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This paper is to consider dynamic output feedback H control of mean‐field type for stochastic discrete‐time systems with state‐ and disturbance‐dependent noise. A stochastic bounded real lemma (SBRL) of mean‐field type is derived. Based on the SBRL, a sufficient condition with the form of coupled nonlinear matrix inequalities is derived for the existence of a stabilizing H controller. Moreover, a numerical example is given to examine the effectiveness of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this paper, robust H control of a class of discrete‐time uncertain systems in state‐space form with linear nominal parts and norm‐bounded nonlinear uncertainties in both state and output equations is discussed. Such systems have a unique characterisic; that is, the two norm‐bounded nonlinear uncertainties have the equivalent representation by means of time‐varying and norm‐bounded linear uncertainties. To overcome the conservativenss of [5], the two nonlinear uncertainty sets are considered to be different. Then, by converting such systems into related discrete‐time linear systems with time‐varying and norm‐bounded linear uncertainties, we obtain that a sufficient condition for robust H control of such systems is equivalent to the solvability of the same problem of the related linear uncertain systems, which is solvable by means of a linear algebraic Riccati inequality.  相似文献   

This paper proposes state and unknown input (UI) observers for linear parameter varying (LPV) systems affected by UI and perturbations in both state and measurement equations. The estimation is done by minimizing the L2 transfer between the perturbations and the state estimation error (H‐observation). The originality of the paper is to provide a generalization of existing works, specially by relaxing an assumption on systems matrices, widely used for UI decoupling. After giving the main results, some examples illustrate the theoretical contributions and give comparisons to former publications.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of delay‐dependent H filtering for spatially interconnected time‐delay systems (SITSs) with interconnected chains in finite frequency domains. First, a multidimensional (N‐D) hybrid time‐delay Roesser model and a delay‐dependent finite frequency bounded ream lemma (BRL) for SITSs with interconnected chains are proposed. Then, using the obtained delay‐dependent finite frequency BRL, a finite frequency H filter design method can be derived by solving a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Finally, a practical example is provided to clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

An H‐type control is considered for mean‐field stochastic differential equations (SDEs) in this paper. A stochastic bounded real lemma (SBRL) is proved for mean‐field stochastic continuous‐time systems with state‐ and disturbance‐dependent noise. Based on SBRL, a sufficient condition is given for the existence of a stabilizing H controller in terms of coupled nonlinear matrix inequalities.  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach to discrete‐time robust H control for a class of nonlinear uncertain systems on the basis of the use of Sum Quadratic Constraints. The approach involves controllers, which include copies of the system nonlinearities in the controller. The nonlinearities being considered are those that satisfy a certain global Lipschitz condition. The linear part of the controller is synthesized using linear robust H control theory, and this leads to a nonlinear controller, which gives an upper bound on the attainable disturbance attenuation level. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the H control problem for a class of continuous‐time switched systems subject to state constraints with an improved average dwell time. The state constraints are converted into state saturations by limiting the state in a unit hypercube. By employing this proposed improved average dwell time method, which takes into account different decay rates of a Lyapunov function related to an active subsystem according to whether the saturations occur or not, the resulting minimum of admissible average dwell time is smaller than the one of the standard average dwell time, which only considers the same decay rate regardless of whether the saturations occur or not. In addition, switched state feedback controllers are designed such that the closed‐loop switched system, subject to state constraints, is asymptotically stable and achieves a weighted L2‐gain. Sufficient conditions for H control of the switched system with state constraints are derived before an application to a Pulse‐Width‐Modulation (PWM)‐driven boost converter is given to illustrate the applicability and the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of designing an Hfuzzy state‐ feedback (SF) plus state‐derivative‐feedback (SDF) control system for photovoltaic (PV) systems based on a linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach. The TS fuzzy controller is designed on the basis of the Takagi‐Sugeno (TS) fuzzy model. The sufficient condition is found such that the system with the fuzzy controller is asymptotically stable and an Hperformance is satisfied. First, a dc/dc buck converter is considered to regulate the power output by controlling state and state‐derivative variables of PV systems. The dynamic model of PV systems is approximated by the TS fuzzy model in the form of nonlinear systems. Then, based on a well‐known Lyapunov functional approach, the synthetic is formulated of an Hfuzzy SF plus SDF control law, which guarantees the L2‐gain from an exogenous input to the regulated output to be less than or equal to some prescribed value. Finally, to show effectiveness, the simulation of the PV systems with the proposed control is assessed by the computer programme. The proposed control method shows good performance for power output and high stability for the PV system.  相似文献   

In this paper, the definition of robust finite‐time H control is presented for a class of disturbed systems. Time‐varying norm‐bounded exogenous disturbance is considered in the system. A state feedback controller is designed, via a Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs) approach, which ensures that the closed‐loop system is finite‐time bounded (FTB) and reduces the effect of the disturbance input on the controlled output to a prescribed level. The main result, derived by Lyapunov functions, is a sufficient condition for FTB of disturbed systems and the sufficient condition can be reduced to a feasibility problem involving LMIs. Then a DC motor position control problem is simulated as a demonstration for this study. Simulation results are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed method as a promising approach for controlling similar disturbed systems.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the H control problem for general nonlinear systems under sampled measurements. Sufficient conditions for the existence of H output feedback controllers are derived. The major contribution of this paper is to characterize a family of H output feedback controllers for nonaffine nonlinear systems under sampled measurements.  相似文献   

This paper studies the resilient (non‐fragile) H∞ output‐feedback control design for discrete‐time uncertain linear systems with controller uncertainty. The design considers parametric norm‐bounded uncertainty in all state‐space matrices of the system, output and controller equations. The paper shows that the resilient H∞ output‐feedback control problem is equivalent to a scaled H∞ output‐feedback control problem of an auxiliary system without any system or controller uncertainty. Using the existing optimal H∞ design to solve the auxiliary system, the design guarantees that the resultant closed‐loop systems are quadratically stable with disturbance attenuation γ for all admissible system and controller uncertainties. A numerical example is given to illustrate the design method and its benefits.  相似文献   

The exponential H filtering problem of discrete‐time switched state‐delay systems under asynchronous switching is considered in this paper. The objective is to design a full‐order or reduced‐order switched filter guaranteeing the exponential stability with the weighted H performance of the filtering error system. A sufficient condition for the exponential stability with the weighted H performance of the filtering error system is provided based on delay‐dependent multiple Lyapunov‐Krasovskii functionals. The gains of the filter can be obtained by solving a set of linear matrix inequalities. A numerical example is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed results.  相似文献   

This article studies the problem of H filtering for linear discrete‐time systems with state delay. Via delay partitioning idea, two new H filter design methods are proposed with much less conservatism than most existing results. The improvement lies in constructing two new Lyapunov–Krasovskii functionals by partitioning the known constant lower bound of delay into several segments equally. Using free‐weighting matrix and Jensen inequality methods, two new delay‐dependent bound real lemmas (BRLs) are obtained, which depend on both the delay and the partitioning number. Based on the obtained BRLs, new H filter design approaches are proposed in terms of linear matrix inequalities. The results are immediately extended to multiple time delay case and polytopic uncertain case, respectively. Three numerical examples are presented to illustrate the effectiveness and advantage of the proposed approaches. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Linear, state‐delayed, continuous‐time systems are considered with both stochastic and norm‐bounded deterministic uncertainties in the state–space model. The problem of robust dynamic H output‐feedback control is solved, for the stationary case, via the input–output approach where the system is replaced by a nonretarded system with additional deterministic norm‐bounded uncertainties. A delay‐dependent result is obtained which involves the solution of a simple linear matrix inequality. In this problem, a cost function is defined which is the expected value of the standard H performance cost with respect to the stochastic parameters. A practical example taken from the field of guidance control is given that demonstrates the applicability of the theory. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper considers quadratic stabilizability and H feedback control for stochastic discrete‐time uncertain systems with state‐ and control‐dependent noise. Specifically, the uncertain parameters considered are norm‐bounded and external disturbance is an l2‐square summable stochastic process. Firstly, both quadratic stability and quadratic stabilization criteria are presented in the form of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Then we design the robust H state and output feedback H controllers such that the system with admissible uncertainties is not only quadratically internally stable but also robust H controllable. Sufficient conditions for the existence of the desired robust H controllers are obtained via LMIs. Finally, some examples are supplied to illustrate the effectiveness of our results.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the quantized state feedback H control problem for discrete‐time linear time‐invariant systems. The quantizer considered here is dynamic and composed of an adjustable “zoom” parameter and a static quantizer. Static quantizer ranges are with practical significance and fully considered here. A quantized H controller design strategy is proposed with taking quantizer errors into account, where an iterative linear matrix inequality (LMI) based optimization algorithm is developed to minimize static quantizer ranges with meeting H performance requirement for quantized closed‐loop systems. An example is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of a generalized type of H control is investigated for continuous‐time singular systems, which treats a mixed attenuation of exogenous inputs and initial conditions. First, a performance measure that is essentially the worst‐case norm of the regulated outputs over all exogenous inputs and initial conditions is introduced. A necessary and sufficient condition is obtained to ensure the singular system to be admissible and the performance measure to be less than a prescribed scalar. Based on the criterion a sufficient condition for the existence of a state‐feedback controller is established in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Moreover, the relationship between the performance measure and the standard H norm of the system is provided. Two numerical examples are given to demonstrate the properties of the obtained results.  相似文献   

In this paper, both state and output feedback robust H control problems for general nonlinear systems with norm‐bound uncertainty are considered. Sufficient conditions for the existence of robust output feedback H controller are provided. State space formulas for robust H output controller are provided.  相似文献   

The H control of a class of the uncertain switched nonlinear cascaded systems with time delay is explored in this paper via the multiple Lyapunov functions. The considered systems are assumed to comprise an inherently nonlinear and a linearizable nonlinear dynamic system that may be non‐minimum phase. A group of partial differential inequalities containing adjustable functions are used in the control design task. The state feedback controllers and a suitable switching law are designed simultaneously so as to achieve the desired disturbance attenuation while preserving asymptotic stability for all admissible uncertainties. The partial differential inequalities are of lower dimension than general Hamilton–Jacobi inequalities, and therefore the solving process is feasible. This particular technique is applicable even if no subsystem is asymptotically stable. The non‐minimum phase property is compensated for by means of an appropriate switching mechanism. A robust H control for non‐switched cascade system with time delay is obtained in addition. An illustrative example is given to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed design method.  相似文献   

In this paper, the stabilization of stochastic coupled systems (SCSs) with time delay via feedback control based on discrete‐time state observations is investigated. We use the discrete‐time state feedback control to stabilize stochastic coupled systems with time delay. Moreover, by employing Lyapunov method and graph theory, the upper bound of the duration between two consecutive state observations is obtained and some criteria are established to guarantee the stabilization in sense of ‐stability and mean‐square asymptotic stability of SCSs with time delay via feedback control based on discrete‐time state observations. In addition, to verify the theoretical results, stochastic coupled oscillators with time delay are performed. At last, a numerical example is given to illustrate the applicability and effectiveness of our analytical results.  相似文献   

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