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Architectural writer and educator Kazi Ashraf likens the work of Studio Mumbai to that of a tree, in which landscape and architecture converge. As he explains, such a position is realised by a profound commitment to the act of building in which native materials are condensed into temporary structures. This requires due attention to the process of making, reflected in a workshop practice that incorporates craftsmen and artisans, and by necessity has to stand outside the conventional expectations for construction and economies of time.  相似文献   

本文较全面地介绍了澳门建筑师协会成立近20年的历史和发展。协会成立的背景和演变与澳门社会、政治、经济、文化的进展息息相关。文章分别从本地区事务、国际事务和会务发展3个主要方面记录和阐述协会参予和举办的各种有关学术、文化交流和推广公民教育等活动,表达了对澳门回归后以澳人治澳的新政府在制定专业政策方面的期待和信心。  相似文献   

建筑师亚当·西尔维斯特(Adam Sylvester)生于1943年,后获建筑学博士学位,早年曾在著名的公益设计公司IPARTERV工作多年,任该公司的建筑设计师。90年代初期,他加入TER4设计公司,担任这家小型设计公司的首席建筑设计师。1997年匈牙利建筑师议院布达佩斯分院宣布成立,成为匈牙利建筑师议院最大的独立分支机构,亚当·西尔维斯特任职该分支机构的主席至今。在此,《当代匈牙利建筑》杂志编辑格茨·埃斯特对亚当·西尔维斯特就匈牙利建筑师议院和他的一些设计作品进行了访谈。  相似文献   

文章以上马小办公楼的建筑设计作为思考的具象形式,从大众对"家型"和"巢箱"的误读入手来探讨,被日常的社会意识渗透之后,建筑的"形"被赋予了意义的问题。文章试图揭示当现代建筑的"形"被意识化之后,其本身所具有的真正意义已经无从可循。如何将建筑从日常束缚中解脱,还原"形"的本真,这正是作为"个体"的建筑师或者建筑对于现代社会的真正意义所在。  相似文献   

A period of accelerated urbanism in Lithuania has coincided with a slackening of the planning system. This has inevitably unleashed a degree of urban chaos - with individual house-owners and developers building, largely unchecked, whatever they desire. Amidst this unruly, if burgeoning built environment, Audrys Karalius highlights some significant architectural schemes, many of which pick up the torch of the architects who were designing in Lithuania's formative interwar years. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

高晖 《建筑与文化》2016,(12):138-139
王澍作为一个自诩为文人的建筑师,完成了大量实践作品。而他对于自己的工作,始终认为自己所做的不是建筑,也没有背负建筑的众多含义,他所做的只是房子。设计是他抵触的一种行为,在他眼中营造才是中国建筑的根本。利用剖面的视野来完成对于琐碎生活的刻画,重建传统的生活模式。建筑对于传统的传承不再是利用简化的符号进行表达,而是利用建筑的光晕来展示。  相似文献   

林箐 《中国园林》2006,22(3):42-48
法国勒·诺特尔式园林是西方古典园林的一种重要风格.这一风格的开创者是17世纪法国造园家勒·诺特尔.他在继承了欧洲造园传统、尤其是文艺复兴园林的基础上,创造了一种新的"伟大风格".它是路易十四统治下的法国政治、社会和文化状况的一种反映,代表了理性主义的文化思潮,反映了绝对君权制度.这种风格具有宏伟壮丽、中轴突出、严谨对称的特点,具有很高的艺术成就,成为风靡欧洲各国100多年的一种造园样式,并影响到各国的城市建设.并且,直到今天,仍然有许多现代风景园林师从勒·诺特尔式园林中汲取营养,在现代社会创造新的风格.介绍了多个法国勒·诺特尔式园林实例以及它们产生的背景和具有的影响.  相似文献   

骆可 《建筑师》2007,(6):61-68
拉图雷特修道院是勒·柯布西耶设计生涯乃至现代建筑史上的一个经典。国内此前对此作品的关注往往聚焦于该建筑空间和形式的强烈现代感上。那么,对于修道院这种传统类型而言,柯布西耶在设计这座建筑的时候是创造了一个新的建筑类型还是沿袭了既有的类型?柯布西耶有没有受到其他先例的启发?如果有,这些先例对设计过程产生了怎样的影响?笔者试图通过收集和整理柯布西耶在设计拉图雷特修道院之时以及他早年游学过程的史料,来从设计分析的角度诠释拉图雷特修道院的设计与探索。  相似文献   

方海  程广宇  唐飞 《时代建筑》2005,(2):142-149
文章系统介绍了芬兰佩卡·萨宁建筑师事务所的创建过程,成员结构及设计特点,并着重介绍了拉合第歌剧院、玛丽亚音乐厅、赫尔辛基国际机场等20世纪70年代至今的多个代表性项目.  相似文献   

金鑫 《建筑师》2010,(1):75-84
达卡议会寨主体建筑,作为美国建筑师路易斯·康职业生涯中最重要的单体建筑作品之一,集中体现了其职业生涯中的类型学思想。本文试图从类型学的角度来分析这一建筑及其创作过程,并简要回顾路易斯·康1950年代以来的主要建筑语汇流变。  相似文献   

The building and construction industries worldwide are experiencing ever closer scrutiny of their operations as pressure mounts from clients to address the inefficiencies inherent therein. The issue of quality is of pivotal concern in this regard and this paper examines the status quo of a number of South African architectural practices with respect to how they are managing quality, and tests their opinions with regard to ISO 9000 certification as a means of addressing the issue. The results indicate that the architects in question generally have a poor grasp of quality management theory, although many of the eight main principles required for its implementation are already intrinsically present in the way they manage their practices; probably as a result of the small size of the average practice. A systematic and documented approach to quality management is however largely lacking in the profession and a great deal of negativity exists with regard to ISO 9000 certification.  相似文献   

Finding Time     
What has our sense of the acceleration of time got to bear on our experience of cities? How might it be consciously countered by architects ‘finding time’ through ‘thoughtful design and measured observation’. ‘A self-declared ‘cultural polymath’, Tim Makower is the founder of Makower Architects. A partner at Allies and Morrison for many years, he has significant experience in leading large-scale projects, ranging from the King's Cross Masterplan in London to the Old Doha Regeneration Framework, which he draws on here and in his book Touching the City: Thoughts on Urban Scale (Wiley, 2014).  相似文献   

In the last four decades, Robert Aish has played a pivotal role in the development of new technologies in architecture. As a professional software designer and developer, he has directly informed building design and processes. As Director of Software Development at Autodesk, his role is to converge innovative concepts such as design computation with mainstream design and engineering software. Also an influential disseminator of knowledge, he is a co-founder of the SmartGeometry Group and has helped create a vital bridge between architectural design and computation. Here he describes some of the critical dilemmas facing both software developers and architectural users of computational design tools, comparing the pioneering work of Bruce Archer and Ivan Sutherland in the mid-1960s (at time t ) with how such tools are used today (at time t + n ). Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As the world teeters on the verge of environmental collapse, landscape architecture has taken on a new significance offering a longed-for sanctuary for our increasingly urbanised lives. Here, in his introduction to the issue, guest-editor Michael Spens explains how by taking its impetus from land art, landscape architecture, as an expanded field, transcends the conventional confines of site. This renders it possible to read architecture ‘as landscape, or as non-landscape, as building becomes non-site’ and the ‘site indeed materialises as the work per se’. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Catering for the needs of an impoverished rural community in Alabama through its design-and-build activities, Rural Studio leads the way internationally as a university-affiliated architecture programme with a social remit. Guest-Editor Michael Hensel describes how the initiative has grown and developed since it was first established over two decades ago, in 1993, by Samuel Mockbee for students from Auburn University. The realisation of tens of houses and community projects have not only helped to reshape the local environment, but with the more recent strategic approach advanced under Andrew Frear's directorship more long-term projects have been launched and greater emphasis has been placed on the responsible local sourcing of materials, energy and food.  相似文献   

裴钊 《时代建筑》2012,(4):32-35
从作为一门学科的建筑学被引入中国后,老一辈中国建筑师在20世纪30年代所致力的实践和构建的体系为中国现代建筑的发展奠定了基础。作为当今中国建筑实践的中坚力量,50年代出生的建筑师则是一个承前启后的群体,他们接受的建筑学教育来自老一辈建筑师所建立的建筑知识体系。由于历史原因,这个体系与外部和现实存在差距,这使得他们所继承的必然只是这个体系的一部分。反映在建筑实践上,80年代的中国建筑实践呈现出一种既有传承又有分裂的状态。文章试图将这两个建筑师群体放在中国的现代化进程中进行讨论,从而分析两个群体的思想及实践之间的关联。  相似文献   

This article considers whether formal references in Le Corbusier's work may be traced to the eigtheenth century crescents of Bath and, in particular, Lansdowne Crescent. By exploring this line, it raises the possibility that in the work he produced for the Latin American context, this arch-modernist planner moved beyond the de-contextualized approach for which he is known and explored the possibility of integrating new urban forms with nature. The article also shows how Le Corbusier's plans for Rio de Janeiro allowed him to become an important formal reference point for successive generations of local architects and planners.  相似文献   

Pino Scaglione perceives a new sensuality at play in Italy. He takes us on a tour that takes in the elegant and sober forms of +Arch's new headquarters for Dolce & Gabbana in Milan and the highly original new soccer stadium in Siena by Iotti + Pavarani. Heading south he highlights some remarkable new architecture in Naples, Sardinia and Sicily injected with a rare poetic sensibility. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the city of Bangalore in southern India, the predominant architectural language is that of conventional global commerce. ‘Bland high-rise developments’ jostle with shanties and urban sprawl. Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi, AIA, explores an alternative way, by Shilpa Sindoor Architects and Planners. The practice invests in a sense of place, but also uses a knowledge of the local construction market and materials to its economic advantage. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文以勒·柯布西耶晚年的作品拉图雷特修道院为对象,借用文学批评中的互文性概念,考察柯布在创作过程中援引的4个历史先例:爱玛修道院、索伦特修道院、雅典卫城、阿索斯圣山的西蒙·佩特拉修道院,梳理出这4个历史原型中哪些词汇进入到了柯布的视野中,并转化、熔铸成他独特的新建筑语汇,最后编织出了一首壮丽恢宏的现代建筑史诗——拉图雷特修道院。  相似文献   

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