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The FEM is the main tool used for structural analysis. When the design of the mechanical system involves uncertain parameters, a coupling of the FEM with reliability analysis algorithms allows to compute the failure probability of the system. However, this coupling leads to successive finite element analysis of parametric models involving high computational effort. Over the past years, model reduction techniques have been developed in order to reduce the computational requirements in the numerical simulation of complex models. The objective of this work is to propose an efficient methodology to compute the failure probability for a multi‐material elastic structure, where the Young moduli are considered as uncertain variables. A proper generalized decomposition algorithm is developed to compute the solution of parametric multi‐material model. This parametrized solution is used in conjunction with a first‐order reliability method to compute the failure probability of the structure. Applications to multilayered structures in two‐dimensional plane elasticity are presented.Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the verification of simulations performed using the finite element method. More specifically, it addresses the calculation of strict bounds on the discretization errors affecting pointwise outputs of interest which may be non‐linear with respect to the displacement field. The method is based on classical tools, such as the constitutive relation error and extraction techniques associated with the solution of an adjoint problem. However, it uses two specific and innovative techniques: the enrichment of the adjoint solution using a partition of unity method, which enables one to consider truly pointwise quantities of interest, and the decomposition of the non‐linear quantities of interest by means of projection properties in order to take into account higher‐order terms in establishing the bounds. Thus, no linearization is performed and the property that the local error bounds are guaranteed is preserved. The effectiveness of the approach and the quality of the bounds are illustrated with two‐dimensional applications in the context of elastic fatigue problems. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we produce tight guaranteed bounds for the error in the pointwise values of the derivatives of a post‐processed finite element solution to a potential flow problem, in which the boundary condition is purely normal velocity. Our approach has to be modified for the problems with Dirichlet boundary conditions. The aim is to produce a tight envelope of certainty within which the exact value is guaranteed to lie. Our numerical experiments produce narrow envelopes at interior points and at points close to or on the boundary. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We obtain fully computable a posteriori error estimators for the energy norm of the error in second‐order conforming and nonconforming finite element approximations in planar elasticity. These estimators are completely free of unknown constants and give a guaranteed numerical upper bound on the norm of the error. The estimators are shown to also provide local lower bounds, up to a constant and higher‐order data oscillation terms. Numerical examples are presented illustrating the theory and confirming the effectiveness of the estimator. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we summarize how dual analysis techniques can be used to determine upper bounds of the discretization error, both in terms of global and local outputs. We present formulas for the bounds of the error in local outputs, based on the approach proposed by Greenberg in 1948 and we show that the resulting intervals are the same as those previously presented, based on the approach proposed by Washizu in 1953. We then explain how the elemental contributions to these bounds can be used to define an adaptive strategy that considers multiple quantities and we present its application to a simple plane stress problem. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, we analyze a method that leads to strict and high‐quality local error bounds in the context of fracture mechanics. We investigate in particular the capability of this method to evaluate the discretization error for quantities of interest computed using the extended finite element method (XFEM). The goal‐oriented error estimation method we are focusing on uses the concept of constitutive relation error along with classical extraction techniques. The main innovation in this paper resides in the methodology employed to construct admissible fields in the XFEM framework, which involves enrichments with singular and level set basis functions. We show that this construction can be performed through a generalization of the classical procedure used for the standard finite element method. Thus, the resulting goal‐oriented error estimation method leads to relevant and very accurate information on quantities of interest that are specific to fracture mechanics, such as mixed‐mode stress intensity factors. The technical aspects and the effectiveness of the method are illustrated through two‐dimensional numerical examples. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an a posteriori error estimator for mixed‐mode stress intensity factors in plane linear elasticity. A surface integral over an arbitrary crown is used for the separate calculation of the combined mode's stress intensity factors. The error in the quantity of interest is based on goal‐oriented error measures and estimated through an error in the constitutive relation. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We develop and compare a number of alternative approaches to obtain guaranteed and fully computable bounds on the error in quantities of interest of arbitrary order finite element approximations in the context of a linear second‐order elliptic problem. In each case, the bounds are fully computable and do not involve any unknown multiplicative factors. Guaranteed computable bounds are also obtained for the case when the Dirichlet boundary conditions are non‐homogeneous. This is achieved by taking account of the error incurred by the approximation of the Dirichlet data in the functional used to approximate the quantity of interest itself, which is found to generally give better results. Numerical examples are presented to show that the resulting estimators provide tight bounds with the effectivity index tending to unity from above. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first present a consistent procedure to establish influence functions for the finite element analysis of shell structures, where the influence function can be for any linear quantity of engineering interest. We then design some goal‐oriented error measures that take into account the cancellation effect of errors over the domain to overcome the issue of over‐estimation. These error measures include the error due to the approximation in the geometry of the shell structure. In the calculation of the influence functions we also consider the asymptotic behaviour of shells as the thickness approaches zero. Although our procedures are general and can be applied to any shell formulation, we focus on MITC finite element shell discretizations. In our numerical results, influence functions are shown for some shell test problems, and the proposed goal‐oriented error estimation procedure shows good effectivity indices. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We describe how wavelets constructed out of finite element interpolation functions provide a simple and convenient mechanism for both goal‐oriented error estimation and adaptivity in finite element analysis. This is done by posing an adaptive refinement problem as one of compactly representing a signal (the solution to the governing partial differential equation) in a multiresolution basis. To compress the solution in an efficient manner, we first approximately compute the details to be added to the solution on a coarse mesh in order to obtain the solution on a finer mesh (the estimation step) and then compute exactly the coefficients corresponding to only those basis functions contributing significantly to a functional of interest (the adaptation step). In this sense, therefore, the proposed approach is unified, since unlike many contemporary error estimation and adaptive refinement methods, the basis functions used for error estimation are the same as those used for adaptive refinement. We illustrate the application of the proposed technique for goal‐oriented error estimation and adaptivity for second and fourth‐order linear, elliptic PDEs and demonstrate its advantages over existing methods. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Verification of the computation of local quantities of interest, e.g. the displacements at a point, the stresses in a local area and the stress intensity factors at crack tips, plays an important role in improving the structural design for safety. In this paper, the smoothed finite element method (SFEM) is used for finding upper and lower bounds on the local quantities of interest that are outputs of the displacement field for linear elasticity problems, based on bounds on strain energy in both the primal and dual problems. One important feature of SFEM is that it bounds the strain energy of the structure from above without needing the solutions of different subproblems that are based on elements or patches but only requires the direct finite element computation. Upper and lower bounds on two linear outputs and one quadratic output related with elasticity—the local reaction, the local displacement and the J‐integral—are computed by the proposed method in two different examples. Some issues with SFEM that remain to be resolved are also discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new methodology for recovering equilibrated stress fields is presented, which is based on traction‐free subdomains' computations. It allows a rather simple implementation in a standard finite element code compared with the standard technique for recovering equilibrated tractions. These equilibrated stresses are used to compute a constitutive relation error estimator for a finite element model in 2D linear elasticity. A lower bound and an upper bound for the discretization error are derived from the error in the constitutive relation. These bounds in the discretization error are used to build lower and upper bounds for local quantities of interest. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Input data to a numerical model are not necessarily well known. Uncertainties may exist both in material properties and in the geometry of the device. They can be due, for instance, to ageing or imperfections in the manufacturing process. Input data can be modelled as random variables leading to a stochastic model. In electromagnetism, this leads to solution of a stochastic partial differential equation system. The solution can be approximated by a linear combination of basis functions rising from the tensorial product of the basis functions used to discretize the space (nodal shape function for example) and basis functions used to discretize the random dimension (a polynomial chaos expansion for example). Some methods (SSFEM, collocation) have been proposed in the literature to calculate such approximation. The issue is then how to compare the different approaches in an objective way. One solution is to use an appropriate a posteriori numerical error estimator. In this paper, we present an error estimator based on the constitutive relation error in electrokinetics, which allows the calculation of the distance between an average solution and the unknown exact solution. The method of calculation of the error is detailed in this paper from two solutions that satisfy the two equilibrium equations. In an example, we compare two different approximations (Legendre and Hermite polynomial chaos expansions) for the random dimension using the proposed error estimator. In addition, we show how to choose the appropriate order for the polynomial chaos expansion for the proposed error estimator. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Structural reliability methods aim at computing the probability of failure of systems with respect to prescribed limit state functions. A common practice to evaluate these limit state functions is using Monte Carlo simulations. The main drawback of this approach is the computational cost, because it requires computing a large number of deterministic finite element solutions. Surrogate models, which are built from a limited number of runs of the original model, have been developed, as substitute of the original model, to reduce the computational cost. However, these surrogate models, while decreasing drastically the computational cost, may fail in computing an accurate failure probability. In this paper, we focus on the control of the error introduced by a reduced basis surrogate model on the computation of the failure probability obtained by a Monte Carlo simulation. We propose a technique to determine bounds of this failure probability, as well as a strategy of enrichment of the reduced basis, based on limiting the bounds of the error of the failure probability for a multi‐material elastic structure. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the accuracy of guaranteed error bounds on outputs of interest computed from approximate methods such as the finite element method. A considerable improvement is introduced for linear problems, thanks to new bounding techniques based on Saint‐Venant's principle. The main breakthrough of these optimized bounding techniques is the use of properties of homothetic domains that enables to cleverly derive guaranteed and accurate bounding of contributions to the global error estimate over a local region of the domain. Performances of these techniques are illustrated through several numerical experiments. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An adaptive remeshing procedure is proposed for discontinuous finite element limit analysis. The procedure proceeds by iteratively adjusting the element sizes in the mesh to distribute local errors uniformly over the domain. To facilitate the redefinition of element sizes in the new mesh, the interelements discontinuous field of elemental bound gaps is converted into a continuous field, ie, the intensity of bound gap, using a patch‐based approximation technique. An analogous technique is subsequently used for the approximation of element sizes in the old mesh. With these information, an optimized distribution of element sizes in the new mesh is defined and then scaled to match the total number of elements specified for each iteration in the adaptive remeshing process. Finally, a new mesh is generated using the advancing front technique. This adaptive remeshing procedure is repeated several times until an optimal mesh is found. Additionally, for problems involving discontinuous boundary loads, a novel algorithm for the generation of fan‐type meshes around singular points is proposed explicitly and incorporated into the main adaptive remeshing procedure. To demonstrate the feasibility of our proposed method, some classical examples extracted from the existing literary works are studied in detail.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel methodology for structural reliability analysis by means of the stochastic finite element method (SFEM). The key issue of structural reliability analysis is to determine the limit state function and corresponding multidimensional integral that are usually related to the structural stochastic displacement and/or its derivative, e.g., the stress and strain. In this paper, a novel weak-intrusive SFEM is first used to calculate structural stochastic displacements of all spatial positions. In this method, the stochastic displacement is decoupled into a combination of a series of deterministic displacements with random variable coefficients. An iterative algorithm is then given to solve the deterministic displacements and the corresponding random variables. Based on the stochastic displacement obtained by the SFEM, the limit state function described by the stochastic displacement (and/or its derivative) and the corresponding multidimensional integral encountered in reliability analysis can be calculated in a straightforward way. Failure probabilities of all spatial positions can be obtained at once since the stochastic displacements of all spatial points have been known by using the proposed SFEM. Furthermore, the proposed method can be applied to high-dimensional stochastic problems without any modification. One of the most challenging problems encountered in high-dimensional reliability analysis, known as the curse of dimensionality, can be circumvented with great success. Three numerical examples, including low- and high-dimensional reliability analysis, are given to demonstrate the good accuracy and the high efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper, an elastoplastic analysis based on fuzzy mathematics and using finite element method will be described. The Drucker–Prager yield criterion and the elasto-plastic matrix are fuzzified for the non-linear analyses which adopt the initial stress method for the solution. A numerical example is given to illustrate the possible variations in the displacements and the extent of plastic zones at the discrete membership functions. A reliability index of a membership grade based on the concept of non-probabilistic entropy is also proposed.  相似文献   

The paper presents a 3D‐based adaptive first‐order shell finite element to be applied to hierarchical modelling and adaptive analysis of complex structures. The main feature of the element is that it is equipped with 3D degrees of freedom, while its mechanical model corresponds to classical first‐order shell theory. Other useful features of the element are its modelling and adaptive capabilities. The element is assigned to hierarchical modelling and hpq‐adaptive analysis of shell parts of complex structures consisting of solid, thick‐ and thin‐shell parts, as well as of transition zones, where h, p and q denote the mesh density parameter and the longitudinal and transverse orders of approximation, respectively. The proposed hp‐adaptive first‐order shell element can be joined with 3D‐based hpq‐adaptive hierarchical shell elements or 3D hpp‐adaptive solid elements by means of the family of 3D‐based hpq/hp‐ or hpp/hp‐adaptive transition elements. The main objective of the first part of our research, presented in the first part of the paper, was to provide non‐standard information on the original parts of the element algorithm. Here we describe the second part of the research, devoted to the methodology and results of the application of the element to various plate and shell problems. The main objective of this part is to verify algorithms of the element and to show its usefulness in modelling and adaptive analysis of shell and plate parts of complex structures. In order to do that, there is a presentation of the results of a comparative analysis of model plate and shell problems using the classical and our elements, and equidistributed and integrated Legendre shape functions. For the plate problem a comparison of the results obtained from the adaptive and non‐adaptive analysis is also included. Additionally, some advantages of the application of our element are shown through a comparative analysis of p‐convergence of the thin plate problem and an adaptive analysis of the exemplary complex structure. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Methods for a posteriori error estimation for finite element solutions are well established and widely used in engineering practice for linear boundary value problems. In contrast here we are concerned with finite elasticity and error estimation and adaptivity in this context. In the paper a brief outline of continuum theory of finite elasticity is first given. Using the residuals in the equilibrium conditions the discretization error of the finite element solution is estimated both locally and globally. The proposed error estimator is physically interpreted in the energy sense. We then present and discuss the convergence behaviour of the discretization error in uniformly and adaptively refined finite element sequences.  相似文献   

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