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The capability to generate power in space for transmission to terrestrial markets is a long-term visionary goal that embodies a wide range of technical challenges. Space solar-power (SSP) systems will be very large, but they must be affordable if they are to be developed some day. Addressing the technologies required to construct gigawatt-class, commercial “solar-power satellites” in the distant future can open many other applications opportunities in space and on Earth in the near future. Technical hurdles have been explored and characterized by NASA's recent SSP Exploratory Research and Technology Program. The strategic technology areas examined include solar power generation; wireless power transmission; onboard power management and distribution; structural concepts, materials, and controls; and others. Important progress has been achieved since major space power system studies were conducted in the 1970s. However, significant and highly challenging research and technology development must be conducted successfully across a wide range of areas so that affordable and abundant SSP can be realized.  相似文献   

The nation has achieved substantial progress over the past 30 years in improving environmental conditions throughout the United States. Civil engineers have played leadership roles in achieving this progress. Today, there is considerable discussion about the direction and means of achieving further environmental protection. Civil engineers have both an obligation and a right to participate in these discussions. But obligations and rights will not ensure that engineers exert leadership and a positive influence on these key policy discussions. The profession must take a close look at how it can most effectively participate in the policy debates that will shape the future of environmental policy. This paper examines the roles that civil engineers can play in formulation of environmental policy. It suggests that civil engineers build on their strengths of design of the environment grounded in physical science, by analyzing the entire environmental management system, thinking in terms of outcomes, and considering a broad range of alternatives. The paper suggests that civil engineers need to attend more closely to sustainable development and pollution prevention as substantive areas for engagement beyond the traditional design of waste treatment systems.  相似文献   

Lunar in situ resource utilization (ISRU) processes require thermal energy at various temperatures. Chemical recovery processes (pyrolysis, gas-solid reactions, gas-liquid or three-phase reactions and desorption) require thermal energy at temperatures from 1,000?K?to?2,500?K. Manufacturing processes (hot liquid processing, sinter forming, composite forming, welding, etc.) can be accomplished with thermal energy at temperatures 1,200?K–1,800?K. For these materials, process applications or solar thermal power can be effectively utilized. Physical Sciences Inc. has been developing an innovative solar power system in which solar radiation is collected by the concentrator, which transfers the concentrated solar radiation to the optical waveguide transmission line made of low loss optical fiber. In this paper, we will review our work on the development of the solar thermal power system and its application to a lunar ISRU process.  相似文献   

为应对世界能源危机和温室效应,世界各国高度重视新能源产业的发展。本文结合具体的工程案例,从设计和应用的角度对太阳能光伏并网发电进行分析,说明恩菲公司屋顶光伏电站具有良好的示范性。  相似文献   

It is accepted that fossil fuel is the major source of energy in use today. The technology to use this fuel is well-developed and relatively safe. However, there are two fundamental problems facing the industry that is so dependent on this type of fuel. One, it is a limited resource with only decades of life left. Second is the pollution resulting from its use, primarily the CO2 greenhouse gas generated, and acid rain from NOx and SO2. Until suitable substitutes are found, developed, and implemented, the next best option is to reduce the consumption of the fuel through higher efficiency. Recent research projects with regard to environmental issues send a clear signal to both governments and the energy manufacturing industry that they need to act quickly in order to sustain the environmental conditions. Cogeneration is a technology which can achieve this, but it is important that financial and taxation systems are designed and implemented in a way that recognizes a broader scope for accountability of the needs of industry. Due to increase in the world economy there is a need for further technological progress and environmental legislation. This paper describes a potential fiscal model which could be used to encourage the responsible use of modern clean cogeneration plants to reduce the environmental impact and to allow some political influence over fuel use.  相似文献   

伴随着电力通信网络的不断融合和新业务的涌现,电力通信网络已由传统网络向下一代网络演进,其中最主要的就是面向IP业务的承栽、传送以及新业务提供。为了配合电网的总体规划,各地电力公司都在积极构建新的电力通信网络。如何对现有网络进行改造和优化已经成为各电力公司的当务之急。在诸多的可选技术中,电信级以太网技术是下一代分组化承载网络发展的方向之一,它具备网络业务扩辰性、运营级网管能力和QoS,f~:障能力。  相似文献   

报道了对GaAs/Ge太阳电池器件工艺的研究结果。采用细栅厚电极正胶剥离技术制备细栅厚电极,栅线宽度小于15μm,厚度在5μm以上;采用NH4OH/H2O2选择性腐蚀液体系去除GaAs帽子层;采用真空蒸发制备TiO2/SiO2双层减反射膜,电流密度增益可达25%以上;研制出平均效率达到19%(AM0,1a,25℃)以上的GaAs/Ge太阳电池。  相似文献   

Solar power has merit as a renewable source of energy; it is the largest asset available for consumption on Earth and is limitless. There have been many ideas proposed to beam solar power to Earth; all have been dependent upon the provision of a backing frame to support solar panels, photovoltaic cells, and transmission. This paper suggests one type of rigid deployable skeletal structure and its material of manufacture to form the backing frame of solar panel systems; the structure takes the form of a skeletal double-layer tetrahedral system. The composite material is polyethersulphone thermoplastic polymer reinforced with carbon fiber (CF). This paper also discusses the hostile environment of space in relation to the fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite material, with special reference to the thermal response. Finally, it suggests the alternate possibility of using a rigidized inflatable flexible skeletal structure and, as far as is possible, compares (a)?the relative cost of transferring the two structures to low Earth orbit from Earth, and (b)?the cost of solar energy relative to other forms of energy.  相似文献   

The Chinese government has set ambitious goals for nuclear power. By 2020, China must reach a 40-GW nuclear power generation capacity, have 18?GW of additional nuclear power capacity under construction, and ensure that approximately 4% of electricity generation (i.e., 260–280?billion?kWh) comes from nuclear power. This paper provides an overview of nuclear power development in China and analyzes the roles of nuclear power manufacturers and investors. This paper further discusses current government policies, potential changes to current policy, the future of nuclear power, and the barriers to nuclear power development in China. The paper then summarizes the experiences of other countries with successful stories in developing nuclear power. Finally, recommendations for overcoming the various obstacles to nuclear power development in China are proposed, such as reforming the structure of China’s nuclear power industry, establishing an effective legal system for nuclear power safety, and improving China’s technology development.  相似文献   

结合工程实例,通过介绍并网太阳能光伏电站的组成、种类及发电特性,阐述了通过自动化技术在并网太阳能光伏电站的应用保证电站及电网的保证安全稳定运行的方法.  相似文献   

王长征  郭小芳 《甘肃冶金》2011,33(3):86-88,96
瓜州素有“世界风库”之称,风力资源量大质优,风向稳定,风能密度高,无破坏性风速,具有开发建设大型风电场的优越条件,自2006年起,瓜州县风电大开发拉开了序幕.本文从瓜州的风能资源情况入手,浅述了在瓜州建设风电项目产生的各种环境影响,同时分析了风电项目建设产生的环境效益.  相似文献   

介绍了光伏发电的发展前景及研究意义,在MATLAB环境中分别建立了基于BP神经网络智能建模法及查表法的太阳能电池仿真模型,对太阳能电池特性进行了初步仿真研究。详细介绍了BP神经网络的建模思想及建模仿真结果,同时,对比分析了两种建模方法的优劣,为大型光伏电站的优化设计分析提供仿真研究基础。  相似文献   

Turbulence is the fundamental mechanism governing energy transfer in river flows that was conventionally examined in laboratory flumes. Recently, a trend has been observed for constructing larger scale and outdoor facilities that tend to avoid the problems of upscaling of experimental results. This paper presents the results of an experimental study performed on a river reach used as an environmental field laboratory. The study is focused on the understanding of the spatial arrangement of the flow structure and its dependency on the temporal variability of the flow. Detailed measurements were taken using acoustic Doppler velocimeters and their analysis was completed applying the theory of open-channel flows. The obtained results reveal that the flow structure on the river reach resembles characteristics of a typical three-dimensional open-channel flow. Away from the riverbanks, the flow behaves as a quasi-two-dimensional fully developed turbulent open-channel flow thus providing conditions favorable for field experimental studies of shallow mixing layers and flows over patches of submerged aquatic plants. An interesting observation in the seasonal dynamics of turbulent shear stress patterns was that the height of the roughness layer was reduced in the central part of the flow, though the overall roughness coefficient was increased. At the same time, the structure of the secondary flow near the banks was also substantially altered as the secondary circulations observed at low water levels were replaced by flow separation and internal boundary layers at medium water levels.  相似文献   

中国电站用钢技术现状和未来发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 超超临界火电机组和百万千瓦核电机组建设是我国优化电源结构和实现国家节能减排战略目标的最重要措施。钢铁材料技术是保证超超临界火电机组和百万千瓦核电机组建设顺利进行的最重要基础之一。本文介绍了迄今我国在超超临界火电机组和百万千瓦核电机组用钢方面的研发进展和取得的成就,并与国外同类技术的研发水平进行了对比。同时,本文也分析和讨论了我国超超临界火电机组和百万千瓦核电机组用钢技术的未来发展问题。  相似文献   

以某电厂为例,讨论在电厂建设中,职业病防护与环境保护相结合,达到既能防护职业病危害又能保护环境,为类似项目的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

阐述了研发综合楼应用太阳能光伏发电-LED照明系统的工作原理及技术方案,采用太阳能光伏发电电源直接用于地下室、走廊照明的新构想,实现太阳能光伏发电-LED照明直接对接,为太阳能光伏发电、LED照明的广泛应用作有益的探索。  相似文献   

This paper highlights technology development for space exploration. It draws on the proceedings of Space 88, Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Space, which includes 125 papers and 1,349 pages providing in‐depth discussions of space policy, extraterrestrial basing, space stations, orbiting structures, and areas of special interest. In the space station and orbiting structures (orbital facilities) section, papers discuss the engineering, construction, and operations of orbiting space systems. Papers in the extraterrestrial basing section deal with the engineering, construction, and operations challenges faced in development of bases and operations on extraterrestrial bodies. The special interest (interacting disciplines) section provides a discussion of challenges facing us in meeting needs for space power, life support, human factors, astronomy, education, and management. The purpose of this volume on engineering, construction, and operations of facilities and bases in space is to encourage and stimulate the development of the required technologies. The concluding section of this paper focuses on space policy and a view toward the future.  相似文献   

Winnicott conceived of potential space primarily in terms of the vicissitudes of illusion and reality. Loosened from its ties to illusion and reality, potential space is depicted in terms of 4 interrelated, dialectical processes (surrender-generation, recognition-negation, care-quiescence, and disruption-repair), which can be found, in part, in Winnicott's formulations. Reformulating potential space in terms of these fourfold pairs captures the complexity and paradox of the presence and absence of self-states in successful and failed developmental and psychoanalytic interactions. In addition, these 4 interpersonal dynamics more adequately extend the concept of potential space to all phases of human life. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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