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This paper treats the topology optimization problem of obtaining an optimal layout of regions of Darcy and Stokes flow, where the objective is the total potential power functional representing average fluid pressure. It extends the work of Borrvall and Petersson, which concerned optimal layout of Stokes flow only. A generalization of Stokes' equations is derived and used as state constraints in the optimization problem. A proof of existence of solutions is provided, and it is seen that although the corresponding proof in Borrvall and Petersson does not need regularization, the present one does. It is also concluded that linear interpolations of state parameters will result in black and white (unfiltered) designs. The method is tested on an area‐to‐point flow problem of the type discussed by Bejan, where the influence of various parameters and numerical strategies on the design are studied. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We study practical strategies for estimating numerical errors in scalar outputs calculated from unsteady simulations of convection‐dominated flows, including those governed by the compressible Navier–Stokes equations. The discretization is a discontinuous Galerkin finite element method in space and time on static spatial meshes. Time‐integral quantities are considered for scalar outputs and these are shown to superconverge with temporal refinement. Output error estimates are calculated using the adjoint‐weighted residual method, where the unsteady adjoint solution is obtained using a discrete approach with an iterative solver. We investigate the accuracy versus computational cost trade‐off for various approximations of the fine‐space adjoint and find that exact adjoint solutions are accurate but expensive. To reduce the cost, we propose a local temporal reconstruction that takes advantage of superconvergence properties at Radau points, and a spatial reconstruction based on nearest‐neighbor elements. This inexact adjoint yields output error estimates at a computational cost of less than 2.5 times that of the forward problem for the cases tested. The calculated error estimates account for numerical error arising from both the spatial and temporal discretizations, and we present a method for identifying the percentage contributions of each discretization to the output error. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The non‐linear programming problem associated with the discrete lower bound limit analysis problem is treated by means of an algorithm where the need to linearize the yield criteria is avoided. The algorithm is an interior point method and is completely general in the sense that no particular finite element discretization or yield criterion is required. As with interior point methods for linear programming the number of iterations is affected only little by the problem size. Some practical implementation issues are discussed with reference to the special structure of the common lower bound load optimization problem, and finally the efficiency and accuracy of the method is demonstrated by means of examples of plate and slab structures obeying different non‐linear yield criteria. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A transient finite strain viscoplastic model is implemented in a gradient‐based topology optimization framework to design impact mitigating structures. The model's kinematics relies on the multiplicative split of the deformation gradient, and the constitutive response is based on isotropic hardening viscoplasticity. To solve the mechanical balance laws, the implicit Newmark‐beta method is used together with a total Lagrangian finite element formulation. The optimization problem is regularized using a partial differential equation filter and solved using the method of moving asymptotes. Sensitivities required to solve the optimization problem are derived using the adjoint method. To demonstrate the capability of the algorithm, several protective systems are designed, in which the absorbed viscoplastic energy is maximized. The numerical examples demonstrate that transient finite strain viscoplastic effects can successfully be combined with topology optimization.  相似文献   

We present a versatile high‐level programming‐language implementation of non‐linear topology optimization. Our implementation is based on the commercial software package FEMLAB, and it allows a wide range of optimization objectives to be dealt with easily. We exemplify our method by studies of steady‐state Navier–Stokes flow problems, thus extending the work by Borrvall and Petersson on topology optimization of fluids in Stokes flow (Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids 2003; 41 :77–107). We analyse the physical aspects of the solutions and how they are affected by different parameters of the optimization algorithm. A complete example of our implementation is included as FEMLAB code in an appendix. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper concerns design sensitivity analysis (DSA) for an elasto–plastic material, with material parameters depending on, or serving as, design variables. The considered constitutive model is Huber–Mises deviatoric plasticity with non‐linear isotropic/kinematic hardening, one which is applicable to metals. The standard radial return algorithm for linear hardening is generalized to account for non‐linear hardening functions. Two generalizations are presented; in both the non‐linearity is treated iteratively, but the iteration loop contains either a scalar equation or a group of tensorial equations. It is proven that the second formulation, which is the one used in some parallel codes, can be equivalently brought to a scalar form, more suitable for design differentiation. The design derivatives of both the algorithms are given explicitly, enabling thus calculation of the ‘explicit’ design derivative of stresses entering the global sensitivity equation. The paper addresses several issues related to the implementation and testing of the DSA module; among them the concept of verification tests, both outside and inside a FE code, as well as the data handling implied by the algorithm. The numerical tests, which are used for verification of the DSA module, are described. They shed light on (a) the accuracy of the design derivatives, by comparison with finite difference computations and (b) the effect of the finite element formulation on the design derivatives for an isochoric plastic flow. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The capacity of lithium ion batteries can be improved through the use of functionally graded electrodes. Here, we present a computational framework for optimizing the layout of electrodes using a multiscale lithium ion battery cell model. The model accounts for nonlinear transient transport processes and mechanical deformations at multiple scales. A key component of the optimization methodology is the formulation of the adjoint sensitivity equations of the multiscale battery model. The efficient solution of the adjoint equations relies on the decomposition of the multiscale problem into multiple, computationally small problems associated with the individual realizations of the microscale model. This decomposition method is shown to significantly reduce the computational time needed for sensitivity analysis versus numerical finite differencing. The potential of the proposed optimization framework is illustrated with numerical problems involving both macroscale and microscale performance criteria and design variables. The usable capacity of a lithium ion battery cell is maximized while limiting the stress level in the electrode particles through manipulation of the local porosities and particle radii. The optimization results suggest that optimal functionally graded electrodes improve the performance of a battery cell over using uniform porosity and particle radius distributions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen the development of Lattice-Gas (LG) schemes as a complementary if not alternative method for the simulation of moderate Reynolds-Number Navier–Stokes flow. After a short theoretical introduction we present a detailed discussion of implementation features for a specific 2D-LG algorithm, which runs in parallel on a workstation-cluster, discuss simulation results and compare one of them to experimental studies. Finally, we attempt to point out present problems and perspectives of these methods.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new computational model developed to solve two‐dimensional incompressible viscous flow problems in external flow fields. The model based on the Navier–Stokes equations in primitive variables is able to solve the infinite boundary value problems by extracting the boundary effects on a specified finite computational domain, using the pressure projection method. The external flow field is simulated using the boundary element method by solving a pressure Poisson equation that assumes the pressure as zero at the infinite boundary. The momentum equation of the flow motion is solved using the three‐step finite element method. The arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian method is incorporated into the model, to solve the moving boundary problems. The present model is applied to simulate various external flow problems like flow across circular cylinder, acceleration and deceleration of the circular cylinder moving in a still fluid and vibration of the circular cylinder induced by the vortex shedding. The simulation results are found to be very reasonable and satisfactory. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines a new Galerkin method with scaled bubble functions which replicates the exact artificial diffusion methods in the case of 1-D scalar advection–diffusion and that leads to non-oscillatory solutions as the streamline upwinding algorithms for 2-D scalar advection–diffusion and incompressible Navier–Stokes. This method retains the satisfaction of the Babuska–Brezzi condition and, thus, leads to optimal performance in the incompressible limit. This method, when, combined with the recently proposed linear unconditionally stable algorithms of Simo and Armero (1993), yields a method for solution of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations ideal for either diffusive or advection-dominated flows. Examples from scalar advection–diffusion and the solution of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations are presented.  相似文献   

Flow fields from transversely oscillating circular cylinders in water at rest are studied by numerical solutions of the two‐dimensional unsteady incompressible Navier–Stokes equations adopting a primitive‐variable formulation. These findings are successfully compared with experimental observations. The cell viscous boundary element scheme developed is first validated to examine convergence of solution and the influence of discretization within the numerical scheme of study before the comparisons are undertaken. A hybrid approach utilising boundary element and finite element methods is adopted in the cell viscous boundary element method. That is, cell equations are generated using the principles of a boundary element method with global equations derived following the procedures of finite element methods. The influence of key parameters, i.e. Reynolds number Re, Keulegan–Carpenter number KC and Stokes' number β, on overall flow characteristics and vortex shedding mechanisms are investigated through comparisons with experimental findings and theoretical predictions. The latter extends the study into assessment of the values of the drag coefficient, added mass or inertia coefficient with key parameters and the variation of lift and in‐line force results with time derived from the Morison's equation. The cell viscous boundary element method as described herein is shown to produce solutions which agree very favourably with experimental observations, measurements and other theoretical findings. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As in the case of two‐dimensional topology design optimization, numerical instability problems similar to the formation of two‐dimensional checkerboard patterns occur if the standard eight‐node conforming brick element is used. Motivated by the recent success of the two‐dimensional non‐conforming elements in completely eliminating checkerboard patterns, we aim at investigating the performance of three‐dimensional non‐conforming elements in controlling the patterns that are estimated overly stiff by the brick elements. To this end, we will investigate how accurately the non‐conforming elements estimate the stiffness of the patterns. The stiffness estimation is based on the homogenization method by assuming the periodicity of the patterns. To verify the superior performance of the elements, we consider three‐dimensional compliance minimization and compliant mechanism design problems and compare the results by the non‐conforming element and the standard 8‐node conforming brick element. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Level set topology optimization of fluids in Stokes flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose the level set method of topology optimization as a viable, robust and efficient alternative to density‐based approaches in the setting of fluid flow. The proposed algorithm maintains the discrete nature of the optimization problem throughout the optimization process, leading to significant advantages over density‐based topology optimization algorithms. Specifically, the no‐slip boundary condition is implemented directly—this is accurate, removes the need for interpolation schemes and continuation methods, and gives significant computational savings by only requiring flow to be modeled in fluid regions. Topological sensitivity information is utilized to give a robust algorithm in two dimensions and familiar two‐dimensional power dissipation minimization problems are solved successfully. Computational efficiency of the algorithm is also clearly demonstrated on large‐scale three‐dimensional problems. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present in this paper a new computational method for simulation of two‐phase flow problems with moving boundaries and sharp physical interfaces. An adaptive interface‐capturing technique (ICT) of the Eulerian type is developed for capturing the motion of the interfaces (free surfaces) in an unsteady flow state. The adaptive method is mainly based on the relative boundary conditions of the zero pressure head, at which the interface is corresponding to a free surface boundary. The definition of the free surface boundary condition is used as a marker for identifying the position of the interface (free surface) in the two‐phase flow problems. An initial‐value‐problem (IVP) partial differential equation (PDE) is derived from the dynamic conditions of the interface, and it is designed to govern the motion of the interface in time. In this adaptive technique, the Navier–Stokes equations written for two incompressible fluids together with the IVP are solved numerically over the flow domain. An adaptive mass conservation algorithm is constructed to govern the continuum of the fluid. The finite element method (FEM) is used for the spatial discretization and a fully coupled implicit time integration method is applied for the advancement in time. FE‐stabilization techniques are added to the standard formulation of the discretization, which possess good stability and accuracy properties for the numerical solution. The adaptive technique is tested in simulation of some numerical examples. With the test problems presented here, we demonstrated that the adaptive technique is a simple tool for modelling and computation of complex motion of sharp physical interfaces in convection–advection‐dominated flow problems. We also demonstrated that the IVP and the evolution of the interface function are coupled explicitly and implicitly to the system of the computed unknowns in the flow domain. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new method of solving the Navier–Stokes equations efficiently by reducing their number of modes is proposed in the present paper. It is based on the Karhunen–Loève decomposition which is a technique of obtaining empirical eigenfunctions from the experimental or numerical data of a system. Employing these empirical eigenfunctions as basis functions of a Galerkin procedure, one can a priori limit the function space considered to the smallest linear subspace that is sufficient to describe the observed phenomena, and consequently reduce the Navier–Stokes equation defined on a complicated geometry to a set of ordinary differential equations with a minimum degree of freedom. The present algorithm is well suited for the problems of flow control or optimization, where one has to compute the flow field repeatedly using the Navier–Stokes equation but one can also estimate the approximate solution space of the flow field based on the range of control variables. The low-dimensional dynamic model of viscous fluid flow derived by the present method is shown to produce accurate flow fields at a drastically reduced computational cost when compared with the finite difference solution of the Navier–Stokes equation. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We develop a parallel fully implicit domain decomposition algorithm for solving optimization problems constrained by time‐dependent nonlinear partial differential equations. In particular, we study the boundary control of unsteady incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. After an implicit discretization in time, a fully coupled sparse nonlinear optimization problem needs to be solved at each time step. The class of full space Lagrange–Newton–Krylov–Schwarz algorithms is used to solve the sequence of optimization problems. Among optimization algorithms, the fully implicit full space approach is considered to be the easiest to formulate and the hardest to solve. We show that Lagrange–Newton–Krylov–Schwarz, with a one‐level restricted additive Schwarz preconditioner, is an efficient class of methods for solving these hard problems. To demonstrate the scalability and robustness of the algorithm, we consider several problems with a wide range of Reynolds numbers and time step sizes, and we present numerical results for large‐scale calculations involving several million unknowns obtained on machines with more than 1000 processors. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The recently published ‘FE–Meshfree’ QUAD4 element is extended to geometrical non‐linear analysis. The shape functions for this element are obtained by combining meshfree and finite element shape functions. The concept of partition of unity (PU) is employed for the purpose. The new shape functions inherit their higher order completeness properties from the meshfree shape functions and the mesh‐distortion tolerant compatibility properties from the finite element (FE) shape functions. Updated Lagrangian formulation is adopted for the non‐linear solution. Several numerical example problems are solved and the performance of the element is compared with that of the well‐known Q4, QM6 and Q8 elements. The results show that, for regular meshes, the performance of the element is comparable to that of QM6 and Q8 elements, and superior to that of Q4 element. For distorted meshes, the present element has better mesh‐distortion tolerance than Q4, QM6 and Q8 elements. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The generalized integral transform technique (GITT) is employed in the solution of incompressible laminar channel flows as formulated by the steady‐state Navier–Stokes and continuity equations under the primitive variables mathematical representation. A hybrid numerical–analytical solution is developed based on eigenfunction expansions in one space co‐ordinate and error‐controlled numerical solution of the resulting system of coupled ordinary differential equations in the remaining space direction. The approach is illustrated for developing flow between parallel‐plates with uniform and irrotational inlet flow condition. The conventional Poisson‐type equation for the pressure field with appropriate boundary conditions is also transformed and simultaneously solved with the momentum equation along the longitudinal direction, by considering eigenvalue problems for each of the two potentials, defined in the transversal direction. The transversal velocity component is then explicitly determined from the continuity equation. Numerical results of the longitudinal velocity component and friction factor fields are reported to illustrate the convergence behaviour and user prescribed error control inherent to the proposed hybrid approach. Critical comparisons with previous contributions on the same method that made use of the streamfunction‐only formulation are also provided. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Finite difference sensitivity analysis is simple and general yet usually inefficient and inaccurate compared to the analytical sensitivity approach. Although its high computational cost is not an issue in iteratively solved problems, its inaccuracies are critical in path‐dependent problems when remeshing is required. In this case, the errors caused by parametric inversion and interpolation in variables transfer to the new mesh can be as large as the gradient components. This paper presents an efficient modified finite difference approach that allows remeshing either in path‐independent or path‐dependent problems, not being affected by the aforementioned errors. The strategy to cope with remeshing is extensive to the semi‐analytical method which, for non‐linear analyses, is shown to be a particular case of the proposed finite difference sensitivity approach. With this implementation, the finite difference, the semi‐analytical and the analytical sensitivity methods all have comparable computational costs. The perturbation of unstructured meshes is performed with an inverse power Laplacian smoothing. The low cost and the accuracy of the sensitivity fields obtained after remeshing are shown in two examples, considering shape and constitutive design variables. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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