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Recommender systems anticipate users’ needs by suggesting items that are likely to interest them. Most existing systems employ collaborative filtering (CF) techniques, searching for regularities in the way users have rated items. While in general a successful approach, CF cannot cope well with so-called one-and-only items, that is: items of which there is only one single instance (like an event), and which as such cannot be repetitively “sold”. Typically such items are evaluated only after they have ceased being available, thereby thwarting the classical CF strategy. In this paper, we develop a conceptual framework for recommending one-and-only items. It uses fuzzy logic, which allows to reflect the graded/uncertain information in the domain, and to extend the CF paradigm, overcoming limitations of existing techniques. A possible application in the context of trade exhibition recommendation for e-government is discussed to illustrate the proposed conceptual framework.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study is to develop/establish a web-based medical diagnostic support system (MDSS) by which health care support can be provided for people living in rural areas of a country. In this respect, this research provides a novel approach for medical diagnosis driven by integrating fuzzy and intuitionistic fuzzy (IF) frameworks. Subsequently, based on the proposed approach a web-based MDSS is developed. The proposed MDSS comprises of a knowledge base (KB) and intuitionistic fuzzy inference system (IFIS). Based on the observation that medical data cannot be described with both precision and certainty, a medical KB is constructed in the form of a set of if-then decision rules by employing both fuzzy and IF logics. After constructing the medical KB, a new set of patients is considered for diagnosing the diseases. For each patient, linguistic values of the patients’ symptoms are considered as inputs of the proposed IFIS and modeled by using the generalized triangular membership functions. Subsequently, integrated fuzzy and IF rule-based inference system is used to find a valid conclusion for the new set of patients. In a nutshell, in this paper fuzzy rule-based and IFS based inference systems are combined for better and more realistic representation of uncertainty of the medical diagnosis problem and for more accurate diagnostic result. The method is composed of following four steps: (1) the modeling of antecedent part of the rules, which consist of linguistic assessments of the patients’ symptoms provided by the doctors/medical experts with their corresponding confidence levels, by using generalized fuzzy numbers; (2) the modeling of consequent part, which reveals the degree of association and the degree of non-association of diseases into the patient, by using IFSs; (3) the use of IF aggregation operator in inference process; (4) the application of relative closeness function to find the final crisp output for a given diagnosis. Finally, the applicability of the proposed approach is illustrated with a suitable case study. This article has also justified the proposed approach by using similarity measurement.  相似文献   

In this paper a new method for dynamic parameter adaptation in particle swarm optimization (PSO) is proposed. PSO is a metaheuristic inspired in social behaviors, which is very useful in optimization problems. In this paper we propose an improvement to the convergence and diversity of the swarm in PSO using fuzzy logic. Simulation results show that the proposed approach improves the performance of PSO. First, benchmark mathematical functions are used to illustrate the feasibility of the proposed approach. Then a set of classification problems are used to show the potential applicability of the fuzzy parameter adaptation of PSO.  相似文献   

This paper presents an offline word-recognition system based on structural information in the unconstrained written word. Oriented features in the word are extracted with the Gabor filters. We estimate the Gabor filter parameters from the grayscale images. A two-dimensional fuzzy word classification system is developed where the spatial location and shape of the membership functions are derived from the training words. The system achieves an average recognition rate of 74% for the word being correctly classified in the top position and an average of 96% for the word being correctly classified within the top five positions  相似文献   

With the availability of a wide range of Evolutionary Algorithms such as Genetic Algorithms, Evolutionary Programming, Evolutionary Strategies and Differential Evolution, every conceivable aspect of the design of a fuzzy logic controller has been optimized and automated. Although there is no doubt that these automated techniques can produce an optimal fuzzy logic controller, the structure of such a controller is often obscure and in many cases these optimizations are simply not needed. We believe that the automatic design of a fuzzy logic controller can be simplified by using a generic rule base such as the MacVicar-Whelan rule base and using an evolutionary algorithm to optimize only the membership functions of the fuzzy sets. Furthermore, by restricting the overlapping of fuzzy sets, using triangular membership functions and singletons, and reducing the number of parameters to represent the membership functions, the design can be further simplified. This paper describes this method of simplifying the design and some experiments performed to ascertain its validity.  相似文献   

Digital fuzzy logic controller: design and implementation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, various aspects of digital fuzzy logic controller (FLC) design and implementation are discussed, Classic and improved models of the single-input single-output (SISO), multiple-input single-output (MISC), and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) FLCs are analyzed in terms of hardware cost and performance. A set of universal parameters to characterize any hardware realization of digital FLCs is defined. The comparative study of classic and alternative MIMO FLCs is presented as a generalization of other controller configurations. A processing element for the parallel FLC architecture realizing improved inferencing of MIMO system is designed, characterized, and tested. Finally, as a case feasibility study, a direct data stream architecture for complete digital fuzzy controller is shown as an improved solution for high-speed, cost-effective, real-time control applications  相似文献   

Fundamental astronomical questions on the composition of the universe, the abundance of Earth-like planets, and the cause of the brightest explosions in the universe are being attacked by robotic telescopes costing billions of dollars and returning vast pipelines of data. The success of these programs depends on the accuracy of automated real time processing of images never seen by a human, and all predicated on fast and accurate automatic identifications of known astronomical objects and new astronomical transients. In this paper the needs of modern astronomical pipelines are discussed in the light of fuzzy-logic based decision-making. Several specific fuzzy-logic algorithms have been develop for the first time for astronomical purposes, and tested with excellent results on a test pipeline of data from the existing Night Sky Live sky survey.  相似文献   

为了解决个人对个人(C2C)交易平台信用评价体系不能正确识别信用炒作行为导致交易数据不能真实反映卖方信用的问题,设计了一种基于模糊逻辑的可信度评判模型.该模型为信用影响因素建立论域以及论域上的模糊集,通过隶属度函数对各个时段交易进行模糊评价,得到信用可信度评判结果.实例数据分析表明:该模型完善了信用评价系统,为用户的交易决策提供了较可靠的评判依据,降低了交易中的信用风险.  相似文献   

Application of fuzzy logic structures in CAD of digital electronics substantially improves quality of design solutions by providing designers with flexibility in formulating goals and selecting tradeoffs. In addition, the following aspects of a design process are positively impacted by application of fuzzy logic: utilization of domain knowledge, interpretation of uncertainties in design data, and adaptation of design algorithms. We successfully applied fuzzy logic structures in conjunction with constructive and iterative algorithms for selecting of design solutions for different stages of the design process. We also introduced fuzzy logic software development tool to be used in CAD applications  相似文献   

Multiple network fusion using fuzzy logic   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Multiplayer feedforward networks trained by minimizing the mean squared error and by using a one of c teaching function yield network outputs that estimate posterior class probabilities. This provides a sound basis for combining the results from multiple networks to get more accurate classification. This paper presents a method for combining multiple networks based on fuzzy logic, especially the fuzzy integral. This method non-linearly combines objective evidence, in the form of a network output, with subjective evaluation of the importance of the individual neural networks. The experimental results with the recognition problem of on-line handwriting characters show that the performance of individual networks could be improved significantly.  相似文献   

Formulation of qualitative models for complex decision problems exhibiting less structure, more imprecision and uncertainty is not adequately addressed in DSS research. Typical characteristics and requirements of such problems prohibit the development of DSS using knowledge based system development methodologies. This paper presents a methodology for formulation of qualitative models using fuzzy logic to handle the imprecision and uncertainty in the problem domain. The problem domain, in this methodology, is represented using problem-solving knowledge, environmental knowledge, and control knowledge components. A high level non-procedural language for representing these components of knowledge is illustrated using a project selection and resource allocation problem. The paper also describes the implementation of a prototype decision support environment based on this methodology.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于改进型模糊聚类的缝纫平整度客观评价系统。首先,用FAST仪器测量得到服装面料的各项力学性能指标,并根据主因子分析法提取6个贡献最大的综合指标;其次,通过基于输出空间的SFCM算法对获取的综合指标进行模糊聚类,得到相应的各聚类中心;最后,根据聚类结果确定径向基神经网络的节点中心和宽度。经过大量实验,系统可以根据中厚毛型面料的不同结构及物理性能快速准确地给出该织物成衣后的缝纫性能评价指标。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the design of neural network and fuzzy logic controllers using genetic algorithms, for real-time control of flows in sewerage networks. The soft controllers operate in a critical control range, with a simple set-point strategy governing “easy” cases. The genetic algorithm designs controllers and set-points by repeated application of a simulator. A comparison between neural network, fuzzy logic and benchmark controller performance is presented. Global and local control strategies are compared. Methods to reduce execution time of the genetic algorithm, including the use of a Tabu algorithm for training data selection, are also discussed. The results indicate that local control is superior to global control, and that the genetic algorithm design of soft controllers is feasible even for complex flow systems of a realistic scale. Neural network and fuzzy logic controllers have comparable performance, although neural networks can be successfully optimised more consistently.  相似文献   

 The goal of this paper is to design a controller for a class of nonlinear systems with delay time using fuzzy logic. The control scheme considered in this paper integrates a fuzzy component and a sliding control component. In the former, the fuzzy system can be considered as a universal approximator to approximate the unknown functions in plant. In the latter, a variable structure control with a sector guarantees the global stability of the closed-loop system when a variable, involving tracking error, travels outside of the sector. The adaptive laws to adjust the parameters in the system are developed based on the Lyapunov synthesis approach. It is shown that the proposed adaptive controller guarantees tracking error, between the outputs of the considered system and desired␣values, to be asymptotical in decay.  相似文献   

Concept selection is the most critical part of the design process as it determines the direction of subsequent design stages. In addition, it is a difficult task because available information for decision-making at this stage is imprecise and subjective. This necessitates the need for fuzzy decision models for selecting the best conceptual design among a set of alternatives. Although ordinary fuzzy sets cover uncertainties of linguistic words to some extent, it is recommended to use interval type-2 fuzzy sets (IT2FS) to capture potential uncertainties of words. This paper presents a new concept selection methodology that extends the fuzzy information axiom (FIA) approach to incorporate IT2FSs. The proposed methodology is called interval-type-2 fuzzy information axiom (IT2-FIA). IT2-FIA method is also enriched by using ordered weighted geometric aggregation operator to include the decision maker's attitude during the aggregation process. A case study is given to demonstrate the potential of the methodology.  相似文献   

Fault tree based diagnostics using fuzzy logic   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fuzzy set theory is investigated as a tool for the diagnostics of systems described by means of a fault tree. The objective is to diagnose component failures from the observation of fuzzy symptoms using the information contained in a fault tree. A two-step procedure is used to solve the problem. In this first step, causal reasoning is used to diagnose failure modes, consisting of minimal cut-sets of basic events, from the observation of triggered gates treated as symptoms. In the second step, the authors identify the particular components which have failed based on the diagnosed failure modes. To perform this second step, the solution of a fuzzy relational equation a=∧(S T αx) connecting failure mode a to basic events x is derived. With this method, the diagnostics equations can be symmetrically generated and solved in terms of the tree's basic events. The systematic nature with which a diagnosis can be generated from a fault tree lends this method to potential application of object-based programming techniques  相似文献   

The allocation of scarce business resources is becoming a major problem for management nowadays. Limited by lack of resources, management needs to make project selection decisions under the constraints of available information, and often makes decisions based on incomplete information. Traditionally, quantitative techniques dominate decision-making in selecting management information systems (MIS) projects. However, encapsulating or simply discarding the qualitative concerns makes a project economically sound but not operationally sound. This is often the reason that causes a project to fail. This paper establishes a model by incorporating fuzzy logic as a decision tool, which smoothly aids decision makers dealing with uncertain or incomplete information without losing existing quantitative information  相似文献   

Interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems: theory and design   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
We present the theory and design of interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems (FLSs). We propose an efficient and simplified method to compute the input and antecedent operations for interval type-2 FLSs: one that is based on a general inference formula for them. We introduce the concept of upper and lower membership functions (MFs) and illustrate our efficient inference method for the case of Gaussian primary MFs. We also propose a method for designing an interval type-2 FLS in which we tune its parameters. Finally, we design type-2 FLSs to perform time-series forecasting when a nonstationary time-series is corrupted by additive noise where SNR is uncertain and demonstrate an improved performance over type-1 FLSs  相似文献   

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