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Spray pyrolysis was used to deposit MgO films on polycrystalline 321-austentic stainless steel substrates using magnesium nitrates and magnesium acetates as precursors. The MgO films deposited from the nitrate precursors were amorphous; however, MgO (200) oriented films were obtained when the acetates precursors were used. The texture of the films was improved with increasing the concentration and the deposition temperature. To evaluate the performance of the MgO buffers, PLD was used to deposit YBCO on MgO-buffered 321 substrates. Only the smoothest MgO films were found as good buffers for the deposition of c-axis oriented YBCO films. The superconducting transition temperature was broad and the T C onset was 83.6 K. Austenitic 321 steel is an alternative for C276 as a substrate for thin film deposition.  相似文献   

By X-ray diffraction and photoelectron spectroscopy, we have demonstrated that Au is incorporated in the YBCO lattice up to a concentration 0.1. An XPS study gave evidence for an electronic valence state Au1+. Its replacement in the Cu(1) site appears questionable due to the large difference in ionic radii (Cu2+0.073 nm; Au1+0.137 nm). The so called irreversibility lines determined by AC susceptibility measurements are strongly affected by the doping. Up to the limit of solubility in the grains, an improvement in intra and intergrain coupling and flux pinning energy is observed, showing the beneficial interest of YBCO-Au composites.  相似文献   

A single buffer layer of LaMnO3 for YBa2Cu3O7−x (YBCO) coated conductors has been grown on textured Ni substrate using pulsed laser deposition (PLD). Detailed X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies showed that the LaMnO3 single buffer layer had a good out-of-plane and in-plane texture with a full width at half maximum of 5.2° and 9.9°, respectively. The scanning electron microscopy image revealed a dense, smooth, and uniform surface. The single LaMnO3 buffer layer has been proved to be a very effective diffusion barrier layer against Ni and oxygen diffusion and a good template for subsequent growing high critical current density YBa2Cu3O7−x films. PACS: 74.78.Fk, 74.78.Bz, 74.72.Bk, 81.15.Fg.  相似文献   

We have investigated the tunneling properties of proximity-effect superconductor-normal-superconductor junctions based on high-temperature superconductor YBCO thin films and normal Ag layer. The systematic analysis of the properties of the films and the fabrication process which leads to a good-quality junctions is discussed in detail. The properties of the tunneling barrier are investigated by dc and rf measurements: the dc properties reveal that our junctions fully behave as expected from the de Gennes model. Regular Shapiro steps in the current–voltage characteristics are obtained as a result of microwave irradiation, indicating reliable rf properties of the junctions.  相似文献   

We investigated the structural and superconducting properties ofc-axis oriented (YBa2Cu3O7) nY /(PrBa2Cu3O7) npr superlattices with thicknesses of the individual layers down to one unit cell (10≥nY≥1; 18>nPr≥ 1). By transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction we find an excellent structural quality of the samples, though the quantitative analysis shows the existence of defects. In superlattices with decoupled YBa2Cu3O7 layers of two unit cell thickness we find a highT c value of 75 K. We probed the flux line structure in the superlattices by measurements of the critical current density in magnetic fields. The experiments show that the flux-line dynamics is dominated by the movement of pancake vortices.  相似文献   

Specific heat measurements, including measurements in magnetic fields and at both low temperatures and nearT c , on a number of YBa2Cu3O7 samples have revealed several correlations among strongly sample-dependent parameters. These correlations suggest that the sample dependence of the parameters reflects a sample dependence of the volume fraction of superconductivity, which is in turn correlated with a low concentration of Cu2+ moments. The correlations give a criterion for recognizing the values of the parameters characteristic of the fully superconducting material. Preliminary results on the effects of sample heat treatment are reported. New data on the “linear term” is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

We have measured the low-temperature specific heat (1.3T20 K) and the dc magnetic susceptibility (100T250 K) of eight samples of the high-T c superconductor Y x Ba3–x Cu3O7– (x=0.9, 1.0, 1.1) and of two samples of nonsuperconducting YBa2Cu3O6+. We have also performed specific heat measurements on the possible impurity phases: YBa3Cu2O7, Y2BaCuO5, CuO, and BaCuO2+x . The superconducting samples all have a nonzero, sample-dependent linear term * and an upturn inC/T at very low temperature. We show that this anomalous behavior is at least partly due to the presence of a small amount (1%) of BaCuO2+x impurity phase in the measured samples. This is evidenced by the correlation between * and the Curie component of the susceptibility, which is proportional to the amount of paramagnetic impurities.  相似文献   

The submillimeter-wave 3 cm –1 < < 40 cm –1 complex conductivity of the reduced YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6.7 film, (T C =56.5 K) was investigated for temperatures 4 K < T < 300 K. The frequency dependence of the effective quasiparticle scattering rate 1/*() was extracted from the spectra. 1/* is shown to be frequency independent at low frequencies and high temperatures. On decreasing temperature the scattering rate increases with increasing frequencies. Finally, at 6 K it follows a power-law, 1/* 1.75±0.3.  相似文献   

Superconducting properties of Pr123 and microscopic structural differences between the superconducting and non-superconducting Pr123 crystals are reviewed. It is shown that the variety of physical properties of Pr123 is closely related to Cu deficiency at the chain site and our experimental results are consistently explained with a model that the Pr 4f-O 2p hybridization forms a narrow band and carriers are localized by a kind of atomic disorder in non-superconducting crystals.  相似文献   

Measuring the power release after rapid cooling a YBa2Cu3O7 sample (m=42.85 g, Tc=91 K) from the equilibrium temperature T1 (2.35 KT115.1 K) to T0=1.5 K, we observed a time dependence typical of a glass: is proportional to t–1. The results allow us to determine the linear term of the heat capacity (0.8 mJ/mole · K2) due to the two-level systems. While the low-temperature heat capacity anomaly noticeably decreases, the power release is essentially unchanged after oxygen reduction of the sample.  相似文献   

We present Raman scattering studies ofc-oriented ultrathin-layer superconducting (YBa2Cu3O7) m /(PrBa2Cu3O7) n superlattices. For the superlattice with (m=2,n=1) sequence, Raman spectra reveal a new line in the spectral region around 320 cm?1. It is interpreted as a mode representing a combination of IR optical phonons of the Y-sublayers with an admixture of aB 1g type Raman active vibration in the Pr sublayers. This new line, which is similar to those from the interior of the Brillouin zone of the original lattice, does not exhibit superconductivity-induced self-energy effects, although its counterpart in the pure substance does. No additional line is found in the (m=1,n=2) superlattice in the same region, supporting our interpretation for the (m=2,n=1) sample.  相似文献   

Charge self-consistent LCAO band structure (CSCBS) calculations are reported for orthorhombic YBa2Cu3O7 and tetragonal YBa2Cu3O6 assuming ordered vacancy models. The effective atomic charges are used to study the charge transfer. In YBa2Cu(1)1Cu(2)2O7, the two types of copper atoms have their energy bands almost overlapping with effective valency of each copper as 7/3 (or effective valency of each oxygen as approximately — 13/7), so that electron hopping can take place without any loss or gain of energy while in YBa2Cu(1)1Cu(2)2O6, Cu(1)1 is monovalent and Cu(2)2 are divalent with significant difference in their bands. Therefore, YBa2Cu3O7 should conduct much better compared to YBa2Cu3O6. This corroborates the experimental observations that YBa2Cu3O7 is a (super)conductor while YBa2Cu3O6 is not. The calculated effective charges and DOS support the above view.  相似文献   

A novel laser-processing technique that produces bulk YBa2Cu3O x (1 2 3) plates has been developed. Through the application of a square CO2 laser beam with uniform energy density distribution to the surface of 1 2 3 powder compact, a single piece of ribbon-like plate is produced. This plate may be separated from the powder compact after laser scanning. The width of the plate is 6 mm, while its thickness is 0.1–0.2 mm. Powder X-ray diffraction indicates that laser-treated samples contain both orthorhombic and tetragonal 1 2 3 phases, as well as Y2O3 (2 0 0), Y2BaCuO5 (2 1 1), BaCuO2 (0 1 1), and CuO (0 0 1) phases. Scanning electron microscopy reveals a pattern of phase segregation along the transverse cross-section after solidification of the plate. After oxygen annealing of a single ribbon piece, T c is found to be 90 K. This technique may be applicable to the mass production of 1 2 3 bulk superconductor by continuous melting of 1 2 3 powders. In addition to its potential for practical applications, the laser technique also helps to explain the complex phases and microstructure formation during melting and solidification of laser-melted 1 2 3 liquid. A model relating the microstructure to the thermal history inside the laser-affected region and to the phase diagram of incongruently melting 1 2 3 material has been developed to analyse phase formation during laser melting and solidification processes. Reasonable correspondence between theoretical analysis and experimental results was obtained.  相似文献   

We describe field modulated microwave absorption measurements on YBa2Cu307 / PrBa2Cu3O7 multilayers with PrBa2Cu3O7 thickness in the range 2.5 to 10 nm and with a fixed YBa2Cu3O7 thickness of 10 nm. The Fourier spectrum of the reflected microwave power reveals one fundamental frequency which appears at Tc and even harmonics of the modulation field frequency at lower temperatures. The determination of the irreversibility line near Tc for different values of the PrBa2Cu3O7 thickness and inferred from the vanishing of the nonlinear response signal at 2 in the presence of superimposed dc and modulation fields is reportedit.  相似文献   

The effect of thermal and epithermal neutron irradiation on the superconducting critical temperature and critical current density of some Li-doped YBa2Cu3O7?x samples was studied. The critical temperature exhibits a peak and the critical current density a valley in their dependence on neutron fluence, for moderate dose. A simple model, based on the Van Hove scenario and the kinetics of the defect production, is used to describe both phenomena.  相似文献   

Measurements of critical currents using a four-point direct current (dc) method and an alternating magnetic field method have been performed on several superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 ceramics at 77 K. In the presence of a constant magnetic field, the critical currents obtained with the alternating field method are several orders of magnitude larger than the critical currents measured by the dc method. Also, we observed a minimum in the dc critical current as a function of applied transverse magnetic field. Several authors have suggested that these ceramics behave as individual superconducting grains coupled by Josephson junctions. In this paper, we explain the two observations above using that model.  相似文献   

The pulsed laser deposition (PLD) process is shown for in situ reproducibly fabricating YBa2Cu3O7?x (YBCO) superconducting films with yttrium-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) and CeO2 buffer layers, nonsuperconducting crystalline YBa2Cu3O7?x (YBCO*) passivation layer, and silver contact film on 2-inch silicon wafers. Variations of less than ±7% in film thickness have been obtained for this multilayer growth over the whole wafer. The YBCO films on 2-inch silicon wafers have homogeneous superconducting properties with zero resistance temperature T c0 from 88.4 K to 88.9 K. and critical current density J c at 77 K and zero field from 2.5 × 106 to 7× 106 A/cm2. The YSZ, CeO2 and YBCO layers grow epitaxially on silicon wafers. Full widths at half maximum (FWHMs) of (113) reflections of 40 nm thick YBCO layer from φ-scan patterns are only 1.71° and 1.85° corresponding to the center and edge of the wafer, respectively. These results are very promising for developing high-quality high-T c superconducting devices on large-area silicon wafers.  相似文献   

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