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In this paper, the effects of the passive technique by using the slotted wall on the characteristics of a condensation shock wave generated in a Prandtl-Meyer flow were investigated experimentally. Furthermore, in order to clarify the variation of condensation properties in the flow field, Navier-Stokes equations were solved numerically using a 3rd-order MUSCL type TVD finite-difference scheme with a second-order fractional-step for time integration. Baldwin-Lomax model was used as a turbulence model in the computations. From experimental results, it was found that the shock strength on the slotted wall became weak in comparison with no passive case (solid wall), and the present passive technique was the most effective when a foot of the condensation shock wave was located at the middle of slotted wall. Furthermore, it was confirmed numerically that the passive technique was also effective for the unsteady condensation shock wave.  相似文献   

In the present study, effect of the heterogeneous condensation on the characteristics of shock wave generated on the bump model in the transonic flow field was investigated numerically. As a result, it was found that, for the flow field with steady adiabatic shock wave on the bump model, the condensation with heterogeneous nucleation has a strong effect on the whole flow field, and it reduced the strength of the shock. Furthermore, the total pressure loss was dependent on the concentration of the solid particles per unit volume.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTwomethodsarepresentedhereforthecalculationoftransonicfiowsarotmdairfoilsincludingshock-controldevices.Theuseofblowingandsuction,tIiroughaperforatedplatebelowtheshock-boundarylayerioteractionzone3ispresentinordertominidrizethewavedrag,duetothepresenceoftheshock,topreventtheshock-inducedseparationandinordertoalleviatetheoccurrenceoftheannoyingbthetphesnomenon.Theaimofthispaperistoinvestigatewaysofpredictingthecomplicatedphenomenapreseotintheshock-boundarylayerillteractionregion…  相似文献   

luttoductionMany studies on condensation occwhng in the caseof the rapid expansion of moist air mr steam in asupersonic nozzle have been performed experimentallyand numerically, and the characteristics of condensationhave been nearly clchfiedll4]. Schnerr et al.[5] and lriya atal.le] investigated the effect of condensation on thestrength of shock wave on suiface of wing, drag and liftnumerically. However, the. effect of condensation on theshock wave on s~e of wing and talulences behindshock wa…  相似文献   

Control of supersonic flow fields with shock wave is important for some industrial fields. There are many studies for control of the supersonic flow fields using active or passive control. When non-equilibrium condensation occurs in a supersonic flow field, the flow is affected by latent heat released. Many studies for the condensation have been conducted and the characteristics have been almost clarified. Further, it was found that non-equilibrium condensation can control the flow field. In these studies, the condensation occurs across the passage of the flow field and it causes the total pressure loss in the flow field. However, local occurrence of non-equilibrium condensation in the flow field may change the characteristics of total pressure loss compared with that by the condensation across the passage of the nozzle and there are few for researches of locally occurred non-equilibrium condensation in supersonic flow field. The purpose in the present study is to clarify the effect of local occurrence of non-equilibrium condensation on the transonic flow field in a nozzle with a circular bump. As a result, local occurrence of non-equilibrium condensation reduced the shock strength and total pressure loss in the transonic flow field by flowing the moist air from trailing edge of the circular bump to the mainstream.  相似文献   

The time-dependent behavior of non-equilibrium condensation of moist air through a Ludwieg tube with a diaphragm downstream is investigated by using a computational fluid dynamics work. The two-dimensional, compressible, Navier-Stokes equations, fully coupled with the condensate droplet growth equations, are numerically solved by a third-order MUSCL type TVD finite-difference scheme with a second-order fractional time step. Baldwin-Lomax turbulence model is employed to close the governing equations. The present computations represent the experimental flows well. The results obtained show that for an initial relative humidity over 40 %, the periodic excursions of the condensation shock occurs in the Ludwieg tube, and the frequency increases with the initial relative humidity. It is also found that total pressure loss due to non-equilibrium condensation in the Ludwieg tube should not be ignored even for a very low initial relative humidity. Furthermore, the variations of condensation properties are also di  相似文献   

IntroductionA rapid expansion of moist air or steam in asupersonic nozzle gives rise to nonequilibriumcondensation phenomena. Thereby, the nozzle flow isaffected by the latent heat released by condensation ofwater vapouf, and if the heat released exceeds a certainquantity, a condensation shock wave will occur[1-4].Many works for the passive contfol of shockboundary layer interaction using the porous wall with aplenum underneath have been repofted on the applicationof the technique tO tfansonic…  相似文献   

IntroductionIn the case of moist air or steam rapidly expanding ina supersonic nozzle, nollequilibrium condensation occursin the flow field and the flow will be affected by thelatent heat leleased by condensationll-4]. Thereby, if theheat exceeds a certain quantity, the flow will becomeunstable and oscillations of a periodic flow occurs[5-91. Forthe unsteady condensation shock wave, it is blown thatthere are three types of oscillationslg]. These types aredescribed below:1. Mode l: A condensat…  相似文献   

The unsteady phenomena in the transonic flow around airfoils are observed in the flow field of fan,compressorblades and butterfly valves,and this often causes serious problems such as the aeroacoustic noise,the vibration.In the transonic or supersonic flow where vapour is contained in the main flow,the rapid expansion of the flowmay give rise to a non-equilibrium condensation.However,the effect of non-equilibrium condensation on thetransonic internal flows around the airfoil has not yet been clarified satisfactorily.In the present study,the effectof non-equilibrium condensation of moist air on the self-excited shock wave oscillation on a circular arc bladewas investigated numerically.The results showed that in the case with non-equilibrium condensation,frequenciesof the flow oscillation became smaller than those without the non-equilibrium condensation.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations have been carried out for a supersonic two-dimensional flow over open,rectangular cavi-ties(length-to-depth ratios are L/D=1.0 and 3.0)in order to investigate the effect of non-equilibrium condensa-tion of moist air on supersonic internal flows around the cavity for the flow Mach number 1.83 at the cavity en-trance.In the present computational investigation,a condensing flow was produced by an expansion of moist airin a Laval nozzle.The computational results showed that the upstream traveling compression waves becomeweaker than those without the condensation.Consequently,the weaker compression waves cannot excite theshear layer strongly and amplitudes of oscillation in the cavity became smaller than those without the condensa-tion.The occurrence of the non-equilibrium condensation in case of L/D=1.0 affected strongly the amplitude andfrequency of oscillation in the cavity compared with L/D=3.0.  相似文献   

Based on the two-phase wet steam flow with spontaneous condensation,experimental verification and flow analysis on nozzle and 2D cascade are carried out.The 3D Reynolds-Averaged gas-liquid two-phase flow control equation solver is explored with k ε k p turbulence model.Furthermore,3D flow numerical simulation on the last stage stator of the steam turbine is carried out.The results show that a sudden pressure rise on blade suction surface is mainly caused by the droplet growth in condensation flow.The more backward the condensation position is in cascade passage,the less the sudden pressure rise from condensation is,and the larger the nucleation rate is,the maximum under-cooling and the number of droplets per unit volume are.Interaction of condensation wave and shock wave has imposed greater influence on the parameters of the blade cascade outlet.  相似文献   

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