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一CQC科研项目获"国家科学技术进步二等奖"2009年,由中国质量认证中心(CQC)主持,北京机械工业学院、深圳市计量质量检测研究院、中国电器科学研究院、合肥工业大学等单位合作完成的"消费类产品中有毒有害物质的评价技术平台"项目荣获国家科技进步二等奖。  相似文献   

郝丽娟 《认证技术》2010,(11):23-24
2010年7月,我国CB证书发证量突破20000张,取得历史性突破。这背后有哪些故事?中国为什么要加入IECEE-CB体系?出于何种背景和需求?带着这些疑问记者走访了国家认监委、中国质量认证中心、中国NCB秘书处等相关机构,采访了曾经亲历过CB认证的"元老级"人物和现在认证一线的工作人员。我们的话题就从中国加入IECEE-CB体系开始。物换星移几度秋国际电工委员会(IEC)电工设备及零部件合格评定体系组织(IECEE)成立于1985年,  相似文献   

正随着中芬贸易的深入,越来越多的芬兰企业需要快捷、简便的工具对中国供方企业加以筛选和评价。2005年,INSPECTA、ABB、Metso Paper、Kone和Rolls-Royce等机构和企业联合成立绿卡质量组织(Green Card Quality Cluster),并制定相关标准。现在,绿卡已在芬兰、东欧和中欧地区迅速推广,受到众多大采购商的青睐,不断吸纳一些大型企业加入。绿卡现已成为芬兰采购商选择中国供方的重要工具。  相似文献   

7月26日,中国质量认证中心(CQC)在京举办了主题为相约CQC,共创新未来的客户体验活动,旨在加强认证机构与获证企业间的交流合作,体现至臻至诚,持之以恒的客户服务理念。中国合格评定国家认可委员会秘书长肖建华,海尔集团副总裁、CNAS最终用户委员会主任喻子达,中国认证认可协会秘书长生飞,中央国家  相似文献   

孔令欣 《认证技术》2010,(10):20-21
我国强制性产品认证管理规定(国家质检总局第1 17号令)对缺陷产品的召回做了规定。针对当前集中发生的召回事件,本刊记者采访了当年《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》的起草人之一——中国质量认证中心(CQC)汽车产品认证部经理谢鹏鸿。记者:随着召回事牛的层出不穷,中国缺陷产品追究制度的建立正在紧锣密鼓地进行着。CQC凭借多年的技术经验,为产品的前期质量管理工作担负着重要职责,请您谈谈CQC在召回工作中如何发  相似文献   

任宣 《认证技术》2012,(3):32-32
近日,国家认监委依照《认证认可条例》和《认证机构管理办法》的有关规定,公布了2011年针对全国501家获得质量管理体系认证证书企业开展的认证有效性专项监督检查结果,并对6家问题突出  相似文献   

郝丽娟 《认证技术》2010,(11):17-19
20多年来,从申请到加入再到完善,中国加入IECEE-CB体系走过了一段不平凡的历程。近日,本刊记者专访国家认监委(CNCA)国际合作部主任薄昱民。记者:作为IECEE-CB体系在我国发展的亲历者,您能回溯一下它进入我国的背景和取得的成就吗?薄昱民:1978年,党的十一届三中全会召开后,改革开放成为时代的主旋律。在这样的背景下,我国的进出口贸易量显著增  相似文献   

边婧 《认证技术》2010,(11):25-26
CB体系是一个电工产品测试结果的相互认可平台,旨在为寻求全球第三方认证的制造商提供快捷、经济而优质的认证服务。CB体系的发展目标是不断拓展、深化相互认可的范围与程度,最终实现"一次测试,一张证书,全球通行"的一站式服务。为实现这一目标,CB体系的发展呈现出以下五个方面的趋势:1.扩大覆盖产品的范围。10年之前,CB体系所包含的产品类别只有电线电缆、作为元器件的电容器、器具开关及家用电器的自动控制器、家用及类似用途设  相似文献   

白驹过隙,二十年弹指一挥间。转眼间,CB认证已进入中国20年。改革开放以来,我国开始实行社会主义市场经济,国内市场和国际贸易都得到迅速发展。我国的出口企业,由于不了解国外认证制度的要求,许多出口产品无法打进国际市场,价格远远低于所在国经过认证的同类产品。而我国的认证机构当时并不具备与国外认证机构分庭抗礼的能力,因此,这些企业每年不得不申请国外认证并由国外检验机构出具检验报告。  相似文献   

This article discusses the relationship between mathematical proof and the digital computer from the viewpoint of the 'sociology of proof': that is, an understanding of what kinds of procedures and arguments count for whom, under what circumstances, as proofs. After describing briefly the first instance of litigation focusing on the nature of mathematical proof, the article describes a variety of 'cultures of proving' that are distinguished by whether the proofs they conduct and prefer are (i) mechanized or non-mechanized and (ii) formal proofs or 'rigorous arguments'. Although these 'cultures' mostly coexist peacefully, the occasional attacks from within one on another are of interest in respect to what they reveal about presuppositions and preferences. A variety of factors underpinning the diverse cultures of proving are discussed.  相似文献   

Molecules are an attractive option to develop nanoscale electronic devices. Experimental measurements of current-voltage characteristics of individual molecules have been possible for several years and have revealed rich structure and diverse behavior. This paper reviews recent theoretical work by the authors in which current-voltage characteristics of individual molecules are computed using a fully quantum-mechanical parameter-free method. The results provide detailed understanding of transport in molecules in the context of data and go further by obtaining information about the role of molecule-electrode contacts and predicting the behavior of three-terminal molecular devices and the factors that control their performance  相似文献   

Hydroxyapatite coating by dipping method,and bone bonding strength   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Hydroxyapatite (HA) was coated onto titanium rods by a dip coating method using HA sol. The HA sols were prepared by dispersing HA crystals less than 100 nm length in distilled water or physiological salt solution using an ultrasonic homogenizer. The surface of the HA coating was homogeneous as determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). After implantation of uncoated and HA dip coated titanium rods in dog femurs, new bone formation was observed only around the coated material. The bone bonding strength to HA coated rods was 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 Mpa after 1,2,3 and 4 weeks implantation, respectively, as determined by pull-out testing. These values were over twice that of the uncoated titanium rods at 1–4 weeks after implantation. The dip coated titanium exhibited superior biocompatibility to the uncoated implant and may be of great value for bone repacement applications.This paper was accepted for publication after the 1995 Conference of the European Society of Biomaterials, Oporto, Portugal, 10–13 September.  相似文献   

Recommendations are made on determining measurement uncertainties for certain photometric quantities. General equations are given for the standard uncertainties and combinations of them with overall uncertainties. The terms in the equations are used in simulating measurements that may be correlated with the inputs, and examples are given of determining the measurement results and the number of degrees of freedom used in calculating cover factors and extended uncertainties.  相似文献   

The theory of measurement, scales is used to show that there is no foundation for attempting to extend the SI system to measurements of quantities and properties which are described by ordering and naming scales or by absolute scales. It is proposed that the units of planar and solid angles should be considered to be outside the system. Dimensionless quantities are conditionally classified. An analysis is made of specified order scales in which the concept of a “unit of measurement” is not applicable and for which it makes no sense to attribute dimensionality to the numbers and scale points used in them. Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 9, pp. 3–10, September, 1999.  相似文献   


Binary alloys of Al with elements of the first long period, from Ca to Zn inclusive, and also with Li, Mg, Si, Ag, Y, La, and Gd have been examined regarding their working response and tensile properties after forging and cold rolling of arc melted specimens. The results are correlated with the solid solubilities of the alloying elements and their positions in the periodic table.

MST/3059  相似文献   

The Erdős number (EN) for collaborative papers among mathematicians was defined as indicating the topological distance in the graph depicting the co-authorship relations, i. e., EN = 1 for all co-authors of Paul Erdős; EN = 2 for their co-authors who did not publish jointly with Erdős; etc. A refinement of this notion uses resistance distances leading to rational Erdős numbers (REN), which (as indicated by their name) are rational numbers. For acyclic graphs, EN = REN, but for graphs with circuits these numbers differ. Further refinements are possible using weighted edges in the co-authorship graph according to the number of jointly authored papers. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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