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本文用Linearized-Muffin-Tin Orbitals能带方法,计算GaAs衬底上(ZnS)n/(ZnSe)n(001)超晶格的能带结构。计算中采用外加调整势进行带隙修正,从而得到较准确的能带结构和波函数。在此基础上计算了超晶格系统的光学介电函数虚部ε2(ω)。结果表明,该超晶格系统的光学性质结合了ZnS和ZnSe体材料光学性质的特点,在相当宽的能量范围内有较好的光谱响应,并且该超晶格 相似文献
利用远红外反射光谱和拉曼散射光谱法测量了GaAs/SrTiO3外延单晶薄膜样品,研究了这种新型异结构的晶格振动光学特性。实验结果表明:在钙钛矿型结构的SrTiO3衬底上外延生长的GaAs薄膜具有单晶结构,有与GaAs单晶体材料相同的晶格振动特性。 相似文献
正弦平方势和形变超晶格的沟道特征 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0
本文利用我们曾提出的粒子-晶体相互作用势(正弦平方势)讨论了带电粒子在形变超晶格中的运动行为,导出了共振退道时的退道系数,指出了用沟道技术研究形变超晶格的灵敏性、可靠性和重要性。 相似文献
采用激光分子束外延方法(L-MBE),在GaAs(001)衬底上同质外延GaAs薄膜。利用反射式高能电子衍射(RHEED)研究了材料沉积过程中的各级条纹及其强度的变化,进而得出GaAs薄膜外延生长的适宜激光能量和沉积温度分别为500 mJ和570℃。RHEED强度随时间的变化曲线表明,GaAs为良好的层状外延生长模式,并随着沉积时间延长,层状生长模式逐渐向岛状模式转变。实验研究还表明层状生长的GaAs薄膜经表面弛豫后,可以得到更好的平整表面,并出现GaAs(001)-(2×4)的表面重构。原位X射线光电子能谱仪(XPS)研究表明沿(001)面外延的GaAs薄膜表面Ga∶As化学计量比约为52∶48,出现Ga的聚集。 相似文献
We study the plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy of cubic GaN on GaAs(OOl) substrates by means ofin-situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction. The epilayers are characterized by x-ray diffraction, photoluminescence, and
Hall measurements, and it is found that the overall best films are grown under a N/Ga ratio close to one. For anin-situ determination of the N/Ga ratio, the growth kinetics is studied via surface reconstruction transitions. The effective N flux
giving rise to growth is measured using the transient behavior of the half-order diffraction streak intensity for various
plasma operating conditions. 相似文献
采用稀土氯化物(YCl3、LaCl3)溶液作为施主掺杂剂,在1350℃空气气氛下烧结制备一系列BaTiO3陶瓷样品。借助XRD、XRF等手段,研究了氯化物溶液掺杂对BaTiO3基PTC陶瓷性能的影响。结果显示,YCl3掺杂样品的最低室温电阻率为17?·cm、LaCl3掺杂的为47?·cm,且样品都具有一定的PTC效应。室温电阻率大幅降低的原因,是引入的Cl元素有一部分能进入晶格取代O位起施主作用。 相似文献
Zinc-blende GaN films were grown on GaAs (100) substrates by low-pressure metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy using trimethylgallium
or triethylgallium and NH3. Films grown at lower temperatures contained considerable amounts of carbon, but the carbon concentration was reduced in
high temperature growth. When the film was grown at 950°C using triethylgallium and NH3, its carbon concentration was on the order of 1017 cm−3. The crystalline and optical quality of zinc-blende GaN crystal also improved with high-temperature growth at a low V/III
ratio using a thin buffer layer. The films exhibited only one sharp photoluminescence peak at 3.20 eV with a full width at
half maximum as low as 70 meV at room temperature. 相似文献
应用晶粒生长动力学唯象理论研究籽晶模板对0.94Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-0.06 BaTiO3无铅压电织构陶瓷中等轴晶生长的影响规律,确定了等轴晶生长动力学指数和激活能,探讨了籽晶含量对无铅压电织构陶瓷等轴晶生长的作用机理。实验结果表明,当Bi2.5Na3.5Nb5O18的质量分数低于10%时,主要是界面反应控制机制;质量分数增加到15%时,以晶格扩散机制为主;质量分数增加到20%时,由晶格扩散机制转化为以晶界扩散机制为主;当其质量分数大于20%时,以界面反应机制为主。 相似文献
Synthetic Alloys: Synthetic Crystals of Silver with Carbon: 3D Epitaxy of Carbon Nanostructures in the Silver Lattice (Adv. Funct. Mater. 30/2015)

Lourdes G. Salamanca‐Riba Romaine A. Isaacs Melburne C. LeMieux Jiayu Wan Karen Gaskell Yeping Jiang Manfred Wuttig Azzam N. Mansour Sergey N. Rashkeev Maija M. Kuklja Peter Y. Zavalij Jaime R. Santiago Liangbing Hu 《Advanced functional materials》2015,25(30):4746-4746
[(Bi1-x-yLax)Na1-y]0.5BayTiO3压电陶瓷的性能与微结构 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
针对钛酸铋钠(Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3)基无铅压电铁电材料,提出了新型的ABO3型A位多重复合无铅压电陶瓷体系[(Bi1-x-yLax)Na1-y]0.5BayTiO3;利用传统陶瓷工艺和电子陶瓷公司生产中使用的原料,制备了该体系陶瓷;研究了该陶瓷的压电性质与微观结构。研究结果表明,该体系陶瓷具有单相钙钛矿结构;其压电常数d33可达183 pC/N,其机电耦合系数kp可达0.355;适量La3+对Bi3+的取代改善了压电性能;在1 175℃,2 h的烧结条件下,能够获得致密的[(Bi1-x-yLax)Na1-y]0.5BayTiO3陶瓷;La3+的引入抑制了晶粒的生长,高La含量的陶瓷晶粒较小。 相似文献
Jack W. H. Tsai Shiun Ling Julio C. Rodriguez Zarina Mustapha Siu-Wai Chan 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2001,30(4):422-431
We study the effects of (1) the variation of grain boundary energy with misorientation and (2) the large lattice misfit (>3%) between the films and substrates on grain growth in films by method of Monte Carlo simulations. The results from the grain growth simulation in YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) films was found to concur with previous experimental observation of preferred grain orientations for YBCO films deposited on various substrates such as (001) magnesium oxide (MgO) and (001) yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ). The simulation has helped us to identify three factors influencing the competition of these [001] tilt boundaries. They are: (1) the relative depths of local minima in the boundary energy vs. misorientation curve, (2) the number of combinations of coincidence epitaxy (CE) orientations contributing to the exact misorientation for each of the high-angle-but-low-energy (HABLE) boundaries, and (3) the number of combinations of CE orientations within the angular ranges bracketing each of the exact HABLE boundaries. Hence, these factors can be applied to clarify the origin of special misorientations observed experimentally. 相似文献