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Corrosion inhibitors are used to prevent chloride‐induced corrosion in reinforced concrete structures. Since performance of commercial organic inhibitors is only partially satisfactory, a 7‐year long research has been carried out in order to set‐up a new organic inhibitive mixture, able to prevent chlorides‐induced corrosion. A first screening, by means of potentiodynamic polarisation test in alkaline synthetic pore solution, was performed on 80 organic compounds, mainly primary and tertiary amines, aminoalcohols, carboxylates compounds and aminoacids, in order to select the best inhibiting substances. The nine best inhibitive organic substances were selected for long‐term tests: 2 amines (dimethylethanolamine and triethylentetramine), 4 aminoacids (aspartate, asparagine, glutamate and glutamine) and 3 carboxylates compounds (tartrate, benzoate and EDTA). Potentiostatic polarisation and free corrosion tests in synthetic pore solution were performed, as well as tests in concrete exposed to accelerated chlorides penetration. Five years of tests allow estimating the efficiency of the substances in preventing chlorides‐induced corrosion, in term of influence on chlorides penetration and on critical chlorides threshold.  相似文献   

A comparison study in terms of inhibition performance between oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) extract and OPEFB powder against mild steel corrosion in 1 M hydrochloric acid was evaluated using weight loss technique and adsorption isotherms. OPEFB extract and powder were prepared at various concentrations of 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8%, and 1.0% (v/v) and dosages of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 g, respectively. The results showed that OPEFB extract achieved higher inhibition efficiency (IE) at high concentration and short immersion time compared to OPEFB powder. Despite having lower IE, OPEFB powder seemed to have better behavior; 6.6% IE increment at longer immersion time, gradual release of active compounds and stronger adsorption capacity. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and energy‐dispersive X‐ray studies confirmed the presence of active compounds in OPEFB extract and powder that is responsible for inhibition. Thermodynamic study revealed that both OPEFB extract and powder obeyed Langmuir isotherm and worked through physical adsorption. Overall, OPEFB powder is concluded to have better performance as corrosion inhibitor compared with OPEFB extract.  相似文献   

Low-toxic and cheap corrosion inhibitors are used for determining the durability of industrial equipment in acidic medium. The aim of the present study is to investigate the pomegranate peels crude extract (PPE) as a corrosion inhibitor of steel in 1 M HCl. The optimum yield of extraction, in terms of total phenolic content, was obtained by using a Soxhlet process in an aqueous solvent. The corrosion inhibition efficiency of PPE was investigated with stationary and dynamic electrochemical techniques. PPE acts as a mixed-type corrosion inhibitor in very acidic medium, thanks to the formation of an organic layer made of various components, providing both a chemical antioxidant activity, likely due to the polyphenolic compounds, and a physical hydrophobic barrier against the aggressive environment, likely due to the filming properties of macromolecules as pectin or fatty acids.  相似文献   

The inhibitive behavior of Quebracho tannin extract on SAE 1010 steel corrosion in the acidic media is investigated. Potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) are first used to determine the inhibition efficiency of Quebracho in 0.1 M HCl solution to identify the best extract concentration to subsequently evaluate the inhibitor activity in CO2-rich aqueous solution at high pressure (15 MPa) and high temperature (70°C). Polarization curves revealed that Quebracho extract acted as cathodic inhibitor and that the inhibition efficiency is dependent on the extract concentration. The EIS measurements and SEM analysis showed that the inhibitor had been adsorbed on the steel surface. The inhibition efficiency of Quebracho in CO2 medium was similar to the 0.1 M HCl, reducing expressively the corrosion rate. The SEM images and X-ray diffraction analysis showed that iron carbonate was the main corrosion product formed on the metal surface in CO2-rich environment in the presence of Quebracho. Besides, the corrosion scale was thinner and more compact in the presence of inhibitor.  相似文献   

Laboratory investigations were performed to assess the efficacy of a proprietary ethanolamine‐based corrosion inhibitor system when applied to the surface of reinforced concrete specimens that were chloride‐contaminated to varying extents in the presence or absence of carbonation. The corrosion responses of embedded steel bars at various depths of cover were monitored electrochemically during a controlled programme of cyclic wetting and drying undertaken for several months prior to the inhibitor treatment and for approximately eighteen months thereafter. Gravimetric measurements of the quantities and distribution of corrosion on the steel were also made on completion of the exposure tests. Analysis of aqueous extracts from treated concrete revealed that the ethanolamine component of the inhibitor system penetrated to depths of more than 15 mm within the concrete. It was found that, for inhibitor‐treated specimens, there was some reduction in the corrosion rate of pre‐corroding steel at low cover depths in non‐carbonated concrete with modest levels of chloride contamination. At higher levels of chloride contamination and in carbonated specimens, however, the ethanolamine‐based inhibitor was apparently ineffective under the conditions investigated.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to evaluate the performance of N-methyl-2-hydroxyethylammonium oleate ([m-2HEA][Ol]) as a corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in a 0.1-mol/L hydrochloric acid solution and also investigate the role of chloride in the inhibition mechanism. This protic ionic liquid (PIL) has formerly shown a high efficiency as a corrosion inhibitor in a neutral chloride medium. Electrochemical and weight loss measurements, surface contact angle determination, scanning electron microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy were used to understand the factors that influence the response of the studied inhibitor. Results revealed that [m-2HEA][Ol] behaves as a mixed-type adsorption inhibitor, by blocking cathodic sites and by modifying the activation energy of the anodic reaction, and it can reach up to 94–97% of inhibition efficiency. PIL adsorption was enhanced by the excess of positive charge of the mild steel. The effect of inhibitor molecule has been discussed to propose a mechanism that explains the inhibitory action of the corrosion inhibitor, pointing out the role of chloride in the inhibition mechanism.  相似文献   

In this study, we reviewed our recent work on the general corrosion of carbon steel (P355QL2) overpack material for the isolation of high-level nuclear waste in Belgium's supercontainer concept. By using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and by optimizing the mixed potential model, which incorporates quantum mechanical tunneling of charge carriers across the barrier layer to describe the kinetics of the partial cathodic process, we evaluated all parameters in the model as a function of independent variables such as voltage, temperature, and pH. By delineating the partial anodic and cathodic processes, we found that the corrosion rate (CR) is independent of voltage over the voltage range from 0.2 to −1.0 VSHE, which is predicted to be experienced in the repository. Furthermore, the CR is found to increase strongly with decreasing pH and increasing temperature.  相似文献   

Reinforced mortar samples were exposed in humidity chambers with different relative humidity or exposed in cyclic moisture conditions. The rebars were in an “as received” condition meaning that the preexisting oxide scale were intact. The lowest chloride concentration that initiated corrosion was 1% Cl? by mass of cement, corrosion was then observed for samples exposed at 97% relative humidity. It is suggested that the corrosion rate decreases when samples are exposed to a relative humidity lower than 97%. The results indicate that threshold levels should be evaluated at rather humid conditions (97%) despite the fact that the maximum corrosion rate at higher chloride levels is observed in the interval 91–94%. For samples exposed to cyclic moisture conditions, a lower chloride concentration was needed to initiate corrosion compared to samples exposed in static moisture conditions.  相似文献   

The use of inhibitors is one of the most practical modern methods in preventing and protecting against metal and alloy pipe corrosion. Exploring such additional inhibitors, particularly of natural origins, has become a key area of research. The present work, thus, evaluates the extract of a desert plant fruit, endemic to northern Chile, called Chañar (Geoffroea decorticans), as an inhibitor for the corrosion of A36 steel under a saline environment. Extract inhibition efficiency was evaluated by mass loss, polarization curves, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and surface morphology of the steel after assays was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Results showed the formation of a smooth surface on the steel in the presence of the extract and a rough surface in the absence of the extract; also, polarization curves indicated an inhibition efficiency of approximately 82% at a concentration of 200ppm extract, corroborated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The adsorption of the extract on the steel surface follows Langmuir's isotherm model, for which thermodynamic parameters suggest a physisorption mechanism.  相似文献   

In recent years, the use of corrosion inhibitors in producing high‐performance steel reinforced concrete structures has increased significantly to minimize the chloride and sulfate attacks. However, most inhibitors available in the market are toxic to the environment. Hence, one objective of the present investigation was to test a novel, eco‐friendly, so‐called green inhibitor extracted from a fruit waste (orange peel), and its effects were studied on the compression strength of the XD3 type concrete samples. The inhibitor was added to the concrete mix in concentrations of 1% and 3% by weight of cement in addition to two different superplasticizers (Mapei Dynamon SR 31, Budapest, Hungary and Oxydtron, Hungary). The test results on steel reinforced samples immersed in 3.5 wt% NaCl aqueous solutions at room temperature showed promising corrosion mitigating effects just after 6 months testing period. The lower corrosion currents (i.e., better corrosion resistance) after 6 months immersion were observed when the samples contained both green inhibitor and Oxydtron superplasticizer, especially with sample C2 (in this case 3% green inhibitor was added to the mixture of cement + Oxydtron superplasticizer).  相似文献   

One of the most common corrosion protection methods in reinforcing concrete bars is the application of fusion‐bonded epoxy coatings. Although considerable research has been carried out on the performance of epoxy‐coated bars (ECR), there are still many uncertainties about their performance in cracked concrete. In this experimental program, reinforcing steel bars with six types of epoxy coatings embedded in concrete slabs with a 0.4 mm wide preformed crack intersecting the reinforcing steel at right angles were tested. Results of corrosion potentials, corrosion current density, coating adhesion tests, chloride content, and visual examination after 68 months of exposure to a simulated marine environment are reported. Results revealed that under the studied conditions the ECR did not provide total protection of steel reinforcement in cracked concrete. Their use however, tended to reduce significantly the damage caused by the chloride‐induced corrosion when compared with the uncoated bars embedded in concrete with similar characteristics.  相似文献   

An organic compound, 1,3‐bis‐dibutylaminopropan‐2‐ol (BDAP) was prepared and tested experimentally as inhibitor for reinforcement steel in simulated concrete pore solution. The electrochemical behavior of carbon steel electrodes immersed in simulated pore solutions with different concentration of BDAP was investigated by electrochemical measurements. Adsorption isotherm was determined based on the inhibition efficiency. The surface composition was evaluated via X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) as well in order to verify the presence and adsorption property of BDAP. The results showed that BDAP could effectively suppress the anodic process of carbon steel corrosion and the inhibition efficiency was improving with the increase of inhibitor concentration. BDAP could adsorb on carbon steel surface according to Langmuir adsorption isotherm. XPS spectrum certified the existence of BDAP on the steel surface.  相似文献   

Mixed‐metal oxide (MMO), graphite and laboratory‐made Ag/AgCl electrodes were electrochemically characterized to be used as reference electrodes embedded in concrete structures. Electrodes were studied in both, aqueous solutions of pH ranging from 7 to 13.5 and embedded into cement mortars; and the electrochemical studies were carried out in the absence and presence of chloride ions. Potential evolution, polarisation behaviour, galvanostatic pulse response and impedance characteristics of the electrodes were carried out in aqueous solutions. Besides, the electrochemical stability of the electrodes embedded in mortar was studied for an exposure period of two years. It was found that the MMO pseudo‐reference electrode is pH‐sensitive, the graphite pseudo‐reference electrode is oxygen sensitive and the Ag/AgCl pseudo‐reference electrode is chloride sensitive. Then, regarding the corrosion monitoring of steel rebars, care should be taken to avoid misleading interpretations of the corrosion potential measurements. However, any of them can be used to measure the corrosion rate of the rebars by means of traditional electrochemical techniques.  相似文献   

Zinc sacrificial anodes have been included in patch repairs to steel reinforced concrete structural elements suffering from corrosion since the mid‐1990s. A number of these anode‐containing repairs have been monitored with time. One of the first monitored sites was of a locally repaired cross beam of a bridge structure in Leicester, UK, which has now completed 10 years since its original repair and anode installation. This paper reviews the performance of the anodes installed at the Leicester site in terms of anode current output and steel reinforcement polarisation and corrosion rate over the period. It also presents results of analysis of recovered anodes exposed for 10 years which still show electrolyte continuity, uniform consumption of the zinc and coherent encasing mortar. The knowledge gained from the 10 year results has enabled the development of new, higher current output anodes, which are now trialled in this and other sites.  相似文献   

The inhibition effect of the extract of galbanum (Ferula gummosa Boiss.) on the corrosion of 304 stainless steel in 2 M HCl solution was studied by weight loss measurements, Tafel polarization, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) methods. It was found that the inhibition efficiency (IE) increases as the extract concentration is increased. Tafel polarization method revealed the mixed mode inhibition of galbanum extract (GE) with predominant control of anodic reaction. The effect of temperature on the corrosion behavior of steel indicates that inhibition efficiency of the natural substance increases with the rise in temperature. At all temperatures, the adsorption of the extract components onto the steel surface was found to follow the Temkin adsorption isotherm.  相似文献   

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