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Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) of USA and Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology (KIPT) of Ukraine have been collaborating on the conceptual design development of a neutron source facility. An electron accelerator drives a sub-critical facility (ADS) is used for generating the neutron source. The facility will be utilized for performing basic and applied nuclear researches, producing medical isotopes, and training young nuclear specialists. Monte Carlo code MCNPX has been utilized as the major design tool for the design, due to its capability to transport electrons, photons, and neutrons at high energies. However the ADS shielding calculations with MCNPX need enormous computational resources and the small neutron yield per electron makes sampling difficulty for the Monte Carlo calculations. The high energy electrons (E > 100 MeV) generate very high energy neutrons and these neutrons dominant the total radiation dose outside the shield. The radiation dose caused by high energy neutrons is ∼3-4 orders of magnitude higher than that of the photons. However, the high energy neutron fraction within the total generated neutrons is very small, which increases the sampling difficulty and the required computational time. To solve these difficulties, the user subroutines of MCNPX are utilized to generate a neutron source file, which record the generated neutrons from the photonuclear reactions caused by electrons. This neutron source file is utilized many times in the following MCNPX calculations for weight windows (importance function) generation and radiation dose calculations. In addition, the neutron source file can be sampled multiple times to improve the statistics of the calculated results. In this way the expensive electron transport calculations can be performed once with good statistics for the different ADS shielding problems. This paper presents the method of generating and utilizing the neutron source file by MCNPX for the ADS shielding calculation and similar accelerator facilities, and the accurate radiation dose analyses outside the shield using modest computational resources.  相似文献   

PARCS code is a three-dimensional (3D) reactor core simulator which solves the steady-state and time-dependent multi-group neutron diffusion equations if the multi-group diffusion constants (MGDCs) are provided. The MGDCs are mostly prepared for reactor physics problems using deterministic lattice codes. Beside approximation in the geometry, a lattice code inherently applies estimates to the neutron transport model. On the other hand, the geometric flexibility and use of continuous energy cross sections data library associated with the Monte Carlo (MC) method makes it a good candidate for the generation of highly accurate multi-group cross sections. In this study, a new MC based methodology is applied to generate the MGDCs which can be utilized in the PARCS code input file directly or as PMAXS files for a reactor core simulation. To achieve this, a new tool in MATLAB software is developed to compute the MGDCs from the MCNPX 2.7 MC code outputs. Verification of the proposed method for two-group constants generation is carried out using Tehran research reactor (TRR) core simulation in different steady state conditions. The calculated values of axial and radial power distributions and multiplication factor using the PARCS code are verified against the MCNPX 2.7 code results. The results illustrate that the proposed method has high accuracy in MGDCs generation.  相似文献   

A basic study on the nuclear characteristics in the accelerator driven subcritical reactor (ADSR) was performed through a series of neutronics design calculations and reactor physics experiments. Calculations were executed mainly by the MCNPX code, and experiments were performed at the Kyoto University Critical Assembly (KUCA). Some nuclear features of the research reactor type ADSR were revealed through the present study. The following facts were found: 1) Further studies are necessary concerning the nuclear data in the high energy region and the generated neutrons through the spallation reactions especially by the light nuclei and the lower energy protons. 2) The adjustment of subcriticality by the control rod significantly affects the reactor power of ADSR because of the distortion in the neutron flux distribution caused by the control rod insertion. 3) An accurate calculation is essential to evaluate the neutron multiplication in the ADSR. 4) The neutronics behavior after a pulse injection can be approximately simulated by the calculation.  相似文献   

In this work the Monte Carlo codes MCNPX and TRIPOLI-4 were used to perform the criticality calculations of the fuel assembly and the core configuration of a gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR) concept, currently in development. The objective is to make contributions to the neutronic analysis of a gas-cooled fast reactor. In this study the fuel assembly is based on a hexagonal lattice of fuel-pins. The materials used are uranium and plutonium carbide as fuel, silicon carbide as cladding, and helium gas as coolant. Criticality calculations were done for a fuel assembly where the axial reflector thickness was varied in order to find the optimal thickness. In order to determine the best material to be used as a reflector, in the reactor core with neutrons of high energy spectrum, criticality calculations were done for three reflector materials: zirconium carbide, silicon carbide and natural uranium. It was found that the zirconium carbide provides the best neutron reflection. Criticality calculations using different active heights were done to determine the optimal height, and the reflector thickness was adjusted. Core criticality calculations were performed with different radius sizes to determine the active radial dimension of the core. A negative temperature coefficient of reactivity was verified for the fuel. The effect on reactivity produced by changes in the coolant density was also evaluated. We present the main neutronic characteristics of a preliminary fuel and core designs for the GFR concept. ENDF-VI cross-sections libraries were used in both the MCNPX and TRIPOLI-4 codes, and we verified that the obtained results are very similar.  相似文献   

Safety systems, built on state-of-the-art technology, are essential for achieving acceptable levels of plant safety to minimize hazards to the reactor and the general public. The second shutdown system(SSS) as an engineered safety feature and a part of the reactor protection system(RPS) is a means for rapidly shutting down a nuclear reactor, keeping it in a subcritical state and serving as a backup to the first shutdown system(FSS). In this research, one SSS with two types of optimum chamber designs is proposed that take into account the main current characteristic features of the Tehran research reactor with improvements over earlier designs. They are based on a liquid neutron absorber injection that is preferably different, diverse, and independent from the FSS based on the rod drop mechanism. The major design characteristics of this SSS with two different chambers were investigated using MCNPX 2.6.0 code. The performed calculations showed that the designed SSS is a reliable shutdown system, assuring an appropriate shutdown margin and injection time, with no significant effects on the effective delayed neutron fraction while causing minimal variations to the core structure. Further, the reasonable financial cost and the prolongation of the operation cycle are additional advantages of this design.  相似文献   

An accelerator-driven subcritical system(ADS)is driven by an external spallation neutron source, which is generated from a heavy metal spallation target to maintain stable operation of the subcritical core, where the energy of the spallation neutrons can reach several hundred megaelectron volts. However, the upper neutron energy limit of nuclear cross-section databases, which are widely used in critical reactor physics calculations, is generally 20 MeV.This is not suitable for simulating the transport of highenergy spallation neutrons in the ADS. We combine the Japanese JENDL-4.0/HE high-energy evaluation database and the ADS-HE and ADS 2.0 libraries from the International Atomic Energy Agency and process all the data files for nuclides with energies greater than 20 MeV. We use the continuous pointwise cross-section program NJOY2016 to generate the ACE-formatted cross-section data library IMPC-ADS at multiple temperature points. Using the IMPC-ADS library, we calculate 10 critical benchmarks of the International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project manual, the 14-MeV fixed-source problem of the Godiva sphere, and the neutron flux of the ADS subcritical core by MCNPX. To verify the correctness of the IMPCADS, the results were compared with those calculated using the ENDF/B-VII.0 library. The results showed thatthe IMPC-ADS is reliable in effective multiplication factor and neutron flux calculations, and it can be applied to physical analysis of the ADS subcritical reactor core.  相似文献   

The effective neutron multiplication factor (keff) as a function of burnup for different volume coolant (CoR) and fuel (FR) to cell ratio is presented. Additionally the Conversion Ratio (CR) of Th-232 to U-233, concentration of U-233, fissile and fission products calculation as a function of burnup are presented. The assembly is a critical reactor which makes volumes of coolant and fuel changes possible. In addition, an analytical model of calculation of keff as a function of U-233 and a poison concentration in equilibrium state are presented. One can achieve the criticality of Thorium Breeder Reactor (TBR) for enough high average neutron energy which one can obtain in Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) only. The maximal value of CR and burnup for case of keff ≥ 1 achieves 1.4 and 360 GWd/MTU, correspondently. The calculations were done with a MCNPX 2.7 code using F2Be, Na and Pb coolants.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design and analysis of advanced space nuclear reactor (ASNR) whose design combines the advantages of radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) and space nuclear reactor (SNR). As opposed to current SNRs designs, ASNR is a subcritical system driven by 232U–Be neutron source to generate thermal power continuously. Most movable control systems in the SNR design are removed. The detailed neutronic calculations by MCNPX (Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended), including keff, flux, burn-up, loss-ratio of neutron source and immersion reactivity, show that ASNR has higher criticality safety and more compact structure to bear the risk of immersion accident compared with the past SNRs, and the new system can provide more thermal power than RTG. Furthermore, the neutron source efficiency is optimized to improve the utilization of 232U–Be neutron source with the improvement of criticality safety. Compared with the past designs of space nuclear power, ASNR could provide enough thermal power and avoid the occurrence of serious immersion accident in the case of total control system failure. ASNR has potential for future deep space missions.  相似文献   

At the Paul Scherrer Institut, a methodology for PWR fast neutron fluence estimations, based on the Monte-Carlo particle transport code MCNPX with general-purpose neutron data libraries and using neutron source data from deterministic 3-D core-follow calculations, has been developed. The methodology has been validated on the basis of experimental data related to the fluence at the inner surface of a Swiss PWR Reactor Pressure Vessel. In this technical note, a first objective is to enlarge the validation basis of the methodology as well as to extend it for applications to RPV outer-surfaces. To that aim, a preliminary analysis with the MCNPX-2.4.0 code, along with the JEFF-3.1 continuous-energy neutron data library, of the “H.B. Robinson-2 Pressure Vessel Benchmark”, providing in-vessel and out-vessel experimental dosimetry data, is presented. In addition, considering that the available original solutions of the benchmark employed deterministic transport methods with associated libraries, a second objective of this technical note is to assess the progress achieved for this type of problems when applying modern Monte-Carlo based methods. The results show that for the 237Np and 238U fission dosimeters, which were of primary interest in the given study, a non-negligible improvement is seen in the MCNPX solution, indicating thus a rather good performance of the employed Monte-Carlo method and providing thereby, additional confidence for the overall PSI fluence methodology. For other high-energy dosimeters, the presented new results do not show yet any significant accuracy improvement versus previously reported results. This can however not be confirmed before additional studies, e.g., with focus on improvements of the involved modelling approximations and the statistical precision of the MCNPX calculations, be carried out. Similarly, investigations of neutron cross-section and dosimetry libraries effects remain to be addressed. These further studies are however not included here since at this stage, the principal aim was mainly to model and analyse this benchmark at most consistent manner with the previous solutions using a continuous-energy Monte-Carlo based method.  相似文献   

A hybrid method dedicated to improve the experimental technique for estimation of control rod worths in a research reactor is presented. The method uses a combination of Monte Carlo technique and perturbation theory. Perturbation method is used to obtain the equation for the relative efficiency of control rod insertion. A series of coefficients, describing the axial absorption profile are used to correct the equation for a composite rod, having a complicated burn-up irradiation history. These coefficients have to be determined – by experiment or by using some theoretical/numerical method. In the present paper they are derived from the macroscopic absorption cross-sections, obtained from detailed Monte Carlo calculations by MCNPX 2.6.F of the axial burn-up profile during control rod life. The method is validated on measurements of control rod worths at the BR2 reactor. Comparison with direct MCNPX evaluations of control rod worths is also presented.  相似文献   

This paper describes the simulation work of the Isotope Correlation Experiment (ICE) using the MCNPX Monte Carlo computer code package. The Monte Carlo simulation results are compared with the ICE-Experimental measurements for burnup up to 30 GWD/t. The comparison shows the good capabilities of the MCNPX computer code package for predicting the depletion of the uranium fuel and the buildup of the plutonium isotopes in a PWR thermal reactor. The Monte Carlo simulation results show also good agreements with the experimental data for calculating several long-lived and stable fission products. However, for the americium and curium actinides, it is difficult to judge the predication capabilities for these actinides due to the large uncertainties in the ICE-Experimental data. In the MCNPX numerical simulations, a pin cell model is utilized to simulate the fuel lattice of the nuclear power reactor. Temperature dependent libraries based on JEFF3.1 nuclear data files are utilized for the calculations. In addition, temperature dependent libraries based ENDF/B-VII nuclear data files are utilized and the obtained results are very close to the JEFF3.1 results, except for ∼10% differences in the prediction of the minor actinide isotopes buildup.  相似文献   

The Lead-Bismuth Eutectic(LBE) spallation target has been considered as one of the two alternatives for the spallation target for China Initiative Accelerator-Driven System.This paper reports the preliminary study on physical feasibility of a U-type LBE target with window.The simulation results based on Monte Carlo transport code MCNPX indicate that the spallation neutron yield is about 2.5 per proton.The maximum spallation neutron flux is observed at about 3 cm below the lowest part of the window.When the LBE target is coupled with the reactor,the reactor neutrons from the fission reaction increased the neutron field significantly.The energy deposition of highenergy protons is the main heat source;the spallation neutrons and reactor neutrons contribute only a small fraction.The maximum energy deposition in the LBE is about 590 W/cm~3 and that in the target window is about319 W/cm~3.To estimate the lifetime of the target window,we have calculated the radiation damages.The maximum displacement production rate in the target window is about10 dpa/FPY.The hydrogen and helium production rates generated during normal operation were also evaluated.By analyzing the residual nucleus in the target during the steady operation,we estimated the accumulated quantities of the extreme radioactivity toxicant ~(210)Po in the LBE target loop.The results would be helpful for the evaluation of the target behavior and will be beneficial to the optimization of the target design work of the experimental facilities.  相似文献   

This paper describes an improvement pertaining to the multi-group scattering matrix in thermal energy range, which is obtained by the NJOY code. By using the multi-group cross-section obtained by the original NJOY code, neutron spectrum in the thermal energy range shows considerable discrepancy from that of the continuous energy Monte–Carlo code, MCNPX. Extensive investigation of this issue reveals that multi-group scattering matrix generated by the NJOY code does not have enough accuracy in thermal energy range. Root cause is as follows. The scattering matrix in thermal energy range is tabulated at specific incident energy points that are implemented in the THERMR module of the NJOY code. Since the implemented energy grid is not sufficiently fine, numerical integration in the GROUPR module to obtain the multi-group scattering matrix causes considerable error. By increasing the number of incident energy points from 59 (original) to 349 (improved), the accuracy of the multi-group scattering matrix is improved. Consequently, the discrepancy of neutron spectra in thermal energy range between MCNPX and that obtained by the NJOY multi-group cross-section is resolved. The above issue has considerable impact on thermal reactor analyses using multi-group cross-sections generated by the NJOY code and incorporation of the present improvement is recommended.  相似文献   

Wide-band-gap semiconductors such as SiC, AlN, and GaN are promising materials for harsh environment applications due to their high-temperature operation capability. Two types of PIN-type semiconductor neutron detectors based on SiC were designed and fabricated for nuclear power plant (NPP) applications such an in-core reactor neutron flux monitoring and safeguarding nuclear materials. One is for fast neutron detection and the other, which was evaporated with 6LiF, is for thermal neutron detection. In this study, preliminary tests, such as the determination of I-V and alpha responses, were performed. Reaction probabilities with respect to neutron energies were also calculated by using an MCNPX code for comparison with the experimental results. Responses of the neutrons were measured at the Ex-core Neutron irradiation Facility (ENF) of the High-flux Advanced Neutron Application Reactor (HANARO) research reactor at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). Pulse height spectra and count rates were measured with respect to the neutron fluxes from 1:6 × 106 n/cm2·s to 1:9 × 107 n/cm2·s. Also, a 0.99 root-mean-square value of linearity against the fluxes to the count rates was obtained with the fabricated neutron detectors. For a thermal neutron detector, a 3.3% detection efficiency was obtained.  相似文献   

加速器驱动次临界反应堆(ADS)中子时空动力学计算需要考虑外中子源和空间分布的影响,比临界系统中子动力学计算要复杂得多。本文将改进准静态(IQS)近似与蒙特卡罗(MC)方法相结合,对于带外源的ADS次临界系统中子时空动力学过程,形状函数、动力学参数由MCNPX程序计算得到,幅度函数与集总参数热工反馈模型进行耦合计算,并开发了IQS/MC计算程序可视化操作界面。针对CIADS靶堆耦合系统参考方案物理模型,对引入束流瞬变及无保护失流工况过程进行瞬态模拟计算分析,给出了堆芯相对功率、燃料温度及冷却剂出口温度随时间的变化曲线。同时,将中子注量率进行分群计算,得到了堆芯分能群的相对中子注量率网格分布随时间的变化,模拟结果与理论分析一致。  相似文献   

This study presents the neutronic behavior of integral data in an infinite target medium driven by an isotropic point source of 1000 MeV incident proton. Lead–bismuth eutectic, mercury, tungsten, uranium, thorium, chromium, copper and beryllium are considered as the target material because of their favorable spallation-neutron production characteristics. Furthermore, the calculations are performed for also dual mixture of some of them. In order to be able to simulate the infinite target medium by eliminating the spatial dependence, a spherical target is considered, and its radius is increased gradually up to adequate radius ensuring the infinite target medium. In this way, the radius value ensuring the maximum neutron leakage out of the target would be determined. Numerical calculations were performed with the high-energy Monte Carlo code MCNPX in coupled neutron and proton mode using the LA150 library. The mixing of the LBE with a solid target material (such as W, U and Th) lowers significantly the target radius ensuring the maximum neutron leakage.  相似文献   

Fast reactors containing heterogeneous minor actinide (MA) target rods are now being modeled. When studying transmutation in these rods, helium production from α-decay must be considered since it is produced in substantial quantities. This research utilized an innovative method to calculate gas production by modifying the CINDER90 depletion code used by MCNPX 2.6.0 to include helium production from α-decay. The modified CINDER90 code was verified using the ORIGEN-ARP module of SCALE6. It was tested using the Sodium-Cooled Heterogeneous Innovative Burner Reactor model created at the University of South Carolina. It is recommended that the modified version of the cinder.dat file be distributed in subsequent MCNPX 2.6.0 releases for use in fast reactor calculations using heterogeneous MA target rods since it includes helium production otherwise not available from the current version.  相似文献   

This paper compares the numerical results obtained from various nuclear codes and nuclear data libraries with the YALINA Booster subcritical assembly (Minsk, Belarus) experimental results. This subcritical assembly was constructed to study the physics and the operation of accelerator-driven subcritical systems (ADS) for transmuting the light water reactors (LWR) spent nuclear fuel. The YALINA Booster facility has been accurately modeled, with no material homogenization, by the Monte Carlo codes MCNPX (MCNP/MCB) and MONK. The MONK geometrical model matches that of MCNPX. The assembly has also been analyzed by the deterministic code ERANOS. In addition, the differences between the effective neutron multiplication factor and the source multiplication factors have been examined by alternative calculational methodologies. The analyses include the delayed neutron fraction, prompt neutron lifetime, generation time, neutron flux profiles, and spectra in various experimental channels. The accuracy of the numerical models has been enhanced by accounting for all material impurities and the actual density of the polyethylene material used in the assembly (the latter value was obtained by dividing the total weight of the polyethylene by its volume in the numerical model). There is good agreement between the results from MONK, MCNPX, and ERANOS. The ERANOS results show small differences relative to the other results because of material homogenization and the energy and angle discretizations.The MCNPX results match the experimental measurements of the 3He(n,p) reaction rates obtained with the californium neutron source.  相似文献   

Modern computer codes allow detailed neutron transport calculations. In combination with advanced 3D visualization software capable of treating large amounts of data in real time they form a powerful tool that can be used as a convenient modern educational tool for (nuclear power plant) operators, nuclear engineers, students and specialists involved in reactor operation and design. Visualization is applicable not only in education and training, but also as a tool for fuel management, core analysis and irradiation planning. The paper treats the visualization of neutron transport in different moderators, neutron flux and power distributions in two nuclear reactors (TRIGA type research reactor and typical PWR). The distributions are calculated with MCNP and CORD-2 computer codes and presented using Amira software.  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(9-10):2038-2042
Under the Spanish Breeding Blanket Technology Programme TECNO_FUS a conceptual design of a DCLL (Dual-Coolant Lithium–Lead) blanket-based reactor is being revised. The dually cooled breeding zone is composed of He/LiPb and SiC as material of the liquid metal flow channel inserts. Structural materials are ferritic-martensitic steel (Eurofer) for the blanket and austenitic steel (SS316LN) for the vacuum vessel (VV) and the cryostat.In this work, radioactive wastes are assessed in order to determine if they can be disposed as low and intermediate level radioactive waste (LILW) in the Spanish near surface disposal facility of El Cabril. Also, unconditional clearance and recycling waste management options are studied.The neutron transport calculations have been performed with MCNPX code, while the ACAB code is used for calculations of the inventory of activation products and for activation analysis, in terms of waste management ratings for the options considered.Results show that the total amount of the cryostat can be disposed in El Cabril joined to the outer layer of both VV and channel inserts, whereas only concrete-made biological shield can be managed through clearance and none of the steels can be recycled. Those results are compared with those corresponding to French regulation, showing similar conclusions.  相似文献   

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