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纳米金刚石抛光液在超精密抛光中应用广泛,但纳米金刚石极易发生团聚,限制了它在抛光领域中的应用。对纳米金刚石抛光液中磨料的分散机理、分散方法以及国内外在纳米金刚石抛光液制备中的一些研究现状进行了综述,提出了纳米金刚石抛光液的研究方向。  相似文献   

通过对纳米金刚石进行解团聚分散、提纯与分级,制得了高纯、粒度分布在100nm以下的水基纳米金刚石悬浮液,并用XRD、SEM、SAXS、Zetasizer3000HS等对金刚石的晶体结构、粒度与形貌、表面电性、纯度等性质进行了表征,进而研究了纳米金刚石抛光石英晶体的性能。结果表明:纳米金刚石对石英晶体具有良好的抛光效果,在20μm×20μm范围内获得表面粗糙度Ra为0.214nm的超光滑表面。  相似文献   

纳米金刚石兼具纳米颗粒和超硬材料的性质,是一种具有重要应用前景的新材料.但是纳米金刚石容易团聚,其悬浮液的分散稳定性差,这是纳米金刚石一直没有得到广泛应用的重要原因.本文将从纳米金刚石悬浮液的分散原理和制备方法两个方面进行综述介绍纳米金刚石悬浮液制备的研究进展.  相似文献   

纳米金刚石薄膜的制备和应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
纳米金刚石薄膜的优异性能吸引了众多学者的关注,同时也成为CVD金刚石薄膜研究领域的新热点。文章对国内外的纳米金刚石膜制备的研究状况做了详细介绍,并对纳米金刚石薄膜的应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

本文介绍了纳米金刚石的发展历史及目前的研究状况。提出了在纳米金刚石应用中存在地问题:纳米金刚石中的C元素含量及纳米金刚石相的含量;纳米金刚石的分散技术问题和纳米金刚石的分级技术问题,这些技术问题不但存在于纳米金刚石的研究中,而且也普遍存在于所有的纳米粉体材料中,这些急待解决的技术问题严重制约了纳米粉体材料的广泛应用。  相似文献   

本综述了炸药爆轰法制备纳米金刚石和纳米石墨的发展历史、制备原理、技术指标和应用等内容。  相似文献   

纳米金刚石的性能与应用前景   总被引:6,自引:7,他引:6  
纳米材料是近年引起世界各国物理学家、化学家、材料学家及工程界、产业界广泛注意的新材料。本文对纳米材料的通性、金刚石的基本性质、纳米金刚石的性质与应用前景、烧结型纳米PCD的聚结机理及性质进行阐述。揭示了纳米金刚石聚晶具有金刚石和纳米材料的双重特性,提出了制造纳米金刚石聚晶的可行性。  相似文献   

报道了纳米金刚石的分级研究。研究发现,分级效果与其分散性关系极大,该研究采用物理与化学方法相结合的方式改善纳米金刚石在水中的分散性,然后采用离心力场对纳米金刚石进行分级,在一定的实验条件下,通过控制分离因素即转速,三次离心分级可得到纳米级的纳米金刚石微粉(D50=50nm)。  相似文献   

纳米金刚石的开发与应用概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
集众优异性能于一身的金刚石是其它材料不可比拟的。而纳米金刚石(纳米金刚石粉和纳米金刚石膜)则是一种拥有金刚石优异性质和纳米材料特点的双重特性的新型工程材料和功能材料。这一双重奇异特性是它获得广泛应用的基础。从已开发的应用领域不难预言其潜在前景是美好的。不过,要将其美好前景变为现实还有许多工作需要科研人员去研究和开发。  相似文献   

CMP抛光半导体晶片中抛光液的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文分析了化学机械抛光(CMP)半导体晶片过程中抛光液的重要作用,总结了抛光液的组成及其化学性能(氧化剂、磨料及pH值等)和物理性能(流速、粘性及温度)对抛光效果的影响规律,研究发现:酸性抛光液常用于抛光金属材料,pH最优值为4,碱性抛光液常用于抛光非金属材料,pH最优值为10~11.5;氧化剂能有效提高金属材料的抛光效率和表面平整度;磨料的种类、浓度及尺寸会影响抛光效果;分散剂有助于保持抛光液的稳定性;抛光初始阶段宜采用较低流速,然后逐渐提高;抛光液的粘性会影响晶片与抛光垫之间的接触模式、抛光液的均布、流动及加工表面的化学反应;抛光液温度的升高有助于提高抛光效率.最后本文指出了抛光液循环使用的重要意义及常用方法.  相似文献   

化学机械抛光过程抛光液作用的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
化学机械抛光(CMP)已成为公认的纳米级全局平坦化精密超精密加工技术。抛光液在CMP过程中发挥着重要作用。介绍了CMP过程中抛光液的作用的研究进展,综合归纳了抛光液中各组分的作用,为抛光液的研制和优化原则的制定提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

通过对超细CeO2抛光液中Zeta电位及黏度的测定,研究了溶液pH值、分散剂以及分散剂用量等因素对超细CeO2抛光液分散稳定性的影响.结果表明,固相质量分数8%的CeO2抛光液,pH值为4~5,选用非离子表面活性剂异丙醇胺作为分散稳定剂,加入质量分数为0.3% ~0.4%时,抛光液Zeta电位较高,溶液黏度较低,抛光液...  相似文献   

The electrochemical behavior of silicon wafer in alkaline slurry with nano-sized CeO2 abrasive was investigated. The variations of corrosion potential (φcorr) and corrosion current density (Jcorr) of the P-type (100) silicon wafer with the slurry pH value and the concentration of abrasive CeO2 were studied by polarization curve technologies. The dependence of the polishing rate on the pH and the concentration of CeO2 in slurries during chemical mechanical polishing(CMP) were also studied. It is discovered that there is a large change of φcorr and Jcorr when slurry pH is altered and the Jcorr reaches the maximum (1.306 μA/cm^2) at pH 10.5 when the material removal rate(MRR) comes to the fastest value. The Jcorr increases gradually from 0.994 μA/cm^2 with 1% CeO2 to 1.304 μA/cm^2 with 3% CeO2 and reaches a plateau with the further increase of CeO2 concentration. There is a considerable MRR in the slurry with 3% CeO/at pH 10.5. The coherence between Jcorr and MRR elucidates that the research on the electrochemical behavior of silicon wafers in the alkaline slurry could offer theoretic guidance on silicon polishing rate and ensure to adjust optimal components of slurry.  相似文献   

A novel method of polishing the end face of an optical fibre by blasting it with loose dry abrasive grit travelling at high speeds is presented. The method, called loose abrasive blasting (LAB), is specifically designed to improve the surface quality of micro-lenses ground at the tips of optical fibres. Thus, the method described is suitable for polishing non-flat surfaces. Blasting is carried out by immersing the fibre tip in a stream of high kinetic energy abrasive grit. The surface finish attainable using LAB is compared with that of cleaved, ground and slurry polished fibre end faces. Optical microscopy photographs are presented as a qualitative comparison. The surface roughnesses are measured using atomic force microscopy (AFM). For cleaved fibres, the surface roughness improved by a factor of 2 and 6 for slurry polished and dry diamond blasted fibres, respectively.  相似文献   

抛光垫修整是化学机械抛光的重要过程之一.修整后抛光垫的性能主要由修整器的性能和相关的工艺参数决定.本文介绍常用金刚石修整器的颗粒性能、胎体材料及相关工艺参数,总结金刚石修整器在不同条件下对修整性能的影响规律,发现:金刚石颗粒的类型影响修整效率,RAS越大,修整效率越高;颗粒尺寸的增大有利于提高修整效率;粘结力的增大,可以提高修整效率和使用寿命;颗粒的均匀排列有助于抛光垫表面沟槽的形成;使用陶瓷作为胎体材料,可以提高使用寿命;修整压力及转速的增大,可以提高修整效率;修整温度会对抛光垫的沟槽、微孔及硬度产生影响,温度的升高,可以改善修整质量;修整密度越大,抛光垫的磨损率越高.最后对金刚石修整器的发展趋势做出展望.  相似文献   

研制了一种花岗石抛光磨具,该磨具采用粉末酚醛树脂作结合剂和几种软磨料复配混合热压而成.讨论了影响花岗石光泽度和磨具磨削效率的各种影响因素,发现磨具体积密度控制在2.52×103 kg/m3左右,洛氏硬度值控制在45~48为宜.得到了较佳的工艺参数:磨具压制温度为160 ℃,压制压力为5 MPa,压制时间为15 min,酚醛树脂质量分数为11.5%时,抛光磨具性能最佳.  相似文献   

The polishing mechanism of electrochemical mechanical polishing technology   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In this paper, the polishing mechanism of the electrochemical mechanical polishing (ECMP) technology for tooling steel SKD11 was investigated. Suitable electrochemical process parameters were evaluated. The electrochemical characteristics of a material such as active, passive and trans-passive (dissolution) can be revealed from its IV curve. The characteristics of passive and trans-passive have great effects on the ECMP polishing mechanism. Experimental procedures included qualitative, quantitative and surface quality analyses. Qualitative analyses utilized potentiostat to study the IV curves of a specific specimen in various electrolytes and electrolytic concentrations, and to find out the voltages at each electrochemical state. In quantitative analyses, the electrochemical polishing processes of the ECMP technology were conducted. From the measured and theoretical weight losses, each process state can be verified whether or not it followed the Faraday’s law. Finally, the surface roughness was measured by a surface profiler. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to observe the surface profile. The energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis was employed to analyze the metallurgical compositions of the surface. In summary, the proposed mechanism and analyses were a good methodology in finding suitable electrochemical process parameters for ECMP technology.  相似文献   

研究由失效磷酸基抛光液直接制备纳米锥冰晶石新工艺。在反应温度为50℃,反应时间为40min,搅拌速度为200r/min,氢氧化钠用量为理论化学计量的1.0倍,氢氟酸添加量为理论化学计量的1.2倍,静置时间为1d的条件下,失效磷酸基抛光液中铝脱除率可达90%以上,锥冰晶石产率为抛光液处理质量的8%~10%。,锥冰晶石粒径在25nm~30nm。与传统失效磷酸基抛光液处理工艺比较,新工艺不仅使抛光液得到再生利用,而且容易获得纯度高的纳米锥冰晶石产品,具有良好的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

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