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《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》白2004年10月1日正式实施以来,得到了汽车业界的广泛响应,有效地维护了消费安全与消费者权益。在社会各界产生了积极反响。  相似文献   

《标准生活》简称标:今年上半年汽车召回频发,消赘者应如何看待“召回热潮”?答:今年的汽车召回的频次较高,召回次数创新高已经没有任何悬念。  相似文献   

美国2010年8月份共召回产品24次,召回产品数量达965,461件。其中中国产品召回16次,约占66.67%。召回数量为429,456件,约占8份美国召回产品总数量的44.48%。其次未知国家产品召回2次,占8.33%。召回数量为513,600件,约占53.20%。此外,印度、泰国、荷兰、马来西亚和美国均各召回1次。详细情况见下表:  相似文献   

国外汽车产品召回管理概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二次世界大战后,伴随着世界经济的迅猛发展,科技的不断进步和产品复杂程度的日益提高,由于设计、制造、信息指示等失误而形成的缺陷给消费者造成的人身、财产损失事件大量出现,为最大程度地解决此类问题,自20世纪60年代以来,美国、日本和欧洲各国相继建立了汽车召回制度,用来消除汽车产品缺陷造成的公共安全问题;各国立法机构陆续制定了一系列法律法规,授权政府有关行政部门对缺陷产品问题进行管理,使之日益成为缺陷产品危害问题解决机制中不可替代的重要组成部分.经过多年实践,这些发达国家和地区对缺陷汽车产品召回都已形成了比较成熟的管理制度.以轿车为例,国际上几乎每种型号的轿车都曾因存在系统性缺陷而进行过一次甚至多次召回.  相似文献   

在日前举行的第十五届汽车安全技术学术会议上,专家们表示,近年来,我国正积极推进完善缺陷汽车产品召回制度,相关规定对保护消费者利益、促进相关车企履行社会责任发挥了积极作用,也有助于规范汽车产业发展,提高汽车产品质量安全。  相似文献   

《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》3月15日正式发布,2004年10月1日起开始实施。这是我国以缺陷汽车产品为试点首次实施召回制度。《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》由国家质量监督检验检疫总局、国家发展和改革委员会、商务部、海关总署联合制定发布。以下是《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》全文:  相似文献   

宜歆 《认证技术》2010,(10):19-19
产品召回制度是产品安全的重要保障,也是现代经济建设体系不容缺失的重要环节。然而,我国目前的缺陷产品召回制度尚处于建立初期,需在不断调整的过程中日臻完善。2009年,国家质检总局颁布的《强制性产品认证管理规定》(简称《规定》)将召回内容纳入其中,即第三十九条"列入目录产品的生产者、销售商发现  相似文献   

前言 今年3月份以来,我国出口产品质量和食品安全问题被一些国家和地区媒体进行炒作,不少国家和地区对我国出口产品采取一系列限制进口的措施,国际社会舆论对“中国制造”产品安全性的质疑逐渐升级,我们出口产品所面临的形势异常严峻。尽管直接受到召回影响的产品还不到去年出口额的0.1%,但在舆论的推波助澜下,这已经演变为一场中国产品的国际信任危机。  相似文献   

《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》于2004年3月15日发布,同年10月1日正式实施。到现在汽车召回规定在我国实施已经4年。据最新的统计数据,汽车召回制度公布4年来,我国汽车累计召回数量已超过184万辆,百万消费者受惠于召回制度。“召回”究竟给消费者带来了多大实惠?当汽车越来越多地开进普通市民家庭,这个与老百姓密切相关的制度,也变得越来越引人关注。  相似文献   

第一章总则第一条为加强对缺陷汽车产品召回事项的管理,消除缺陷汽车产品对使用者及公众人身、财产安全造成的不合理危险,维护公共安全、公众利益和社会经济秩序,根据《中华人民共和国产品质量法》等法律制定本规定。第二条在中华人民共和国境内生产、进口、销售、租赁、修理汽车产品的制造商、进口商、销售商、租赁商、修理商,应当遵守本规定。第三条汽车产品的制造商对其生产的缺陷汽车产品依本规定履行召回义务,并承担相应的费用;进口商、销售商、租赁商应当协助制造商履行召回义务;车主、使  相似文献   

Cold-lamination-bending (CLB) of glass consists, first, in constraining the unbonded glass-interlayer package in the desired curved shape and, second, in performing the lamination process in autoclave. Releasing the laminate, the curvature is only partially maintained through the interlayer bond, due to an initial spring-back followed by the relaxation of the polymeric interlayer. Here, the whole process of single-curvature CLB, including the phase of release and the consequent contact problem with the constraining mould, is analyzed using sandwich beam theory. Comparisons are made between “stiff” interlayers (like Ionoplastic Polymers) and “soft” interlayers (like PVB). The time-dependent redistribution of stresses due to the interlayer viscosity is found for any assigned initial shape of the mould. Remarkably, the constant-curvature shape, indeed the most used, provokes shear stress concentrations in the interlayer with consequent risks of delamination. The sinusoidal shape, which for typical values of the deformation inappreciably differs from the circular one, provides a much smoother distribution of the shear stresses. A properly-designed gradual release of the laminated glass from the mould can substantially contribute to mitigate the peak stresses.  相似文献   

提出收缩压和舒张压的判定采用阀值法,能使自动血压计不仅测量准确度高,而且量值传递性能均优于水银血压计。克服了目前无创自动血压计的主导产品,多为利用示波原理,采用系数法判定收缩压和舒张压,不仅测量准确度低,而且不能实现量值传递的问题。  相似文献   

The largest threat to the efficient and safe operation of complex processes comes from erroneous actions by the humans in the system. The number of erroneous actions can be reduced and the consequences be mitigated in two principally different ways. The passive approach concentrates on how the system is designed, implemented and applied. The active approach concentrates on the system in use, as exemplified by automation in various forms, protection systems, computerised operator support, and various types of expert systems. A specific solution is to make the systems fault tolerant, i.e. forgiving of erroneous actions and able to limit the consequences through interlocks and automatic shut-down mechanisms. Yet practically all fault tolerant systems come into action after the erroneous action has occurred and has had a detectable effect. It would clearly be attractive to detect erroneous actions when they occur, possibly before they have had any effect, i.e. effectively to prevent them from happening.The paper describes the development and functioning of a system which provides an on-line detection of erroneous actions in a process domain. The system, which is called RESQ, is based on a combination of plan recognition, plan evaluation and error handling. It has been developed within the ESPRIT Project P857 ‘Graphical Dialogue Environment’, and is presently implemented for a data network. RESQ is written in Common LISP and is, with the necessary exception of a plan library, completely domain independent.  相似文献   

Clinical guidelines recommend concurrent treatment of anemia in end‐stage renal disease with erythropoiesis‐stimulating agents (ESAs) and iron. However, there are mixed data about optimal iron supplementation. To help address this gap, the relationship between iron markers and hemoglobin (Hb) response to ESA (Epoetin alfa) dose was examined. Electronic medical records of 1902 US chronic hemodialysis patients were analyzed over a 12‐month period between June 2009 and June 2010. The analysis included patients who had at least one Hb value during each 4‐week interval for four consecutive intervals (k ? 2, k ? 1, k, and k + 1; k is the index interval), received at least one ESA dose during intervals k ? 1 or k, had at least one transferrin saturation (TSAT) value at interval k, and at least one ferritin value during intervals k ? 2, k ? 1, or k. Effect modification by TSAT and ferritin on Hb response was evaluated using the generalized estimating equations approach. Patients had a mean (standard deviation) age of 62 (15) years; 41% were Caucasian, 34% African American, 65% had hypertension, and 39% diabetes. Transferrin saturation, but not ferritin, had a statistically significant (P < 0.05) modifying effect on Hb response. Maximum Hb response was achieved when TSAT was 34%, with minimal incremental effect beyond these levels. Of the two standard clinical iron markers, TSAT should be used as the primary marker of the modifying effect of iron on Hb response to ESA. Long‐term safety of iron use to improve Hb response to ESA warrants further study.  相似文献   

防伪技术产品以防范仿造、假冒为目的,在维护公共安全、防范金融犯罪、保护企业品牌、保护市场、保护广大消费者合法权益方面发挥着重要作用。哪里有假冒仿造,哪里就有防伪技术堵截。  相似文献   

A citation advantage for research covered by the mass media is a plausible, but poorly studied phenomenon. Two previous studies, both conducted in the United States, found a positive correlation between media reporting and citations. Only one of these studies was able to conclude that the correlation was caused by a real “publicity effect” rather than by the media highlighting papers that are intrinsically destined to have greater scientific impact (called the ‘earmark’ hypothesis). This study assessed the relative importance of the publicity effect outside the US, by comparing studies published in 2008 and 2009 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that had been featured in newspapers in Italy and the United Kingdom. Newspapers in the two countries covered a similar range of topics, and tended to over-represent local (national) research. Compared to studies not appearing in any of the newspapers considered, those featured in British newspapers had around 63 % more citations, whilst in Italian newspapers 16 %. The proportion of citations from Italian authors, however, was significantly increased by newspapers, particularly by those in Italian. The equivalent effect on citations from the UK was smaller and only marginally significant. Studies accompanied by a press release did not receive, overall, significantly more citations. In sum, results suggest that the publicity effect is strongest for English-speaking media, whilst non-English reporting has mostly a local influence. These effects might represent a confounding factor in citation-based research assessment and might contribute to the many biases known to affect the scientific literature.  相似文献   

My method is better!   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  



A new tool, the SIMARD-MD, has been proposed to help physicians identify cognitively impaired drivers who may be unfit to drive, but little empirical evidence is available to justify its use. We analyzed data from a cohort of older Canadian drivers who had undergone cognitive testing to: (1) correlate the SIMARD-MD with other tools that measure cognition (e.g., trail-making test), (2) identify how many drivers, using published cut-offs on the SIMARD-MD, would be recommended to lose their license, or be considered fit to drive, or be required to undergo further driving assessment, and (3) determine if the SIMARD-MD is biased by level of education as many cognitive tools are.


Cross-sectional data from 841 drivers aged 70 and over from seven Canadian sites who are enrolled in a 5-year cohort study were used for the analyses. Scores on the SIMARD-MD were correlated with scores on the other cognitive measures. The recommendations that would be made based on the SIMARD-MD scores were based on published cut-off values suggested by the authors of the tool. The impact of education status was examined using linear regression controlling for age.


Correlations between the SIMARD-MD and other cognitive measures ranged from .15 to .86. Using published cut-off scores, 21 participants (2.5%) would have been recommended to relinquish their licenses, 428 (50.9%) would have been deemed fit to drive, and 392 (46.6%) would have been required to undergo further testing. We found a difference of 8.19 points (95% CI = 4.99, 11.40, p < .001) in favor of drivers with post-secondary education versus those without, representing over 11% of the mean score.


The SIMARD-MD is unlikely to be valuable to clinicians because it lacks sufficient precision to provide clear recommendations about fitness-to-drive. Recommendations based solely on the SIMARD-MD may place many seniors at risk of losing their transportation mobility or incurring unnecessary stress and costs to prove they are safe to drive. Furthermore, the education bias may create an unwanted structural inequity. Hence, adoption of the SIMARD-MD as a tool to determine fitness-to-drive appears premature.  相似文献   

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