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By using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight MS, individual peptidergic neurons from Aplysia are assayed. A semiquantitative method is developed for comparing single-cell profiles by using spectral normalization, and peptides are localized to specific cells by mass spectrometric cell mapping. In addition to all previously identified products of the egg-laying hormone (ELH) gene, other peptides are formed from proteolytic hydrolysis of Leu-Leu residues within ELH and acidic peptide (AP). AP exhibits further processing to yield AP1-20 and AP9-27. These peptides appear to be colocalized in vesicles with ELH, transported to specific neuronal targets, and released in a Ca2+-dependent manner. A differential peptide distribution is observed at a specific target cell, and a low-frequency variation of AP, [Thr21]AP, is detected in a single animal.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the net proteolytic activity of human non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHLs). We have compared the extracellular matrix (ECM)-degradative abilities of human NHLs, reactive lymphoid hyperplasias, and established lymphoid cell lines using Matrigel invasion and elastin degradation assays. The inhibition studies allowed identification of the classes of proteinases involved in ECM degradation. Our results indicate that lymphocytes and other leukocytes derived from both human NHLs and reactive lymphoid hyperplasias are capable of Matrigel penetration, but only cells derived from the high-grade human NHLs degrade elastin in vitro. Established lymphoid cell lines (both malignant and Epstein-Barr virus immortalized) do not produce MMP-9, do not penetrate the Matrigel, and do not degrade elastin. Moreover, in human NHLs, elastolytic activity is blocked by metalloproteinase inhibitors, while inhibitors of the other classes of proteolytic enzymes have only minor effects. This study identifies metalloproteinases as the most important class of proteinases involved in ECM degradation by NHLs. The previous studies suggest that, within this class, MMP-9 represents the key enzyme that plays a role in the biological aggressiveness of human NHLs.  相似文献   

Two experimental approaches were used to study the processing of chromogranin B and secretogranin II by prohormone convertases. In GH3 cells various prohormone convertases were overexpressed together with the substrate chromogranin B by use of a vaccinia virus infection system. PC1 appeared to be by far the most active enzyme and converted chromogranin B to several smaller molecules, including the peptide PE-11. In brain this peptide is cleaved physiologically from chromogranin B. Some processing of chromogranin B and formation of free PE-11 were also observed with PC2 and PACE4. Furin produced larger fragments, whereas PC5-A and PC5-B had negligible effects. As a second model, PC12 cells were stably transfected with PC1 or PC2 to investigate the processing of endogenous chromogranins. Both enzymes effectively cleaved chromogranin B and secretogranin II, liberating the peptides PE-11 and secretoneurin, respectively. However, in transfection experiments the ability to generate the free peptides was more pronounced with PC2 than with PC1. The extent of proprotein processing achieved by prohormone convertases apparently differed depending on the experimental system applied. This suggests that in vivo mechanisms to support and fine-tune the activity of the processing enzymes exist, which might be overlooked by using only one methodological approach.  相似文献   

It has recently been identified the PEPT2 cDNA encodes the high affinity proton-coupled peptide transporter in rabbit kidney cortex. PEPT2 represents a 729 amino acid protein with 12 putative transmembrane domains that mediates H+/H3O+ dependent electrogenic transmembrane transport of di- and tripeptides and of selected peptidomimetics. Here the functional expression of PEPT2 in the methylotropic yeast Pichia pastoris is described under the control of a methanol inducible promoter. Western blot analysis of Pichia cell membranes prepared from a recombinant clone identified a protein with an apparent molecular mass of about 85-87 kDa. Peptide uptake into cells expressing PEPT2 was up to 80 times higher than in control cells. Cells of recombinant clones showed a saturable peptide transport activity for the hydrolysis resistant dipeptide 3H-D-Phe-Ala with an app. K0.5 of 0.143 +/- 0.016 mM. Inhibition of 3H-D-Phe-Ala uptake by selected di- and tripeptides and beta-lactam antibiotics revealed the same substrate specificity as obtained in renal membrane vesicles or for PEPT2 when expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. A novel fluorescence based assay for assessing transport function based on a coumarin-labeled fluorescent peptide analogue has also been developed. Moreover, using a histidyl auxotrophe strain a PEPT2 expressing cell clone in which transport function can be monitored by a simple yeast growth test was established. In conclusion, this is one of only a few reports on successful functional expression of mammalian membrane transport proteins in yeast. The high expression level will provide a simple means for future studies either on the structure-affinity relationship for substrate interaction with PEPT2 or for selection of mutants generated by random mutagenesis.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate prospectively the use of peripherally inserted central catheters in a large pediatric population. MATERIALS AND METHODS: During a 3-year period, data were collected prospectively on 523 consecutive attempts to place peripherally inserted central catheters in children. Patients underwent radiologically guided placement because attempts were unsuccessful on the inpatient units or a patient request was made. Fluoroscopy with use of contrast material and venography were used to place catheters and document the position of the catheter tip. Follow-up data were collected until treatment cessation or catheter removal. RESULTS: Among 523 attempts, 486 (92.9%) catheters were successfully placed. In the 37 (7.1%) unsuccessful cases, more than half of these children were younger than 24 months of age or weighed less than 5 kg. Ages of patients in whom 523 placement attempts were made ranged from 3 weeks to 18 years (mean, 6.9 years). Catheters were in place from 1 to 390 days (mean, 20 days). Frequency of infection was 1.9% (nine cases); incidence of infection was 0.93 per 1,000 catheter-placement days. There were two cases (0.4%) of central venous thrombosis. Most patients were discharged within 2 days of catheter placement. CONCLUSION: Fluoroscopically guided placement of peripherally inserted central catheters is a safe and effective method for establishing intermediate- and long-term central venous access in the pediatric population.  相似文献   

Apoptotic cells undergo specific morphological changes that include loss of cell-cell interactions. Cellular adhesiveness is dependent on members of the cadherin family of adhesion receptors and on the cytoplasmic adaptor proteins alpha-catenin, beta-catenin and gamma-catenin/plakoglobin. The caspase family of cystein proteases play a key role during the execution phase of the apoptotic program. These proteolytic enzymes, once activated, cleave cellular proteins which are important for the maintenance of cell integrity. Here we report that gamma-catenin is cleaved at different sites during apoptosis in various cell lines. The major apoptotic product of gamma-catenin still retains the ability to bind alpha-catenin but loses the carboxy-terminal region. We also show that gamma-catenin is cleaved by caspase-3 in vitro although with lower affinity when compared to PARP or beta-catenin. These findings indicate that multiple proteolytic events regulate the dismantling of the cell-cell junctional complexes during apoptosis.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that opioid agonists affect the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) either by regulating plasma membrane Ca(2+)-channel activity or by mobilizing intracellular Ca2+ stores. The present report documents the [Ca2+]i increase induced by opioid agonists in a human neuroblastoma cell line, SK-N-BE, expressing delta-opioid receptors. In the presence, as well as in the absence, of extracellular Ca2+, opioid agonists enhanced significantly [Ca2+]i, whereas carbachol, known to mobilize specifically inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive intracellular Ca2+ stores, acted only in the presence of extracellular Ca2+. The opioid-induced increase in [Ca2+]i was not affected by treatments modifying the trimeric Gl, Go, and Gs protein transduction mechanisms or the activity of adenylyl cyclase. The Ca(2+)-ATPase pump-inhibiting sesquiterpene lactone, thapsigargin, did not modify the opioid-induced [Ca2+]i response, whereas it abolished the effects of carbachol. The Ryana speciosa alkaloid, ryanodine, at concentrations known to block endoplasmic reticulum ryanodine receptors, decreased significantly the response to opioids without affecting the effects of carbachol. Thus, our results suggest that, in SK-N-BE cells, delta-opioid receptors mobilize Ca2+ from intracellular ryanodine-sensitive stores and the mechanism involved is independent of Gl/Go Gs proteins and protein kinase A activation.  相似文献   

To study the proteolytic processing of the equine arteritis virus (EAV) replicase open reading frame 1a (ORF1a) protein, specific antisera were raised in rabbits, with six synthetic peptides and a bacterial fusion protein as antigens. The processing of the EAV ORF1a product in infected cells was analyzed with Western blot (immunoblot) and immunoprecipitation techniques. Additional information was obtained from transient expression of ORF1a cDNA constructs. The 187-kDa ORF1a protein was found to be subject to at least five proteolytic cleavages. The processing scheme, which covers the entire ORF1a protein, results in cleavage products of approximately 29, 61, 22, 31, 41, and 3 kDa, which were named nonstructural proteins (nsps) 1 through 6, respectively. Pulse-chase experiments revealed that the cleavages at the nsp1/2 and nsp2/3 junctions are the most rapid processing steps. The remaining nsp3456 precursor is first cleaved at the nsp4/5 site. Final processing of the nsp34 and nsp56 intermediates is extremely slow. As predicted from previous in vitro translation experiments (E. J. Snijder, A. L. M. Wassenaar, and W. J. M. Spaan, J. Virol. 66:7040-7048, 1992), a cysteine protease domain in nsp1 was shown to be responsible for the nsp1/2 cleavage. The other processing steps are carried out by the putative EAV serine protease in nsp4 and by a third protease, which remains to be identified.  相似文献   

Achromobacter beta-lytic protease (blp), one of the bacteriolytic proteases secreted by Achromobacter lyticus, exhibited both peptidase and bacteriolytic activities at alkaline pH. The protease was strongly inhibited by 1,10-phenanthroline, and one zinc atom was detected in the molecule by ion-spray mass spectrometry. The zinc-protease specifically cleaved Gly-X bonds in peptides and possibly possessed subsites S2, S1, S1', and S2' for binding substrate [Schecter, I. and Berger, A. (1967) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 27, 157-162]. Blp lysed Staphylococcus aureus and Micrococcus luteus cells more efficiently than Achromobacter alpha-lytic protease (alp) and lysozyme, thus being responsible for the high bacteriolytic activity of A. lyticus. In the lysis of bacterial cell walls, blp hydrolyzed both the D-Ala-Gly/Ala bond at the linkage between the peptide subunit and the interpeptide and the Gly-Gly bond in the interpeptide bridge. These results indicate that blp is a highly active bacteriolytic enzyme with a broad bacteriolytic spectrum, which acts primarily by splitting the linkage between the peptide subunit and the interpeptide in the peptidoglycan.  相似文献   

Although the G protein betagamma dimer is an important mediator in cell signaling, the mechanisms regulating its activity have not been widely investigated. The gamma12 subunit is a known substrate for protein kinase C, suggesting phosphorylation as a potential regulatory mechanism. Therefore, recombinant beta1 gamma12 dimers were overexpressed using the baculovirus/Sf9 insect cell system, purified, and phosphorylated stoichiometrically with protein kinase C alpha. Their ability to support coupling of the Gi1 alpha subunit to the A1 adenosine receptor and to activate type II adenylyl cyclase or phospholipase C-beta was examined. Phosphorylation of the beta1 gamma12 dimer increased its potency in the receptor coupling assay from 6.4 to 1 nM, changed the Kact for stimulation of type II adenylyl cyclase from 14 to 37 nM, and decreased its maximal efficacy by 50%. In contrast, phosphorylation of the dimer had no effect on its ability to activate phospholipase C-beta. The native beta1gamma10 dimer, which has 4 similar amino acids in the phosphorylation site at the N terminus, was not phosphorylated by protein kinase C alpha. Creation of a phosphorylation site in the N terminus of the protein (Gly4 --> Lys) resulted in a beta1 gamma10G4K dimer which could be phosphorylated. The activities of this beta gamma dimer were similar to those of the phosphorylated beta1 gamma12 dimer. Thus, phosphorylation of the beta1 gamma12 dimer on the gamma subunit with protein kinase C alpha regulates its activity in an effector-specific fashion. Because the gamma12 subunit is widely expressed, phosphorylation may be an important mechanism for integration of the multiple signals generated by receptor activation.  相似文献   

GABAA receptor alpha6 subunit gene expression marks cerebellar granule cell maturation. To study this process, we used the Deltaalpha6lacZ mouse line, which has a lacZ reporter inserted into the alpha6 gene. At early stages of postnatal cerebellar development, alpha6-lacZ expression is mosaic; expression starts at postnatal day 5 in lobules 9 and 10, and alpha6-lacZ is switched on inside-out, appearing first in the deepest postmigratory granule cells. We looked for factors regulating this expression in cell culture. Membrane depolarization correlates inversely with alpha6-lacZ expression: granule cells grown in 25 mM [K+]o for 11-15 d do not express the alpha6 gene, whereas cultures grown for the same period in 5 mM [K+]o do. This is influenced by a critical early period: culturing for >/=3 d in 25 mM [K+]o curtails the ability to induce the alpha6 gene on transfer to 5 mM [K+]o. If the cells start in 5 mM [K+]o, however, they still express the alpha6-lacZ gene in 25 mM [K+]o. In contrast to granule cells grown in 5 mM [K+]o, cells cultured in 25 mM [K+]o exhibit no action potentials, mEPSCs, or mIPSCs. In chronic 5 mM [K+]o, factors may therefore be released that induce alpha6. Blockade of ionotropic and metabotropic GABA and glutamate receptors or L-, N-, and P/Q-type Ca2+ channels did not prevent alpha6-lacZ expression, but inhibition of action potentials with tetrodotoxin blocked expression in a subpopulation of cells.  相似文献   

To investigate endoproteolytic processing of the type I insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF-IR), we have examined its structure and activity in the furin-deficient LoVo-C5 cell line. Immunoprecipitation experiments using the monoclonal anti-IGF-IR antibody (alpha-IR3) showed that LoVo-C5 cells expressed a major high molecular mass receptor (200 kDa) corresponding to the unprocessed alpha/beta pro-receptor. A small amount of successfully cleaved alpha/beta heterodimers was also produced, indicating a residual endoproteolytic cleavage activity in these cells. In vitro, a soluble form of recombinant furin was able to cleave the pro-IGF-IR (200 kDa) into alpha-subunit (130 kDa) and beta-subunit (97 kDa). Measurement of IGF binding parameters in LoVo-C5 cells indicated a low number of typical type I IGF-binding sites (binding capacity, 5 x 10(3) sites/cell; Kd, 1.9 nM for IGF-I and 7.0 nM for IGF-II). These findings in LoVo-C5 contrast with those in HT29-D4 cells, which have active furin, and where IGF-IR (2.8 x 10(4) sites/cell) was fully processed. Moreover, the 200-kDa pro-IGF-IR of LoVo-C5 was unable to induce intracellular signaling, such as beta-subunit tyrosine autophosphorylation and insulin-related substrate-1 tyrosine phosphorylation. Flow immunocytometry analysis using alpha-IR3 antibody indicated that LoVo-C5 cells expressed 40% more receptors than HT29-D4 cells, suggesting that in LoVo-C5 cells only the small amount of mature type I IGF-IR binds IGFs with high affinity. To provide evidence for this idea, we showed that mild trypsin treatment of living LoVo-C5 cells partially restored alpha/beta cleavage of IGF-IR, and greatly enhanced (6-fold) the IGF-I binding capacity of LoVo-C5 cells, but did not restore IGF-IR signaling activity. Moreover, LoVo-C5 cells were totally unresponsive to IGF-I in terms of cell migration, in contrast to fully processed IGF-IR-HT29-D4 cells. Our data indicate that furin is involved in the endoproteolytic processing of the IGF-IR and suggest that this posttranslational event might be crucial for its ligand binding and signaling activities. However, our data do not exclude that other proprotein convertases could participate to IGF-IR maturation.  相似文献   

Agrin is an extracellular matrix protein that directs neuromuscular junction formation. Early signal transduction events in agrin-mediated postsynaptic differentiation include activation of a receptor tyrosine kinase and phosphorylation of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs), but later steps in this pathway are unknown. Here, we have investigated the role of intracellular calcium in agrin-induced AChR clustering on cultured myotubes. Clamping intracellular calcium levels by loading with the fast chelator BAPTA inhibited agrin-induced AChR aggregation. In addition, preexisting AChR aggregates dispersed under these conditions, indicating that the maintenance of AChR clusters is similarly dependent on intracellular calcium fluxes. The decrease in AChR clusters in BAPTA-loaded cells was dose-dependent and reversible, and no change in the number or mobility of AChRs was observed. Clamping intracellular calcium did not block agrin-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the AChR beta-subunit, indicating that intracellular calcium fluxes are likely to act downstream from or parallel to AChR phosphorylation. Finally, the targets of the intracellular calcium are likely to be close to the calcium source, since agrin-induced AChR clustering was unaffected in cells loaded with EGTA, a slower-binding calcium chelator. These findings distinguish a novel step in the signal transduction mechanism of agrin and raise the possibility that the pathways mediating agrin- and activity-driven changes in synaptic architecture could intersect at the level of intracellular calcium fluxes.  相似文献   

We have studied the pharmacological properties of genetically engineered human NK1 tachykinin receptors in which residues at the extracellular surface of the fourth transmembranal domain were substituted with the corresponding amino acids from the NK2 receptor. We show that substitution of G166C:Y167F in the human NK1 receptor induces high affinity binding of a group of tachykinin ligands, known as 'septides' (i.e. neurokinin A, neurokinin B, [pGlu6,Pro9]-substance P6-11 and substance P-methylester). In contrast, binding of substance P and non-peptide antagonists is unaffected by these mutations. This effect parallels that found on the rat receptor and is therefore species specific. Second, we demonstrate that mutation of Gly166 to Cys alone is both necessary and sufficient to create this pan-reactive tachykinin receptor, whereas replacement of Tyr167 by Phe has no detectable effect on the pharmacological properties of the receptor. Furthermore, analysis of the effect of N-ethylmaleimide and dithiothreitol on binding of radiolabelled substance P documents differences in the mode in which this ligand interacts with wild-type and mutant receptors and supports the existence of a mutational induced change in the conformational status of the NK1 receptor.  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 92(4) of Psychological Review (see record 2008-10981-001). Equation 5 on page 11 was incorrect. The correct equation is given in the erratum.] A model of cued recall called CHARM (composite holographic associative recall model) is applied to several issues that have been investigated within the depth-of-processing framework. It is shown that, given some straightforward, empirically testable assumptions about the representations of the to-be-remembered items themselves, CHARM can account for the main effect of depth of processing, the problem of the negatives, encoding–specificity interactions, and both facilitative and inhibitory effects of elaboration. The CHARM model is extended to encompass some depth-of-processing effects found in recognition memory. The highly interactive associative, storage, and retrieval mechanisms in the CHARM model are discussed. (90 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The alpha2-adrenergic receptor (alpha2AR) subtype alpha2C10 undergoes rapid agonist-promoted desensitization which is due to phosphorylation of the receptor. One kinase that has been shown to phosphorylate alpha2C10 in an agonist-dependent manner is the betaAR kinase (betaARK), a member of the family of G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs). In contrast, the alpha2C4 subtype has not been observed to undergo agonist-promoted desensitization or phosphorylation by betaARK. However, the substrate specificities of the GRKs for phosphorylating alpha2AR subtypes are not known. We considered that differential capacities of various GRKs to phosphorylate alpha2C10 and alpha2C4 might be a key factor in dictating in a given cell the presence or extent of agonist-promoted desensitization of these receptors. COS-7 cells were co-transfected with alpha2C10 or alpha2C4 without or with the following GRKs: betaARK, betaARK2, GRK5, or GRK6. Intact cell phosphorylation studies were carried out by labeling cells with 32Pi, exposing some to agonist, and purifying the alpha2AR by immunoprecipitation and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. BetaARK and betaARK2 were both found to phosphorylate alpha2C10 to equal extents (>2-fold over that of the endogenous kinases). On the other hand, GRK5 and GRK6 did not phosphorylate alpha2C10. In contrast to the findings with alpha2C10, alpha2C4 was not phosphorylated by any of these kinases. Functional studies carried out in transfected HEK293 cells expressing alpha2C10 or alpha2C4 and selected GRKs were consistent with these phosphorylation results. With the marked expression of these receptors, no agonist-promoted desensitization was observed in the absence of GRK co-expression. However, desensitization was imparted to alpha2C10 by co-expression of betaARK but not GRK6, while alpha2C4 failed to desensitize with co-expression of betaARK. These results indicate that short term agonist-promoted desensitization of alpha2ARs by phosphorylation is dependent on both the receptor subtype and the expressed GRK isoform.  相似文献   

The vascular endothelial growth factor family has recently been expanded by the isolation of two new VEGF-related factors, VEGF-B and VEGF-C. The physiological functions of these factors are largely unknown. Here we report the cloning and characterization of mouse VEGF-C, which is produced as a disulfide-linked dimer of 415 amino acid residue polypeptides, sharing an 85% identity with the human VEGF-C amino acid sequence. The recombinant mouse VEGF-C protein was secreted from transfected cells as VEGFR-3 (Flt4) binding polypeptides of 30-32x10(3) Mr and 22-23x10(3) Mr which preferentially stimulated the autophosphorylation of VEGFR-3 in comparison with VEGFR-2 (KDR). In in situ hybridization, mouse VEGF-C mRNA expression was detected in mesenchymal cells of postimplantation mouse embryos, particularly in the regions where the lymphatic vessels undergo sprouting from embryonic veins, such as the perimetanephric, axillary and jugular regions. In addition, the developing mesenterium, which is rich in lymphatic vessels, showed strong VEGF-C expression. VEGF-C was also highly expressed in adult mouse lung, heart and kidney, where VEGFR-3 was also prominent. The pattern of expression of VEGF-C in relation to its major receptor VEGFR-3 during the sprouting of the lymphatic endothelium in embryos suggests a paracrine mode of action and that one of the functions of VEGF-C may be in the regulation of angiogenesis of the lymphatic vasculature.  相似文献   

We have previously identified proteolytic activity in rat liver microsomes that cleaves an intact tripeptide, VIS, from S-farnesylated-CVIS tetrapeptide. This enzymatic activity, termed prenyl protein-specific endoprotease (PPEP) activity, has been solubilized in CHAPS and purified 5-fold. To probe the peptide recognition features of PPEP activity, 64 tripeptides [N-acetyl-C(S-farnesyl)a1a2] were prepared and tested as competitive inhibitors of PPEP activity-catalyzed hydrolysis of N-acetyl-C(S-farnesyl)VI[3H]S. It was found that PPEP activity prefers large hydrophobic residues in the a1 and a2 positions. A subset of N-acetyl-C(S-farnesyl)a1a2 peptides were prepared in radiolabeled form, and it was found that PPEP activity preferences for these substrates correlated well in most cases with the inhibition data. The exception is that R in the a1 position does not prevent binding of peptide to PPEP activity, but such peptides are poor substrates. The anionic residue D in the a2 position is not tolerated by PPEP activity. Five farnesylated radiolabeled tetrapeptides, Ac-C(F)FM[3H]L, Ac-C(F)LI[3H]L, Ac-C(F)LL[3H]L, Ac-C(F)LM[3H]L, and Ac-C(F)VI[3H]L were prepared, and PPEP activity kinetic studies revealed that they are good substrates and show comparable KM values (2.2-13.5 microM). Ac-C(F)RL[3H]S is a poor substrate. The reported peptide binding preferences of PPEP activity should be useful in designing compounds that block the C-terminal proteolysis of prenylated proteins. Nonprenylated peptides do not bind to PPEP activity, and replacement of the farnesyl group with ann-pentadecyl group modestly reduces binding. Peptide-membrane partitioning studies were used together with theoretical arguments to fully understand the substrate specificity of PPEP activity toward these compounds.  相似文献   

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