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The molten salt reactor(MSR), as one of the Generation Ⅳ advanced nuclear systems, has attracted a worldwide interest due to its excellent performances in safety, economics, sustainability, and proliferation resistance. The aim of this work is to provide and evaluate possible solutions to fissile 233 U production and further the fuel transition to thorium fuel cycle in a thermal MSR by using plutonium partitioned from light water reactors spent fuel. By using an in-house developed tool, a breeding and burning(BB) scenario is first introduced and analyzed from the aspects of the evolution of main nuclides, net 233 U production, spectrum shift, and temperature feedback coefficient. It can be concluded that such a Th/Pu to Th/~(233)U transition can be accomplished by employing a relatively fast fuel reprocessing with a cycle time less than 60 days. At the equilibrium state, the reactor can achieve a conversion ratio of about 0.996 for the 60-day reprocessing period(RP) case and about 1.047 for the 10-day RP case.The results also show that it is difficult to accomplish such a fuel transition with limited reprocessing(RP is 180 days),and the reactor operates as a converter and burns the plutonium with the help of thorium. Meanwhile, a prebreeding and burning(PBB) scenario is also analyzed briefly with respect to the net 233 U production and evolution of main nuclides. One can find that it is more efficient to produce 233 U under this scenario, resulting in a double time varying from about 1.96 years for the 10-day RP case to about 6.15 years for the 180-day RP case.  相似文献   

A model of gas release from molten nuclear fuel has been developed taking into account motion of bubbles and different physical processes leading to the coagulation of bubbles. It is shown that the fuel swelling and gas release dynamics are governed by the external pressure, geometry of the melt, initial gas concentration and properties of the liquid materials.  相似文献   

熔盐堆作为第四代核能系统堆型之一,液态燃料形态的特点使其可以实现在线处理和在线添料。为了提高中子经济性可以利用在线处理的氦鼓泡法,将氦气通入反应堆一回路,去除堆芯内的裂变气体(如Xe、Kr)。基于钍基熔盐液态堆(Thorium Molten Salt Reactor-Liquid Fuel1,TMSR-LF1)概念设计,结合熔盐实验堆(Molten Salt Reactor Experiment,MSRE)氙毒模型,分析了鼓泡法去除氙毒中~(135)Xe扩散规律和去除效率对氙毒的影响,并给出了对应的初始有效增殖因子的变化规律。分析结果表明,虽然存在~(135)Xe会大量向石墨扩散的可能性,但是鼓泡法仍然可以有效去除TMSR-LF1堆芯内的~(135)Xe,减小堆芯毒性,提高反应性。  相似文献   

Molten salt reactor, with good economics and inherent reliability, is one of the six types of Generation IV candidate reactors. The Basket-Fuel-Assembly Molten Salt Reactor(BFAMSR) is a new concept design based on fuel assemblies composed of fuel pebbles made of TRISOcoated particles. Four refueling patterns, similar to the fuel management strategy for water reactors, are designed and analyzed for BFAMSR in terms of economy and security.The MCNPX is employed to calculate the parameters, such as the total duration time, cycle length, discharge burnup,total discharge quantity of ~(235)U, total discharge quantity of ~(239)Pu, neutron flux distribution and power distribution. The in–out loading pattern has the highest burnup and duration time, the worst neutron flux and power distribution and the lowest neutron leakage. The out–in pattern possesses the most uniform neutron flux distribution, the lowest burnup and total duration time, and the highest neutron leakage.The out–in partition alternate pattern has slightly higher burnup, longer total duration time and smaller neutron leakage than that of the out–in loading pattern at the cost of sacrificing some neutron flux distribution and power distribution. However, its alternative distribution of fuelelements cut down the refueling time. The low-leakage pattern is the second highest in burnup, and total duration time, and its neutron flux and power distributions are the second most uniform.  相似文献   

The solubility of uranium dioxide in molten basalt has been determined at 1550°C to be between 5 and 7 wt % and at 2200°C to be between 50 and 55 wt %. The distribution of some of the more important heat-producing fission products between molten iron and a molten uranium dioxide-basalt mixture has been studied. This has been done to evalutate the use of basalt as a fuel diluent and sacrificial material in a fast breeder reactor and to predict the fission product heat distribution in such a system. It was found that lanthanum, cerium and niobium were distributed to the molten uranium dioxide-basalt mixture, and molybdenum and ruthenium were distributed to the molten-iron phase.  相似文献   

The impregnation behavior of molten 2LiF–BeF_2(FLiBe) salt into a graphite matrix of fuel elements for a solid fuel thorium molten salt reactor(TMSR-SF) at pressures varying from 0.4 to 1.0 MPa was studied by mercury intrusion, molten salt impregnation, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy techniques.It was found that the entrance pore diameter of the graphite matrix is less than 1.0 μm and the contact angle is about 135°. The threshold impregnation pressure was found to be around 0.6 MPa experimentally, consistent with the predicted value of 0.57 MPa by the Washburn equation. With the increase of pressure from 0.6 to 1.0 MPa, the average weight gain of the matrix increased from 3.05 to 10.48%,corresponding to an impregnation volume increase from 2.74 to 9.40%. The diffraction patterns of FLiBe are found in matrices with high impregnation pressures(0.8 MPa and1.0 MPa). The FLiBe with sizes varying from tens of nanometers to a micrometer mainly occupies the open pores in the graphite matrix. The graphite matrix could inhibit the impregnation of the molten salt in the TMSR-SF with a maximum operation pressure of less than 0.5 MPa.  相似文献   

Fusion fission hybrids, driven by a copious source of fusion neutrons can open qualitatively “new” cycles for transmuting nuclear fertile material into fissile fuel. A totally reprocessing-free (ReFree) Th232–U233 conversion fuel cycle is presented. Virgin fertile fuel rods are exposed to neutrons in the hybrid, and burned in a traditional light water reactor, without ever violating the integrity of the fuel rods. Throughout this cycle (during breeding in the hybrid, transport, as well as burning of the fissile fuel in a water reactor) the fissile fuel remains a part of a bulky, countable, ThO2 matrix in cladding, protected by the radiation field of all fission products. This highly proliferation-resistant mode of fuel production, as distinct from a reprocessing dominated path via fast breeder reactors (FBR), can bring great acceptability to the enterprise of nuclear fuel production, and insure that scarcity of naturally available U235 fuel does not throttle expansion of nuclear energy. It also provides a reprocessing free path to energy security for many countries. Ideas and innovations responsible for the creation of a high intensity neutron source are also presented.  相似文献   

小型模块化熔盐快堆燃料管理初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于燃料随熔盐流动的特性以及可以进行在线添料与处理的特点,液态燃料熔盐堆的燃耗分析与燃料管理和传统固态燃料反应堆有很大不同,需要针对液态燃料熔盐堆的特点重新开发燃耗分析与管理程序。本文针对液态燃料熔盐堆的熔盐流动特性以及在线添料与处理功能,基于MCNP5和ORIGEN2.1燃耗耦合程序,开发了适用于液态燃料熔盐堆的燃料管理程序,并应用于一种小型模块化熔盐快堆的燃料管理和分析,对比分析了5种不同运行方案以及分批在线添料情况下,运行30年期间keff的变化情况及重要核素的演化情况。计算结果表明,采用不断调整添料率的连续在线添料运行方案和固定批量添料的运行方案,都可以让小型模块化熔盐快堆维持运行在一个较小的keff波动范围之内。开发的燃料管理程序适用于液态燃料熔盐堆的研究,同时可以为液态燃料熔盐堆的设计及燃耗管理和分析提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

The distributions of some of the more important heat-producing fission products between molten iron and molten uraniumdioxide have been studied; these experiments were carried out using an arc-melting furnace. It was found that yttrium, lanthanum, strontium, barium, zirconium, praseodymium, cerium and some niobium were distributed to the molten uranium dioxide and that molybdenum, ruthenium and some niobium were distributed to the molten iron phase.  相似文献   

1GW固态燃料熔盐堆运行瞬态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张洁  李明海  何龙  杨洋  戴叶  蔡翔舟 《核技术》2016,(10):89-94
钍基熔盐堆(Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactor,TMSR)作为一种新的堆型,具有独特的安全与运行特性。研究其热工水力特性,对其进行瞬态分析,将有助于深刻理解该反应堆。本文介绍了1 GW固态熔盐堆的堆芯设计方案,并描述了用于瞬态分析的详细程序结构。其中,利用RELAP5对其热工水力模型进行模拟;利用Simulink对其控制系统模型进行模拟。通过预期运行瞬态,例如功率降低、堆芯反应性引入、二回路温度变化等工况显示了其运行特性,并验证了控制系统可以使反应堆达到安全稳定状态,而不触发保护系统动作。  相似文献   

With respect to a liquid-fueled molten salt reactor(MSR),the temperature coefficient of reactivity mainly includes the moderator temperature coefficient(MTC)and the fuel salt temperature coefficient(FSTC).The FSTC is typically divided into the Doppler coefficient and the density coefficient.In order to compensate for the potentially positive MTC,the FSTC should be sufficiently negative,and this is mostly optimized in terms of the geometry aspect in pioneering studies.However,the properties of fuel salt also directly influence the FSTC.Thus,the effects of different fuel salt compositions including the~(235)U enrichment,heavy metal proportion in salt phase(HM proportion),and the~7Li enrichment on FSTC are investigated from the viewpoint of the essential six-factor formula.The analysis is based on an undermoderated MSR.With respect to the Doppler coefficient,the temperature coefficient of the fast fission factors(a_T(ξ))is positive and those of the resonance escape probability(a_T(p)),thermal reproduction factor(a_T(g)),thermal utilization factor(a_T(f)),and total non-leakage probability(a_T(λ))are negative.With respect to the density coefficient,a_T(p)and a_T(g)are positive,while the others are negative.The results indicate that the effects of the~(235)U enrichment and HM on FSTC are mainly reflected in a_T(e)and a_T(p),which are the dominant factors when the neutron spectrum is relatively hard.Furthermore,the~7Li enrichment influences FSTC by a_T(f)and a_T(λ),which are the key factors in a relative soft spectrum.In order to obtain a more negative FSTC for an under-moderated MSR,the possible positive density coefficient,especially its a_T(p),should be suppressed.Thus,a lower~(235)U enrichment(albeit higher than a certain value,5 wt%in this article)along with a lower HM proportion and/or a higher~7Li enrichment are recommended.The analyses provide an approach to achieve a more suitable fuel salt composition with a sufficiently negative FSTC.  相似文献   

在液态燃料熔盐堆(Molten salt reactor,MSR)热工水力设计中,为实现堆芯径向功率展平需对堆芯流量分配进行设计,使得堆芯进口流量分布正比于释热量分布,而下腔室结构和流场分布对堆芯流量分配起决定性作用。利用FLUENT软件对堆芯三维流场进行模拟,通过调节下腔室结构和流量分配装置,对下腔室流场分布进行优化,最终实现堆芯流量合理分配。数值模拟结果表明,喇叭状下腔室比椭球形下腔室熔盐通道流量标准差降低4.2%,设置流量分配板熔盐通道流量标准差降低29.2%;改变下腔室结构和设置流量分配装置能够较好调节流量分配和功率分布匹配性,该结果可为液态熔盐堆堆芯优化设计提供依据。  相似文献   

Several continuous salt processing options are available for use in molten salt fusion breeder blanket designs: fluorination only, fluorination plus reductive extraction, and fluorination, plus reductive extraction, plus metal transfer. The effects of processing on blanket performance have been assessed for these three levels of processing and various equilibrium uranium concentrations in the salt. A one-dimensional model of the blanket was used in the neutronics analysis, which incorporated transport calculations with time-dependent isotope generation and depletion calculations. The method of salt processing was found to have little affect on the level of radioactivity, toxicity, or the thermal behavior of the salt during operation of the reactor. The processing rates necessary to maintain the desired uranium concentrations in the suppressed-fission environment were quite low, which permitted only long-lived species to be removed from the salt. The effects of the processing therefore became apparent only after the radioactivity due to the short-lived species diminished. The effects of the additional processing (reductive extraction and metal transfer) could be seen after approximately 1 year of decay, but were not significant at times closer to shutdown. The reduced radioactivity and corresponding heat deposition were thus of no consequence in accident or maintenance situations. Net fissile production in the Be/MS blanket concept at a fusion power level of 3000 MW at 70% capacity ranged from 5100 kg/year to 5170 kg/year for uranium concentrations of 0.11% and 1.0%233U in thorium, respectively, with fluorination-only processing. The addition of processing by reductive extraction resulted in 5125 kg/year for the 0.11%233U case and 5225 kg/year for the 1.0%233U case.  相似文献   

Safety system testing is one of the most rigorous and time-consuming requirements in the verification and validation process for reactor protection systems(RPSs).This paper presents the development of a test system for the fully digital and field-programmable gate array-based RPS of the solid fuel(SF) thorium-breeding molten salt pebble bed fluoride salt-cooled reactor(TMSR),denoted as the TMSR-SF1 project,developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.The test system is applied to the RPS to ensure that it fully meets its designed functions and system specifications.We first introduce the testing principles and methods.Then,the hardware component designs and the software program development of the test system are discussed.Finally,the test process and test results are discussed and summarized.  相似文献   

Evaluating radiation damage characteristics of structural materials considered to be used in fusion reactors is very crucial. In fusion reactors, the highest material damage occurs in the first wall because it will be exposed to the highest neutron, gamma ray and charged particle currents produced in the fusion chamber. This damage reduces the lifetime of the first wall material and leads to frequent replacement of this material during the reactor operation period. In order to decrease operational cost of a fusion reactor, lifetime of the first wall material should be extended to reactor’s lifetime. Using a protective flowing liquid wall between the plasma and first wall can decrease the radiation damage on first wall and extend its lifetime to the reactor’s lifetime. In this study, radiation damage characterization of various low activation materials used as first wall material in a magnetic fusion reactor blanket using a liquid wall was made. Various coolants (Flibe, Flibe + 4% mol ThF4, Flibe + 8% mol ThF4, Li20Sn80) were used to investigate their effect on the radiation damage of first wall materials. Calculations were carried out by using the code Scale4.3 to solve Boltzmann neutron transport equation. Numerical results brought out that the ferritic steel with Flibe based coolants showed the best performance with respect to radiation damage.  相似文献   

As a first step for obtaining experimental data on the effects of high-temperature chemical interaction on fission product release behavior, we focused on the dissolution of irradiated uranium plutonium mixed oxide (MOX) fuel by molten zircaloy (Zry) and carried out a heating test under the reducing atmosphere. Pieces of an irradiated MOX fuel pellet and cladding were subjected to the heating test at 2373 K for five minutes. The fractional release rate of cesium (specifically 137Cs) was monitored during the test and its release behavior was evaluated. The observation of microstructures and measurements of elemental distribution in the heated specimen were also performed. We demonstrated experimentally that the fuel dissolution by molten Zry accelerated the release of Cs from the fuel pellets.  相似文献   

钍基熔盐反应堆(Thorium Molten Salt Reactor,TMSR)项目是中国科学院科技先导项目之一。基于10 MW热功率熔盐反应堆-固体燃料(Thorium Molten Salt Reactor-Solid Fuel,TMSR-SF)的设计,对TMSR的关键技术安全分析进行了初步研究。TMSR-SF与现有反应堆之间的差异对核安全审查提出挑战,TMSR-SF审查方法的研究将准备其安全审查的技术和要求。固态燃料熔盐实验堆安全分析关键技术初步研究包含4个方面:堆芯核设计关键安全限值、事故序列及验收准则、源项及其审评方法和验收准则、概率安全评价方法和始发事件。首先对其它类型反应堆的安全审查方法进行了研究,对其关键参数和重要规定做了概述,并借鉴了高温气体冷堆和钠冷却快堆的审评要求和方法;然后使用蒙特卡罗和其他方法、模型来计算TMSR-SF的关键参数。应用逻辑图方法讨论概率风险评价(Probabilistic Risk Assessment,PRA)方法和始发事件清单。在本研究中,计算了核心核设计安全限值,研究和讨论事故列表和分类,讨论了TMSR-SF的PRA框架和始发事件清单,该研究将支持TMSR-SF的安全审查和安全设计。  相似文献   

The possibility of creating a multi-component nuclear power system in which, alongside thermal and fast reactors, molten salt burner reactors, for incineration of weapons-grade plutonium, some minor actinides and transmutation of some fission products will be presented. This work aims to review the status of molten salt reactor technology and innovative non-aqueous chemical processing methods, to indicate the importance of the remaining uncertainties, to identify the additional work needed, and to evaluate the probability of success in obtaining improved safety characteristics for a new concept of molten salt-burner reactor with an external neutron source.  相似文献   

钍基熔盐堆核能系统(Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactor,TMSR)是中国科学院首批启动实施的战略性先导科技专项,旨在研发第四代反应堆核能系统。固态燃料钍基熔盐实验堆(The Solid Fuel Thorium-based Molten Salt Experimental Reactor,TMSR-SF1)是一个10 MW热功率的氟盐冷却球床堆,目前已经完成方案设计和初步工程设计。功率控制系统是反应堆一个关键控制系统,实现反应堆正常启动、功率运行和正常停堆功能,对保证反应堆安全和稳定运行起着极其重要的作用。根据TMSR-SF1运行控制要求,结合自适应控制理论,基于Lyapunov稳定性理论设计了一种TMSR-SF1模型参考自适应功率控制器。基于TMSR仿真平台,使用MATLAB/Simulink建立了自适应功率控制系统模型,并开展了控制器特性分析。结果表明,自适应功率控制器具备良好的负荷跟随能力,抗干扰能力强、稳定性好、可靠性高,能够满足TMSR-SF1功率控制的要求,确保堆芯的输出功率与功率设定值相匹配。  相似文献   

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