一市场而实施的意识调查结果。调查结果显示,产品标签中显示的环境影响信息不够充分。  相似文献   

中国变频空调能效等级终于有了“说法”!消费者购买变频空调将有章可循,持一张“标识卡”就可以正确选择变频空调。变频空调不再是能效等级标准的旁观者,从此拥有了参与空调能效公平竞争的“资格认证”。5月29日在上海“2006年中国变频空调能效等级标准说明会”上获得了这一喜讯。  相似文献   

对中国与东盟主要国家的家用电冰箱的定义、测试标准、最低能源性能标准和能效标识进行对比分析。这些国家制定的电冰箱能效标准和标识的测试基础基本相同,能效标识可分为中国采用的欧盟样式和东盟主要国家采用的澳大利亚样式两大类。从技术、经济、文化等角度分析发现,中国和东盟国家家用电冰箱能效标准和标识已具备一致化的可行性。  相似文献   

G Carter  MJ Nobes  DG Armour 《Vacuum》1982,32(8):509-512
A new parameter of sputtering, the erosion energy efficiency, is defined as the ratio of the theoretical energy required to eject atoms to the experimental energy. This efficiency η (E) is shown to be proportional to the ratio of the sputtering yield Y(E) to the energy E and, even under optimum conditions never exceeds ~ 10%. The relationship of this efficiency to the broadening process occurring during sputter profiling resulting from recoil atomic motion and mixing is examined. It is shown that the ion energy conditions employed in both technological etching and sputter profiling systems are near optimum for energy utilization and profile broadening minimization.  相似文献   

面向企业能效评估的能源消耗过程建模方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对企业能效评估对能源消耗系统模型的需求,在分析企业能耗过程的组成因素及其相互作用关系的基础上,提出了一种将企业的生产过程、物料移动、资源配置、余能回收利用等数字化的,基于模糊高级Petri网的企业能源消耗过程建模方法,并详细地给出了模型的形式化定义、运行规则以及建模原则.实例分析表明,该方法独立于特定的能源类型和用能设备,实现了能耗过程结构和动态行为方面信息的全面描述,是企业能源消耗过程分析与优化的基础.  相似文献   

在冷水机组比选过程中,通常会优先选择能效高、变工况性能好的产品,但冷水机组的性能对价格的影响,难以定量评价.通过对逐时负荷和气象参数的研究和变工况条件下COP值的计算,得出不同品牌机组年运行费用差异,并折算成价格因素,将机组性能量化,用此方法,可方便不同品牌的冷水机组间进行比选.  相似文献   

This work is devoted to research into ways to improve the efficiency of gasdynamic energy separation in the pipe Leontiev. It is shown that restoring the coefficient of temperature r depending on the Prandtl number Pr has the greatest impact on the magnitude of energy separation. The conducted analysis showed that for a gas with Pr = 0.7 the most promising ways to improve the efficiency of gasdynamic energy separation are the partial condensation of the working body and the use of regular relief that is deposited onto the wall of the supersonic channel in the pipe Leontiev. We have performed a modification of the calculation method and its verification using experimental data obtained on natural gas. The results of numerical modeling have shown that the use of regular relief (dimples) in this class of devices is effective.  相似文献   

The cooling requirements of buildings can be met using a variety of cooling systems. Electrically driven compressor chillers are the most popular, however, the last decade has seen a rapid increase in the number of absorption chillers, which can use many different energy sources including exergy-poor sources. As an alternative solution for satisfying the cooling demands of buildings and improving the cogeneration efficiency, steam and hot-water driven absorption chillers can be included in trigeneration plant. In this paper we look at the efficiency of a number of different chillers. A method for the exergetic efficiency determination of different kinds of chillers is described and a comparison of the chillers' exergetic efficiency in a trigeneration system including the whole cooling loop is shown.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional arrays present significant beamforming computational challenges because of their high channel count and data rate. These challenges are even more stringent when incorporating a 2-D transducer array into a battery-powered hand-held device, placing significant demands on power efficiency. Previous work in sonar and ultrasound indicates that 2-D array beamforming can be decomposed into two separable line-array beamforming operations. This has been used in conjunction with frequency-domain phase-based focusing to achieve fast volume imaging. In this paper, we analyze the imaging and computational performance of approximate near-field separable beamforming for high-quality delay-and-sum (DAS) beamforming and for a low-cost, phase-rotation-only beamforming method known as direct-sampled in-phase quadrature (DSIQ) beamforming. We show that when high-quality time-delay interpolation is used, separable DAS focusing introduces no noticeable imaging degradation under practical conditions. Similar results for DSIQ focusing are observed. In addition, a slight modification to the DSIQ focusing method greatly increases imaging contrast, making it comparable to that of DAS, despite having a wider main lobe and higher side lobes resulting from the limitations of phase-only time-delay interpolation. Compared with non-separable 2-D imaging, up to a 20-fold increase in frame rate is possible with the separable method. When implemented on a smart-phone-oriented processor to focus data from a 60 x 60 channel array using a 40 x 40 aperture, the frame rate per C-mode volume slice increases from 16 to 255 Hz for DAS, and from 11 to 193 Hz for DSIQ. Energy usage per frame is similarly reduced from 75 to 4.8 mJ/ frame for DAS, and from 107 to 6.3 mJ/frame for DSIQ. We also show that the separable method outperforms 2-D FFT-based focusing by a factor of 1.64 at these data sizes. This data indicates that with the optimal design choices, separable 2-D beamforming can significantly improve frame rate and battery life for hand-held devices with 2-D arrays.  相似文献   

提高冷水机组能效的技术措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了降低冷水机组的能耗,本文从以下几个方面,探讨了提高冷水机组能效的措施压缩机的性能改进、换热器的改进、节流装置改进、冷却水泵、冷冻水泵、风机及相关能量输送系统改进,以及冷水机组的控制策略的改进.  相似文献   

我国能效标准的内容是根据国家节能政策的要求而确定的,一般包括能效限定值、目标能效限定值、节能评价值、能效等级。能效限定值是为实施高耗能产品淘汰制度制定的;目标能效限定值是为实施超前能效标准制定的;节能评价值是为实施节能产品认证制度制定的;能效等级是为实施能效标识制度制定的。国家对用能产品实施的能效标准中体现了能源政策的内容。我国配电变压器的能效标准为GB 20052-2006《三相配电变压器能效限定值及节能评价值》。  相似文献   

Observer performance studies are time-consuming tasks, both for the participating observers and for the scientists collecting and analysing the data. A possible way to optimise such studies is to perform them in a completely digital environment. A software tool-ViewDEX (Viewer for Digital Evaluation of X-ray images)-has been developed in Java, enabling it to function on almost any computer. ViewDEX is designed to handle several types of studies, such as visual grading analysis (VGA), image criteria scoring (ICS) and receiver operating characteristics (ROC). The results from each observer are saved in a log file, which can be exported for further analysis in, for example, a special software for analysing ROC results. By using ViewDEX for an ROC experiment, an evaluation rate of approximately 200 images per hour can be achieved, compared to approximately 25 images per hour using hard copy evaluation. The results are obtained within minutes of completion of the viewing. The risk of human errors in the process of data collection and analysis is also minimised. The viewer has been used in a major trial containing approximately 2700 images.  相似文献   

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