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IntroductionWhen a Pressure wave such as the shock waveprOPagates along a constant area straight tube andreaches at the open end, an impulsive wave is emittedOutward from the tube exit toward the surrounding areaand causes an impulsive noise laal a sonic boomproduced by a supersonic aircraft. Therefore, someauthors have investigated the discharge of a weakcompression wave from an open end in order to reducethe impulsive noise in relation to'the high speed railWaytUImel in the previous paped'…  相似文献   

The major flow physics of the unsteady condensation in the subsonic flows induced by the unsteady expansion waves in shock tube was studied in this paper. The unsteady condensation phenomenon was analyzed by using the two-dimensional, unsteady, Navier-Stokes equations, which were fully coupled with a droplet growth equation. The third-order TVD MUSCL scheme was applied to solve the governing equation systems. The computational results were compared with the previous experimental data. The time-dependent behavior of unsteady condensation of moist air in shock tube was investigated in details. The results show that the major characteristics of the unsteady condensation phenomenon in shock tube are very different from those in the supersonic wind tunnels.  相似文献   

Wave rotor is expected to improve the performance of micro gas turbines drastically. In the wave rotor design, the rotor speed is determined principally by the tube length. Therefore, a longer tube is preferable for miniaturized wave rotors to avoid the difficulty in bearings and lubrication system, while it may yield thicker wall boundary layer, shock wave dissipation and so on. In the present study, an experimental apparatus was built to visualize the wave rotor internal flow dynamics in a narrow tube by schlieren method and Laser Doppler Anemometry. In addi- tion, different lengths of the tube were adopted and compared to investigate the effect of wall friction. Finally, 2D numerical simulation was performed and the results were compared with those of experiments.  相似文献   

This paper describes computational work to understand the unsteady flow-field of a shock wave discharging froman exit of a duct and impinging upon a flat plate.A flat plate is located downstream, and normal to the axis of theduct.The distance between the exit of the duct and fiat plate is changed.In the present study,two different ductgeometries(i.e.,square and cross section)are simulated to investigate the effect of duct geometry on theun-steady flows of a shock wave.In computation,the total variation diminishing(TVD)scheme is employed tosolve three-dimensional,unsteady,compressible,Euler equations.Computations are performed over the range ofshock Mach number from 1.05 to 1.75.Computational results can predict the three-dimensional dynamic behav-iour of the shock wave impinging upon the flat plate.The results obtained show that the pressure increase gener-ated on the plate by the shock impingement depends on the duct geometry and the distance between the duct exitand plate,as well as the shock Mach number.It is also found that for the duct with cross-section,the unsteadyloads acting on the flat plate are less,compared with the square duct.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONUnsteadycompressiblegasflowthroughaductisoftenencoullteredinmanyengineeringapplicationsandhasbeeninvestigatedbymanyresearchers.Whenapressurewavegeneratedinsideaductisdischargedfromanopenendoftheduct.animpulsivewave,whichcanbefrequentlycha...  相似文献   

The present computational study addresses the attenuation of the shock wave propagating in a duct, using a porous wall/cavity system. In the present study, a weak shock wave propagating over the porous wall/cavity system is investigated with computational fluid dynamics. A total variation diminishing scheme is employed to solve the unsteady, two-dimensional, compressible, Navier-Stokes equations. The Mach number of an initial shock wave is changed in the range from 1.02 to 1.12. Several different types of porous wall/cavity systems are tested to investigate the passive control effects. The results show that wall pressure strongly fluctuates due to diffraction and reflection processes of the shock waves behind the incident shock wave. From the results, it is understood that for effective alleviation of tunnel impulse waves, the length of the perforated region should be sufficiently long.  相似文献   

When an expansion wave propagated along a constant area straight tube reaches at the open end, the negative impulsive wave and the compression wave are formed by the emission and reflection of expansion wave. The negative impulsive wave is emitted toward the surrounding area and causes an impulsive noise like the sonic boom. The compression wave propagates in the tube toward the upstream and may cause the impulsive noise at the surrounding area of tube portal. With the advance of industrial engineering, it seems that the discharging of the expansion wave will become important problems. In this study, the experimental and numerical investigations are carried out using the shock tube and the TVD numerical method. The formation process of compression wave near the open end, the relationship with the compression wave and the expansion wave and the characteristics of compression wave are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, the effects of the passive technique by using the slotted wall on the characteristics of a condensation shock wave generated in a Prandtl-Meyer flow were investigated experimentally. Furthermore, in order to clarify the variation of condensation properties in the flow field, Navier-Stokes equations were solved numerically using a 3rd-order MUSCL type TVD finite-difference scheme with a second-order fractional-step for time integration. Baldwin-Lomax model was used as a turbulence model in the computations. From experimental results, it was found that the shock strength on the slotted wall became weak in comparison with no passive case (solid wall), and the present passive technique was the most effective when a foot of the condensation shock wave was located at the middle of slotted wall. Furthermore, it was confirmed numerically that the passive technique was also effective for the unsteady condensation shock wave.  相似文献   

NumericalSimulationofaNegativeImpulsiveWaveToshiakiSETOGUCHI;ManabuTAKAO(DepartmentofMechanicalEngmeering,SagaUniversity,Honj...  相似文献   

In the present study,a computational fluid dynamics work was performed to investigate the occurrence of the shock wave by condensation in supersonic moist air jet.The unsteady,compressible axisymmetric Navier-Stokes equation is solved by TVD(Total Variation Diminishing) scheme in this study.The numerical simulations have been performed for low pressure ratio and various humidities.The results show the occurrence of the shock wave in supersonic moist air jet for a low pressure ratio when Mach disk does not occur,depending on humidity of the air.  相似文献   

A twin unidirectional impulse turbine has been proposed in order to enhance the performance of wave energy plant.This turbine system uses two unidirectional impulse turbines and their flow direction is different from each other.However,the turbine characteristics have not been clarified to date.The performances of a unidirectional impulse turbine under steady flow conditions were investigated experimentally by using a wind tunnel with large piston/cylinder in this study.Then,efficiency of the twin impulse turbine have been estimated by a quasi-steady analysis using experimental results.  相似文献   

This paper presents the work carried out to predict the behavior of a 0.6 m Impulse turbine with fixed guide vanes with 0.6 hub-to-tip (H/T) ratio under real sea conditions. In order to predict the true performance of the actual Oscillating Water Column (OWC), the numerical technique has been fine tuned by incorporating the compressibility effect. Water surface elevation verses time history based on Pierson Moskowitz Spectra was used as the input data. Standard numerical techniques were employed to solve the non-linear behavior of the sea waves. The effect due to compressibility inside the air chamber and turbine performance under unsteady and irregular flow condition has been analyzed numerically. Considering the quasi-steady assumptions, unidirectional steady flow experimental data was used to simulate the turbine characteristics under irregular unsteady flow conditions. The results show that the performance of this type of turbine is quite stable and efficiency of air chamber and the mean conversion  相似文献   

The flow in transonic diffusers as well as in supersonic air intakes becomes often unsteady due to shock wave boundary layer interaction. The oscillations may be induced by natural separation unsteadiness or may be forced by boundary conditions. Significant improvement of CFD tools, increase of computer resources as well as development of experimental methods have again.drawn the attention of researchers to this topic. To investigate the problem forced oscillations of transonic turbulent flow in asymmetric two-dimensional Laval nozzle were considered. A viscous, perfect gas flow, was numerically simulated using the Reynolds-averaged compressible Navier-Stokes solver SPARC, employing a two-equation, eddy viscosity, turbulence closure in the URANS approach.For time-dependent and stationary flow simulations, Mach numbers upstream of the shock between 1.2 and 1.4 were considered. Comparison of computed and experimental data for steady states generally gave acceptable agreement. In the case of forced oscilla  相似文献   

The contact face and shock wave motion in an open ends receiving tube of gas waverefrigerator are investigated numerically and experimentally.The results show that,velocity of the contact face rises rapidly as gas is injected into the receiving tube,anddrops sharply after a steady propagation.However,velocity of the shock wave in thetube is almost linear.With increasing of inlet pressure,velocity of the shock waveand steady velocity of contact face also increase.In addition, time and distance ofcontact face propagation in the receiving tube become longer.  相似文献   

The time-dependent behavior of non-equilibrium condensation of moist air through a Ludwieg tube with a diaphragm downstream is investigated by using a computational fluid dynamics work. The two-dimensional, compressible, Navier-Stokes equations, fully coupled with the condensate droplet growth equations, are numerically solved by a third-order MUSCL type TVD finite-difference scheme with a second-order fractional time step. Baldwin-Lomax turbulence model is employed to close the governing equations. The present computations represent the experimental flows well. The results obtained show that for an initial relative humidity over 40 %, the periodic excursions of the condensation shock occurs in the Ludwieg tube, and the frequency increases with the initial relative humidity. It is also found that total pressure loss due to non-equilibrium condensation in the Ludwieg tube should not be ignored even for a very low initial relative humidity. Furthermore, the variations of condensation properties are also di  相似文献   

IntroductionUnder-expanded impinging jets have attracted theinterest of many researchers not only because they havepotentially engineering applications such as surfacecooling devicesl'], and plasma spray coating['], alsobecause they are not fully understood yet[' 5]. Goldsteinet al. confirmed that the stagnation temperature near thestagnation region on the impinging plate is larger thanthat in the settling chamber despite no heat added to theflow during its process from the settling chamber to…  相似文献   

Air jet loom,as one of the shuttleless looms,transports a yarn into warps using viscosity and kinetic energy of anair jet.Performance of this picking system depends on the ability of instantaneous inhalation/exhaust,configura-tion of nozzle,operation characteristics of a check valve,etc.In the recent past,many studies have been reportedon the air jet discharged from a nozzle exit,but studies for understanding the flow field characteristics associatedwith shear layer and shock wave/boundary layer interaction in the nozzle were not conducted enough.In this pa-per,a computational study was performed to explain the flow field in the air jet nozzle with an acceleration tubeand validated with previous experimental data available.The results obtained from the computational study showthat,in the supersonic flow regime,the flow field depends significantly on the length of acceleration tube.Asnozzle pressure ratio increases,drag force acting on the string also increases.For a longer acceleration tube,thetotal pressure loss is large,owing to the frictional loss.  相似文献   

In this paper, the dual underexpanded impinging jets are experimentally and numerically studied. The experiments were performed by measuring the unsteady and averaged wall static pressures and by visualizing density fields using schlieren method. Numerical calculations were also conducted by solving unsteady three dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equations with Baldwin-Lomax turbulence model. The main parameters for the dual jets are the non-dimensional distance between the two nozzle centers HID covering 1.5, 2.0, the nozzle to plate separation LID 2.0, 3.0,4.0 and 5.0 and the pressure ratio defined by po/pb 1.0~6.0, where D is the diameter of each nozzle exit, p0 the stagnation pressure and pb the back pressure. It is found that the agreement between the experiments and the calculations is good. The fountain flow at the middle of the two jets is observed both in the experiments and the calculation. According to FFT analysis of the experiments for the twin jets, relatively low frequency (up to 5  相似文献   

hit~onVortex methodsll-n Provides convenient algorithmsfor the sholation of inviscid or high Reynolds nUmberflows. They consist in concentration the voracity fieldon a dis~ nUInber of prides, which evolve, with thelocal velocity Of the flOW computed in a self-consistontway. Inffesion is handied by either adding a atomwalk to this dete~stic motion, or by exchangingvoracity between navy pndcles. For inviscid flows,their main characterishcs is that they do not in~cenUmerical diffusion and are…  相似文献   

An experimental and analytical study has been carried out to obtain the clear understanding of a shock wave transition associated with a steady two-dimensional overexpanded flow. Two-dimensional inviscid theory with respect to a shock wave reflection is used in the present study on the characteristic of shock waves. The results obtained from the flow analysis are compared with those obtained from flow visualizations. It is shown that in the region of regular reflection, the angle of an incident shock wave becomes lower than that calculated by two shock theory with an increment in the ratio pe/pb of the nozzle exit pressure pe to the back pressure pb. It is indicated that the configuration of shock waves in overexpanded jets is influenced by the divergent angle at the nozzle exit. Also it is shown from the flow visualization that a series of shock waves move into the nozzle inside with a decrease in pressure ratio pe/pb, even if the pe/pb is under overexpanded conditions.  相似文献   

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