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The CCN family of matricellular proteins (CYR61/CCN1, CTGF/CCN2, NOV/CCN3 and WISP1-2-3/CCN4-5-6) are essential players in the key pathophysiological processes of angiogenesis, wound healing and inflammation. These proteins are well recognized for their important roles in many cellular processes, including cell proliferation, adhesion, migration and differentiation, as well as the regulation of extracellular matrix differentiation. Substantial evidence implicates four of the proteins (CCN1, CCN2, CCN3 and CCN4) in the inflammatory pathologies of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA). A smaller evidence base supports the involvement of CCN5 and CCN6 in the development of these diseases. This review focuses on evidence providing insights into the involvement of the CCN family in RA and OA, as well as the potential of the CCN proteins as therapeutic targets in these diseases.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence regarding the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, quantitative comparison of synovial mitochondrial derangements in these main arthritis forms is missing. A prospective clinical study was conducted on adult patients undergoing knee surgery. Patients were allocated into RA and OA groups based on disease-specific clinical scores, while patients without arthritis served as controls. Synovial samples were subjected to high-resolution respirometry to analyze mitochondrial functions. From the total of 814 patients, 109 cases were enrolled into the study (24 RA, 47 OA, and 38 control patients) between 1 September 2019 and 31 December 2021. The decrease in complex I-linked respiration and dyscoupling of mitochondria were characteristics of RA patients, while both arthritis groups displayed reduced OxPhos activity compared to the control group. However, no significant difference was found in complex II-related activity between the OA and RA groups. The cytochrome C release and H2O2 formation were increased in both arthritis groups. Mitochondrial dysfunction was present in both arthritis groups; however, to a different extent. Consequently, mitochondrial protective agents may have major benefits for arthritis patients. Based on our current study, we recommend focusing on respiratory complex I in rheumatoid arthritis research.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate the effect of methotrexate (MTX) on microRNA modulation in rheumatoid arthritis fibroblast-like synovial cells (RA-FLS). RA-FLS were treated with MTX for 48 h. We then performed miRNA array analysis to investigate differentially expressed miRNAs. Transfection with miR-877-3p precursor and inhibitor were used to investigate the functional role of miR-877-3p in RA-FLS. Gene ontology analysis was used to investigate the cellular processes involving miR-877-3p. The production of cytokines/chemokines was screened by multiplex cytokine/chemokine bead assay and confirmed by ELISA and quantitative real-time PCR. The migratory and proliferative activities of RA-FLS were analyzed by wound healing assay and MKI-67 expression. MTX treatment altered the expression of 13 miRNAs (seven were upregulated and six were downregulated). Among them, quantitative real-time PCR confirmed that miR-877-3p was upregulated in response to MTX (1.79 ± 0.46-fold, p < 0.05). The possible target genes of miR-877-3p in RA-FLS revealed by the microarray analysis were correlated with biological processes. The overexpression of miR-877-3p decreased the production of GM-CSF and CCL3, and the overexpression of miR-877-3p inhibited migratory and proliferative activity. MTX altered the miR-877-3p expression on RA-FLS, and this alteration of miR-877-3p attenuated the abundant production of cytokines/chemokines and proliferative property of RA-FLS.  相似文献   

Since its medical legalization, cannabis preparations containing the major phytocannabinoids (cannabidiol (CBD) and δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)) have been used by patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) to alleviate pain and inflammation. However, minor cannabinoids such as cannabigerol (CBG) also demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties, but due to the lack of studies, they are not widely used. CBG binds several cellular target proteins such as cannabinoid and α2-adrenergic receptors, but it also ligates several members of the transient potential receptor (TRP) family with TRPA1 being the main target. TRPA1 is not only involved in nnociception, but it also protects cells from apoptosis under oxidative stress conditions. Therefore, modulation of TRPA1 signaling by CBG might be used to modulate disease activity in RA as this autoimmune disease is accompanied by oxidative stress and subsequent activation of pro-inflammatory pathways. Rheumatoid synovial fibroblasts (RASF) were stimulated or not with tumor necrosis factor (TNF) for 72 h to induce TRPA1 protein. CBG increased intracellular calcium levels in TNF-stimulated RASF but not unstimulated RASF in a TRPA1-dependent manner. In addition, PoPo3 uptake, a surrogate marker for drug uptake, was enhanced by CBG. RASF cell viability, IL-6 and IL-8 production were decreased by CBG. In peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures (PBMC) alone or together with RASF, CBG-modulated interleukin (IL)-6, IL-10, TNF and immunoglobulin M and G production which was dependent on activation stimulus (T cell-dependent or independent). However, effects on PBMCs were only partially mediated by TRPA1 as the antagonist A967079 did inhibit some but not all effects of CBG on cytokine production. In contrast, TRPA1 antagonism even enhanced the inhibitory effects of CBG on immunoglobulin production. CBG showed broad anti-inflammatory effects in isolated RASF, PBMC and PBMC/RASF co-cultures. As CBG is non-psychotropic, it might be used as add-on therapy in RA to reduce IL-6 and autoantibody levels.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disease characterized by the attack of the immune system on the body’s healthy joint lining and degeneration of articular structures. This disease involves an increased release of inflammatory mediators in the affected joint that sensitize sensory neurons and create a positive feedback loop to further enhance their release. Among these mediators, the cytokines and neuropeptides are responsible for the crippling pain and the persistent neurogenic inflammation associated with RA. More importantly, specific proteins released either centrally or peripherally have been shown to play opposing roles in the pathogenesis of this disease: an inflammatory role that mediates and increases the severity of inflammatory response and/or an anti-inflammatory and protective role that modulates the process of inflammation. In this review, we will shed light on the neuroimmune function of different members of the heat shock protein (HSPs) family and the complex manifold actions that they exert during the course of RA. Specifically, we will focus our discussion on the duality in the mechanism of action of Hsp27, Hsp60, Hsp70, and Hsp90.  相似文献   

Changes in cellular metabolism have been implicated in mediating the activated fibroblast phenotype in a number of chronic inflammatory disorders, including pulmonary fibrosis, renal disease and rheumatoid arthritis. The aim of this study was therefore to characterise the metabolic profile of synovial joint fluid and synovial fibroblasts under both basal and inflammatory conditions in a cohort of obese and normal-weight hip OA patients. Furthermore, we sought to ascertain whether modulation of a metabolic pathway in OA synovial fibroblasts could alter their inflammatory activity. Synovium and synovial fluid was obtained from hip OA patients, who were either of normal-weight or obese and were undergoing elective joint replacement surgery. The synovial fluid metabolome was determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy. The metabolic profile of isolated synovial fibroblasts in vitro was characterised by lactate secretion, oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and extracellular acidification rate (ECAR) using the Seahorse XF Analyser. The effects of a small molecule pharmacological inhibitor and siRNA targeted at glutaminase-1 (GLS1) were assessed to probe the role of glutamine metabolism in OA synovial fibroblast function. Obese OA patient synovial fluid (n = 5) exhibited a different metabotype, compared to normal-weight patient fluid (n = 6), with significantly increased levels of 1, 3-dimethylurate, N-Nitrosodimethylamine, succinate, tyrosine, pyruvate, glucose, glycine and lactate, and enrichment of the glutamine–glutamate metabolic pathway, which correlated with increasing adiposity. In vitro, isolated obese OA fibroblasts exhibited greater basal lactate secretion and aerobic glycolysis, and increased mitochondrial respiration when stimulated with pro-inflammatory cytokine TNFα, compared to fibroblasts from normal-weight patients. Inhibition of GLS1 attenuated the TNFα-induced expression and secretion of IL-6 in OA synovial fibroblasts. These findings suggest that altered cellular metabolism underpins the inflammatory phenotype of OA fibroblasts, and that targeted inhibition of glutamine–glutamate metabolism may provide a route to reducing the pathological effects of joint inflammation in OA patients who are obese.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, systemic autoimmune disease associated with synovial tissue proliferation, pannus formation, cartilage destruction, and systemic complications. Currently, advanced understandings of the pathologic mechanisms of autoreactive CD4+ T cells, B cells, macrophages, inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, and autoantibodies that cause RA have been achieved, despite the fact that much remains to be elucidated. This review provides an updated pathogenesis of RA which will unveil novel therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and periodontitis are suggested to be closely linked based on microbial dysbiosis, but limited subgingival bacteria have been proven in the pathogenesis of RA. We enrolled 30 RA patients and 25 controls and divided them into three groups with matched age, gender, and diabetes statuses: group AM (all of the matched participants), group PD (periodontally diseased), and group PH (periodontally healthy). Their subgingival microbial composition was determined by V3–V4 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Significant differences in subgingival microbial clustering between the RA patients and controls were observed in groups AM and PD. Among the taxa enriched in RA, Aminipila butyrica and Peptococcus simiae were the only two species displaying positive correlation to the level of anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPAs) in both of the groups. Surprisingly, the median of relative abundances of A. butyrica and P. simiae were 0% in the controls of group PD. Furthermore, a gene encoding arginine deiminase with the capability to produce citrulline was addressed in the complete genome sequence of A. butyrica. This is the first study to elucidate the important roles of A. butyrica and P. simiae as periodontal bacteria leading to RA possibly through the induction of ACPA production.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have great potential to differentiate into various types of cells, including but not limited to, adipocytes, chondrocytes and osteoblasts. In addition to their progenitor characteristics, MSCs hold unique immunomodulatory properties that provide new opportunities in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, and can serve as a promising tool in stem cell-based therapy. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic systemic autoimmune disorder that deteriorates quality and function of the synovium membrane, resulting in chronic inflammation, pain and progressive cartilage and bone destruction. The mechanism of RA pathogenesis is associated with dysregulation of innate and adaptive immunity. Current conventional treatments by steroid drugs, antirheumatic drugs and biological agents are being applied in clinical practice. However, long-term use of these drugs causes side effects, and some RA patients may acquire resistance to these drugs. In this regard, recently investigated MSC-based therapy is considered as a promising approach in RA treatment. In this study, we review conventional and modern treatment approaches, such as MSC-based therapy through the understanding of the link between MSCs and the innate and adaptive immune systems. Moreover, we discuss recent achievements in preclinical and clinical studies as well as various strategies for the enhancement of MSC immunoregulatory properties.  相似文献   

Endogenous DNA derived from the nuclei or mitochondria is released into the bloodstream following cell damage or death. Extracellular DNA, called cell-free DNA (cfDNA), is associated with various pathological conditions. Recently, multiple aspects of cfDNA have been assessed, including cfDNA levels, integrity, methylation, and mutations. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common form of autoimmune arthritis, and treatment of RA has highly varied outcomes. cfDNA in patients with RA is elevated in peripheral blood and synovial fluid and is associated with disease activity. Profiling of cfDNA in patients with RA may then be utilized in various aspects of clinical practice, such as the prediction of prognosis and treatment responses; monitoring disease state; and as a diagnostic marker. In this review, we discuss cfDNA in patients with RA, particularly the sources of cfDNA and the correlation of cfDNA with RA pathogenesis. We also highlight the potential of analyzing cfDNA profiles to guide individualized treatment approaches for RA.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by both genetic and environmental factors. Smoking has been implicated as one of the most important extrinsic risk factors for its development and severity. Recent developments have shed light on the pathophysiology of RA in smokers, including oxidative stress, inflammation, autoantibody formation and epigenetic changes. The association of smoking and the development of RA have been demonstrated through epidemiologic studies, as well as through in vivo and animal models of RA. With increased use of biological agents in addition to standard disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), there has been interest in how smoking affects drug response in RA treatment. Recent evidence suggests the response and drug survival in people treated with anti-tumour necrosis factor (anti-TNF) therapy is poorer in heavy smokers, and possible immunological mechanisms for this effect are presented in the current paper.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic, inflammatory, and autoimmune disorder. Gut microbiota play an important role in the etiology of RA. With the considerable progress made in next-generation sequencing techniques, the identified gut microbiota difference between RA patients and healthy individuals provides an updated overview of the association between gut microbiota and RA. We reviewed the reported correlation and underlying molecular mechanisms among gut microbiota, the immune system, and RA. It has become known that gut microbiota contribute to the pathogenesis of RA via multiple molecular mechanisms. The progressive understanding of the dynamic interaction between gut microbiota and their host will help in establishing a highly individualized management for each RA patient, and achieve a better efficacy in clinical practice, or even discovering new drugs for RA.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease that primarily affects the joints. Organokines can produce beneficial or harmful effects in this condition. Among RA patients, organokines have been associated with increased inflammation and cartilage degradation due to augmented cytokines and metalloproteinases production, respectively. This study aimed to perform a review to investigate the role of adipokines, osteokines, myokines, and hepatokines on RA progression. PubMed, Embase, Google Scholar, and Cochrane were searched, and 18 studies were selected, comprising more than 17,000 RA patients. Changes in the pattern of organokines secretion were identified, and these could directly or indirectly contribute to aggravating RA, promoting articular alterations, and predicting the disease activity. In addition, organokines have been implicated in higher radiographic damage, immune dysregulation, and angiogenesis. These can also act as RA potent regulators of cells proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis, controlling osteoclasts, chondrocytes, and fibroblasts as well as immune cells chemotaxis to RA sites. Although much is already known, much more is still unknown, principally about the roles of organokines in the occurrence of RA extra-articular manifestations.  相似文献   

Mitophagy is a selective form of autophagy that removes damaged mitochondria. Increasing evidence indicates that dysregulated mitophagy is implicated in numerous autoimmune diseases, but the role of mitophagy in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has not yet been reported. The aim of the present study was to determine the roles of mitophagy in patient-derived RA synovial fibroblasts (RASFs) and in the collagen antibody-induced arthritis mouse model. We measured the mitophagy marker PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 (PINK1) in RASFs treated with tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) using Western blotting and immunofluorescence. Arthritis was induced in PINK1−/− mice by intraperitoneal injection of an anti-type II collagen antibody cocktail and lipopolysaccharide. RA severity was assessed by histopathology. PINK1 expression and damaged mitochondria increased in TNF-α treated RASFs via increased intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species. PINK1 knockdown RASFs decreased cellular migration and invasion functions. In addition, PINK1−/− mice with arthritis exhibited markedly reduced swelling and inflammation relative to wild-type mice with arthritis. Taken together, these findings suggest that regulation of PINK1 expression in RA could represent a potential therapeutic and diagnostic target for RA.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease associated with thrombotic complications. To elucidate pathogenic mechanisms, hemostatic disorders in RA were correlated with other laboratory and clinical manifestations. Hemostasis was assessed using relatively new complementary tests, the spatial growth of a plasma clot (Thrombodynamics assay), and contraction of whole blood clots. Platelet functionality was assessed with flow cytometry that quantified the expression of P-selectin and the fibrinogen-binding capacity of platelets before and after activation with a thrombin receptor-activating peptide. Parameters of fibrin clot growth and the kinetics of contraction of blood clots were significantly altered in patients with RA compared to the control group. In Thrombodynamics measurements, an increase in the clot growth rate, size, and optical density of plasma clots altogether indicated chronic hypercoagulability. The rate and extent of blood clot contraction in patients with RA was significantly reduced and associated with platelet dysfunction revealed by an impaired response to activation. Changes in the parameters of clot growth and contraction correlated with the laboratory signs of systemic inflammation, including hyperfibrinogenemia. These results confirm the pathogenic role of hemostatic disorders in RA and support the validity of fibrin clot growth and the blood clot contraction assay as indicators of a (pro)thrombotic state.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the presence and titer of anti-carbamylated 78-kDa glucose-regulated protein (anti-CarGRP78) antibody in serum from controls, and patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and primary Sjögren syndrome (pSS). Thirty-three RA patients, 20 SLE patients, 20 pSS patients, and 20 controls were enrolled from our outpatient clinic. GRP78 was cloned and carbamylated. Serum titers of anti- cyclic citrullinated peptides (anti-CCP), anti-GRP78, and anti-CarGRP78 were measured with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. No differences in serum titers of anti-GRP78 antibody in patients with RA, SLE, or pSS compared with the controls were observed. Serum levels of anti-carGRP78 antibody in patients with RA, but not SLE or pSS, were significantly higher compared with the controls (OD405 0.15 ± 0.08 versus 0.11 ± 0.03, p = 0.033). There was a positive correlation between the serum levels of anti-GRP78 antibody, but not anti-CarGRP78 antibody, with the levels of anti-CCP antibody in patients with RA. Both anti-GRP78 and anti-carGRP78 antibodies failed to correlate with C-reactive protein levels in patients with RA. In conclusion, we demonstrated the presence of anti-CarGRP78 antibody in patients with RA. In addition, the serum titer of anti-CarGRP78 antibody was significantly elevated in patients with RA compared with the controls. Anti-CarGRP78 antibody could also be detected in patients with SLE or pSS.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS), and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) are comprehensive immunological disorders. The treatment of these disorders is limited to ameliorating the symptoms and improving the quality of life of patients. In this study, serum samples from RA, AS, and PsA patients were analyzed with metabolomic tools employing the 1H NMR method in combination with univariate and multivariate analyses. The results obtained in this study showed that the changes in metabolites were the highest for AS > RA > PsA. The study demonstrated that the time until remission or until low disease activity is achieved is shortest (approximately three months) for AS, longer for RA and longest for PsA. The statistically common metabolite that was found to be negatively correlated with the healing processes of these disorders is ethanol, which may indicate the involvement of the gut microflora and/or the breakdown of malondialdehyde as a cell membrane lipid peroxide product.  相似文献   

Platelets (PLT) bind to a significant percentage of circulating monocytes and this immunomodulatory interaction is increased in several inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. The therapeutic blockage of IL-6 with Tocilizumab (TCZ) alters PLT and the phenotype and function of monocytes in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, the relationship between monocyte–PLT conjugates (CD14+PLT+) and clinical and immunological variables and the regulation of this interaction by IL-6 blockage are still unknown. Here, we compared the presence of monocyte–PLT conjugates (CD14+PLT+) and membrane CD162 expression using flow cytometry, and, by ELISA, the markers of PLT activation (sCD62P and sCD40L) in healthy donors (HD) and patients with long-standing RA before TCZ (baseline). We found higher percentages and absolute counts of CD14+PLT+, and higher plasmatic levels of sCD62P and sCD40L but lower CD162 expression on monocytes from RA patients than those from HD. Additionally, the levels of CD14+PLT+ inversely correlated with inflammatory parameters. Interestingly, 95% of patients with lower percentages of CD14+PLT+ and only 63% of patients with higher percentages of CD14+PLT+ achieved a EULAR-defined response at four weeks (p = 0.036). After TCZ, the percentage of CD14+PLT+ increased in 92% of RA patients who achieved 12 w-remission (p < 0.001). Our results suggest that the binding of PLTs has a modulatory effect, accentuated by the increased binding of PLTs to monocytes in response to the therapeutic blockage of IL-6.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), an autoimmune disease, is characterized by the presence of symmetric polyarthritis predominantly of the small joints that leads to severe cartilage and bone destruction. Based on animal and human data, the pathophysiology of osteoporosis, a frequent comorbidity in conjunction with RA, was delineated. Autoimmune inflammatory processes, which lead to a systemic upregulation of inflammatory and osteoclastogenic cytokines, the production of autoantibodies, and Th cell senescence with a presumed disability to control the systemic immune system’s and osteoclastogenic status, may play important roles in the pathophysiology of osteoporosis in RA. Consequently, osteoclast activity increases, osteoblast function decreases and bone metabolic and mechanical properties deteriorate. Although a number of disease-modifying drugs to treat joint inflammation are available, data on the ability of these drugs to prevent fragility fractures are limited. Thus, specific treatment of osteoporosis should be considered in patients with RA and an associated increased risk of fragility fractures.  相似文献   

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