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The New York artist Vito Acconci has chosen to work through architecture, seeing the potential of it as a medium to engage ‘the public with the world around them’. He explains why he believes the location of his highly successful cultural centre for Mur Island, Graz, in Austria missed the opportunity to rejuvenate areas of the city beyond the historic core. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Several investigations by parliament, cabinet, justice and antitrust authorities have shown a widespread use of cartels and structural bid rigging within the Dutch construction industry. The reputation of the Dutch construction industry has been dented with both the general public and clients. As a response, the Netherlands' parliamentary inquiry Committee on Construction Fraud adopted the guiding principle of 'competition is good' and urged the restoration of the proper functioning of the market. The proposed default approach to public sector procurement is design-bid-build with public tendering and selection of the lowest price. A concise overview of the investigations is provided, relating the collusions and their persistence to emerging insights from the field of industrial organization theory into underlying factors and causes. A tougher public sector procurement policy and the continued reliance on lowest bid prices may not contribute to the reform of the Dutch construction industry as intended. One-dimensional, price-oriented competition only provides a static, project-based efficiency. However, it neither addresses a number of organizational issues nor resolves the underlying pressures leading to collusion. An alternative approach allowing for a balance of competition and collaboration with a wider number of selection criteria variables would create a more dynamic, iterative competitive process over a longer timeframe and would develop an innovative, efficient and profitable industry. Although the inquiry committee acknowledges these new methods of procurement, it is expected that the overriding ambition to restore proper market function (through increased competition) will steer towards the more traditional procurement approaches.  相似文献   

A peninsula, lying 60 kilometres (37 miles) to the southwest of Hong Kong, Macau is the Las Vegas of the new China. As Manuel Vicente explains, when he was asked to create an important new public space for the city it provided the opportunity to create a plaza that was able to assimilate the past forms of the historic city without absorbing the symbolism of its colonial history. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

杨猛 《室内设计》2010,(4):54-56
本文以法国巴黎蒙帕纳斯火车站综合改造项目为研究对象,指出城市建设中多个主体的相互协调与斡旋既实现了街区更新的目的,又在有限的用地中为城市提供了高质量的公共空间,最终实现了城市空间利益的平衡;而这种公共空间与私人空间的双赢,无疑是城市建设中一条值得借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

佐佐木叶二,一位既严谨又具有开拓精神的设计师,亦是一位博取古泽、袭故开新的艺术家。从公共空间到私人住宅,他总能通过感性思维捕捉到空间自身所具有的潜在价值,再通过理性的“动词思考”建设场所。最终,以纯净隽永的设计,展现给人们久违了的自然之美,并由此唤起诗意的感动。在此次访谈过程中,佐佐木叶二一直以简洁的语言讲述着如何显现隐藏着的自然之美。或许会让人有意犹未尽之感,但是,愈是这种简,才愈能呈现思想之深,憾至人心、令人回味。  相似文献   

以上海某水处理厂深度处理改造工程为背景,设计、施工了一座采用UHPC连接的装配式混凝土水池,并通过构件试验研究其节点性能。通过本次实际工程应用,得出以下结论:UHPC粘结强度高、接缝处防水性能良好,可作为装配式水池的新型连接节点;采用UHPC连接的装配式混凝土水池节点承载力不低于整体现浇水池,且施工周期短,具有推广价值;相比普通混凝土,UHPC流动性更大,在预制装配施工中需严格控制预制件安装进度,并在浇筑过程中采取模板加固等措施减少UHPC漏浆率,提高施工质量。  相似文献   

在我国城镇化转向注重质量发展背景下,传统公服设施配置思路已难以适应居民多元化需求,尤其在用地紧张的老城区,公服设施需求与供给的矛盾十分突出。以广州越秀老城区为例,基于公服设施POI数据和步行轨迹大数据解析老城区现有公服设施存在问题,同时结合对越秀区梅花街道86位居民的访谈调研,以不同人群活动特征为出发点,通过测度设施布局与人群活动轨迹特征,提出有别于新区的老城公服设施优化策略。研究表明:现有相关设施配置标准更多是解决“有”与“无”的问题,而忽视设施实际设施使用效果;老城区设施规划应区别新区集中式设施服务中心,结合不同人群生活需求和出行特征,以点状分散、路径串联的模式优化设施布局,可以一定程度上改变老城区发展困境。  相似文献   

胡刚 《福建建筑》2014,(1):21-24
随着社会的发展,人们对居住环境的要求也有所提高。关注点已从过去的室内环境逐步转移到户外公共空间与环境,而这正是目前保障性住房设计所忽视的环节所在。本文以厦门市集美滨水小区户外公共空间为研究对象,通过发现问题并分析,借鉴国外的相关建设经验,针对现状的不足提出若干改进意见,旨在探讨如何创造一个自然、和谐、安全、健康的保障性住区户外环境。  相似文献   

于海漪  范家昱  许方 《华中建筑》2013,(12):134-137
社区培育是日本公众参与社区规划的专用名词。自其1960年代开展之初,大学便参与其中。随着运动的展开,经历了客观调查、应邀参与项目,为教学目的主动参与,和引导社区培育运动4个主要阶段。该文通过对日本建筑学会刊物文献的分析,对大学在社区培育活动中的目的、角色、发挥作用等进行详细分析,认为大学在社区培育中,可以是旁观者、参与者与引导者;既是知识与理论的提供者,又是实践的受益者。研究对我国大学参与社区规划有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

十九世纪的美国城市公共空间   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马航 《规划师》2004,20(10):100-102
19世纪美国城市的公共空间是不同社会阶层利益交织的试验场,它体现着不同利益阶层社会地位的差异。我国的城市公共空间形态不应仅仅停留在以视觉艺术为基础或由少数人、利益集团决定的形式上,要向着多意义、多功能、多目标的方向转化,要使之成为综合性的社会场所,尤其是要关注社会弱势群体对社会公共空间的需求。  相似文献   

Common Artefacts     
With offices in Beijing, Mumbai and London, Serie Architects is an international practice that spans Asia. Here, co-founder and principal Christopher CM Lee looks beyond the superficial ‘exotic’ stereotypical image of ‘orientalism’ that was traditionally imposed on Asia by the West. With particular reference to Serie Architects' Tote, Mumbai, and Yan Zhenqing Museum in Linyi, China, he shifts the question of identity to what is common within the context of architectural production: what might imbue architecture with social and cultural validity? How might it be possible to attempt to create ‘common artefacts’ through the most typical elements – the ‘dominant types’.  相似文献   

In 2001, architect Diébédo Francis Kéré completed the design and construction of a primary school for his home village of Gando in Burkina Faso. Raising funds through an organisation in Berlin, he applied the knowledge gained through his architectural education and associates in Germany to design the school in local sustainable materials. For its realisation, he drew on valuable village resources, with the on-site labour being undertaken by the hands of the men, women and children of Gando.  相似文献   

武博渊 《城市建筑》2014,(17):247-247
公众对公共建筑物的理解往往与专业评价存在一定的差异。专业人士眼中优秀的建筑物,对于公众来说却难以接受。大多数公众是通过媒体、影像资料等间接渠道了解公共建筑物的,却很难与建筑师形成直接交流。是否可能减小这样的理解差异呢?本文对此进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Without the legal and economic strictures of permanent construction, pop-up architecture offers a unique opportunity for architects to build small-scale structures that enable community participation and social engagement. What, though, are the political manifestations for instigating this type of public participation through lightweight architectural programming? Andrea Kahn , Adjunct Professor of Urban Planning at Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP), examines this phenomenon by profiling three projects located in the public realm by Jonathan Kirschenfeld and CDR Studio in New York, and Vallo Sadovsky Architects in Bratislava.  相似文献   

大型公共建筑既是保障震后救灾及城市系统功能恢复的基础设施系统,又是地震灾害的重要承灾体。地震一旦发生,大型公共建筑中非结构构件会造成严重的地震灾害,影响建筑的使用功能、造成巨大的经济损失,甚至给人员疏散和安置带来潜在威胁。文章从理论分析、数值模拟及试验研究等3个方面系统总结非结构构件抗震性能分析方法的研究进展。以吊顶、幕墙及电梯为例阐述非结构构件的地震响应及破坏特征。探讨大型公共建筑中非结构构件抗震性能研究的新思路:结合材料科学、控制科学及交叉学科的发展,不断创新非结构构件的抗震性能分析方法;结合大数据和人工智能技术形成非结构构件震害评价方法和智能识别技术,为非结构构件的抗震韧性评估提供依据;发展非结构构件地震韧性提升技术,为大型公共建筑的安全运行提供技术保障。  相似文献   

For Simon Herron drawing is an innate, even an addictive, compulsion. Here he lets us into his own personal world of drawing: ‘a private haptic language of invention’, which simultaneously has the power to shock and resonate with its time. He traces his graphic lineage back to the work of his father, Ron Herron of Archigram, and projects it forwards through the output of his students.  相似文献   

Pop-ups provide a unique means of physically communicating issues to a wider public through their placement in city centres and areas with a high footfall. Food security, agricultural and sustainability are matters close to the heart of CJ Lim , Professor of Architecture and Urbanism at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UCL), and founder of Studio 8 Architects. Here, through a speculative project, ‘The Food Parliament’, and some of the many pop-ups and kiosks that he has observed on his travels, he proposes how transitory architecture might help bring wider attention to unsustainable patterns of consumption and food dissemination.  相似文献   

Jan Kaplický's visionary work for Future Systems was some of the most imaginative and inspiring of the last few decades. His passion and excitement for architecture exudes through such remarkable forms as the Lord's Media Centre and Selfridges in Birmingham. It was also effectively disseminated through his publications: most notably the For Inspiration Only picture books that he produced for Wiley-Academy in the late 1990s. A staunch believer in the power of books and journals, he was a loyal supporter of AD and an editorial board member for many years; always generous with his time and willing to express his ideas candidly. Here, close friend and fellow Czech architect and writer Ivan Margolius, celebrates not only Kaplicky the architect, but also the extraordinary life and sensibility of the man behind his work. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The architecture of fear has become more complex, and more subtle, as it has adapted to the contradictions of privacy and publicity in American urbanism in the late twentieth century. In response to a growing fear of urban violence in the late 1960s, architect Oscar Newman argued that a network of private domains would prevent crime and preserve a way of urban life that he and others felt was under attack. In his book, Defensible Space: Crime Prevention through Urban Design, the architect presented a carefully crafted theory of human territoriality and natural surveillance, which was received as common sense because of its resonance with prevailing public opinion.  相似文献   

通过对四川大学新校区第一教学楼设计与建筑的剖析,讨论了以公众空间为导向的新建筑生成,以及建筑本体语言的表达。  相似文献   

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