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设计并研制全金属双腔串联有阀压电泵,利用压电泵驱动水工质在闭式环路内循环稳定流动。水冷环路热端设计为微通道结构,微通道结构能显著增强液相工质流动过程中与壁面换热速率。在压电泵驱动下,工质在微通道热端吸热,冷端放热,实现热量从热端到冷端高效传递。搭建实验测试系统,研究压电泵工作性能以及压电泵驱动水冷环路传热性能。结果表明,压电泵在开放系统和闭式系统工作性能一致。压电泵驱动电压越大,回路内液相工质流动速度越快,传热速率越高,系统热阻越低。双腔串联压电泵在120V驱动电压下,泵水流量达到167 mL/min,水冷环路热阻达到0.12℃/W。压电泵驱动闭式水冷环路具有热阻小,结构紧凑,能耗低,智能控制等优点,能更好地应用于大功率电子器件散热领域。 相似文献
利用高温风洞及远红外热像技术,实验研究了导叶端壁10排气膜孔出流在主燃气/冷气温比为2.68(主流温度500℃)下的综合冷却特性,对比不同主流进口雷诺数Re_(in)(10000、14900和19700)和吹风比BR(0.6、1.0、1.5和2.0)下端壁表面的综合冷却效率。研究表明:端壁表面冷却效率分布很不均匀,叶片周围和端壁前缘冷却效率较低,端壁中间偏吸力面的区域冷却效率较高;从前缘到尾缘,冷却效率整体呈现逐渐升高的趋势;Re_(in)从14 900增加到19 700时,端壁表面平均冷却效率在BR=1.5和2.0时增幅分别为6.2%和7.2%,而在BR=0.6和1.0时,增幅却均小于2.6%。 相似文献
依托搭建的直接空冷阵列实验平台,进行了环境风影响下的入口空气流量特性实验,并根据实验数据计算风机体积流量,进而计算凝汽器背压。结果表明:在环境风影响下,空冷阵列迎风侧第1列风机体积流量显著低于其他列,流量低谷区位置随风向的变化而快速转移;迎风侧风机体积流量随风速的增大而减小,对风速的响应无时滞,且迎风侧第1列风机体积流量波动程度最大;所建背压模型的精确度比传统模型提高了2%~5%;实际运行时,在环境风影响下凝汽器背压高于无风时的背压,且环境温度和运行负荷较高时环境风的影响更为显著。 相似文献
直接空冷(以下简称ACC)机组在夏季高温时段背压升高,不能满负荷运行,需采用尖峰冷却技术降低背压。基于此,提出零水耗、近零传热端差的间接空气尖峰冷却技术,以某电厂660直接空冷机组为对象,对其加装间接空气冷却系统的热力性能进行研究分析。结果表明,加装间接空气冷却系统机组全年背压降低3.01~7.2 kPa,折算全年平均煤耗降低4.7 g/kWh,实现了尖峰冷却目的。 相似文献
为了验证两相射流泵在商用平板速冻机中应用的可行性,根据射流泵用作节流装置时可以回收制冷剂的膨胀功实现蒸发器倍量供液的基本原理,研究了射流泵供液的平板速冻机在25、30、35和40℃4个冷凝温度下的性能。实验结果表明:射流泵可以适应新型制冷剂R507并且可应用于1.3 t/批商用平板速冻机;平板速冻机的性能随着冷凝温度的升高先上升后下降。当冷凝温度为35℃时性能最佳,此时射流泵的引射系数比25℃时提升42.5%,比40℃时提升36.8%,而平板速冻机比使用热力膨胀阀供液时的冻结速率快7.7%,节约能耗7.4%。 相似文献
为准确计算冻结壁厚度、了解开挖引水沟渠对地层稳定性的影响,从而确保工程的安全稳定性,结合工程实例,根据冻土的热物理参数及力学性质,运用解析方程和经验公式分别计算了引水沟渠冻结法施工的冻结壁厚,并对比计算结果与现场实测温度反推出的冻结壁厚度,同时利用多物理场耦合软件模拟冻结壁的形成及开挖后的受力变形,分析了引水沟渠在冻结暗挖过程中冻结壁的安全稳定性。结果表明,理论计算中拉麦公式考虑的因素少,计算结果偏大,维亚洛夫公式设计冻结壁厚度相对合理;数值模拟可得出引水沟渠周围土体的应力场、位移场分布,可验证施工方案的合理性;在实际工程中可结合经验估算、现场实测理论计算与数值模拟计算来最终确定设计方案。 相似文献
Some laboratory tests showed rather strange hysteresis loops in strain–temperature space, where the strains were measured with a strain gauge on the surface of a wet cubic rock sample under a subzero temperature cycle. This report gives introductory remarks and the first result on a new project launched by the present authors. The project is intended to make clear the major mechanisms responsible for the unexpected hysteresis loops in the strain–temperature diagram, in which an abrupt increase in strains appeared at a halfway point of the cooling process at higher cooling rates. The hysteresis loops suggest that various thermal and mechanical (or physical) phenomena take place within the rock sample; some possible candidates of causes behind the phenomena are discussed and a hypothesis associated with them is proposed. Furthermore, to separate an unexpected part of the hysteresis loop from its “regular” part, thermal strains on the surface of a spherical sample under a temperature cycle are calculated within the framework of linear thermoelasticity. The equivalence between strains on the surface of a cubic sample and that of a spherical one is discussed. 相似文献
Water transport through gas diffusion layer of proton exchange membrane fuels cells is investigated experimentally. A filtration cell is designed and the permeation threshold and the apparent water permeability of several carbon papers are investigated. Similar carbon paper with different thicknesses and different Teflon loadings are tested to study the effects of geometrical and surface properties on the water transport. Permeation threshold increases with both GDL thickness and Teflon loading. In addition, a hysteresis effect exists in GDLs and the permeation threshold reduces as the samples are retested. Moreover, several compressed GDLs are tested and the results show that compression does not affect the breakthrough pressure significantly. The measured values of apparent permeability indicate that the majority of pores in GDLs are not filled with water and the reactant access to the catalyst layer is not hindered. 相似文献
在全温全压条件下对自主研发的F级燃气轮机轴向分级燃烧室进行了燃烧试验研究,以探究设计点工况下燃烧室的压力损失、出口温度分布、火焰筒壁面温度、污染物排放、燃烧效率和热声稳定性等燃烧性能.结果表明:在设计点工况下,燃烧室总压损失系数为5.4%;燃烧室出口温度分布系数为0.06,燃烧室出口径向温度分布系数为0.03;燃烧室火焰筒壁面温度低于850 ℃;NOx摩尔分数维持在1.9×10-5,CO和未燃碳氢(UHC)排放基本为0,燃烧效率维持在99.99%以上;压力脉动各特征频率对应幅值均低于3 kPa,表明燃烧室热声状态稳定. 相似文献
Xing Zhang Sheng-lai Yang Ling Zhang Hao Chen Qi-min Liang Quan-zheng Ma 《Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects》2016,38(3):370-375
Volcanic gas reservoirs have features of strong heterogeneity and difficult development. The laboratory experiment results show that the shapes of gas-water relative permeability curves and the values of feature points are related to the experimental conditions. In the same core, the higher the temperature, the pressure, or the content of CO2 is, the lower the irreducible water saturation is, and the faster the gas relative permeability rises, the better the seepage of gas-water is. During the process of gas driving water, the fractures have significant influences on the bound water saturation and the percolation characteristics of gas-water. 相似文献
This paper addresses the effects of porous medium in magnetohydrodynamic unsteady flows of the viscous nongray optical thinner liquid between two infinitely concentric perpendicular cylinders under the influence of time reliant periodical pressure gradients with respect to the an azimuthal direction applied magnetic domain. The effects of the thermally radiating as well as periodical walls temperatures are also taken into consideration. The governing nondimensional equations were altered into ordinary differential equations and these were then resolved in the expressions of the modified Bessels functions. The impacts of the different parameters on the velocity, temperature, skin frictions, and the rates of temperature transfers near the surfaces of the cylinders were evaluated computationally as well as these are discussed graphically. This was found that, the velocity of the fluid augments by an amplifying in penetrability of the absorbent medium. The buoyancy forces reasons the liquid flow to accelerated, and thereby causing the mass efflux to enhance proportionally. The reductions into fluid temperature are straight proportionate to the diminution into the thermal diffusivity. The current computations were reliable with those of the existing study in the limiting cases. 相似文献
特低渗储层应力敏感性实验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用砂岩储层敏感性评价实验方法(SY/T5358--2002)对长庆油田安塞县沿河湾地区长6储层14块岩心(岩心空气渗透率为0.0536×10^-3~2.4×10^-3μm2)进行了应力敏感性实验。实验结果表明,沿河湾长6特低渗储层存在中偏强应力敏感性。应力敏感系数为0.1601~0.8247。对14块岩样的渗透率随围压上升的变化曲线进行了拟合,并推导了应力敏感系数与初始渗透率之间的幂函数关系式。通过该式可以计算该储层渗透率应力敏感性伤害程度。同时,通过分析指出了该储层的应力敏感性和应力滞回效应、岩石组分和孔隙结构有关,岩石的有效孔隙越细小,黏土矿物和胶结物含量越高.岩石的渗透率对应力越敏感;当地层压力下降5MPa时,该储层应力敏感性造成的油井产量的降低范围在5.5%~25.2%,地层压力越低,则产量下降幅度越大。 相似文献
温度对柴油的物性参数影响很大,为了研究温度对高压共轨喷油器喷射性能的影响,建立了柴油物性参数随温度和压力的变化公式,并构建和简化了喷油器的数学模型。利用软件AMESim建立了喷油器模型,根据试验数据验证了模型的正确性。在不同温度下仿真计算了喷油特性,得到了不同温度下喷油器的喷油速率曲线和一次喷油量曲线。结果表明,温度对喷油器的喷油速率有一定的影响。对喷油器的设计改进提供了理论指导。 相似文献
Sulfonated poly(ether–ether–ketone) materials (SPEEK) are good proton conductors at high degrees of sulfonation and appropriate for high temperature application due to their glass transition temperatures around 200 °C. Nevertheless, high degrees of sulfonation result in excessive swelling and dissolution of the membranes in hot water, preventing their potential use for direct methanol fuel cells. One possible remedy is their chemical stabilization. For this reason, blends of SPEEK with PVA (polyvinyl alcohol), a hydrophilic polymer, were prepared and tested. Above 25 wt% PVA, the membranes were found to be mechanically stable in boiling water, with acceptable proton conductivities but excessive methanol permeabilities. On the other hand, blends of SPEEK with a hydrophobic polymer, PVB (polyvinyl butyral), resulted in extremely stable membranes in boiling water above a 30 wt% PVB content. Those membranes presented excellent mechanical and methanol barrier properties while proton conductivities were very low. A discussion of possible ways to make optimal use of these materials is presented. 相似文献