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目前面向服务架构系统中,基于XML方式的异构数据整合方案存在着数据表示杂乱,缺乏领域模型的融合,以至于需要花费大量的精力去处理系统与服务数据的转化和硬编码,很难形成可复用的方案.针对这些问题,提出了一个基于SDO的面向服务数据整合架构(SDIF),引入了Object Teams机制来构建可复用的数据整合框架以及与现有系统衔接的基础设施.  相似文献   

One of the most significant difficulties with developing Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) involves meeting its security challenges, since the responsibilities of SOA security are based on both the service providers and the consumers. In recent years, many solutions to these challenges have been implemented, such as the Web Services Security Standards, including WS-Security and WS-Policy. However, those standards are insufficient for the new generation of Web technologies, including Web 2.0 applications. In this research, we propose an intelligent SOA security framework by introducing its two most promising services: the Authentication and Security Service (NSS), and the Authorization Service (AS). The suggested autonomic and reusable services are constructed as an extension of WS-1 security standards, with the addition of intelligent mining techniques, in order to improve performance and effectiveness. In this research, we apply three different mining techniques: the Association Rules, which helps to predict attacks, the Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Cube, for authorization, and clustering mining algorithms, which facilitate access control rights representation and automation. Furthermore, a case study is explored to depict the behavior of the proposed services inside an SOA business environment. We believe that this work is a significant step towards achieving dynamic SOA security that automatically controls the access to new versions of Web applications, including analyzing and dropping suspicious SOAP messages and automatically managing authorization roles.  相似文献   

Service-oriented computing is playing an important role in several domains. Today the biggest shift in mainstream design and programming is toward service-oriented applications. However, the service paradigm raises a bundle of problems that did not exist in traditional component-based development where abstraction, encapsulation, and modularity were the only main concerns. Due to their distributed, dynamic, and heterogeneous nature, service-oriented software applications require us to discover, document, and share new design patterns at the service- and architecture-level. Moreover, service-oriented applications are hard to design and validate, and demand for new foundational theories, modeling notations and analysis techniques.In line to such a vision, this article presents a framework, called SCA-PatternBox, to design and prototype service-oriented applications with design patterns. The framework relies on the OASIS standard Service Component Architecture (SCA) and on SCA component implementation types, such as SCA-Java, for supporting an “implementation-oriented” approach to service-oriented architecture modeling and to the definition and instantiation of design patterns. Moreover, in order to provide formally verified design patterns, SCA-PatternBox allows the formal specification and analysis of the functional behavioral aspects of a design pattern using a formal service specification language called SCA-ASM (Service Component Architecture-Abstract State Machine). As major evaluation of the framework, two case studies and lessons learned are presented. A final comparison of existing design pattern languages is also reported.  相似文献   

Of all the requirements for e-voting systems, robustness is the one that has received the least attention. This paper is concerned with addressing this issue. It is argued that a two-level consideration of robustness can facilitate the design of e-voting systems and enhance their resilience. An approach is proposed which requires, as a first step, an explicit awareness of robustness at protocol level and robustness at system level. The second step involves the identification of appropriate technologies and their integration into an architecture where the two forms of robustness are addressed. The approach is illustrated by the design and implementation of a service-oriented architecture for robust e-voting, based on the FOO92 protocol. The service-oriented architecture provided the framework for the integration of selected technologies such as blind signatures, encryption and onion routing. In addition to the just-in-time composition of the e-voting system, it supports the distribution of tasks and state. The system conforms to most e-voting requirements.  相似文献   

Decentralising a service-oriented architecture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Service-oriented computing is becoming an increasingly popular paradigm for modelling and building distributed systems in open and heterogeneous environments. However, proposed service-oriented architectures are typically based on centralised components, such as service registries or service brokers, that introduce reliability, management, and performance issues. This paper describes an approach to fully decentralise a service-oriented architecture using a self-organising peer-to-peer network maintained by service providers and consumers. The design is based on a gradient peer-to-peer topology, which allows the system to replicate a service registry using a limited number of the most stable and best performing peers. The paper evaluates the proposed approach through extensive simulation experiments and shows that the decentralised registry and the underlying peer-to-peer infrastructure scale to a large number of peers and can successfully manage high peer churn rates.  相似文献   

Software technology is creating a ubiquitous context for human living and learning in which new modes of interaction are gradually being incorporated. Speech-enabled software brings a new way of interacting with the Internet, but auditory access to web resources needs to be more broadly supported by software architectures. This paper introduces “Voice Interactive Classroom”, a software solution that proposes a middleware approach to provide cross-platform multi-channel access to internet-based learning.  相似文献   

Recent years have witnessed a tremendous growth in information and communication technologies that facilitate the design and implementation of complex inter-enterprise business processes. One of the major innovations is the concept of service-oriented architectures which considers software systems as being made up with autonomous, dynamic, loosely coupled and service-based components. This paper describes an attempt to automate financial business processes by utilizing a number of basic and composite services. As a case study, the paper describes the implementation of a realistic business process that is related to simulating a trading strategy in capital markets. An evaluation of the appropriateness of service-oriented architectures is conducted taking into account a number of factors such as flexibility, performance and development costs.  相似文献   

提出了一种面向普适环境的协同设计框架。该协同设计框架在现有分布协同对象计算技术和网格服务的基础上,引入了普适环境“随时随地”和“透明”的思想,巧妙地把协同设计技术融入第三代计算环境中。该文讨论了普适计算的相关理论,也涉及了网格计算的相关技术。并且建立了第三代计算环境下分布式协同设计模型。该框架能够很好地利用各种网络资源,随时随地的进行产品设计开发。最后简要介绍该框架在在自主开发的HUST-CAIDS中的初步应用。  相似文献   

As embedded systems become increasingly complex, not only are dependability and timeliness critical quality indicators, but also their ability to dynamically adapt to changes in their runtime environment. Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) offers a potential solution to this challenge by allowing services to be dynamically bound at runtime. However, resource contention between services and resource saturation can result in significant Quality of Service (QoS) degradation. To address these issues, this paper proposes a runtime, resource-aware architecture that combines resource monitoring with dynamic workflow orchestration to mediate resource contention within the orchestration environment. The architecture was evaluated on a medium-size service-oriented case study, deployed on a resource-constrained device.  相似文献   

E-learning systems have gone through a radical change from the initial text-based environments to more stimulating multimedia systems. Such systems are Collaborative Virtual Environments, which could be used in order to support collaborative e-learning scenarios. The main aim of this paper is to aid educational designers in selecting, designing and evaluating three dimensional collaborative virtual environments in order to gain the pedagogical benefits of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. Therefore, this paper initially discusses the potential of three dimensional networked virtual environments for supporting collaborative learning. Furthermore, based on a two-step platform selection process this paper (a) presents and compares three dimensional multi-user virtual environments for supporting collaborative learning and (b) validates the most promising solution against a set of design principles for educational virtual environments. According to these principles, an educational environment has been implemented on top of the selected platform in order to support collaborative e-learning scenarios. The design of this environment is also presented. In addition, this paper presents the results of three small scale studies carried out in a tertiary education department, to assess the educational environment. This environment has been evaluated based on a hybrid evaluation methodology for uncovering usability problems, collecting further requirements for additional functionality to support collaborative virtual learning environments, and determining the appropriateness of different kinds of learning scenarios.
A. PomportsisEmail:

This paper describes CAFES, an extensible, open-source framework supporting several tasks related to high-level modeling and design of applications employing complex intrachip communication infrastructures. CAFES comprises several built-in models, including application, communication architecture, energy consumption and timing models. It also includes a set of generic and specific algorithms and additional supporting tools, which jointly with the cited models allow the designer to describe and evaluate applications requirements and constraints on specified communication architectures. Several examples of the use of CAFES underline the usefulness of the framework. Some of these are approached in this paper: (i) a realistic application captured at high-level that has its computation time estimated after mapping at the clock cycle level; (ii) a multi-application system that is automatically mapped to a large intrachip network with related tasks occupying contiguous areas in the chip layout; (iii) a set of mapping algorithms explored to define trade-offs between run time and energy savings for small to large intrachip communication architectures.  相似文献   

针对异构CAD系统间上层操作指令和底层数据结构存在的差异性,在细胞元语义特征造型技术的基础上,提出了一种全新的支持异构CAD系统间同步协同设计的体系结构,并通过一种优先调度机制有效地解决了异构CAD系统间的“写冲突”问题,提高了实时响应性。该思想初步应用在HUSTCAIDS与AutoCAD间的异构协同设计中,证明了其可行性。  相似文献   

A wide range of Web-based tools and socially-enhanced collaboration services have changed models of work. In today??s collaboration systems, interactions typically span a number of people and services to work on joint tasks or to solve emerging problems. Finding the right collaboration partner in Web-based interactions remains challenging due to scale and the temporary nature of collaborations. We argue that humans need different ways to indicate their availability and desire to join collaborations. In this work, we discuss collaboration scenarios where people define services based on their dynamically changing skills and expertise by using Human-Provided Services. This approach is motivated by the need to support novel service-oriented applications in emerging crowdsourcing environments. In such open and dynamic environments, user participation is often driven by intrinsic incentives and actors properties such as reputation. We present a framework enabling users to define personal services to cope with complex interactions. We focus on the discovery and provisioning of human expertise in service-oriented environments.  相似文献   

Facilitated by the SOA and new Web technologies, Service-Oriented Rich Clients (SORCs) compose various Web-delivered services in Web browser to create new applications. The SORCs support client-side data storage and manipulation and provide more features than traditional thin clients. However, the SORCs might suffer from data access issues, mainly due to both client-side incompatible data sources and server-side improper or even undesirable cache strategies. Addressing the data access issues, this paper proposes a data access framework for SORCs. The main contributions of this paper are as follows. First, the framework makes the SORCs accommodate heterogeneous local storage solutions and diverse Web browsers properly. The framework abstracts the underlying details of different local storages and selects the most proper data sources for current SORC in use. Secondly, the framework provides a cache mechanism, which supports client-side customized cache strategies. An adaptive technique for the strategies is also proposed to adjust cache strategies based on users?? historical actions to achieve better performance.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for the Model-Driven specification of Software Architectures, which is defined using the concepts behind Service-Orientation. The framework described, denominated as ArchiMeDeS, represents the following: a coherent solution to the problem of architecting the existing gap between the high-level configuration of a software system by describing the business entities and relationships required by a software solution, and its low-level representation, in which the technological aspects determine the final shape of the system, providing technical support to the previously identified business processes and constraints. We also provide a set of transformation rules, which semi-automatically advance in the Architecture specification. These rules allow progress to be made from conceptual architectural models to more technologically dependent ones. The feasibility of the proposed service-oriented framework is validated by showing its usage capabilities in the definition of a software solution in the field of neuroscience research.  相似文献   

Software and Systems Modeling - Software architecture models are considered first-class artifacts in current software engineering best practices. Thus, usable and well-understood modeling methods...  相似文献   

分析了目前WSN从研究领域转向工程领域阶段中面临的困难,然后遵循面向服务的思想,以相互间松散耦合的服务单元作为网络协议的基本组成单位,提出了一种非层次结构的WSN网络协议架构,并使用基于Petri网的形式化方法对WSN的服务服务组合和扩展进行建模分析,探讨了服务组合中的一些条件和规则。基于服务的构建,能够较为全面和合理的描述WSN协议架构,并可通过相关服务组合满足WSN多样化的应用需求。  相似文献   

面向服务体系结构是一种面向互联网的分布式体系结构,对其建模和分析对于面向服务应用的构建是一个重要的研究课题.利用UML2.0的扩展机制提出了一种SOA的图形化建模方法.分别就SOA的结构和行为定义了若干建模元素,并为其定义了相应的图形建模方式.同时,通过案例研究说明了文中方法的应用.  相似文献   

TinySOA: a service-oriented architecture for wireless sensor networks   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Wireless sensor networks provide the means for gathering vast amounts of data from physical phenomena, and as such they are being used for applications such as precision agriculture, habitat monitoring, and others. However, there is a need to provide higher level abstractions for the development of applications, since accessing the data from wireless sensor networks currently implies dealing with very low-level constructs. We propose TinySOA, a service- oriented architecture that allows programmers to access wireless sensor networks from their applications by using a simple service-oriented API via the language of their choice. We show an implementation of TinySOA and the results of an experiment where programmers developed an application that exemplifies how easy Internet applications can integrate sensor networks.
Antonio García-MacíasEmail: URL: www.cicese.mx/~jagm

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