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Predictions of future climate are based on elaborate numerical computer models. As computational capacity increases and better observations become available, one would expect the model predictions to become more reliable. However, are they really improving, and how do we know? This paper discusses how current climate models are evaluated, why and where scientists have confidence in their models, how uncertainty in predictions can be quantified, and why models often tend to converge on what we observe but not on what we predict. Furthermore, it outlines some strategies on how the climate modelling community may overcome some of the current deficiencies in the attempt to provide useful information to the public and policy-makers.  相似文献   

Consideration of abrupt climate change has generally been incorporated neither in analyses of climate-change impacts nor in the design of climate adaptation strategies. Yet the possibility of abrupt climate change triggered by human perturbation of the climate system is used to support the position of both those who urge stronger and earlier mitigative action than is currently being contemplated and those who argue that the unknowns in the Earth system are too large to justify such early action. This paper explores the question of abrupt climate change in terms of its potential implications for society, focusing on the UK and northwest Europe in particular. The nature of abrupt climate change and the different ways in which it has been defined and perceived are examined. Using the example of the collapse of the thermohaline circulation (THC), the suggested implications for society of abrupt climate change are reviewed; previous work has been largely speculative and has generally considered the implications only from economic and ecological perspectives. Some observations about the implications from a more social and behavioural science perspective are made. If abrupt climate change simply implies changes in the occurrence or intensity of extreme weather events, or an accelerated unidirectional change in climate, the design of adaptation to climate change can proceed within the existing paradigm, with appropriate adjustments. Limits to adaptation in some sectors or regions may be reached, and the costs of appropriate adaptive behaviour may be large, but strategy can develop on the basis of a predicted long-term unidirectional change in climate. It would be more challenging, however, if abrupt climate change implied a directional change in climate, as, for example, may well occur in northwest Europe following a collapse of the THC. There are two fundamental problems for society associated with such an outcome: first, the future changes in climate currently being anticipated and prepared for may reverse and, second, the probability of such a scenario occurring remains fundamentally unknown. The implications of both problems for climate policy and for decision making have not been researched. It is premature to argue therefore that abrupt climate change - in the sense referred to here - imposes unacceptable costs on society or the world economy, represents a catastrophic impact of climate change or constitutes a dangerous change in climate that should be avoided at all reasonable cost. We conclude by examining the implications of this contention for future research and policy formation.  相似文献   

During the Middle Pliocene, the Earth experienced greater global warmth compared with today, coupled with higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations. To determine the extent to which the Middle Pliocene can be used as a 'test bed' for future warming, we compare data and model-based Middle Pliocene vegetation with simulated global biome distributions for the mid- and late twenty-first century. The best agreement is found when a Middle Pliocene biome reconstruction is compared with a future scenario using 560 ppmv atmospheric CO2. In accordance with palaeobotanical data, all model simulations indicate a generally warmer and wetter climate, resulting in a northward shift of the taiga-tundra boundary and a spread of tropical savannah and woodland in Africa and Australia at the expense of deserts. Our data-model comparison reveals differences in the distribution of polar vegetation, which indicate that the high latitudes during the Middle Pliocene were still warmer than its predicted modern analogue by several degrees. However, our future scenarios do not consider multipliers associated with 'long-term' climate sensitivity. Changes in global temperature, and thus biome distributions, at higher atmospheric CO2 levels will not have reached an equilibrium state (as is the case for the Middle Pliocene) by the end of this century.  相似文献   

Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy - Negative emission technology such as bioenergy with carbon capture and storage is extremely important to offset the presence of atmospheric greenhouse...  相似文献   

The mechanics and experimental work concerned with ancient catapults powered by torsion springs is described. Mathematical models are proposed both for the earlier Greek palintone, or stone thrower, and a supposedly more powerful machine based on the conjectured form of a notable find in the ruins of Hatra, a town in Iraq sacked in AD 241. For each of these machines an energy method is formulated together with differential equations governing their performance. Using a moment function derived in earlier work and allowing for internal friction, we solve the equations by numerical integration, assuming rigid straight arms and an inextensible sling. The ranges of projectiles launched from these machines are predicted, and the results are compared with observed ranges produced from physical models. Good agreement with experiment is found, confirming the superiority of the Hatra machine which is also more mechanically efficient. Comparison with some results of other workers on the bow is appropriate. In the course of this study it is found that the previously derived nonlinear relation between moment and angular displacement of a torsion spring gives much closer agreement between theory and experiment than a linear relation that was conjectured earlier.  相似文献   

A task carried out in error creates a latent condition that can result in a future undesirable outcome if the error is not detected later. The paper presents a study of the relatively under-researched phenomenon of post-task latent error detection. Focusing on UK naval aircraft maintenance, it was hypothesised that time, location and systems cues influence individual latent error detection amongst naval air engineers who experience the phenomenon. The systems view of human error is combined with a multi-process approach to post-task latent error research, for which findings suggest that distributed cognition across the entire socio-technical system may be influential in post-task latent error detection. Directions for future research will be of benefit to those interested in furthering safety resilience using a systems approach to minimise the consequences arising from latent error.

Relevance to human factors/ergonomics theoryThe nature and extent of post-task latent error detection is explored using a systems approach, for which distributed cognition across the entire socio-technical system appears influential. The aim of current research is to develop interventions to further mitigate for latent errors and thus advance the systems application of ergonomics theory.  相似文献   

Justification of medical exposures is a fundamental principle of radiation protection. This principle applies to mammographic screening, both for the screened population and at an individual level. The benefit of mammographic screening may be considered to be the number of cancers detected or lives saved by breast screening. The risk is the hypothetical number of fatal cancers induced by the use of ionising radiation in screening mammography. Benefit can be deduced from the cancer detection rate in the NHS Breast Screening Programme. The number of additional lives saved by the intervention of a screening programme may be deduced from knowledge of the change in tumour size, stage and nodal status (and hence prognosis) in women with screening detected breast cancers compared with symptomatic women before screening. Calculations of benefit risk ratios to the UK population have been performed. It is concluded that breast screening is justified in radiation protection terms.  相似文献   

The bonding layer in flip-chip assembly designs is characterized, unlike in epoxy bonded assemblies, by a relatively high effective Young’s modulus of its composite material, which is comprised of high-modulus solder and low-modulus epoxy encapsulant (underfill). Simple, easy-to-use and physically meaningful tri- and bi-material analytical stress models are developed for the evaluation of the thermally induced interfacial shearing stresses, as well as normal stresses acting in the cross-sections of the assembly components. While in a tri-material model all the three materials, the chip, the substrate and the bonding layer, are treated as “equal partners”, in a bi-material model a significant simplification is made, assuming that the bonding layer is much thinner than the bonded components, the chip and the substrate, and/or that its effective Young’s modulus is significantly lower than the moduli of the chip and the substrate materials. In the carried out numerical example based on the application of the tri-material model, the highest shearing stress occurs at the chip-bond interface and is significantly, by the factor of about 2.45, higher than the stress at the substrate-bond interface, but even the latter stress is about twice as high as the maximum shearing stress predicted on the basis of the bi-material model. As to the normal stresses acting in the cross-sections of the assembly components, the tri-material model predicts that the highest stresses occur in the chip, the lowest—in the substrate, and that the stresses in the bond are rather high, about 59% of the stresses in the chip. The bi-material model, however, simply assumes that the normal stresses in the bond are zero. The normal stresses in the chip predicted on the basis of this model are only about 78% of the stress predicted by the tri-material model. The normal stresses in the substrate evaluated on the basis of the bi-material model are almost twice as high as the tri-material model predicts, but these stresses are low anyway: it is the state of stress in the chip and in the bonding layer, and the interfacial stress at the chip-bond interface that should be of the primary concern to the device designer. It is concluded that while a simple bi-material model can be successfully used for adhesively bonded assemblies, characterized by a thin and/or low modulus bonding layer, a tri-material model should be employed for flip-chip assemblies, when high-modulus solders are used. Future work should include finite-element analyses and experimental evaluations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: On April 30, 2001, the Cleveland Clinic Foundation and Cleveland Clinic Health System Quality Institute sponsored a 1-day conference focused on technology in patient safety. PATIENT SAFETY-A CALL TO ACTION: Kenneth W. Kizer focused on ten high-priority patient safety strategies identified by the National Quality Forum-including implementing recognized "safe practices", recognizing and dealing with professional misconduct, and supporting efforts to create a nonpunitive environment for health care error reporting. CULTURAL IMPLICATIONS OF INTRODUCING NEW TECHNOLOGY: Randolph A. Miller described a computerized clinician order-entry system used to provide decision support, reduce excess test ordering, introduce cost savings, and meet regulations for inpatient radiology and cardiology tests. USING BAR CODES TO ELIMINATE MEDICATION ERRORS: Jeff Ramirez reported on the Veterans Health Administration's use of bar coding technology for point-of-care validation of medication administration, which has resulted in improvements in response time; the efficiency of the dispensing, delivery, and administration process; and patient care. HOW TO MAKE COMPUTERS TEAM PLAYERS: The knowledge base exists to design computers as team players that expand human expertise and help health care practitioners better create safety. Yet David D. Woods challenged the audience to anticipate the changing shape of iatrogenic risk as a result of increasing dependence on automation in health care. TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICATION SYSTEMS: Mark Neuenschwander spoke about automating various steps within the medication use system, through computerized prescriber order entry and bedside scanning. FUTURE TECHNOLOGICAL POSSIBILITIES: Charles Denham suggested how technology may aid health care professionals in their care of patients, such as in using predictive modeling to identify the risks of therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

In Part 1 of this paper, a carbonation model was developed and experimentally verified which was able to forecast carbonation depth of a concrete specimen considering varying ambient temperature, humidity and CO2 concentrations.Part 2 of the paper applies the carbonation diffusion/reaction model developed in Part 1 to predict the effects of global climate change on the carbonation of concrete. Climate scenarios were formulated and combined with the model for two major Canadian cities, Toronto and Vancouver. Results show that for undamaged and unstressed concrete, climate change will significantly affect carbonation progress. The model showed that for unloaded, non-pozzolanic concrete, ultimate carbonation depths in Toronto and Vancouver could be up to 45% higher. For in-service structures under load, the rates of deterioration are likely to be even faster. This is a cause for concern, and much further effort must be devoted to fully understand these phenomena.  相似文献   

Sustainable development is currently being applied in most fields of research. Procurement, focused on the buyer–supplier dyad, is one such discipline where sustainability is being widely applied. This paper provides a review of these research studies, conducting a systematic content analysis in order to present the state of the art in this domain. The paper carries out a detailed review of articles in international scientific journals and well-known international conferences related to green and sustainable supplier selection published between 2008 and 2014 inclusive. Seven designed research questions are proposed and answered based on this bibliography. Interesting results are reported in each section and gaps in the current body of literature are identified. The purpose of this review is to provide important future directions and limitations in this research topic.  相似文献   

The microwave caesium (Cs) atomic clock has formed an enduring basis for the second in the International System of Units (SI) over the last few decades. The advent of laser cooling has underpinned the development of cold Cs fountain clocks, which now achieve frequency uncertainties of approximately 5×10(-16). Since 2000, optical atomic clock research has quickened considerably, and now challenges Cs fountain clock performance. This has been suitably shown by recent results for the aluminium Al(+) quantum logic clock, where a fractional frequency inaccuracy below 10(-17) has been reported. A number of optical clock systems now achieve or exceed the performance of the Cs fountain primary standards used to realize the SI second, raising the issues of whether, how and when to redefine it. Optical clocks comprise frequency-stabilized lasers probing very weak absorptions either in a single cold ion confined in an electromagnetic trap or in an ensemble of cold atoms trapped within an optical lattice. In both cases, different species are under consideration as possible redefinition candidates. In this paper, I consider options for redefinition, contrast the performance of various trapped ion and optical lattice systems, and point to potential limiting environmental factors, such as magnetic, electric and light fields, collisions and gravity, together with the challenge of making remote comparisons of optical frequencies between standards laboratories worldwide.  相似文献   

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