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为了加速并简化四旋翼无人机的设计以及进行相关控制算法的实验仿真和验证,针对四旋翼飞行器的机械结构和飞行原理分析了其系统动力学模型,利用牛顿-欧拉方法推导得到机体非线性动力学方程。为了提高四轴飞行器的建模精度和系统完整性,联合计算机辅助设计(CAD)软件和Matlab/Simscape工具箱进行物理系统建模。利用CAD软件搭建的四旋翼三维实体模型导入到Simscape仿真平台构建四旋翼的机体以及动力系统模型,并在此基础上将Simulink设计的控制算法添加到仿真平台,方便进行实验验证和参数整定。仿真结果表明,所设计的飞行器能够较好地实现悬停和轨迹跟踪,满足系统的控制性能要求。  相似文献   

针对应用于工厂物料运输的差速驱动AGV,在实际工作中轨迹跟踪控制将会受外界干扰等因素的影响,提出了一种自适应模糊滑模轨迹跟踪控制律.首先建立了差速驱动AGV的数学模型;然后针对AGV运动学模型设计了Backstep-ping方法控制律,得到虚拟控制速度;针对其动力学模型设计了以力矩为控制输入的自适应模糊滑模控制律,使得...  相似文献   

针对四旋翼无人机在轨迹跟踪过程中会受到内外部扰动、模型误差等不确定性因素的影响,本文提出了一种基于改进型扩展状态观测器的积分滑模控制方案。具体来讲,首先,将四旋翼无人机系统存在的模型误差以及内外部扰动等不确定性因素视作集总干扰,通过借鉴的改进扩展状态观测器对其进行观测;进而,在此基础上,进一步考虑四旋翼无人机系统控制的连续性,基于四旋翼无人机轨迹误差、速度误差、姿态角误差和姿态角速度误差设计积分滑模控制器,分析了系统的稳定性并分别进行了数值仿真和实机实验。结果表明,采用本文算法时,在数值仿真中,各状态跟踪误差不超过1%,跟踪精度最高;在实机实验中,位置跟踪误差总体上能控制在20%以下。因此,本文方法具备有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

针对液压驱动机械手的轨迹跟踪控制问题,在分析研究机械手动力学特点的基础上,推导出机械手的数学模型,分析了神经网络自适应控制的特点,提出了基于函数连接神经网络液压驱动机械手的自学习控制结构与控制算法。其控制结构着重智能知识的加强;控制算法以PD形成学习规则为基础,运算结果不是直接参与控制;而是根据控制器作用于系统之后所产生的误差及其微分对控制器作出评价和修正,仿真和实验研究证明了数学模型的有效性及控制方法的可行性。  相似文献   

针对车辆在轨迹跟踪过程中,尤其是高速转向等极限工况下,易出现车辆跟踪精度差和失稳的问题,以分布式驱动智能汽车为研究对象,提出一种考虑横向稳定性的轨迹跟踪协同控制策略。首先,建立车辆纵向、横向以及横摆运动的三自由度动力学模型,设计了基于模型预测控制的主动转向控制器,通过优化求解得到跟踪期望轨迹的最佳前轮转角。然后,采用滑模控制设计横摆力矩控制器,将横摆角速度和质心侧偏角作为联合变量,利用积分二自由度控制模型,计算车辆稳定的等效附加横摆力矩。最后,采用二次规划算法设计最优力矩分配控制器,以满足总的驱动力矩和附加横摆力矩的控制需求。仿真试验结果表明,控制系统在极限高速工况下,能够使车辆精确、稳定的跟踪期望轨迹。  相似文献   

针对传统PID在四旋翼飞行器轨迹跟踪控制方面存在的精度不高、鲁棒性差等不足,提出了一种滑模PID算法。并根据建立的四旋翼欧拉-庞卡莱动力学模型,设计滑模PID轨迹跟踪控制器。与传统PID算法相比,该算法通过选取PID滑模面,有效地提高系统的响应速度以及抗干扰的能力。通过MATLAB/Simulink,在不同条件下,分别对滑模PID和传统PID算法设计的控制系统进行仿真。仿真结果表明,该算法能够更为精确地跟踪期望轨迹,同时具有响应时间短,超调量小,鲁棒性强等优点。  相似文献   

平面2R欠驱动机器人的轨迹规划与控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
刘庆波  余跃庆 《中国机械工程》2007,18(24):2899-2902
以含有一个主动关节的平面2R欠驱动机器人为研究对象,对此类欠驱动系统的轨迹规划问题进行了研究。首先建立了系统的动力学模型,采用时间尺度方法实现了主动和被动关节点到点的轨迹规划,然后引入滑模控制方法进行反馈控制,使被控系统收敛到给定的规划曲面上,克服了非完整系统不存在光滑状态反馈控制律使系统镇定的缺点。数值仿真结果验证了方法的有效性,为欠驱动系统的轨迹规划与控制提供了一种有效的途径。  相似文献   

周爱国  洪佳 《机电一体化》2012,18(11):13-19,83
动态平衡机器人相对静态的轮式机器人更易于与人类环境实现交流,并具有更好的稳定性。针对能在地面任意方向运动且无转弯半径的单球驱动机器人,简要设计出其机械结构,根据拉格朗日方程推导出其完整的动力性模型。通过对机器人动力学模型线性化,并分解为独立的3个状态方程,设计带有比例积分控制器和线性二次最优控制器的多环控制方法。运用Simulink仿真模块进行仿真,证明了控制策略可以实现机器人的稳定控制和轨迹跟踪控制,并表现出较好的响应特性和稳健性。  相似文献   

以某型自转旋翼无人机作为研究对象,针对自转旋翼无人机起飞过程中的难点,开展自转旋翼无人机的自主起飞控制策略研究,将起飞过程划分为预旋、三轮滑跑、两轮滑跑、离地爬升等多个阶段,并设计各过程的纵向与横侧向控制回路。通过综合仿真实验,验证了所设计控制策略的可靠性与可行性。  相似文献   

针对挖掘机工作装置的参数不确定和存在干扰的问题,将滑模控制用于挖掘机工作装置的轨迹跟踪控制中。为了削弱滑模控制中存在的抖振,设计了干扰观测器,对干扰项进行有效估计以降低滑模控制中的切换增益。利用Matlab/Simulink工具箱对所设计的控制器进行了仿真,给出了基于干扰观测器的滑模控制的跟踪性能及误差。  相似文献   

The problem of spacecraft attitude regulation based on the reaction of arm motion has attracted extensive attentions from both engineering and academic fields.Most of the solutions of the manipulator’s motion tracking problem just achieve asymptotical stabilization performance,so that these controllers cannot realize precise attitude regulation because of the existence of non-holonomic constraints.Thus,sliding mode control algorithms are adopted to stabilize the tracking error with zero transient process.Due to the switching effects of the variable structure controller,once the tracking error reaches the designed hyper-plane,it will be restricted to this plane permanently even with the existence of external disturbances.Thus,precise attitude regulation can be achieved.Furthermore,taking the non-zero initial tracking errors and chattering phenomenon into consideration,saturation functions are used to replace sign functions to smooth the control torques.The relations between the upper bounds of tracking errors and the controller parameters are derived to reveal physical characteristic of the controller.Mathematical models of free-floating space manipulator are established and simulations are conducted in the end.The results show that the spacecraft’s attitude can be regulated to the position as desired by using the proposed algorithm,the steady state error is 0.000 2 rad.In addition,the joint tracking trajectory is smooth,the joint tracking errors converges to zero quickly with a satisfactory continuous joint control input.The proposed research provides a feasible solution for spacecraft attitude regulation by using arm motion,and improves the precision of the spacecraft attitude regulation.  相似文献   

In this paper, accurate trajectory tracking control problem of a quadrotor with unknown dynamics and disturbances is addressed by devising a hybrid finite-time control (HFTC) approach. An adaptive integral sliding mode (AISM) control law is proposed for altitude subsystem of the quadrotor, whereby underactuated characteristics can decoupled. Backstepping technique is further deployed to control the horizontal position subsystem. To exactly attenuate external disturbances, a finite-time disturbance observer (FDO) combining with nonsingular terminal sliding mode (NTSM) control strategy is constructed for attitude subsystem, and thereby achieve finite-time stability. Using the compounded control scheme, trajectory tracking errors can be stabilized rapidly. Simulation results and comprehensive comparisons show that the proposed HFTC scheme has remarkably superior performance.  相似文献   

针对传统机器人越障能力不足的问题,结合本实验室设计的一种具有跳跃能力的自平衡两轮机器人,建立了机器人的动力学模型.分析了两轮机器人最大可控角的影响因素,建立了弹跳准备阶段的模糊滑模控制器,实现对机器人摆角与移动速度的控制.对机器人在起跳阶段做了动力学分析,对机器人在腾空阶段的运动做了动力学分析,同时根据障碍物外形,对其越障运动做了轨迹规划.最后,通过仿真与实验研究,验证了所建立的跳跃越障控制方法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对国产腹腔镜手术机器人轨迹跟踪控制的关键问题,在动力学模型的基础上,构建了自适应模糊滑模控制系统。该方法采用快速非奇异终端滑模面,确保系统能够在有限时间内收敛,并且避免了控制奇异的问题,同时运用模糊逻辑控制,根据系统误差的变化动态调节滑模切换项的大小,在保留滑模控制鲁棒性的基础上,减小了系统的抖振,提高了被控系统的跟踪精度和鲁棒性。仿真结果显示,所设计的方法具有收敛速度快、稳态精度高、力矩脉动小的特点,能够将位置的收敛时间从0. 6~0. 9 s减小到0. 1 s,稳态误差峰值由0. 035 rad减小到0. 01 rad。针对动物活体组织的实验结果显示,所设计的控制系统能够实现机械手术臂对医生操作信息的准确跟踪,为手术的顺利实施提供了保障。  相似文献   

针对以气动人工肌肉作为关节驱动器的外骨骼机器人关节位置跟踪控制问题进行了研究。首先,在动力学模型的基础上,设计了上层控制器,并结合自适应控制和滑模控制方法降低了动力学参数不准确和扰动项未知对外骨骼机器人的影响;其次,基于无模型方法设计了底层关节力矩控制器,调整外骨骼机器人的关节力矩;最后,针对上述控制方案设计仿真实验与外骨骼机器人的穿戴实验。结果表明,该控制方法对气动人工肌肉外骨骼机器人的关节位置跟踪控制是有效的。  相似文献   

A method based on second order sliding mode control (2-SMC) is proposed to design controllers for a small quadrotor UAV. For the switching sliding manifold design, the selection of the coefficients of the switching sliding manifold is in general a sophisticated issue because the coefficients are nonlinear. In this work, in order to perform the position and attitude tracking control of the quadrotor perfectly, the dynamical model of the quadrotor is divided into two subsystems, i.e., a fully actuated subsystem and an underactuated subsystem. For the former, a sliding manifold is defined by combining the position and velocity tracking errors of one state variable, i.e., the sliding manifold has two coefficients. For the latter, a sliding manifold is constructed via a linear combination of position and velocity tracking errors of two state variables, i.e., the sliding manifold has four coefficients. In order to further obtain the nonlinear coefficients of the sliding manifold, Hurwitz stability analysis is used to the solving process. In addition, the flight controllers are derived by using Lyapunov theory, which guarantees that all system state trajectories reach and stay on the sliding surfaces. Extensive simulation results are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control method.  相似文献   

In the traditional sliding mode control method, there always exist the singularity due to the reduced order of the control method. In order to eliminate the singularity, I propose a new full order sliding mode control method in this article, which has been firstly applied to load frequency control. The full order sliding mode control method includes the terminal sliding mode control (TSM) and the linear sliding mode control (LSM). TSM has the good characteristic of eliminating the singularity due to the avoidance of derivative of terms with fractional power factors. While the LSM is easy to design and has fast time convergence comparing to TSM. The model is based on the system with different kinds of turbine or the same kind of turbine, which contains the nonlinearities. The control purpose is to adjust the frequency deviation to zero. Through the simulation results, it is shown that the frequency deviation can be kept to zero in the condition of different load disturbances by the two approaches, which approves the robustness of the proposed methods. In addition, we compare the two methods with the traditional sliding mode control (SMC), which proves the superiority of the two methods in terms of chattering and response time.  相似文献   

为解决降低汽车尾气排放的对大气有污染的NOx的含量,对NOx的含量进行检测以便转化控制等问题,将滑膜控制理论应用到虚拟NOx传感器的设计中,开展了滑模控制的基本原理分析,建立了滑模控制理论与虚拟NOx传感器设计之间的关系,提出用Matlab的Simulink模块来搭建所设计的虚拟NOx传感器的模型的方法,并进行仿真。最后将仿真结果与理想信号进行了比较试验。研究结果表明,该虚拟NOx传感器的显示信号和理想信号高度吻合,说明该虚拟NOx传感器在理论上是可行的。  相似文献   

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