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东太湖综合整治是太湖流域水环境综合治理生态修复项目的重点工程之一,也是太湖流域防洪规划的重要组成部分.论述了工程实施的必要性,介绍了工程的主要目标任务和总体进展情况,分析了工程的效益.  相似文献   

为探究北方缺水地区湿地植物物种多样性变化,选取北京市延庆区妫水河为研究区,采用物种丰富度(R),Shannon-Wiener指数(H),Simpson指数(D)和Peilou均匀度指数(J)作为植物群落多样性指标,使用方差法和典型对应分析(CCA)对不同河段和区域间湿地植物物种分布与环境因子之间的响应关系进行研究。研究结果表明:研究区现有湿地植物93种,隶属于44科76属,优势科有菊科(Asteraceae)、禾本科(Poaceae)、豆科(Fabaceae)和莎草科(Cyperaceae); 93种植物的Shannon-Wiener指数(H)小于3,Simpson指数(D)和Peilou均匀度指数(J)介于0. 5~0. 75之间,物种数量总体不多,但分布较均匀,处于中等水平;对湿地植物群落形成及生长影响较大的水质因子依次为全氮(TN)、p H和化学需氧量(COD)。  相似文献   

东太湖水环境保护迫在眉睫   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
东太湖是太湖水资源生态系统的组成部分 ,是重要的城市供水水源地和太湖洪水的主要排泄通道 ,也是重要的水产养殖基地。目前 ,过度围网养殖 ,大型水生植物过量繁殖及周围城镇工业、生活污废水无处理地任意排放 ,导致了东太湖水生态环境退化 ,水质变劣 ,沼泽化问题已露端倪。东太湖综合治理已迫在眉睫 ,应根据国家总体要求 ,水利、环保、水产等部门协同编制东太湖综合治理规划。当前应急措施是“清障、清污、清淤” ,成立东太湖水环境保护领导小组 ,制订必要的管理办法 ,还东太湖水清湖澈的风貌。  相似文献   

太湖沉积物的分布和动力扰动下最大侵蚀深度的确定   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用 2 0 0 2年对太湖沉积物空间分布的调查数据 ,将太湖划分成 69× 69个网格 ,利用最优插值法对整个太湖的沉积物总量进行了计算 ,得出太湖沉积物的蓄积量大约在 1 8 5 7亿m3左右 ,主要分布在西部沿岸和北部的梅梁湾 ,在湖心和东太湖 ,沉积物覆盖量很小 ,有泥区面积占整个水面积的 47 45 % ,在 60 %的有泥区中 ,沉积物厚度集中在 2 5m以下 ,小于 5 0cm和大于 3 5m的有泥区面积所占比例不大。此外 ,利用Shields方法计算了太湖沉积物上层 1m内不同深度上的临界切应力 ,采用SMB浅水波动模式 ,计算了夏季受东南风和冬季受西北风影响下的波切应力值 ,确定了不同扰动所能引起的最大侵蚀深度。计算结果说明 ,无论上述何种风向情况下 ,能产生悬浮的临界风速大约在 5 0m s左右 ,当风速大于临界风速时 ,悬浮深度随着风速的增加而增大 ,当风速达到 2 0 0m s时所能引起的最大侵蚀深度均在 3 0cm左右。  相似文献   

人类活动对太湖地区水环境演变的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人类活动是短时段、区域性水环境变化的主要驱动因素之一,也是全球研究的热点和前沿问题。本文分析了太湖地区水环境的演变,及工业化过程、城市化及农业生产等对水环境演变的影响,认为近年来人类活动对水环境演变的影响逐渐加强,水环境恶化也影响了国民经济的发展。  相似文献   

引江济太对不同水域氮磷浓度的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在国内外调水实践的基础上,运用现状监测资料,具体分析流经望虞河、望亭立交水利枢纽调入太湖的长江水质和太湖不同湖区的水质,研究在调水初期及其后的过程中,氮磷浓度影响水质的变化规律。结果表明:长江水源中总磷、总氮浓度总体上低于贡湖、梅梁湖;长江水在流经望虞河进入太湖的过程中,太湖地区水质随着进水时间的延长而好转,水质浓度与进水流量的大小成反比;"引江济太"调水对迅速抑制太湖蓝藻暴发起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

Lake Taihu, the third largest lake in China, is subjected to severe eutrophication and cyanobacterial blooms as a result of development and urbanization. However, little is known about the macroinvertebrate assemblages and their relationship with eutrophication and other environmental factors in this lake. To characterize the community structure of macroinvertebrates and to examine the benthos-environmental relationships in Lake Taihu, a quarterly investigation was conducted from February 2007 to November 2008. A total of 42 taxa was recorded; Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Rhyacodrilus sinicus, Corbicula fluminea, Bellamya aeruginosa, Tanypus chinensis and Gammarus sp. dominated the community in abundance and biomass. Cluster analysis and one-way analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) identified three groups of stations that had significantly different macroinvertebrate communities. Stations in the north bays and three river mouths had the lowest diversity and were dominated by pollution-tolerant species such as L. hoffmeisteri and R. sinicus while Gonghu Bay, the Central Region and the Western Region contained intermediately diverse communities mainly dominated by C. fluminea. Diversity and evenness were highest in the East Bays where aquatic macrophytes were abundant; the zoobenthos were characterized by gastropods. One-way ANOVAs revealed that environmental characteristics differed significantly among the three groups of stations. Canonical correspondence analyses showed that community structure and spatial patterns of macroinvertebrates in Lake Taihu were strongly correlated to three ecological factors—trophic status, wind-induced disturbance and habitat complexity. Our results could provide valuable information that could be used by managers and policy makers to evaluate and modify restoration practices.  相似文献   

The annual highest water level of Taihu Lake (Zm) is very significant for flood management in the Taihu Basin. This paper first describes the inter-annual and intra-annual traits of Zm from 1956 to 2000. Then, using the Mann-Kenall (MK) and Spearman (SP) nonparametric tests, the long-term change trends of area precipitation and pan evaporation in the Taihu Basin are determined. Meanwhile, using the Morlet wavelet transformation, the fluctuation patterns and change points of precipitation and pan evaporation are analyzed. Also, human activities in the Taihu Basin are described, including land use change and hydraulic project construction. Finally, the relationship between Zm, the water level of Taihu Lake 30 days prior to the day of Zm (Z0), and the 30-day total precipitation and pan evaporation prior to the day of Zm (P and E0, respectively) is described based on multi-linear regression equations. The relative influence of climate change and human activities on the change of Zm is quantitatively ascertained. The results demonstrate that: (1) Zm was distinctly higher during the 1980-2000 period than during the 1956-1979 period, and the 30 days prior to the day of Zm are the key phase influencing Zm every year; (2) P increased significantly at a confidence level of 95% during the 1956-2000 period, while the reverse was true for E0; (3) The relationship between Zm, P and E0 distinctly changed after 1980; (4) Climate change and human activities together caused frequent occurrences of high Zm after 1980; (5) Climate change caused a substantially greater Zm difference between the 1956-1979 and 1980-2000 periods than human activities. Climate change, as represented by P and E0, was the dominant factor raising Zm, with a relative influence ratio of 83.6%, while human activities had a smaller influence ratio of 16.4%.  相似文献   

太湖底泥的生态疏浚工程   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
指出:①太湖底泥是湖体水生态系统的基本要素,也是重要的内污染源.②在湖泊外源污染得到一定控制后,以减少内源污染负荷为目的的生态疏浚是控制内源污染效果较为明显的工程措施.③太湖底泥疏浚属水生态整治工程,以最大可能取走污染物、改善水生态环境为控制目标,生态疏浚是局部的薄层精确疏浚.经采用生态调查方法,查明太湖底泥总蓄积量为19亿m3.主要疏浚范围是底泥厚且污染重的重点功能湖区,如梅梁湖、贡湖等.依据太湖底泥的污染特性,疏浚深度以40~50cm为宜,并应为后续生物修复技术介入创造必要的生态环境条件.密闭无扰动抽吸式头部掘进是关键,冬初至春末为最佳施工期.排泥场防渗、尾水处理达标后排放、淤泥安全处置和资源化利用是生态疏浚的环保要求.  相似文献   

2007~2008年引江济太调水对太湖水质改善效果分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
在对引江济太调水工程前期研究的基础上,对2007年无锡供水危机事件和2008年冬春季引水中引江济太工程的作用进行了系统分析。在2007年无锡供水危机爆发1周内,随着引江济太调水工程的进行,贡湖水厂水源地溶解氧和氨氮等水质指标从劣Ⅴ类转变为Ⅲ类,小湾里水厂和锡东水厂水质也有好转;在2007年下半年和2008年上半年调水条件下,2008年5月与去年同期相比,贡湖高锰酸盐指数、总磷和总氮质量浓度分别从7.04 mg/L、0.106 mg/L、4.10 mg/L下降到3.35 mg/L、0.087 mg/L、2.87 mg/L,氨氮水质指标保持在Ⅲ类,表明引江济太调水工程对改善太湖局部湖区水质、保障太湖供水安全具有重要意义。最后提出了进一步推动引江济太调水工程长效化运行的对策措施建议。  相似文献   

随着太湖流域防洪工程能力的不断提高,尤其是环湖大堤防洪能力的显著提高,3.50 m的太湖警戒水位已不能客观真实地反映环湖大堤实际防洪能力和太湖防洪形势,需要对太湖警戒水位进行复核调整。根据警戒水位定义,结合太湖特点,开展了环湖大堤防洪能力分析、堤防工程实际运用状况分析以及太湖水位频率分析,研究提出了太湖警戒水位调整的建议。  相似文献   

太湖位于太湖流域中心,是我国第三大淡水湖泊,也是太湖流域防洪的调蓄中心。分析论述了太湖的自然、社会特性,以及在太湖流域历史洪灾中的调蓄和削峰作用。随着流域经济社会的快速发展和对太湖的进一步开发、利用和治理,流域防洪形势依然严峻,进一步分析和展望了太湖在未来流域防洪中的地位与作用。  相似文献   

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