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A simplified physics, engineering, and costing model of a tokamak fusion reactor is used to examine quantitatively the connection between physics performance and power-plant economics. The material contained herein was generated as part of a broader study of the economic, safety, and environmental impact of fusion based on a range of confinement schemes, fusion fuels, blanket/shield configurations, power-conversion schemes, and commercial end products. Only a DT-fuelled tokamak reactor that produces electricity through an intermediate heat exchange and a conventional thermal-electric conversion cycle is considered; a self-cooled lithium-metal blanket with vanadium-alloy structure, steel shield, and superconducting magnets is used for all cases studied. An optimistic extension of Troyon scaling is applied to a high-elongation ( = 2.5) and low-safety-factor (q =2.3) plasma with =0.1 and efficient (I P CD =0.2 A/W) current drive. This 1200-MWe (net) power plant provides an economically competitive base case with which to compare other approaches to tokamak fusion power. The base case chosen for comparisons represents an optimistic extrapolation of present tokamak physics and technology. Troyon scaling with a coefficient B a/I equal to 0.04 is applied; the impact of an ad hoc but pessimistic scaling that diminished the Troyon coefficient with plasma elongation was also examined. Additionally, a constant current-drive efficiency, =nI R T /P CD =0.2 A/W, atT=10 keV plasma temperature is assumed; although representing an aggressive R&D target relative to present experience, the realization of bootstrap currents for the basecase, and especially for the second-stability-region tokamak, can significantly reduce this problem. The impact and reoptimization for a constant normalized current-drive efficiency, =nI R T/P CD, was also examined. Although the focus of this study has been the optimistic basecase tokamak, comparisons are made with tokamaks based on (a) operation in the second-stability region (=0.2, increased aspect ratio, reduced elongation), (b) super high-field but low-beta operation, (c) very low aspect ratio and highly elongated spherical torus, and (d) a direct application of the present database using a long-pulsed, low-beta tokamak. The economic impact of a range of base-case parameters and operating variables is examined, including current-drive efficiency, beta, stability limits, advanced magnets, economy of scale, blanket/shield lifetime, blanket thickness, and plant lead time. It is found that a range of tokamak options, relative to the optimistic base case selected for this study, may provide economically competitive power plants. Areas where physics and technology advances are needed to achieve this attractive end product are quantitively elucidated for all tokamak options considered.  相似文献   

The dense Z-pinch (DZP) is one of the earliest and simplest plasma heating and confinement schemes. Recent experimental advances based on plasma initiation from hair-like (10s m in radius) solid hydrogen filaments have so far not encountered the usually devastating MHD instabilities that plagued early DZP experimenters. These encouraging results along with the debut of a number of proof-of principle, high-current (1–2 MA in 10–100 ns) experiments have prompted consideration of the DZP as a pulsed source of DT fusion neutrons of sufficient strength (S N 1019 n/s) to provide uncollided neutron fluxes in excess ofI w = 5–10 MW/m2 over test volumes of 10–30 liters or greater. While this neutron source would be pulsed (100s ns pulse widths, 10–100 Hz pulse rate), giving flux time compressions in the range 105–106, its simplicity, near-term feasibility, low cost, high-Q operation, and relevance to fusion systems thatmay provide a pulsed commercial end-product, e.g., inertial confinement or the DZP itself, together create the impetus for preliminary consideration as a neutron source for fusion nuclear technology and materials testings. The results of a preliminary parametric systems study (focusing primarily on physics issues), conceptual design, and cost vs. performance analyses are presented. The DZP promises an inexpensive and efficient means to provide pulsed DT neutrons at an average rate in excess of 1019 n/s, with neutron currents Iw10 MW/m2 over volumes Vexp 30 liter using single-pulse technologies that differ little from those being used in present-day experiments.Work supported by U.S. DOE.  相似文献   

FRESCO (Fusion REactor Simplified COsts) is a code based on simplified models of physics, engineering and economical aspects of a TOKAMAK-like pulsed or steady-state fusion power plant. The experience coming from various aspects of ITER design, including selection of materials and operating scenarios, is exploited as much as possible.Energy production and plant power balance, including the recirculation requirements, are derived from two models of the PPCS European study, the helium cooled lithium/lead blanket model reactor (model AB) and the helium cooled ceramic one (model B). A detailed study of the availability of the power plant due, among others, to the replacement of plasma facing components, is also included in the code.The economics of the fusion power plant is evaluated through the levelized cost approach. Costs of the basic components are scaled from the corresponding values of the ITER project, the ARIES studies and SCAN model. The costs of plant auxiliaries, including those of the magnetic and electric systems, tritium plants, instrumentation, buildings and thermal energy storage if any, are recovered from ITER values and from those of other power plants.Finally, the PPCS models AB and B are simulated and the main results are reported in this paper.  相似文献   

Tandem-mirror- and tokamak-based magnetic fusion production reactors are predicted to have tritium breeding ratios of 1.67 and 1.49, respectively. The latter value replaces one (1.56) that is used elsewhere in the sequence of papers in this issue. Blanket energy multiplication for both is predicted to be about 1.3. With the tandem mirror operating in the plutonium production mode, the net plutonium-plus-tritiurn breeding ratio is 1.74. Blanket energy multiplication for the plutonium mode is predicted to be 2.4 at a plutonium-uranium ratio of 0.7% and a uranium volume fraction of 3%.This paper represents work carried out from 1980 to 1982 and was in draft form in 1982. It was received for publication with only minor editing of its 1982 version, explaining the fact that some of the material is dated.  相似文献   

依据结构设计和中子学计算结果给出了聚变发电反应堆FDS-Ⅱ双冷锂铅(DLL)包层热工水力学设计方案。采用数值计算软件对液态金属增殖区LiPb流场和第一壁热-结构等进行了模拟,并对功率转换系统的热效率进行了计算。通过分析评估,证实该包层热工水力学方案能较好地实现FDS-Ⅱ聚变发电反应堆预期目标。  相似文献   

Results of experiments intended to reproduce cold fusion phenomena originally reported by Fleischmann, Pons, and Hawkins are presented. These experiments were performed on a pair of matched electrochemical cells containing 0.1×9 cm Pd rods that were operated for 10 days. The cells were analyzed by the following means: (1) constant temperature calorimetry, (2) neutron counting and γ-ray spectroscopy, (3) mass spectral analysis of4He in effluent gases, and4He and3He within the Pd metal, (4) tritium analysis of the electrolyte solution, and (5) x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of the Pd cathode surface. Within estimated levels of accuracy, no excess power output or any other evidence of fusion products was detected.  相似文献   

To investigate whether cold fusion of deuterium (D) can occur in solid Pd and Ti as proposed recently, we have searched for the D-D fusion reaction in plasma-charged Pd-D and Ti-D. In a small reaction cell, a DC glow-discharge was established in a deuterium gas between two electrodes, with a Pd or Ti sample placed on the cathode. A thin (50 Å) Cu film was evaporated on the surface of the Pd samples to establish a barrier reducing the escape of D from the samples. Neutrons were detected with a liquid scintillator, and conventional pulse-shape discrimination technique was employed to distinguish gamma counts from neutron counts. No indication for a neutron count rate in excess of the natural background level was observed.  相似文献   

Nuclear analyses provide essential input to the conceptual design, optimisation, engineering and safety case of fusion technology in current experiments, ITER, next-step devices and power plant studies. Calculations are intricate and computer-intensive, typically requiring detailed geometry models, sophisticated acceleration algorithms, high-performance parallel computations, and coupling of large and complex transport and activation codes and databases. This paper reports progress on some key areas in the development of tools and methods to meet the specific needs of fusion nuclear analyses. In particular, advances in the production and modernisation of reference models, in the preparation and quality assurance of acceleration algorithms and coupling schemes, and in the evaluation and adaptation of alternative transport codes are presented. Emphasis is given to ITER-relevant activities, which are the main driver of advances in the field. Discussion is made of the importance of efforts in these and other areas, considering some of the more pressing needs and requirements. In some cases, they call for a more efficient and coordinated use of the scarce resources available.  相似文献   

Advances in high-current linear-accelerator technology since the design of the Fusion Materials Irradiation Test (FMIT) Facility have increased the attractiveness of a deuteriumlithium neutron source for fusion materials and technology testing. This paper discusses the conceptual design of such a source that is aimed at meeting the near-term requirements of a high-flux high-energy International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF). The concept employs multiple accelerator modules providing deuteron beams to two liquid-lithium jet targets oriented at right angles. This beam/target geometry provides much larger test volumes than can be attained with a single beam and target and produces significant regions of low neutron-flux gradient. A preliminary beam-dynamics design has been obtained for a 250-mA reference accelerator module. Neutron-flux levels and irradiation volumes were calculated for a neutron source incorporating two such modules, and interaction of the beam with the lithium jet was studied using a thermal-hydraulic computer simulation. Approximate cost estimates are provided for a range of beam currents and a possible facility staging sequence is suggested.This work was supported by Los Alamos National Laboratory Program Development Funds under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy.Supported in part by an appointment to the U.S. DOE Fusion Energy Postdoctoral Research Program administered by Oak Ridge Associated Universities.  相似文献   

European R&D for ADS design and fuel development is driven in the 6th FP of the EU by the EUROTRANS Programme. In EUROTRANS two ADS design routes are followed, the XT-ADS and the EFIT. The XT-ADS is designed to provide the experimental demonstration of transmutation. The EFIT, the European Facility for Industrial Transmutation, aims at a conceptual design of a full transmuter. A key R&D issue is the choice of an adequate fuel. Various fuel forms have been assessed and CERCER and CERMET fuels, specifically the matrices MgO and Mo, have finally been selected. Within EUROTRANS, the domain ‘AFTRA’ is responsible to more deeply assess the behavior of these dedicated fuels and to provide the fuel database for the EFIT. The EFIT is optimized towards: a good transmutation efficiency, high burnup, low reactivity swing, low power peaking, adequate subcriticality, reasonable beam requirements and a high safety level. In the current paper the fuels under investigation are described, including their production route and their safety limits. First core designs of CERCER and CERMET fuelled 400 MWth EFITs have been developed within AFTRA. The trends found in the design studies and first safety analyses are presented.  相似文献   

聚变驱动次临界堆聚变堆芯参数设计与分析   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
在建立零维堆芯物理模型的基础上,计算了FDS系统三组环径比(低、标准、高)的堆芯物理参数,利用平衡程序和1.5维演化程序对标准环径比情况,进行了等离子体平衡计算和位形演化模拟,结果表明设计方案先进可行。  相似文献   

A new computational algorithm for tokamak power plant system analysis is being developed for the ARIES project. The objective of this algorithm is to explore the most influential parameters in the physical, technological and economic trade space related to the developmental transition from experimental facilities to viable commercial power plants. This endeavor is being pursued as a new approach to tokamak systems studies, which examines an expansive, multi-dimensional trade space as opposed to traditional sensitivity analyses about a baseline design point. The new ARIES systems code consists of adaptable modules which are built from a custom-made software toolbox using object-oriented programming. The physics module captures the current tokamak physics knowledge database including modeling of the most-current proposed burning plasma experiment design (FIRE). The engineering model accurately reflects the intent and design detail of the power core elements including accurate and adjustable 3D tokamak geometry and complete modeling of all the power core and ancillary systems. Existing physics and engineering models reflect both near-term as well as advanced technology solutions that have higher performance potential. To fully assess the impact of the range of physics and engineering implementations, the plant cost accounts have been revised to reflect a more functional cost structure, supported by an updated set of costing algorithms for the direct, indirect, and financial cost accounts. All of these features have been validated against the existing ARIES-AT baseline case. The present results demonstrate visualization techniques that provide an insight into trade space assessment of attractive steady-state tokamaks for commercial use.  相似文献   

Selected reactor physics and isotope balance characteristics of a fusion hybrid supported D-3He satellite nuclear energy system are formulated and investigated. The system consists of two types of reactors: a parent D-fueled fusion device and a number of smaller reactors optimized for D-3He fusion. The parent hybrid station breeds the helium-3 for the satellites and also breeds fissile fuel for an existing fission reactor economy. Various hybrid operational regimes are examined in order to determine favorable reactorQ values and effective fusion and fission efficiencies. A number of analytical correlations between power output, plasma energetics, blanket neutronics, breeding capacity, and energy conversion cycles are established and evaluated. Numerical examples of performance parameters such as fission-to-fusion power, overall conversion efficiency, and the ratio of satellite to parent fusion power are presented. The range of reactor efficiencies is elucidated as affected by the internal plasma power balances. As an upper bound based on optimistic injection and direct conversion efficiencies, we find the D-3He satellite system power output attaining at best 1/3 of the parent fusion power.  相似文献   

Power generation systems such as steam turbine cycle, helium turbine cycle and supercritical CO2 (S-CO2) turbine cycle are examined for the prototype nuclear fusion reactor. Their achievable cycle thermal efficiencies are revealed to be 40%, 34% and 42% levels for the heat source outlet coolant temperature of 480 °C, respectively, if no other restriction is imposed. In the current technology, however, low temperature divertor heat source is included. In this actual case, the steam turbine system and the S-CO2 turbine system were compared in the light of cycle efficiency and plant cost. The values of cycle efficiency were 37.7% and 36.4% for the steam cycle and S-CO2 cycle, respectively. The construction cost was estimated by means of component volume. The volume became 16,590 m3 and 7240 m3 for the steam turbine system and S-CO2 turbine system, respectively. In addition, separation of permeated tritium from the coolant is much easier in S-CO2 than in H2O. Therefore, the S-CO2 turbine system is recommended to the fusion reactor system than the steam turbine system.  相似文献   

给出聚变驱动次临界堆液态金属LiPb/He气双冷嬗变包层参考结构概念,采用了低活化铁素体/马氏体RAFM钢(如CLAM)作为结构材料、简单液态金属流道、两个独立氦气冷却系统以及燃料球/颗粒等设计方案。重点分析了嬗变包层第一壁、重金属区与裂变产物嬗变区的结构设计特点。  相似文献   

聚变驱动次临界堆双冷嬗变包层中子学设计与分析   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0  
对聚变驱动次临界堆的多功能双冷核废料嬗变包层进行了中子学设计和分析,设计目标是:①氚和钚燃料自持;②较少的初装料得到较高的废料嬗变率。使用的程序是自主开发的多功能中子输运/燃耗/优化程序VisuaIBUs1.0,相应的数据库是175群中子/42群光子的多群数据库HENDL1.0/MG。  相似文献   

聚变驱动次临界堆双冷嬗变包层是一个以氦气和液态金属LiPb为冷却剂,以嬗变核废料为主要目的的多功能包层。依据功率平衡模型对不同工况优化的基础上,对该包层热工系统参数进行了设计分析。采用三维商用计算流体力学程序对第一壁和高功率密度区中液态LiPb的流场进行数值模拟计算,给出了优化的典型热工水力参数。  相似文献   

An international joint project of fusion experimental reactor, the ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), is reviewed in view of long-range fusion energy research and development (R&D). Its purpose, goal, evolution, and the present construction status are briefly reviewed. While the ITER is a core machine in the present stage, generation of electricity is a role of the next-step fusion demonstration power plant “DEMO.” The status of designs and technology R&D for DEMO are also reviewed.  相似文献   

核动力装置运行过程可靠性研究现状与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡琦  郁军  金家善  孙丰瑞 《核技术》2002,25(3):235-240
核动力装置运行过程的可靠性研究是保障装置安全,提高装置效能的重要基础,本文从运行过程可靠性问题的背景出发,研究了可靠性分析方法的适应性,并论述了问题研究的技术途径。  相似文献   

In interactions of different energetic ions with extended targets hydrogen isotopes are the most effective projectiles for the production of spallation neutrons. It is shown that for every target material and incident ion type and energy there is an optimal target size which results in the escape of a maximum number of spallation neutrons from the target. Calculations show that in an ADS, combination of a beam of 1.5 GeV deuteron projectiles and a uranium target results in the highest neutron production rate and therefore highest energy gain. For fast 1.5 GeV d + 238U ADS with lead or lead–bismuth eutectic moderator, the required ion beam current is only 38% of that for 1 GeV proton projectiles on lead target. It is shown that for a modular ADS with uranium target and output power of 550 MWth a 1.5 GeV deuteron beam of current 1.8 mA is required, which is easily achievable with today’s technology. For an ADS with keff = 0.98 and output power of 2.2 GWth, the required beam currents for (a) 1 GeV p + Pb and (b) 1.5 GeV d + U systems are 18.5 and 7.1 mA, respectively.  相似文献   

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