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The primate retina requires a coordinated series of developmental events to form its specialized photoreceptor topography. In this study, the temporal expression of cone photoreceptor opsin was determined in Macaca monkey retina. Markers for mRNA and protein that recognize short wavelength (S) and long/medium wavelength (L/M) opsin were used to determine (1) the temporal and spatial patterns of opsin expression, (2) the spatial relationship between S and L/M cones at the time of initial opsin expression, and (3) the relative time of cone and rod opsin expression (Dorn et al. [1995] Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 36:2634-2651). Adult cone outer segments were recognized by either L/M or S opsin antiserum. Of all adult cone inner segments, 88-90% contained L/M opsin mRNA, whereas 10-12% contained S opsin mRNA. Fetal cones initially showed cell membrane as well as outer segment labeling for opsin protein, but cell membrane labeling disappeared by birth. No cones at any age contained markers for both S and L/M opsin mRNA or protein. S and L/M opsin protein appeared in the fovea at fetal day 75. Once opsin expression progressed beyond the fovea, both mRNA and protein for S opsin were consistently detected more peripherally than L/M opsin. Cones at the peripheral edge of S opsin expression had basal telodendria that appeared to reach toward neighboring cones. Because interactions between cone populations could organize the cone mosaic, the spatial relationship between S cones and the first cones to express L/M protein was analyzed quantitatively by using double-label immunocytochemistry. No consistent relationship was found between these two cone populations. Cones are generated at least 1 week before rods across monkey retina. However, rod opsin protein appears in and around the fovea at fetal day 66, 1 week before cone opsin protein. This suggests that independent local factors control differentiation in these two photoreceptor populations.  相似文献   

The effects of intraportal administration of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) on portal venous flow, hepatic arterial flow, peripheral tissue blood flow, and systemic arterial flow before and after 60 min total liver ischemia followed by 70% partial hepatectomy in rats were investigated. Total liver ischemia was induced by occluding the hepatoduodenal ligament for 60 min. PGE1 at a dose of 0.5 microg/kg/min was infused intraportally for 15 min before inducing hepatic ischemia (preischemic period) and for 60 min after ischemia (postischemic reperfusion period) in the treatment group. Normal saline was infused in the control group. Seventy percent partial hepatectomy was performed during ischemia. Serum biochemical analysis and liver tissue histology were carried out 1, 3, and 24 h, and 1 and 24 h after reperfusion respectively. One-week survival of the PGE1 group was improved to 70% compared to that of the control group of 30%. Postischemia reperfusion values of portal and peripheral tissue blood flows in the PGE1 group were 6.33 +/- 0.600 ml/min and 27.2 +/- 23.5 (arbitrary), and were significantly different from those of the control group of 4.34 +/- 0.400 ml/min and 23.5 +/- 5.54 (arbitrary), respectively. There was no significant difference in hepatic arterial flow between the two groups. Serum alkaline phosphatase decreased significantly in the prostaglandin group. Histological examination revealed a significant portal venous congestion in the control group 1 and 24 h after reperfusion. The extent of the sinusoidal congestion was also severe in the control group 24 h after reperfusion. It was concluded that PGE1 has a protective effect against liver damage when the liver was injured by warm ischemia and reperfusion followed by partial resection.  相似文献   

Skeletal development involves the coordinated participation of several types of collagen, including both major and minor fibrillar collagens. Although much is known about the major fibrillar collagens, such as types I and II, less is known about the minor fibrillar collagens, and their role in the repair and regeneration of bone has not been extensively studied. To clarify the role of minor fibrillar collagens in fracture repair, we examined the spatial and temporal expression of mRNAs for pro-alpha 2(V) collagen and pro-alpha 1(XI) collagen in healing fractures in the rat by in situ hybridization and compared their patterns of expression with those of mRNAs for pro-alpha 1(I) collagen, pro-alpha 1(II) collagen, and osteocalcin. A strong signal for pro-alpha 2(V) was detected in the periosteal osteoprogenitor cells, whereas osteocalcin mRNA was strongly expressed only in the deep layers of the hard callus. The distribution of the pro-alpha 2(V) signal was correlated with that of pro-alpha 1(I) but was mutually exclusive of that of pro-alpha 1(II). The expression of pro-alpha 1(XI) mRNA was synchronously regulated with that of pro-alpha 1(II) during chondrogenesis in the soft callus. In the hard callus, pro-alpha 1(XI) signal was found in osteoblastic cells at the site of intramembranous and endochondral ossification. These cells simultaneously expressed pro-alpha 2(V), although they were negative for pro-alpha 1(II). These findings suggest that the alpha 2(V) collagen chain participates in the formation of the noncartilaginous fibrillar network in the hard callus and preferentially contributes to the initial stage of the intramembranous bone formation. Recent reports have revealed that type-XI collagen, which had been classified as a cartilage-type collagen, is not necessarily specific for cartilage. The present results advanced this recognition and demonstrated a coexpression of alpha 1(XI) mRNA and alpha 2(V) mRNA in the noncartilaginous tissues in the fracture callus; this suggests the presence of tissue-specific and stage-specific heterotrimers consisting of alpha 1(XI) and alpha 2(V) collagen chains and the association of such hybrid trimers with the major fibrillar collagens in the process of fracture healing.  相似文献   

We have characterized expression of the familial breast and ovarian cancer gene, BRCA1, in cases of non-hereditary (sporadic) breast cancer and analyzed the effect of antisense inhibition of BRCA1 on the proliferative rate of mammary epithelial cells. BRCA1 mRNA levels are markedly decreased during the transition from carcinoma in situ to invasive cancer. Experimental inhibition of BRCA1 expression with antisense oligonucleotides produced accelerated growth of normal and malignant mammary cells, but had no effect on non-mammary epithelial cells. These studies suggest that BRCA1 may normally serve as a negative regulator of mammary epithelial cell growth whose function is compromised in breast cancer either by direct mutation or alterations in gene expression.  相似文献   

In vitro and in vivo studies indicate that oxidant stress is implicated in liver fibrogenesis. However, it is still unknown whether, in vivo, oxidant stress directly affects the hepatic cells responsible for fibrogenesis, ie, the hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). This study was aimed at answering this question by assessing the temporal and spatial relationships between oxidant stress and activation of HSCs in an in vivo model of oxidant-stress-associated fibrogenesis. To this purpose, rats were treated with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and livers subjected to in situ perfusion with nitroblue tetrazolium, which, in the presence of superoxide ions, is reduced to an insoluble blue-colored formazan derivative and is readily detectable in the tissue by light microscopy. Moreover, various combinations of in situ hybridization and immunocytochemical analyses were performed. An acute dose of CCl4 caused a transient production of superoxide radicals at 24 hours into pericentral necrotic areas, whereas HSC appearance and expression of collagen mRNA were detectable only at 48 and 72 hours. After chronic CCl4 intoxication, higher levels of oxygen radical production in necrotic areas were detectable along with dramatic and sustained activation of HSCs. However, maximal HSC activation was still delayed as compared with superoxide production. Expression of heme oxygenase, a gene responsive to a variety of oxidant stress mediators, was strongly enhanced by chronic CCl4 administration but remained unchanged in HSCs, both in situ and after isolation of pure HSC fractions from control and CCl4-treated animals. In conclusion, during postnecrotic fibrogenesis, oxidant stress anticipates HSC activation. HSCs do not directly face an oxidant stress while engaged in active fibrogenesis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Class III periodontal furcations still represent a challenge for the periodontist. Aim of this study was to test the effect of CO2 laser on the treatment of class III furcation defects. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHOD: Class III furcation defects 3 mm deep were surgically induced on mandibular premolars on six male Beagle dogs, for a total of 36 defects. After 6-8 weeks of plaque accumulation, the mean depth was 6.8 mm. Quadrants were randomly assigned to a) CO2 laser therapy (laser), b) Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR) procedure using Gore-Tex Membranes, (Gore Tex, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA) and c) Scaling and Root planing (Sc/Rp). CO2 laser beam (El.En, Florence, Italy) was applied to the root surfaces in defocused pulsed mode at 2W, 1 Hz and a duty cycle of 6%, and on periodontal soft tissues at 13W, 40 Hz, and a duty cycle of 40%. Control quadrants received either GTR procedure or Sc/Rp. Mechanical oral hygiene was provided. At 6 months the animals were sacrificed. RESULTS: The laser group showed new attachment formation averaging 1.9 mm (sd +/- 0.5), whereas GTR and Sc/Rp showed 0.2 mm (sd +/- 0.4) and 0.2 mm (sd +/- 0.5) respectively, being the differences statistically significant between the laser group and both GTR and Sc/Rp groups (p < 0.005). CONCLUSION: CO2 laser treatment of class III furcation induced formation of new periodontal ligament, cementum and bone.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the relative activity of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), vascular endothelial growth factor/vascular permeability factor (VEGF/VPF), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factor (PD-ECGF), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), and interleukin-8 (IL-8) in regulating endothelial cell division, migration, degradation of the extracellular matrix (ECM), morphogenesis, and survival. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were treated with different concentrations of the six cytokines. bFGF was the most potent mitogen followed by VEGF/VPF and PD-ECGF. VEGF/VPF and bFGF also enhanced the survival of the endothelial cells in serum-free medium. Interstitial collagenase (MMP-1) and urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) were significantly upregulated only by bFGF. HGF, bFGF, and VEGF/VPF induced chemotactic migration of the endothelial cells, but only HGF (scatter factor) enhanced nondirectional motility. The organization of endothelial cells to form tubes on Matrigel was induced by bFGF and, to a lesser extent, by VEGF/VPF and IL-8. Permeability across endothelial cell monolayers was induced only by VEGF/VPF. These data demonstrate that different angiogenic molecules differentially regulate distinct steps in the process of angiogenesis, suggesting that any given molecule may be necessary but in itself insufficient for establishment of a viable vasculature.  相似文献   

It is important to monitor the early stages of postoperative wound repair in order to identify those problems associated with impaired healing. Many of the crucial cellular responses of early wound healing, such as inflammatory infiltration, angiogenesis and re-epithelialization, are made possible through the action of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 is elevated in acute wounds, and still greater levels are found in chronic wounds, indicating that uncontrolled proteolysis is a characteristic of retarded healing. Therefore, comparative measurements of MMPs may be used to monitor the progression of early wound healing. To investigate this, wound fluids and sera were collected from mastectomy and colectomy patients throughout early stages of repair, and the temporal expression profile established. Wounds which were healing were expressed maximal levels of MMP-9 at 24 h, followed by a significant decline by 48 h. Persistent elevation of MMP-9 expression was associated with infected and chronic wounds, and was identified in postoperative wounds by the absence of the significant decline between 24 and 48 h. Measurement of MMP-9 in postoperative wound fluids, therefore, provides an early indicator of impaired healing, which may be evaluated non-invasively within 48 h of closure.  相似文献   

Bcl-2 expression has been studied extensively in a variety of human tumors. However, there are lack of clinical data in regard to its expression in germ cell testicular tumors (GCTTs). In this study we screened bcl-2 expression in 70 patient with GCTTs using the immunohistochemistry (IHC) and streptavidin biotin alkaline phosphatase method. Furthermore, we correlated this expression with metastatic behaviour and clinical stage. Overall, 41 (58%) carcinomas stained with anti-bcl-2 (DAKO-124) monoclonal antibody, By histologic type, these lesions included 11 (42.3%) of 26 seminomas (S) and 30 (68.18%) of 44 non seminomatous germ cell testicular tumors (NSGCT). The incidence of bcl-2 immunostaining was higher (P = 0.05, two-tailed, Fisher's test) in NSGCT than in seminomas. Bcl-2 expression was higher in tumors from metastatic patients than in tumors from metastatic-free patient (p = 0). There was a significant difference between the three stages of disease as to the expression of bcl-2 (chi 2 = 0). High level of bcl-2 was clearly dominant in tumors of advanced stages. The present finding revealed that bcl-2 expression occurs in GCTTs. Further, they suggested that bcl-2 is associated with a more progressed malignant phenotype in these tumors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the regulation of expression of the angiogenic cytokine vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), in order to determine whether new blood vessel formation could be a potential therapeutic target in RA. METHODS: Dissociated RA synovial membrane cells were cultured in the presence of cytokine inhibitors, or under hypoxic conditions. Serum VEGF levels were serially measured in RA patients enrolled in clinical trials of anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha (anti-TNFalpha) monoclonal antibody treatment. RESULTS: Combined neutralization of TNFalpha and interleukin-1 (IL-1) in RA synovial membrane cultures reduced VEGF release by 45% (P < 0.05 versus control), although blockade of either TNFalpha or IL-1 activities alone resulted in only small inhibitory effects. In addition, release of VEGF from RA synovial membrane cells was selectively up-regulated by hypoxia. Serum VEGF levels were significantly elevated in RA patients relative to control subjects, and correlated with disease activity. Treatment of RA patients with anti-TNFalpha significantly decreased serum VEGF, and this effect was enhanced by cotreatment with methotrexate. CONCLUSION: Inhibition of TNFalpha and IL-1 activity in vivo could reduce the drive to new blood vessel formation, and hence pannus mass, adding to other therapeutic effects of anti-TNFalpha therapy in RA.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Integrins alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5 are cell-to-matrix adhesion molecules that have been reported to mediate vascular cell proliferation and migration. The authors investigated the regulation of expression of these angiogenic integrins by hypoxia and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in retinal microvascular endothelial cells in culture. METHODS: Cultured bovine retinal capillary endothelial cells were exposed to human recombinant VEGF under normoxic (95% air, 5% CO2) conditions to assess the effects of VEGF. Hypoxia studies were performed under lower oxygen concentration (0.5%-1.5% O2) induced by nitrogen replacement in constant 5% CO2 conditions. Integrin family mRNA and protein expression were assessed by northern blot analysis and immunoprecipitation. RESULTS: VEGF (25 ng/ml) increased integrin alphav, beta3, and 35 mRNA after 24 hours 6.1+/-0.8-fold (P < 0.001), 5.9+/-1.1-fold (P < 0.001), and 1.9+/-0.2-fold (P < 0.01), respectively. Similarly, hypoxia stimulated gene expression of integrin alphav and beta3 after 24 hours by 5.1+/-1.7-fold (P < 0.01) and 3.0+/-0.5-fold (P < 0.01), respectively, and integrin beta5 after 9 hours 1.4+/-0.2-fold (P < 0.05). This hypoxia-induced, integrin alphav mRNA elevation was inhibited significantly by anti-VEGF neutralizing antibody. Also, a conditioned medium from confluent endothelial cells maintained under hypoxic conditions for 24 hours produced a 7.1+/-1.1-fold increase (P < 0.001) in integrin alphav mRNA expression after 24 hours, which was reversed by anti-VEGF neutralizing antibody. Induction of integrin alphav by VEGF and hypoxia was confirmed in the protein level. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that hypoxia stimulates expression of vascular integrins alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5 in retinal microvascular endothelial cells partially through autocrine-paracrine action of VEGF induced by the hypoxic state.  相似文献   

The c-kit gene encodes a transmembrane receptor that has tyrosine kinase activity. c-kit plays a role in hematopoiesis, gametogenesis, and melanogenesis. c-kit is found in melanocytes, and there is evidence that expression is lost in melanoma. We studied 85 melanocytic lesions for c-kit by immunohistochemical techniques using a monoclonal antibody. The lesions included banal nevi, junctional and compound nevi with melanocytic dysplasia, nontumorigenic radial growth phase melanoma, tumorigenic vertical growth phase melanoma, and metastatic melanoma. We found intense membrane staining in normal melanocytes and mast cells. Staining in compound nevi was strongest in junctional and superficial dermal components, whereas dermal nevi showed weak reactivity. Dysplastic nevi stained strongly, particularly in junctional cells. In melanoma, strong reactivity was most prominent in radial growth phase disease, but there was little or no staining in vertical growth phase and metastatic melanomas. In summary, c-kit protein is expressed in normal melanocytes, benign nevi, dysplastic nevi and nontumorigenic melanoma, but expression is lost in tumorigenic primary melanomas and metastases. The role of c-kit loss in advanced melanoma requires additional investigation.  相似文献   

Thirty-two neonates (26 term and 6 premature) having seizures were prospectively recruited and studied. Using prolonged video/EEG monitoring, we quantified seizure variables (electrographic and clinical seizure durations, interictal periods and electrographic seizure spread) for all 1,420 seizures recorded. The effects of time and antiepileptic drug (AED) therapy were analyzed statistically. Seizures were generally frequent, with limited electrographic spread. However, some neonates had consistently longer interictal periods and 13% had mean interictal periods > 60 min. Seizure variables were relatively stable over time, but they changed with AED therapy. There was a trend to decreased seizure duration, increased length of interictal periods, and decreased electrographic spread. Furthermore, there was evidence of reduced clinical features after sequential AED infusions. Seizures ceased during the monitoring period in 22 neonates. Eighty-five percent of all seizures had no clinical manifestations. Among neonates with clear clinical correlates, clinical observations underestimated electrographic seizures in individual neonates by a mean of 54% (range 0-95%). Seizures generally had limited electrographic spread. Use of only four recording electrodes, characteristic of some portable EEG systems, underestimated seizures in 19 neonates, and missed all seizures in 2.  相似文献   

To evaluate the potential of [1-(11)C]-3-(R,S)-methyloctanoate (BMOA), [1-(11)C]-2-octynoate, and [1-(11)C]-2-decynoate as PET tracers for studying particular steps in fatty acid beta-oxidation, we examined the pharmacokinetics of these compounds in rats and a cat. In rats given these compounds, high levels of radioactivity accumulated in the heart, liver, and kidneys, suggesting their potential as tracers for studying beta-oxidation in these tissues. These organs were clearly visible with PET in a cat given BMOA, indicating the utility of BMOA for imaging these organs.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster tumor suppressor gene lethal(2)tumorous imaginal discs (tid) was identified as a homolog of all dnaJ-like genes known to date which have been well preserved in evolution. Homozygous D. melanogaster l(2)tid mutants l(2)tid1, l(2)tid2 and l(2)tid3 are characterized by neoplastic transformation of the adult integumental primordia, the imaginal discs, and the death at the time of puparium formation. The first part of this study is concerned with the identification and subcellular localization of the l(2)tid-encoded protein, Tid50. The second part examines its tissue specific expression during wild-type development and in tumorous imaginal discs. To specify the function(s) of the Tid50 protein polyclonal rabbit antibodies directed against various domains of it were generated and used for staining of Western blots and whole-mounts and paraffin sections of various tissues isolated from wild-type and mutant tumor-developing animals. To identify the mutational events leading in homozygous l(2)tid mutants to abnormal expression level of l(2)tid-encoded RNA and protein, the mutant gene was isolated from homozygous l(2)tid1 and l(2)tid2 animals and sequenced.  相似文献   

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