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Young teenagers are as concerned as ever about changing society and their own situation, even though they turn their backs on organised politics in favour of one-issue organisations and other vehicles for action. The role of public service broadcast media in these processes is not well understood, particularly in relation to the rapid development of digital media and their intrinsic qualities. Based on a sociological and media-cultural analysis, we propose a conceptual design for Avatopia, a virtual community intended to provide the means for non-violent societal action among young teenagers. Avatopia is based on four cornerstones: cross-media presence (including public service broadcast TV), a strategy for seeding the community, collective narration as a vehicle for action, and a custom-designed avatar world (a 3D-graphical 'place' on the Internet where participants are represented visually and can communicate verbally) providing necessary tools and structures. A qualitative assessment of our design concept yields a set of expected benefits, anticipated risks and success criteria informing our further development.  相似文献   

Public displays of photographs are a common sight in community spaces, yet while much attention has been given recently to the use of digital photography in the home, the community domain remains underexplored. We describe the Wray Photo Display, a public situated display for community-generated photography in an English rural village, which aims to understand the community's use of photos for social purposes and the ways in which public display technology may support these social interactions. This article presents the techniques used in designing and evaluating the display as well as understanding the community and its use of photos, and our discussion of the issues and challenges presented by this study.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, we have seen a tremendous increase in the number of digital media types that we deal with as part of our daily work. While the Web with its linking functionality was originally designed for organizing information in the form of HTML documents containing embedded media such as images, movies and sounds, the underlying hypertext model is not flexible enough to deal with new media types. A flexible link and annotation service should not only support a growing set of digital media types, but also pay attention to emerging possibilities for linking and integrating the physical environment with digital information spaces in the form of augmented reality environments. The successful implementation of these so-called cross-media information spaces, where different types of digital information get linked and integrated with physical entities, demands for a rethinking of models and architectures for extensible and scalable cross-media annotation and linking. In this paper, we present our general model for open cross-media annotation and link services and highlight how this model enabled the realization of an extensible cross-media architecture. We further introduce the concept of open cross-media information spaces where the integration of new media types on the data level as well as on the visualization level is supported via a resource plug-in mechanism.  相似文献   

A number of studies have examined virtual worlds, which can facilitate knowledge sharing, education, and enjoyment, among others. However, no study has provided an insightful research model for evaluating virtual worlds. This study suggests that users’ identification with virtual communities and avatars plays a critical role in the construction of attractive virtual worlds. The proposed model measures the level of the user’s identification with virtual communities, through which the user builds his or her trust in other community members. In addition, the study suggests that users’ identification with avatars is an important element of their satisfaction with virtual worlds. The results indicate that users’ identification with virtual communities as well as avatars can enhance their efficacy and trust and thus facilitate their sustained use of virtual services. The results have important theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

The debate about experience-based or tacit knowledge has focused much attention on the limits to formalisation of work process knowledge. A main line of argument has been that, for example, industrial work even with highly advanced technical equipment can only be performed adequately when the worker through experience on the job has gained a feel for the functioning of the machinery and the properties and behaviour of the materials. In this debate links tend to be created between on the one hand formalised-abstracted-verbal knowledge as opposed to on the other hand informalised-concrete-tacit knowledge. We have worked for some years with the design of training materials which at its core have video documentation of best practice as we have found it at work. In this paper we will present and discuss experience with design and use of a hypermedia type training material, SPRING to be used by new machine setters in the spring industry. Based on our own experience we will argue for the relevance of this type of training materials as a means of supporting reflection and dialogue in the community of practitioners.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that people prefer to age in their familiar environments, thus guiding designers to provide a safe and functionally appropriate environment for ageing people, regardless of their physical conditions or limitations. Therefore, a participatory design model is proposed where human beings can improve their quality of life by promoting independence, as well as safety, useability and attractiveness of the residence. Brainstorming, scenario building, unstructured interviews, sketching and videotaping are used as techniques in the participatory design sessions. Quality deployment matrices are employed to find the relationships between the elderly user's requirements and design specifications. A case study was devised to apply and test the conceptual model phase of the proposed model.  相似文献   

Social support and grief education can ameliorate mental and physical health risks in widow(er)s. However, barriers often prevent older individuals from attending support groups. This controlled pilot study examined the feasibility and acceptability of an online, real-time, interactive virtual reality (VR) support group for widow(er)s, and assessed the preliminary efficacy of the VR support group for improving psychosocial outcomes and sleep quality compared to an active control grief education website. Thirty widow(er)s (Mage = 67.0, SD = 11.0) participated in an 8-week VR support group or accessed a grief education website. Participants completed self-report measures of depression, grief intensity, grief cognitions, yearning, loneliness, perceived stress and sleep quality at three time points. Participant attrition and self-report indicated that both interventions were feasible and acceptable. Both groups showed significant improvements in grief severity, grief cognitions, yearning, loneliness, perceived stress, and global sleep quality across study time points. However, only widow(er)s in the VR support group showed a significant improvement in depression across time. This study demonstrates the feasibility, acceptability and preliminary efficacy of an accessible and low-cost online support format for widow(er)s.  相似文献   

Community computing supports human - computer interaction among neighbours in geographical or place-based community organizations. Using a case study of such an organization, we investigate the process of designing their website. Our long-term participatory design approach, integrating developmental informal learning, allowed us to understand how this community organization adopts, evaluates, and sustains website technology. Based on our case study analysis, we present three design heuristics for developing community-based technology: align and afford new possibilities for participation, dynamically manage organizational knowledge and learning, and enhance social capital within community organizations and with the broader community.  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel instantiation of a digital photo library in a public access system. It demonstrates how designers can utilize characteristics of a target user community (social constraints, trust, and a lack of anonymity) to provide capabilities, such as unrestricted annotation and uploading of photos, which would be impractical in other types of public access systems. It also presents a compact set of design principles and guidelines for ensuring the immediate usability of public access information systems. These principles and guidelines were derived from our experience developing PhotoFinder Kiosk, a community photo library. Attendees of a major HCI conference (CHI 2001 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) successfully used the tool to browse and annotate collections of photographs spanning 20 years of HCI-related conferences, producing a richly annotated photo history of the field of human–computer interaction. Observations and usage log data were used to evaluate the tool and develop the guidelines. They provide specific guidance for practitioners, as well as a useful framework for additional research in public access interfaces.  相似文献   

Previous literature reported that Participatory Design (PD) results in satisfying products and presents other subjective benefits. PD implies an active involvement of users during all steps of the design process, including during concepts specification (contrary to user-centered design, UCD). This study compared the usability and acceptance of truck dashboards resulting either from a PD or from a UCD design processes. Moreover, design concepts from two PD approaches were compared: a collective versus an individual design session. Results showed that concepts resulting from user-centered design and individual design sessions were perceived as more useable and accepted than the concept resulting from the participatory workshop. These findings question PD benefits and encourage to further explore the different PD approaches in the industrial development of truck dashboards.  相似文献   

This article presents a participatory intervention in a furniture manufacturing company in Southern Brazil aiming to improve both ergonomic and production outcomes. The existing Tayloristic model was replaced by a cellular teamwork model. Work enlargement and enrichment, and the improvements in workstation design and process flow increased worker satisfaction and reduced postural risk, fatigue, body pain and production waste. Workload was reduced by 42% and productivity increased by 46% (25% being attributable to unnecessary load handling, waiting and transportation, and 21% attributable directly to manufacturing times). Workers' participation in the stages of problems identification, design and evaluation of solutions played a major role in these outcomes.Relevance to industryThis study indicates that it is possible to balance ergonomics and production demands, and that it is necessary to make it clear to management. The integration of macroergonomics and production management principles increases both worker well-being and productivity levels, thus leading to a more sustainable system.  相似文献   

The ability to elicit requirements in the design of new technology has proved to be particularly problematic with older generations of users who have not grown up with the same level of familiarity and understanding of present day user interfaces as younger generations have. It is also widely acknowledged that older people are poorly represented in the development process of mainstream technology. In this paper, we critically examine how 'Forum Theatre' can be used as a requirements gathering methodology in the development of a novel digital television (DTV) based communication system. We demonstrate how live theatre established a 'common ground' between audience participants and actors in the facilitation of new ideas, and discuss how live theatre can be used to stimulate interest and understanding from designers and relevant professionals in the development of an unfamiliar and largely undefined technology for older adults.  相似文献   

Science in general and modelling in particular provide in-depth understanding of environmental processes and clearly demonstrate the present unsustainable use of resources on a global scale. The latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), for instance, shows that climate is changing and with a 95% certainty it is the humans have caused the change. The future climatic conditions are shown to be largely adversely affecting human wellbeing on this planet. Yet we see in numerous examples that societies are very slow in reacting to this rapid depletion of natural resources. What still seems lacking is the translation of scientific reports and the results of analysis and modelling into corrective actions. We argue that one of the reasons for this is the traditional workflow of environmental modelling, which starts with the purpose, the goal formulation, and ends with problem solutions or decision support tools. Instead, modelling, and applied science in general, has to enhance its scope beyond the problem solving stage, to do more on the problem definition and solution implementation phases. Modelling can be also used for identification of societal values and for setting purposes by appropriate communication of the modelling process and results. We believe this new approach for modelling can impact and bring the social values to the forefront of socio-environmental debate and hence turn scientific results into actions sooner rather than later. Instead of being separated from the modelling process, the translation of results should be an intrinsic part of it. We discuss several challenges for recent socio-environmental modelling and conclude with ten propositions that modellers and scientists in general can follow to improve their communication with the society and produce results that can be understood and used to improve awareness and education and spur action.  相似文献   

回顾跨媒体智能的发展历程,分析跨媒体智能的新趋势与现实瓶颈,展望跨媒体智能的未来前景。跨媒体智能旨在融合多来源、多模态数据,并试图利用不同媒体数据间的关系进行高层次语义理解与逻辑推理。现有跨媒体算法主要遵循了单媒体表达到多媒体融合的范式,其中特征学习与逻辑推理两个过程相对割裂,无法综合多源多层次的语义信息以获得统一特征,阻碍了推理和学习过程的相互促进和修正。这类范式缺乏显式知识积累与多级结构理解的过程,同时限制了模型可信度与鲁棒性。在这样的背景下,本文转向一种新的智能表达方式——视觉知识。以视觉知识驱动的跨媒体智能具有多层次建模和知识推理的特点,并易于进行视觉操作与重建。本文介绍了视觉知识的3个基本要素,即视觉概念、视觉关系和视觉推理,并对每个要素展开详细讨论与分析。视觉知识有助于实现数据与知识驱动的统一框架,学习可归因可溯源的结构化表达,推动跨媒体知识关联与智能推理。视觉知识具有强大的知识抽象表达能力和多重知识互补能力,为跨媒体智能进化提供了新的有力支点。  相似文献   

We investigated how online community building might affect the development of relationships with customers of online stores. Adopting social identification and relationship marketing perspectives, we examined the positive and negative aspects of online community cultivation and tested the meditating mechanisms involved in member participation processes. A survey-based study, conducted with 913 online consumers, revealed that community interaction can lead to consumer power through community identification and relationship investments. Furthermore, we found that perceived e-tailer support negatively affected the relationship between identification and consumer power. We concluded with a discussion of the key managerial and research implications of our findings.  相似文献   

Participatory Design (PD) has been proposed as a useful strategy to address pitfalls in the design of serious games for children with special needs. Nonetheless, methodological weaknesses in the analysis of the results of PD workshops may hinder its effectiveness in providing useful and robust design contributions and facilitating communication in multidisciplinary teams. To address this issue we propose the use of multimodal analysis to evaluate participants’ contributions during PD workshops. We present an analysis that was applied in an informant workshop with autistic children, aimed at refining the design of a serious game based on Full-Body Interaction. Results show that multimodal analysis constitutes an effective and coherent method to capture and analyze users’ contributions across a wide range of semiotic resources, thus extending the richness of insights that can be derived from a PD workshop and communicated to the rest of the team. Furthermore, the analysis allowed the identification of fundamental design questions, thus offering a robust empirical ground for supporting dialogue and reflection between multiple stakeholders.  相似文献   

This paper describes the investigation of the development of future technological products to support older people in everyday living through the agency of a community art group. Recent research has identified a number of challenges facing designers seeking to use traditional participatory design approaches to gather technology requirements data from older people. Here, a project is described that sought to get a group of older people to think creatively about their needs and desires for technological support through the medium of paint. The artistic expression technique described in this article allowed the identification of issues that had also been found by previous research that used a range of different techniques. This indicates that the approach shows promise, as it allows information to be gathered in an environment that is comfortable and familiar using methods already known by the participants and which they find enjoyable. It provides a complement (or possible alternative) to standard protocols and has the potential benefit of extracting even richer information as the primary task for participants is enjoyable in its own right and is not associated with an interrogative process. Furthermore, it is argued that some of the key risks of traditional approaches are lessened or removed by the naturalistic setting of this approach.
Paul VickersEmail:

Community and family involvement in schools is a well-documented antecedent to student success; yet, educators often find it challenging to increase involvement with parents and members of diverse communities. One solution is to use information and communication technology (ICT) as a bridge between schools, families, and the community. This research first presents a conceptual framework for uniting schools, families, and community members using ICT and then uses statewide data collected in Florida from the 2003–2004 to 2006–2007 school years to investigate significant trends in how schools communicate with, involve, and provide ICT access and education for community and family members. Results were analyzed at each school level, as well as by the differences between high and low socio-economic status (SES) schools. Findings indicate that during the study schools at every level and SES group significantly increased their contributions for ICT access and education of families and communities. However, high schools serving the most economically advantaged students provided the most ICT contributions to their families and communities. On the other hand, in support of bridging the digital divide, low SES elementary and middle schools provided significantly more contributions for ICT access and education of their community and parents, than their high SES counterparts. Recommendations and implications are provided.  相似文献   

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