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Females ofJunonia coenia (Nymphalidae), a specialist on plants that contain iridoid glycosides, were found to use aucubin and catalpol, iridoid glycosides typical of a host plant,Plantago lanceolata (Plantaginaceae), as oviposition cues. Incorporating dried ground leaf material or pure iridoid glycosides into agar disks proved to be a very effective method of testing. In no-choice tests and choice tests, females laid more eggs on disks withP. lanceolata leaf material or iridoid glycosides, compared to agar controls. There was variation among individual females in preference for disks withP. lanceolata leaf material versus disks with iridoid glycosides. Females given a choice of three different concentrations of iridoid glycoside (0.2, 0.5, 1.0%) in the agar disks and a control laid more eggs on the disk with the highest concentration of iridoid glycoside.  相似文献   

Larvae of the buckeye,Junonia coenia (Nymphalidae) feed primarily on plants in four families: Scrophulariaceae, Plantaginaceae, Verbenaceae, and Acanthaceae. These plant families have in common the presence of a group of plant secondary compounds, the iridoid glycosides. Larvae were reared on three plant species and two artificial diets, one with and one without iridoid glycosides.Larvae grew poorly and had low survivorship on the artificial diet without iridoid glycosides, while growth and survival on the artificial diet with iridoid glycosides was comparable to that on plants. Choice tests using artificial diets with and without iridoid glycosides showed that larvae: (1) chose diets with iridoid glycosides (in the form of a crude extract or pure compound) over a diet without; (2) showed no preference between the diet with the crude extract and that with pure iridoid glycoside, and (3) preferred the artificial diet with ground leaves of the host plant,Plantago lanceolata, over the diet with pure iridoid glycosides. The artificial diet that larvae had been reared on prior to these tests had no effect on subsequent larval preferences in the choice tests.  相似文献   

Thin-layer chromatography was used to follow the fates of iridoid glycosides ingested by four species of lepidopteran herbivores. These four species differed in their feeding strategy, ranging from generalist to monophagous specialist; and in their predator avoidance strategy, ranging from cryptic and palatable to aposematic and unpalatable. The fates of the iridoid glycosides ranged from sequestration by the unpalatable specialist,Euphydryas phaeton (Nymphalidae); to passage into the hemolymph and eventual elimination in the meconium by the specialistsJunonia coenia (Nymphalidae) andCeratomia catalpas (Sphingidae); to elimination of the intact compounds in the feces of the generalist feeder,Lymantria dispar (Lymantriidae).  相似文献   

Iridoid glycosides were found to be sequestered by natural populations ofEuphydryas anicia after ingestion from the host plantsBesseya alpina, B. plantaginea, andCastilleja integra. Both major iridoids ofB. alpina, cataipol and aucubin, were found in butterfly populations where this was the only host plant. The catalpol-aucubin ratio was higher in the butterflies than in the host plant. AnE. anicia population which uses bothB. plantaginea andC. integra as host plants was found to sequester cataipol as well as another iridoid, macfadienoside. Macfadienoside was the major iridoid ofC. integra, while catalpol esters were the major iridoids ofB. plantaginea. Although it was a major sequestered iridoid, catalpol was a minor constituent in both host plants. The macfadienoside-catalpol ratio in the butterflies from this population was highly variable, and there appeared to be both sex and individual variation in host plant and/or iridoid glucoside utilization byE. anicia. Although other iridoids were present in the host plants, none was sequestered in more than trace amounts.This work was supported by grant CHE-8213714 to FRS, in part by grant DEB-06961 to PRE from the National Science Foundation, and a grant from the Koret Foundation of San Francisco to PRE. Paper 5 in the series Chemistry of the Scrophulariaceae. Paper 4: Roby, M.R. and Stermitz, F.R. 1984.J. Nat. Prod. 47:854–857.  相似文献   

The iridoid glycoside content of individual adultEuphydryas anicia butterflies from two Colorado populations was quantitatively determined. At one site (Red Hill), larval host plants wereCastilleja integra andBesseya plantaginea, while at the other site (Cumberland Pass) a single host plant,B. alpina, was used. At Red Hill, macfadienoside and catalpol were sequestered, while at Cumberland Pass, catalpol and aucubin were sequestered. Artificial diet studies showed that larvae hydrolyzed a major iridoid ofB. plantaginea, 6-isovanilIylcatalpol, to catalpol (which was sequestered) and isovanillic acid (which was excreted). Large year-to-year and individual variation in butterfly iridoid content was established as was a female-male difference in macfadienoside vs. catalpol content. Larval host plant distributions and numbers were determined at Red Hill for two years and compared with changes in butterfly populations and sequestered iridoids.  相似文献   

A small population of a polyvoltine checkerspot butterfly,Thessalia leanira fulvia (also known asChlosyne leanira ssp.fulvia), was found to useCastilleja integra as a larval food plant at a localized site (Burnt Mill) southwest of Pueblo, Colorado. Field-captured adult butterflies contained the major iridoid glycosides (catalpol and macfadienoside) of theCastilleja. The content of a third iridoid glycoside, methyl shanzhiside, was also relatively high in the collected butterflies even though most individualCastilleja plants at Burnt Mill contained little or no methyl shanzhiside. Only a few plants, restricted to a small area, did contain appreciable methyl shanzhiside. Most of the plants that lacked the ester methyl shanzhiside contained shanzhiside, the corresponding free carboxylic acid.Thessalia larvae did not normally methylate the acid to produce methyl shanzhiside. Larvae that stopped feeding at an early instar, but yet survived several weeks, did contain major amounts of methyl shanzhiside. It is suggested that only larvae that overwinter or otherwise enter diapause convert shanzhiside to methyl shanzhiside. TheCastilleja food plant also contained iridoids other than catalpol and macfadienoside, sometimes in major amounts, but these were never found in larvae, pupae, or butterflies.Paper 27 in the series Chemistry of the Scrophulariaceae. Paper 26: Stermitz, F.R., Foderaro, T.A., and Li, Y.-X., 1993.Phytochemistry 32:1151  相似文献   

A bivoltine checkerspot butterfly,Poladryas minuta, is aPenstemon specialist, not known to utilize any other plant genus for oviposition and larval feeding. At several intermontane plains sites of central Colorado, the butterfly utilizesPenstemon virgatus as its sole host plant. Analysis of the host plant showed it to contain three cinnamyl-type catalpol esters (scutellarioside-II, globularin, globularicisin) and catalpol. The host plant contained an average of 10% dry weight iridoids, but some variation among individual plants and leaves within plants was noted. Field-collected butterflies contained 2.1–8.7% dry weight catalpol, but no other iridoids. Adults from larvae fedP. virgatus in the lab contained 4.2–9.0% dry weight catalpol and excreted large amounts of catalpol in the meconium. No catalpol was found in the larval frass. Larvae did not consume three alternate iridoid-containing host-plant species, and most eventually died rather than feed on the alternate plants. Larvae did consume small amounts of artificial diets containing the alternate species andP. virgatus, but most went into diapause and some died. Survival was good on artificial diet containing 10% dry weight of the iridoid esters fromP. virgatus. Only catalpol was found in pupae and adults, but it was absent from the larval frass. The cinnamic-type acids expected from larval hydrolysis of the esters were not found in larval frass, pupae, or adults. These results are contrasted with those found for another checkerspot,Euphydryas anicia, which consumes a different host-plant species but was present at one of the same sites withPoladryas minuta.Paper 15 in the series Chemistry of the Scrophulariaceae. Paper 14 Boros, C.M., Stermitz, F.R., and Harris, G.H. 1990.J. Nat. Prod. 5372–80.  相似文献   

Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), acquired by adults or larvae of Danainae and Ithomiinae butterflies and Arctiidae moths from plants, protect these lepidopterans against predators and are biosynthetic precursors of male sex pheromones. The investigation of PAs in many species of wild-caught adults of Ithomiinae showed lycopsamine (1) [(7R)-OH, (2S)-OH, (3S)-OH] as the main alkaloid. In incorporation experiments, PA-free (freshly emerged) adults of the ithomiineMechanitis polymnia were fed seven PAs: lycopsamine and four of its known natural stereoisomers—indicine (2) [(7R)-OH, (2R)-OH, (3S)-OH], intermedine (3) [(7R)-OH, (2S)-OH, (3R)-OH], rinderine (4) [(7S)-OH, (2S)-OH, (3R)-OH], and echinatine (5) [(7S)-OH, (2S)-OH, (3S)-OH], and two PAs without the 7-OH: supinine (6) [(2S)-OH, (3R)-OH] and amabiline (7) [(2S)-OH, (3S)-OH]. Males epimerized PAs 3, 4, and 5 mainly to lycopsamine (1). Females fed these same three PAs changed a smaller proportion to lycopsamine; their lesser capacity to modify PAs corresponds to their normal acquisition of already transformed PAs from males during mating rather than through visits of adults to plant sources of PAs. The alkaloids1 and2, both 7R and 3S, were incorporated without or with minimum change by males and females. Feeding experiments with6 and7 (males only) showed an inversion at the 3 center of6 and no change in7. The inversion from 7S to 7R (probably via oxyreduction) may be closely related to the evolution of acquisition of PAs by butterflies and moths. Two hypotheses are discussed: (1) The ancestral butterflies are probably adapted to tolerate, assimilate, and use (7R)-PAs (most common in plants; all widespread 1,2-unsaturated macrocyclic PA diesters show this configuration). The development of (7R)-PA receptors in the butterflies could lead to a specialization on this configuration in two ways: to help find PA plants and to utilize these components in sexual chemical communication. A later appearance of (7S)-PAs in plants could have selected an enzymatic system for the inversion of this chiral center in order to continue producing (7R)-PA-derived pheromones. (2) The inversion would be due to the evolution of a enzyme system specialized in the transport of (7R)-PAs to the integument; the failure of this system to carry (7S)-PAs led to an enzymatic system to invert them to transportable (7R)-PAs. In this case, the 7R configuration is an effect and not a cause of (7R)-PA-derived pheromones. In both hypotheses, the partial inversion of the 3-asymmetric center, when the butterfly was fed intermedine (3), rinderine (4), and supinine (6), could be fortuitous due to the conformation of the molecule and/or the enzymatic system.This paper is part of the doctoral thesis of J.R.T.  相似文献   

The checkerspot butterfly,Euphydryas anicia, utilizes mainlyBesseya plantaginea and only occasionallyCastilleja integra as a larval hostplant at Michigan Hill, a few kilometers from a site whereC. integra is used by over 90% of the butterflies. TheB. plantaginea leaves that are consumed contain 9–22% iridoid glycosides, composed mainly of catalpol and catalpol esters, while larvae from the same plants contain 6–18% iridoids, mainly catalpol and no esters. Field-collected adult butterflies contain 0.5–4.3% iridoids. Laboratory-reared adults secrete iridoids in the meconium upon eclosion and retain similar amounts. The adult and meconium iridoid content is considerably lower than in the larvae, and metabolism in the pupal stage may be occurring.This work was supported by grant CHE-8521382 from the National Science Foundation. Paper 13 in the series Chemistry of the Scrophulariaceae. Paper 12: G.N. Belofsky and F.R. Stermitz,J. Nat. Prod. 51:614–616, 1988.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of a set of four biosynthetically related iridoid glycosides, aucubin, catalpol, loganin, and asperuloside, on larvae of a generalist,Lymantria dispar (Lymantriidae), the gypsy moth, and an adapted specialist, the buckeye,Junonia coenia (Nymphalidae). In general,L. dispar grew and survived significantly less well on artificial diets containing iridoid glycoside, compared to a control diet without iridoid glycosides. In choice tests, previous exposure to a diet containing iridoid glycosides caused larvae subsequently to prefer iridoid glycoside-containing diets even though they were detrimental to growth and survival. In contrast,J coenia larvae grew and survived better on diets with aucubin and catalpol, the two iridoid glycosides found in the host plantPlantago lanceolata (Plantaginaceae), than on diets with no iridoid glycoside or with loganin and asperuloside. The results of choice tests of diets with and without iridoid glycosides and between diets with different iridoid glycosides reflected these differences as well. These results are discussed in terms of (1) differences between generalists and specialists in their response to qualitative variation in plant allelochemical content, (2) the induction of feeding preferences, and (3) the evolution of qualitative allelochemical variation as a plant defense.  相似文献   

Pedicularis semibarbata is apparently an obligate hemiparasite of coniferous trees. It is also a facultative parasite ofLupinus fulcratus from which we find that it obtains quinolizidine alkaloids, principally -isolupanine. As a result, a single population ofP. semibarbata contains both alkaloidrich and alkaloid-free plants. The butterflyEuphydryas editha naturally oviposits on both plant types. This butterfly population, which is the principal herbivore attackingP. semibarbata at this site, is known to contain two morphs. Individuals of a specialist morph discriminate when ovipositing among individualP. semibarbata plants and produce offspring that survive better on accepted than on rejected plants. Those of a generalist morph accept allP. semibarbata plants and produce offspring that survive equally well on plants accepted or rejected by the discriminating morph. Because of the existence of this complex variation among the butterflies, the presence of naturally laid eggs on alkaloid-containing plants still leaves the possibility that the alkaloids may defend the plants against the specialist morph. In experiments on both oviposition preference and larval performance in early instars, we failed to detect any correlation between alkaloid content of a plant and either its acceptability to or suitability for the discriminating morph of the insect. Alkaloid presence in the host-plant population, achieved through root parasitism, is currently neither subject to strong insect-mediated selection nor a major cause of selection on the insects.  相似文献   

(Z)-11-Hexadecen-1-ol acetate (Z11–16Ac) free of theE isomer (<1%), hexadecan-1-ol acetate (16 Ac), and a hexadecen-1-ol [the (Z)-11 isomer based on the retention time on a Carbowax capillary column] were identified in extracts of the sex pheromone glands of adult virgin female armyworms,Pseudaletia unipuncta. Also, gas Chromatographic retention times on polar and nonpolar columns indicated the possible presence of (Z)-9-hexadecen-1-ol acetate (Z9–16Ac). The ratioZ11–16Ac/16Ac/Z11–16OH/Z9–16Ac was Infield testsZ11–16 Ac was attractive alone, and the addition ofZ9–16Ac,Zll–16 OH, or 16 Ac singly or in combination in ratios found in the gland did not increase trap capture.Mention of a proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement of this product by the USDA.  相似文献   

Plants use a diverse mix of defenses against herbivores, including multiple secondary metabolites, which may affect herbivores synergistically. Chemical defenses also can affect natural enemies of herbivores via limiting herbivore populations or by affecting herbivore resistance or susceptibility to these enemies. In this study, we conducted larval feeding experiments to examine the potential synergistic effects of iridoid glycosides (IGs) found in Plantago spp. (Plantaginaceae) on the specialist buckeye caterpillar, Junonia coenia (Nymphalidae). Caterpillars were placed on artificial diets containing different concentrations of single IGs (aucubin or catalpol alone) or combinations of the two IGs. Larval performance and immune response were recorded to test the hypothesis that IGs would have positive synergistic effects on buckeyes, which are specialists on IG plants. The positive synergistic effects that IGs had on buckeyes in our experiments included lower mortality, faster development, and higher total iridoid glycoside sequestration on mixed diets than on aucubin- or catalpol-only diets. Furthermore, we found negative synergistic effects of IGs on the immune response of buckeye caterpillars. These results demonstrate multiple synergistic effects of IGs and indicate a potential trade-off between larval performance and parasitoid resistance.  相似文献   

The major volatile components in the extract of the female sex pheromone gland ofAmorbia cuneana consisted of (E,E)- and (E,Z)-10,12-tetradecadien-1-ol acetates. The identification was based on electroantennogram bioassay of gas Chromatographic effluent from sex pheromone gland extract, relative retention times on polar and nonpolar gas chromatographic columns, chemical degradation (ozonolysis, saponification), mass spectrometry, chemical synthetic methods, and field tests. Based on mass spectrometry and retention times by capillary gas chromatography, traces of (E)-10-tetradecen-1-ol acetate and 1-tetradecanol acetate were also present in the extract. Traps baited with a combination of synthetic (E,E)- and (E,Z)-10,12-tetradecadien-1-ol acetates caught more males than did traps baited with females.This paper reports the results of research only. Mention of a commercial product in this paper does not constitute a recommendation by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

(E)-11,13-Tetradecadienal (E11,13–14:Ald) is the major sex pheromone component of the eastern blackheaded budworm (EBB),Acleris variana (Fern.). The compound was identified in female pheromone gland extracts by coupled gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD), coupled GC-mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode, and retention index calculations of candidate pheromone components.E11,13–14:Ald alone as trap bait was very attractive to male EBB. Addition of the corresponding diene alcohol or acetate or both did not enhance attraction. (Z)-11,13-Tetradecadienal in binary combination with (E)-11,13–14:Ald neither enhanced nor reduced trap catches. Increasing the amounts of pheromone from 0.01 to 10 µg increased trap catches, but increase of pheromone quantity above 100 µg proportionately reduced attraction. Stabilization of slowly polymerizingE11,13–14:Ald and development of a sustained, adequate release rate is required for pheromone-based monitoring of EBB populations.  相似文献   

Baker  R.  Herbert  R. H.  Neequaye  N. N.  Rao  K. N. 《Journal of chemical ecology》1985,11(8):989-998
The major volatile component in the extract of the female sex pheromone gland ofScrobipalpa heliopa was shown to be (E)-3-tridecen-1-ol acetate (V). The identification was based on mass spectral analyses, comparison of retention times with those of synthetic compounds on polar, nonpolar, and liquid crystal gas chromatographic columns and microchemical studies. The latter included hydrolysis and reacetylation, and mass spectral studies of the derivatives formed by epoxidation and methoxymercuration-demercuration. Analysis of gland extracts by gas chromatography linked to electroantennography showed this component to be the only one with significant biological activity, similar to that of the synthetic compound. (E)-3-Tridecenyl acetate (V) attracted male moths to traps in the field while addition of theZ isomer (III) reduced the numbers of moths caught.  相似文献   

Two methylated hydrocarbons, 7-methylheptadecane (7) and 7,11-dimethylheptadecane (7,11), are female sex pheromone components of the spring hemlock looper (SHL),Lambdina athasaria (Walker). Compounds extracted from female pheromone glands were identified by coupled gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) and coupled GC-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) in selected ion monitoring mode. In field trapping experiments, (7) and (7,11) by themselves were behaviorally inactive, but in combination attracted numerous male moths. (5,11)-Dimethylheptadecane (5,11) was detected in female SHL pheromone gland extracts, but did not enhance attraction to the binary blend of (7) and (7,11). The sex pheromone of SHL is related to that of congeneric eastern hemlock looper (EHL),Lambdina fiscellaria fiscellaria (Guen.) [(5,11) and 2,5-dimethylheptadecane (2,5)] and western hemlock looper (WHL),L.f. lugubrosa (Hulst) [(5,11), (2,5) and (7)]. Specificity of the pheromonal blend, spatial separation of coseasonal EHL and WHL, and temporal separation of sympatric EHL and SHL contribute to reproductive isolation.Dedicated to my father, Johannes Dinter, in honor of his 73th birthday.  相似文献   

Multispecies sex pheromone trapping (trapping of more than one species in the same trap) for the bollworm,Helicoverpa (Heliothis) zea (Boddie); fall armyworm,Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith); armyworm,Pseudaletia unipuncta (Haworth); and the black cutworm,Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel) was evaluated. Baiting of individual traps with all possible combinations of the four species taken two at a time caused a reduction in the catches of at least one of any two species involved when compared to traps baited for only one species. These results demonstrated the species specificity of sex pheromones identified for these species. Although the effects were reduced in some cases, the interaction between species also was observed when adjacent traps were baited with the sex pheromone dispensers of the different species. These results indicate that the spacing between pheromone traps when more than one species are being trapped at the same site affects trap capture and should be evaluated further.This paper reports the results of research only. Mention of a commercial or proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement by the USDA.  相似文献   

The female sex pheromone of the Asian com borer,Ostrinia furnacalis, widespread in Taiwan, was confirmed as (Z)-12-tetradecenyl acetate and its geometric isomer (E)-12-tetradecenyl acetate in a ratio of ca. 31 by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode. Males were attracted by the mixture of these two synthetic components in the field, but the attractiveness was less than by virgin females. The presence of minor components in the sex pheromone was therefore suggested.  相似文献   

Heptane extracts of the ovipositors from pickleworm adults (Diaphania nitidalis) were found to contain (E)-11-hexadecenal along with proportionally smaller amounts of (Z)-11-hexadecenal, (E)- and (Z)-11-hexadecen-1-ol, hexadecanol, hexadecanal, and a trace amount of (E,Z)-10,12-hexadecadienal. Assays conducted in a flight tunnel and in the field showed that a synthetic mixture of the five unsaturated compounds elicited behavioral responses from pickleworm males that were indistinguishable from those elicited by extracts of the female or by mate-calling females. When any component was deleted from the set of five unsaturated compounds, the intensity and extent of male responses to the resulting mixtures were significantly attenuated. The female sex pheromone of the pickleworm resembles the pheromone of a congeneric species,D. hyalinata, but bioassays indicated that (E,E)-10,12-hexadecadienal, produced byD. hyalinata but not by the pickleworm, plays a role in pheromonal specificity.  相似文献   

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