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“哪个产业在过去10年发展最快?设计产业;哪个产业在将来50年发展潜力最大,设计产业;哪个产业正在深刻地改变人们的生活方式,设计产业。”这就是安基传媒公司出版人柳战辉创办大连O2纯氧设计书吧的初衷。  相似文献   

在繁华与寂静的黄金分割点,O2纯氧设计书吧正经营着艺术设计的智慧。"哪个产业在过去10年发展最快?设计产业;哪个产业在将来50年发展潜力最大,设计产业;哪个产业正在深刻地改变人们的生活方式,设计产业。"这就是安基传媒公司出版人柳战辉创办大连O2纯氧设计书吧的初衷。位于大连沙河口的星海创意岛,是个有着798艺术氛围的创意园区,O2纯氧设计书吧就坐落在这由老工厂改建的新兴艺术聚集地。"这里离城中心两三站路,交通方便,老工业建筑被现代设计元素装饰,古朴凝重,充满灵性。"高文雪负责设计书吧的宣传事务,在她眼中,这个半繁华的地方是艺术设计书店最完美的落点。"这里安静、安逸,翻  相似文献   

<正>二月的春雨下的还是有些猛了点,但却并不无情。于是,在一个烟雨蒙蒙的下午,我便听着雨声,踩着雨水,走进了吴鸣的陶艺世界。吴鸣,字怡陶,居怡陶园,一方水土养一方人是有道理的。1957年生于江苏宜兴,1977年于江苏陶校学习陶瓷美术,1986年毕业于无锡轻工职大美术装潢专业,现任江苏省宜兴紫砂工艺厂设计中心主任,研究员级高级工艺美术师,擅长诗文书画,集设计、制作、刻塑于一体,对现代  相似文献   

正~~  相似文献   

余振泰,雅号“半陶人”,1954年7月出生于景德镇,江西大学毕业。曾任景德镇艺术瓷厂厂长,高级工艺美术师,景德镇市美术家协会会员,中国工艺美术学会会员。“半陶人”自幼酷爱陶瓷艺术,任艺术瓷厂厂长期间,汲众名家之长,不缀笔耕,  相似文献   

景德镇陶瓷艺术的发展,总是伴随着陶瓷文化的繁荣。景德镇之所以举世瞩目,为世人仰慕,不仅因为制瓷历史悠久、工艺技术精湛、产品"至精至美",更因为历代瓷工用自己的勤劳和智慧,创造了具有东方艺术特色和中华民族风格特征的陶瓷文化和陶瓷艺术。她以"光致茂美"的陶瓷珠宝,架起了东西方经济技术和文化艺术交流的虹桥,一定程度地推动了人类文明发展的  相似文献   

柳林小径深处,一扇木门掩映的白色建筑,即是王功新林天苗夫妇在宋庄的别墅。从大门进来,前方是白色的月亮门,像一道影壁墙,遮蔽外人的视线,经过一片水竹摇曳的甬道,才入院子。院内,三层小楼房顶上两层主体分别向两侧挑空,蜿蜒的池塘从花园延伸至室内,隔着一面大大的落地玻璃墙,恍惚间分不清哪里是室内,哪里是室外。更不可思议的是,池塘中间竟然是空的,下面就是那个巨大的工作室,鱼儿游过,涟漪荡漾开来,总担心这水会不会溢出……  相似文献   

泛影时代,影像成为述求自我、表达情感的大众媒介,而日益活跃的网络平台,让更多的摄影人脱颖而出,用独特的视角和个性的表达方式激发了摄影圈新的活力。本期三位影像记录者,用摄影语言对"身边的影像"进行了阐释,他们对细节的发现并结合自我心情展开,用影像展现对生活的态度和情调。这里我们看到,纽约和上海街头的城市画面,在繁华和孤独之间,用细腻的情结定格城市文化的独特之处,还有关于人性两面的演绎,是华丽外表下潜在的本真。其实,"相由心生",摄影永远是对客观世界的探索和对主观自我的发掘。  相似文献   

刘园 《中国搪瓷》2011,(6):47-47
初夏的午后,阳光和树枝合谋在地上投下斑驳的影子。吉林市北京路松北一区某居民楼,一处十几平方米的小屋内,一个身材微胖的女子正在剪裁布料。剪刀过处,"嚓——嚓——"声均匀而结实。女子身边几件未完成的旗袍,被阳光镀了一层幽光。女子是刘淑芬,吉林省非遗——满族旗袍传承人。清朝末年,刘淑芬的爷爷为宫廷做纯手工旗袍,后来将手艺传给她父亲,家中虽有6个兄弟姐妹,唯有刘淑芬继承了父亲的衣钵。"我爷爷用左手,我父亲用左手,我也用左手。"这个略显神秘的巧合,  相似文献   

杨晓妮 《陶瓷》2012,(12):18-20
通过钕-铝系列色料合成实验,分析不同配比及不同矿化剂等对色料呈色效果的影响,确定最佳工艺方法。对实验结果进行XRD及色度分析,确定其主晶相为钕酸铝,试样的明度均在70以上,色彩鲜艳亮丽。  相似文献   

Cerium oxide doped with oxides of rare earth elements is a multifunctional material, a wide range of uses which is associated with its unique physicochemical properties. Phase diagrams of multicomponent systems are the physicochemical basis for the creation of new materials with improved characteristics.In this work, phase equilibria in ternary CeO2–La2O3–Dy2O3 and binary La2O3–Dy2O3 systems in the whole concentration range were studied. No new phases have been identified in these systems. An isothermal section of the phase diagram of the CeO2–La2O3–Dy2O3 system at a temperature of 1500 °С is constructed. No new phases have been detected in the system. It was found that in the studied ternary system solid solutions are formed on the basis of (F) modification of CeO2 with structure of fluorite type, monoclinic (B), cubic (C) and hexagonal (A) modifications of Ln2O3.In the La2O3–Dy2O3 binary system (1500–1100 °С) three types of solid solutions are formed: based on hexagonal modification A-La2O3, monoclinic modification B-Dy2O3 and cubic modification C-Dy2O3 separated by two-phase fields (A+B) and (B+C), respectively. The boundaries of the regions of homogeneity of solid solutions based on A-La2O3 are determined by compositions containing 35–40, 20–25, 15–20 mol% Dy2O3 at 1500, 1250, 1100 °C, respectively. From the obtained data it follows that the solubility of Dy2O3 in the hexagonal modification of lanthanum oxide is 39 mol% at 1500 °C, 23 mol. % at 1250 °C and 16 mol% at 1100 °C. The limits of existence of solid solutions based on monoclinic B-modification are determined by compositions containing 30–35, 65–60 (1250 °С), 35–40, 55–60 (1100 °С) 40–45, 70–75 (1500 °C) mol% Dy2O3.In the studied system, with a decrease in temperature from 1500° to 1100°C, there is a decrease in the solubility of La2O3 in the crystal lattice of cubic solid solutions of C-type from 16 to 10 mol%.  相似文献   

Single crystal In2O3 shows promise as a photoanode for the decomposition of water. Because of various difficulties in the preparation of the single crystal material, two simple techniques were developed for the preparation of polycrystalline In2O3 anodes. One method involves the thermal decomposition of the nitrate while the other utilizes the chemical vapour deposition technique. Voltammograms and photoresponse spectra of these anodes are compared to the single crystal material. Among other observations, it is noted that the quantum efficiencies of the thermally decomposed films are comparable to the single crystal material. It is also shown that the on-set potential can be shifted to more negative values by forming the mixed oxide In2O3/Y2O3.  相似文献   

掌握Fe2+/H2O2体系O2的生成路径,可为避免H2O2无效分解,开发经济高效的Fe2+/H2O2体系利用技术指明方向。采用添加自由基捕获剂的方法,探究Fe2+/H2O2体系内各种自由基对O2生成速率的影响,进而确定O2的生成路径。结果表明:Fe2+/H2O2体系内不会产生大量O2-·,O2-·不是生成O2的主要反应物质;O2-·被全部捕获后,体系中仍产生大量O2-·,但此时无O2生成,证明生成O2的反应由·OH和HO2·两种自由基直接参与。分析认为反应·OH+HO2·-H2O+O2是体系内O2生成的主要路径。控制Fe2+/H2O2体系定向生成·OH,抑制HO2·的产生,是提高Fe2+/H2O2体系中H2O2利用率的有效手段。  相似文献   

以Al2O3, Fe2O3和Na2CO3为原料,对Na2O-Al2O3-Fe2O3系烧结过程中的反应行为进行了详细研究. 基于溶出率与时间、温度的关系,证明Na2O×Al2O3和Na2O×Fe2O3的生成反应动力学都服从Zhuralev-Lesokin-Tempelman模型,表观活化能分别为186.59和80.92 kJ/mol,表明Na2O×Fe2O3比Na2O×Al2O3在动力学上更易形成;Al2O3易与Na2O×Fe2O3反应形成Na2O×Al2O3和Fe2O3,在1273 K烧结30 min,所得熟料Al2O3溶出率达98.51%;Fe2O3对Na2O×Al2O3的形成有双重作用,在1273 K下可加速Na2O×Al2O3的形成,超过1323 K,促使Na2O×Al2O3分解成Na2O和b-Al2O3,且随着温度升高或时间延长,分解程度增高,从而导致熟料中Al2O3溶出率显著降低.  相似文献   

Activated hydrogen peroxide produces very reactive OH-radicals which destroy hazardous contaminants in water. The principles and different methods of activation are described. Results from laboratory studies show the numerous applications of this new technology. A successful scaleup of laboratory tests to an industrial level is discussed. Finally, a cost estimate for treating different types of water with hydrogen peroxide is presented.  相似文献   

A series of alumina aluminum borate (AAB) with various Al/B molar ratios were prepared by the coprecipitation method. The supported rhenium oxide catalysts with various contents of Re2O7 were also prepared by the impregnation method with perrhenic acid. The catalytic activity and stability of Re2O7/AAB catalysts for the reaction of propylene metathesis were tested in a fixed-bed microreactor. It was found that Re2O7/AAB is more active, stable and regenerable than Re2O7/Al2O3 for propylene metathesis. The optimum Al/B molar ratio was found to be in the range of 4–10.  相似文献   

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