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During the product life cycle, the lifetime information will be collected at each stage, mainly from different tests at the R&D phase, field usage, and maintenance. To comprehensively conduct reliability assessments, it generally requires the integration of multi-source datasets, even that from similar products. In this article, we considered the scenario that products have been arranged with several accelerated degradation tests (ADT) under different types of accelerated stresses with dependency. The obtained data is called incomplete ADT dataset with incomplete stress conditions which fails the traditional integration method for reliability assessments. A novel method is proposed to accomplish this task through mutually exclusive set (MES) theory. The probability assignments for each dataset are given through the union set of several MESs. Then, the multi-source ADT datasets are integrated with the assigned weights of probabilities. Finally, a simulation study and a real application are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

Modern engineering systems have become increasingly complex and at the same time are expected to be developed faster. To shorten the product development time, organizations commonly conduct accelerated testing on a small number of units to help identify failure modes and assess reliability. Many times design changes are made to mitigate or reduce the likelihood of such failure modes. Since failure-time data are often scarce in reliability growth programs, existing statistical approaches used for predicting the reliability of a system about to enter the field are faced with significant challenges. In this work, a statistical model is proposed to utilize degradation data for system reliability prediction in an accelerated reliability growth program. The model allows the components in the system to have multiple failure modes, each associated with a monotone stochastic degradation process. To take into account unit-to-unit variation, the random effects of degradation parameters are explicitly modeled. Moreover, a mean-degradation-stress relationship is introduced to quantify the effects of different accelerating variables on the degradation processes, and a copula function is utilized to model the dependency among different degradation processes. Both a maximum likelihood (ML) procedure and a Bayesian alternative are developed for parameter estimation in a two-stage process. A numerical study illustrates the use of the proposed model and identifies the cases where the Bayesian method is preferred and where it is better to use the ML alternative.  相似文献   

On the basis of the principle of degradation mechanism invariance, a Wiener degradation process with random drift parameter is used to model the data collected from the constant stress accelerated degradation test. Small-sample statistical inference method for this model is proposed. On the basis of Fisher's method, a test statistic is proposed to test if there is unit-to-unit variability in the population. For reliability inference, the quantities of interest are the quantile function, the reliability function, and the mean time to failure at the designed stress level. Because it is challenging to obtain exact confidence intervals (CIs) for these quantities, a regression type of model is used to construct pivotal quantities, and we develop generalized confidence intervals (GCIs) procedure for those quantities of interest. Generalized prediction interval for future degradation value at designed stress level is also discussed. A Monte Carlo simulation study is used to demonstrate the benefits of our procedures. Through simulation comparison, it is found that the coverage proportions of the proposed GCIs are better than that of the Wald CIs and GCIs have good properties even when there are only a small number of test samples available. Finally, a real example is used to illustrate the developed procedures.  相似文献   

A Bayes approach is proposed to improve product reliability prediction by integrating failure information from both the field performance data and the accelerated life testing data. It is found that a product's field failure characteristic may not be directly extrapolated from the accelerated life testing results because of the variation of field use condition that cannot be replicated in the lab‐test environment. A calibration factor is introduced to model the effect of uncertainty of field stress on product lifetime. It is useful when the field performance of a new product needs to be inferred from its accelerated life test results and this product will be used in the same environment where the field failure data of older products are available. The proposed Bayes approach provides a proper mechanism of fusing information from various sources. The statistical inference procedure is carried out through the Markov chain Monte Carlo method. An example of an electronic device is provided to illustrate the use of the proposed method. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accelerated testing has been widely used for several decades. Started with accelerated life tests with constant‐stress loadings, more interest has been focused prominently on accelerated degradation tests and time‐varying stress loadings. Because accelerated testing is crucial to the assessment of product reliability and the design of warranty policy, it is important to develop an efficacious test plan that encompasses and addresses important issues, such as design of stress profiles, sample allocation, test duration, measurement frequency, and budget constraint. In recent years, extensive research has been conducted on the optimal design of accelerated testing plans, and the consideration of multiple stresses with interactions has become a big challenge in such experimental designs. The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive review of important methods for statistical inference and optimal design of accelerated testing plans by compiling the existing body of knowledge in the area of accelerated testing. In this work, different types of test planning strategies are categorized, and their drawbacks and the research trends are provided to assist researchers and practitioners in conducting new research in this area.  相似文献   

Degradation experiments are usually used to assess the lifetime distribution of highly reliable products, which are not likely to fail under the traditional life tests or accelerated life tests. In such cases, if there exist product characteristics whose degradation over time can be related to reliability, then collecting ‘degradation data’ can provide information about product reliability. In general, the degradation data are modeled by a nonlinear regression model with random coefficients. If we can obtain the estimates of parameters under the model, then the failure‐time distribution can be estimated. In order to estimate those parameters, three basic methods are available, namely, the analytical, numerical and the approximate. They are chosen according to the complexity of the degradation path model used in the analysis. In this paper, the numerical and the approximate methods are compared in a simulation study, assuming a simple linear degradation path model. A comparison with traditional failure‐time analysis is also performed. The mean‐squared error of the estimated 100pth percentile of the lifetime distribution is evaluated for each one of the approaches. The approaches are applied to a real degradation data set. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quantitative evaluation of vehicle occupant protection programs is critical for ensuring efficient government resource allocation, but few methods exist for conducting evaluation across multiple programs simultaneously. Here we present an analysis of occupant protection efficacy in the state of Montana. This approach relies on seat belt compliance rates as measured by the National Occupant Protection Usage Survey (NOPUS). A hierarchical logistic regression model is used to estimate the impacts of four Montana Department of Transportation (MDT)-funded occupant protection programs used in the state of Montana, following adjustment for a suite of potential confounders. Activity from two programs, Buckle Up coalitions and media campaigns, are associated with increased seat belt use in Montana, whereas the impact of another program, Selective Traffic Enforcement, is potentially masked by other program activity. A final program, Driver’s Education, is not associated with any shift in seat belt use. This method allows for a preliminary quantitative estimation of program impacts without requiring states to obtain any new seat belt use data. This approach provides states a preliminary look at program impacts, and a means for carefully planning future program allocation and investigation.  相似文献   

Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is a powerful risk discerning technique for identifying, evaluating, and reducing possible failures of products or processes. However, the classical FMEA has been criticized for inherent limitations, such as equal weights of risk elements and lack of capability in handling inaccurate information. Although fuzzy-based modified FMEA methods are frequently utilized to handle vagueness of experts' judgments, they still have some drawbacks, for example, requiring extra assumptions, neglecting experts' bounded rationality and psychological effects, lacking consideration of randomness, and only considering three classical risk elements among most of them. Therefore, this study develops an extended risk assessment method to enhance the performance of FMEA, which integrates the superiority of rough number theory in handling subjective and inaccurate information and the advantage of cloud model theory in reflecting the randomness of qualitative evaluations. Moreover, two synthetic weighting methods are developed to determine the weights of risk elements and handle the experts' individual effects, respectively, which consider both subjective and objective aspects. In addition, maintenance is added into the classical risk elements, and then a hierarchical structure containing four risk dimensions is built to evaluate failures' risk levels comprehensively. Finally, an application case to demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed FMEA model is presented.  相似文献   

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