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A new equivalent domain integral of the interaction integral is derived for the computation of the T‐stress in nonhomogeneous materials with continuous or discontinuous properties. It can be found that the derived expression does not involve any derivatives of material properties. Moreover, the formulation can be proved valid even when the integral domain contains material interfaces. Therefore, the present method can be used to extract the T‐stress of nonhomogeneous materials with complex interfaces effectively. The interaction integral method in conjunction with the extended FEM is used to solve several representative examples to show its validity. Finally, using this method, the influences of material properties on the T‐stress are investigated. Numerical results show that the mechanical properties and their first‐order derivatives affect the T‐stress greatly, while the higher‐order derivatives affect the T‐stress slightly. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Convection‐dominated problems typically involve solutions with high gradients near the domain boundaries (boundary layers) or inside the domain (shocks). The approximation of such solutions by means of the standard finite element method requires stabilization in order to avoid spurious oscillations. However, accurate results may still require a mesh refinement near the high gradients. Herein, we investigate the extended finite element method (XFEM) with a new enrichment scheme that enables highly accurate results without stabilization or mesh refinement. A set of regularized Heaviside functions is used for the enrichment in the vicinity of the high gradients. Different linear and non‐linear problems in one and two dimensions are considered and show the ability of the proposed enrichment to capture arbitrary high gradients in the solutions. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, an incremental‐secant modulus iteration scheme using the extended/generalized finite element method (XFEM) is proposed for the simulation of cracking process in quasi‐brittle materials described by cohesive crack models whose softening law is composed of linear segments. The leading term of the displacement asymptotic field at the tip of a cohesive crack (which ensures a displacement discontinuity normal to the cohesive crack face) is used as the enrichment function in the XFEM. The opening component of the same field is also used as the initial guess opening profile of a newly extended cohesive segment in the simulation of cohesive crack propagation. A statically admissible stress recovery (SAR) technique is extended to cohesive cracks with special treatment of non‐homogeneous boundary tractions. The application of locally normalized co‐ordinates to eliminate possible ill‐conditioning of SAR, and the influence of different weight functions on SAR are also studied. Several mode I cracking problems in quasi‐brittle materials with linear and bilinear softening laws are analysed to demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed scheme, as well as the characteristics of global responses and local fields obtained numerically by the XFEM. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A cohesive element numerical model, which reproduces the three‐dimensional microstructure of a 2.5‐dimensional silicon‐nitrogen‐oxide fibre/fabric‐reinforced boron nitride ceramic matrix composite (SiNO/BN) is applied to simulate the failure of specimens that are observed in situ during diametral compression testing. Measurements of deformation by image correlation of two‐dimensional optical surface observations and three‐dimensional X‐ray computed tomographs are used to fit the simulation's elastic properties for the matrix and fibre tows. The observed patterns of damage nucleation and propagation are correctly simulated using a local tensile strain criterion.  相似文献   

A three‐dimensional microstructure‐based finite element framework is presented for modeling the mechanical response of rubber composites in the microscopic level. This framework introduces a novel finite element formulation, the meshfree‐enriched FEM, to overcome the volumetric locking and pressure oscillation problems that normally arise in the numerical simulation of rubber composites using conventional displacement‐based FEM. The three‐dimensional meshfree‐enriched FEM is composed of five‐noded tetrahedral elements with a volume‐weighted smoothing of deformation gradient between neighboring elements. The L2‐orthogonality property of the smoothing operator enables the employed Hu–Washizu–de Veubeke functional to be degenerated to an assumed strain method, which leads to a displacement‐based formulation that is easily incorporated with the periodic boundary conditions imposed on the unit cell. Two numerical examples are analyzed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A novel enrichment function, which can model arbitrarily shaped inclusions within the framework of the extended finite element method, is proposed. The internal boundary of an arbitrary‐shaped inclusion is first discretized, and a numerical enrichment function is constructed ‘on the fly’ using spline interpolation. We consider a piecewise cubic spline which is constructed from seven localized discrete boundary points. The enrichment function is then determined by solving numerically a nonlinear equation which determines the distance from any point to the spline curve. Parametric convergence studies are carried out to show the accuracy of this approach compared with pointwise and linear segmentation of points for the construction of the enrichment function in the case of simple inclusions and arbitrarily shaped inclusions in linear elasticity. Moreover, the viability of this approach is illustrated on a neo‐Hookean hyperelastic material with a hole undergoing large deformation. In this case, the enrichment is able to adapt to the deformation and effectively capture the correct response without remeshing. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Shear locking is a major issue emerging in the computational formulation of beam and plate finite elements of minimal number of degrees of freedom as it leads to artificial overstiffening. In this paper, discontinuous Timoshenko beam and Mindlin‐Reissner plate elements are developed by adopting the Hellinger‐Reissner functional with the displacements and through‐thickness shear strains as degrees of freedom. Heterogeneous beams and plates with weak discontinuity are considered, and the mixed formulation has been combined with the extended finite element method (FEM); thus, mixed enrichment functions are used. Both the displacement and the shear strain fields are enriched as opposed to the traditional extended FEM where only the displacement functions are enriched. The enrichment type is restricted to extrinsic mesh‐based topological local enrichment. The results from the proposed formulation correlate well with analytical solution in the case of the beam and in the case of the Mindlin‐Reissner plate with those of a finite element package (ABAQUS) and classical FEM and show higher rates of convergence. In all cases, the proposed method captures strain discontinuity accurately. Thus, the proposed method provides an accurate and a computationally more efficient way for the formulation of beam and plate finite elements of minimal number of degrees of freedom.  相似文献   

The extended finite element method (XFEM) is improved to directly evaluate mixed mode stress intensity factors (SIFs) without extra post‐processing, for homogeneous materials as well as for bimaterials. This is achieved by enriching the finite element (FE) approximation of the nodes surrounding the crack tip with not only the first term but also the higher order terms of the crack tip asymptotic field using a partition of unity method (PUM). The crack faces behind the tip(s) are modelled independently of the mesh by displacement jump functions. The additional coefficients corresponding to the enrichments at the nodes of the elements surrounding the crack tip are forced to be equal by a penalty function method, thus ensuring that the displacement approximations reduce to the actual asymptotic fields adjacent to the crack tip. The numerical results so obtained are in excellent agreement with analytical and numerical results available in the literature. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Three‐dimensional higher‐order eXtended finite element method (XFEM)‐computations still pose challenging computational geometry problems especially for moving interfaces. This paper provides a method for the localization of a higher‐order interface finite element (FE) mesh in an underlying three‐dimensional higher‐order FE mesh. Additionally, it demonstrates, how a subtetrahedralization of an intersected element can be obtained, which preserves the possibly curved interface and allows therefore exact numerical integration. The proposed interface algorithm collects initially a set of possibly intersecting elements by comparing their ‘eXtended axis‐aligned bounding boxes’. The intersection method is applied to a highly reduced number of intersection candidates. The resulting linearized interface is used as input for an elementwise constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization, which computes an appropriate subdivision for each intersected element. The curved interface is recovered from the linearized interface in the last step. The output comprises triangular integration cells representing the interface and tetrahedral integration cells for each intersected element. Application of the interface algorithm currently concentrates on fluid–structure interaction problems on low‐order and higher‐order FE meshes, which may be composed of any arbitrary element types such as hexahedra, tetrahedra, wedges, etc. Nevertheless, other XFEM‐problems with explicitly given interfaces or discontinuities may be tackled in addition. Multiple structures and interfaces per intersected element can be handled without any additional difficulties. Several parallelization strategies exist depending on the desired domain decomposition approach. Numerical test cases including various geometrical exceptions demonstrate the accuracy, robustness and efficiency of the interface handling. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A computational framework is developed in which cracks in two‐dimensional structures are identified, in conjunction with non‐destructive testing of specimens. As opposed to a previous study by the authors, which was based on time‐harmonic excitation with a single frequency, here the transient response of the structure to a short‐duration signal is measured along part of the external boundary. Crack detection is performed using the solution of an inverse time‐dependent problem. It is shown that the arrival time of the input signal to the points of measurement is a good criterion for crack identification in the time domain. The inverse problem of identification is solved using a genetic algorithm, while each forward problem is solved by the time‐dependent extended finite element method (XFEM). The XFEM scheme is efficient in that it allows the use of a single regular mesh for a large number of forward time response problems with different crack geometries. Numerical examples involving a crack in a flat membrane are presented. Identification based on ‘arrival time’ is shown to perform better than that based on time‐harmonic response. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the free vibration analysis of simply‐supported and clamped composite laminates, especially thick laminates, is carried out. The three‐dimensional theory of elasticity is integrated into a layerwise model via differential quadrature discretization. All physical governing equations are satisfied, including the additional constraints of the characteristics of continuity and discontinuity of interfacial transverse and in‐plane strains and stresses along the interfaces of composite laminates. Effects of plate aspect and thickness ratios on the free vibration of these laminates are examined in detail. This study demonstrates the applicability, accuracy, and stability of the present methodology, for vibration analyses of composite structures of thick laminated constitution. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using a Representative volume element (RVE) to represent the microstructure of periodic composite materials, this paper develops a non‐linear numerical technique to calculate the macroscopic shakedown domains of composites subjected to cyclic loads. The shakedown analysis is performed using homogenization theory and the displacement‐based finite element method. With the aid of homogenization theory, the classical kinematic shakedown theorem is generalized to incorporate the microstructure of composites. Using an associated flow rule, the plastic dissipation power for an ellipsoid yield criterion is expressed in terms of the kinematically admissible velocity. By means of non‐linear mathematical programming techniques, a finite element formulation of kinematic shakedown analysis is then developed leading to a non‐linear mathematical programming problem subject to only a small number of equality constraints. The objective function corresponds to the plastic dissipation power which is to be minimized and an upper bound to the shakedown load of a composite is then obtained. An effective, direct iterative algorithm is proposed to solve the non‐linear programming problem. The effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed numerical method have been validated by several numerical examples. This can serve as a useful numerical tool for developing engineering design methods involving composite materials. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive study on the use of Irwin's crack closure integral for direct evaluation of mixed‐mode stress intensity factors (SIFs) in curved crack problems, within the extended finite element method. The approach employs high‐order enrichment functions derived from the standard Williams asymptotic solution, and SIFs are computed in closed form without any special post‐processing requirements. Linear triangular elements are used to discretize the domain, and the crack curvature within an element is represented explicitly. An improved quadrature scheme using high‐order isoparametric mapping together with a generalized Duffy transformation is proposed to integrate singular fields in tip elements with curved cracks. Furthermore, because the Williams asymptotic solution is derived for straight cracks, an appropriate definition of the angle in the enrichment functions is presented and discussed. This contribution is an important extension of our previous work on straight cracks and illustrates the applicability of the SIF extraction method to curved cracks. The performance of the method is studied on several circular and parabolic arc crack benchmark examples. With two layers of elements enriched in the vicinity of the crack tip, striking accuracy, even on relatively coarse meshes, is obtained, and the method converges to the reference SIFs for the circular arc crack problem with mesh refinement. Furthermore, while the popular interaction integral (a variant of the J‐integral method) requires special auxiliary fields for curved cracks and also needs cracks to be sufficiently apart from each other in multicracks systems, the proposed approach shows none of those limitations. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An original approach to the solution of linear elastic domain decomposition problems by the symmetric Galerkin boundary element method is developed. The approach is based on searching for the saddle‐point of a new potential energy functional with Lagrange multipliers. The interfaces can be either straight or curved, open or closed. The two coupling conditions, equilibrium and compatibility, along an interface are fulfilled in a weak sense by means of Lagrange multipliers (interface displacements and tractions), which enables non‐matching meshes to be used at both sides of interfaces between subdomains. The accuracy and robustness of the method is tested by several numerical examples, where the numerical results are compared with the analytical solution of the solved problems, and the convergence rates of two error norms are evaluated for h‐refinements of matching and non‐matching boundary element meshes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The application of carbon nanotubes as the reinforcing phase in composite materials is considered. A literature review in regards to the simulation approaches that have been done in order to study the behavior of nanotube‐reinforced composites from several aspects is provided. After that, a new approach for investigating the mechanical properties of the composites reinforced with randomly oriented fibers using the finite element method is proposed. The main idea is to create regular shaped islands around the distributed fibers and to connect these islands to each other and to the representative volume element. Two application examples show the flexibility and the reliability of the proposed method. It has been shown that this approach can handle both aligned and arbitrary distributions of the nanotubes.  相似文献   

A micromechanical model is developed for the elastic continua with virtual multi‐dimensional internal bonds. The basic idea of the presented model is that materials are discretized into mass particles and these mass particles are connected with randomized normal and shear bonds. Based on the Cauchy‐born rules and the hyperelastic theory, a constitutive relationship is derived. The constitutive relationship bridges the virtual bond stiffness and the macromaterial constants, i.e. Young's modulus and Poisson ratio. The presented model could represent the diversity of Poisson ratio. The motivation of the presented work is to provide a useful micromechanical model for the numerical simulation of material failure behaviours and improve the understanding of material failure mechanisms. To show the application of the presented model, a tensile failure example of brittle materials is analysed and numerically simulated. By comparison, a good agreement is found between the predicted and the experimental. The prospect of the presented model seems to be highly promising. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse the p‐convergence of a new version of the generalized finite element method (generalized FEM or GFEM) which employs mesh‐based handbook functions which are solutions of boundary value problems in domains extracted from vertex patches of the employed mesh and are pasted into the global approximation by the partition of unity method (PUM). We show that the p‐version of our GFEM is capable of achieving very high accuracy for multiscale problems which may be impossible to solve using the standard FEM. We analyse the effect of the main factors affecting the accuracy of the method namely: (a) The data and the buffer included in the handbook domains, and (b) The accuracy of the numerical construction of the handbook functions. We illustrate the robustness of the method by employing as model problem the Laplacian in a domain with a large number of closely spaced voids. Similar robustness can be expected for problems of heat‐conduction and elasticity set in domains with a large number of closely spaced voids, cracks, inclusions, etc. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper studies the static fracture problems of an interface crack in linear piezoelectric bimaterial by means of the extended finite element method (X‐FEM) with new crack‐tip enrichment functions. In the X‐FEM, crack modeling is facilitated by adding a discontinuous function and crack‐tip asymptotic functions to the classical finite element approximation within the framework of the partition of unity. In this work, the coupled effects of an elastic field and an electric field in piezoelectricity are considered. Corresponding to the two classes of singularities of the aforementioned interface crack problem, namely, ? class and κ class, two classes of crack‐tip enrichment functions are newly derived, and the former that exhibits oscillating feature at the crack tip is numerically investigated. Computation of the fracture parameter, i.e., the J‐integral, using the domain form of the contour integral, is presented. Excellent accuracy of the proposed formulation is demonstrated on benchmark interface crack problems through comparisons with analytical solutions and numerical results obtained by the classical FEM. Moreover, it is shown that the geometrical enrichment combining the mesh with local refinement is substantially better in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The node‐based or edge‐based smoothed finite element method is extended to develop polyhedral elements that are allowed to have an arbitrary number of nodes or faces, and so retain a good geometric adaptability. The strain smoothing technique and implicit shape functions based on the linear point interpolation make the element formulation simple and straightforward. The resulting polyhedral elements are free from the excessive zero‐energy modes and yield a robust solution very much insensitive to mesh distortion. Several numerical examples within the framework of linear elasticity demonstrate the accuracy and convergence behavior. The smoothed finite element method‐based polyhedral elements in general yield solutions of better accuracy and faster convergence rate than those of the conventional finite element methods. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the free vibration characteristics of a beam carrying multiple two‐degree‐of‐freedom (two‐dof) spring–mass systems (i.e. the loaded beam). Unlike the existing literature to neglect the inertia effect of the helical springs of each spring–mass system, this paper takes the last inertia effect into consideration. To this end, a technique to replace each two‐dof spring–mass system by a set of rigidly attached equivalent masses is presented, so that the free vibration characteristics of a loaded beam can be predicted from those of the same beam carrying multiple rigidly attached equivalent masses. In which, the equation of motion of the loaded beam is derived analytically by means of the expansion theorem (or the mode superposition method) incorporated with the natural frequencies and the mode shapes of the bare beam (i.e. the beam carrying nothing). In addition, the mass and stiffness matrices including the inertia effect of the helical springs of a two‐dof spring–mass system, required by the conventional finite element method (FEM), are also derived. All the numerical results obtained from the presented equivalent mass method (EMM) are compared with those obtained from FEM and satisfactory agreement is achieved. Because the equivalent masses of each two‐dof spring–mass system are dependent on the magnitudes of its lumped mass, spring constant and spring mass, the presented EMM provides an effective technique for evaluating the overall inertia effect of the two‐dof spring–mass systems attached to the beam. Furthermore, if the total number of two‐dof spring–mass systems attached to the beam is large, then the order of the overall property matrices for the equation of motion of the loaded beam in EMM is much less than that in FEM and the computer storage memory required by the former is also much less than that required by the latter. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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