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This paper discusses an assessment of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) time-series data products for detecting forest defoliation from European gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar). This paper describes an effort to aid the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service in developing and assessing MODIS-based gypsy moth defoliation detection products and methods that could be applied in near real time without intensive field survey data collection as a precursor. In our study, MODIS data for 2000-2006 were processed for the mid-Appalachian highland region of the United States. Gypsy moth defoliation maps showing defoliated forests versus non-defoliated areas were produced from temporally filtered and composited MOD02 and MOD13 data using unsupervised classification and image thresholding of maximum value normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) datasets computed for the defoliation period (June 10-July 27) of 2001 and of the entire time series. These products were validated by comparing stratified random sample locations to relevant Landsat and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) reference data sets. Composites of 250 m daily MOD02 outperformed 16-day MOD13 data in terms of classifying forest defoliation, showing a lower omission error rate (0.09 versus 0.56), a similar Kappa (0.67 versus 0.79), a comparable commission error rate (0.22 versus 0.14), and higher overall classification agreement (88 versus 79%). Results suggest that temporally processed MODIS time-series data can detect with good agreement to available reference data the extent and location of historical regional gypsy moth defoliation patches of 0.25 km2 or more for 250-meter products. The temporal processing techniques used in this study enabled effective broad regional, “wall to wall” gypsy moth defoliation detection products for a 6.2 million ha region that were not produced previously with either MODIS or other satellite data. This study provides new, previously unavailable information on the relative agreement of temporally processed, gypsy moth defoliation detection products from MODIS NDVI time series data with respect to higher spatial resolution Landsat and ASTER data. These results also provided needed timely information on the potential of MODIS data for contributing near real time defoliation products to a USDA Forest Service Forest Threat Early Warning System.  相似文献   

A temporal analysis of urban forest carbon storage using remote sensing   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Quantifying the carbon storage, distribution, and change of urban trees is vital to understanding the role of vegetation in the urban environment. At present, this is mostly achieved through ground study. This paper presents a method based on the satellite image time series, which can save time and money and greatly speed the process of urban forest carbon storage mapping, and possibly of regional forest mapping. Satellite imagery collected in different decades was used to develop a regression equation to predict the urban forest carbon storage from the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) computed from a time sequence (1985-1999) of Landsat image data. This regression was developed from the 1999 field-based model estimates of carbon storage in Syracuse, NY. The total carbon storage estimates based on the NDVI data agree closely with the field-based model estimates. Changes in total carbon storage by trees in Syracuse were estimated using the image data from 1985, 1992, and 1999. Radiometric correction was accomplished by normalizing the imagery to the 1999 image data. After the radiometric image correction, the carbon storage by urban trees in Syracuse was estimated to be 146,800 tons, 149,430 tons, and 148,660 tons of carbon for 1985, 1992, and 1999, respectively. The results demonstrate the rapid and cost-effective capability of remote sensing-based quantitative change detection in monitoring the carbon storage change and the impact of urban forest management over wide areas.  相似文献   

The operational utilization of remote sensing techniques for monitoring terrestrial ecosystems is often constrained by problems of under-sampling in space and time, particularly in heterogeneous and unstable Mediterranean environments. The current work deals with the use of the NOAA-AVHRR and Landsat-TM/ETM+ images to produce long-term NDVI data series characterising coniferous and broadleaved forests in a protected coastal area in Tuscany (Central Italy). Two methods to extract NDVI values of relatively small vegetated areas from NOAA-AVHRR data were first evaluated by comparison to estimates from higher resolution Landsat-TM/ETM+images. The optimal method was then applied to multitemporal AVHRR data series to derive 10-day NDVI profiles of coniferous and broadleaved forests over a 15-year period (1986-2000). Trend analyses performed on these data series showed that notable NDVI decreases occurred during the study period, particularly for the coniferous forest in summer and early fall. Further analysis carried out on local meteorological measurements led to identify the likely causes of these negative trends in contemporaneous winter rainfall decreases which were significantly correlated with the found NDVI variations.  相似文献   

Mapping insect defoliation in Scots pine with MODIS time-series data   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Insect damage is a general problem that disturbs the growth of forests, causing economic losses and affecting carbon sequestration. Coarse-resolution data from satellites are potentially useful for national and regional mapping of forest damage, but the accuracy of these methods has not been fully examined. In this study, a method was tested for the mapping of defoliation in Scots pine [Pinus silvestris] forests in southeast Norway caused by the pine sawfly [Neodiprion sertifer], with the use of multi-temporal MODIS 16-day composite vegetation index data and the TIMESAT processing method. The damage mapping method used differences in summer mean values and angles of the seasonal profiles, indicating decreasing foliage density, to identify pixels that represent areas containing forest damage. In addition to 16-day NDVI the Wide Dynamic Range Vegetation Index (WDRVI) was tested. Damage areas were identified by classifying data into pixels representing damaged versus undamaged forest areas using a boolean combination of thresholded parameters. Classification results were evaluated against the change in LAI estimated from airplane LIDAR measurements, as an indicator of defoliation. The damage classifications detected 71% to 82% of the pixels with damage, and had kappa coefficients varying between 0.48 and 0.63, indicating some overestimation. This was due e.g. to failure to include clear-cut areas in the evaluation data. Damage classification with WDRVI only resulted in slight improvement compared to the NDVI. Only weak relationships were found between the LIDAR-estimated defoliation and the change parameters obtained from MODIS. Consequently, mapping of the degree of defoliation from MODIS was abandoned. In conclusion, the damage detection method based on MODIS data was found to be useful for locating insect damage, but not for estimating its intensity. Control of the detected damage areas using high-resolution remote sensing data, aerial survey, or fieldwork is recommended for accurate delineation in operational applications.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of biomass-burning aerosols and clouds on the temporal dynamics of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) exhibited by two widely used, time-series NDVI data products: the Pathfinder AVHRR land (PAL) dataset and the NASA Global Inventory Monitoring and Modeling Studies (GIMMS) dataset. The PAL data are 10-day maximum-value NDVI composites from 1982 to 1999 with corrections for Rayleigh scattering and ozone absorption. The GIMMS data are 15-day maximum-value NDVI composites from 1982 to 1999. In our analysis, monthly maximum-value NDVI was extracted from these datasets. The effects were quantified by comparing time-series of NDVI from PAL and GIMMS with observations from the SPOT/VEGETATION sensor and aerosol index data from the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS), and results from radiative transfer simulation. Our analysis suggests that the substantial large-scale NDVI seasonality observed in the south and east Amazon forest region with PAL and GIMMS is primarily caused by variations in atmospheric conditions associated with biomass-burning aerosols and cloudiness. Reliable NDVI data can be typically acquired from April to July when such effects are relatively low, whereas there is a few effective NDVI data from September to December. In the central Amazon forest region, where aerosol loads are relatively low throughout the year, large-scale NDVI seasonality results primarily from seasonal variations in cloud cover. Careful treatment of these aerosol and cloud effects is required when using NDVI from PAL and GIMMS (or other source) to determine large-scale seasonal and interannual dynamics of vegetation greenness and ecosystem-atmosphere CO2 exchange in the Amazon region.  相似文献   

This study examines the feasibility of using MODIS images (MOD02 products) for the detection and monitoring of forest clear cuts in the boreal forest in north-west Russia. The proposed approach combines three change detection methods, including Change Vector Analysis, Textural Analysis using the coefficient of variation, and Constrained Energy Minimization analysis. For each individual method a series of thresholds was tested in order to obtain an optimal identification of clear cuts. A clear cut detection was only accepted if the change was detected by each individual method. All input parameters needed were derived from a set of reference clear cuts, mapped from 30 m resolution Landsat ETM+ imagery and used also for accuracy assessment. Change assessment was tested with MODIS images of two and of three acquisition dates. Referring to two test sites (Karelia, Komi) the detection omission and commission errors, assessed within a 3 × 3 pixels moving kernel, were at 23% and 8%, and at 21% and 17%, respectively. In terms of detectable clear cut size, a detection accuracy of about 90% can be expected for clear cuts in the size category above 15 ha, which contains the majority of cuts in the region. MODIS therefore provides good capabilities for large scale monitoring of major clear cut activities in the boreal forests of north-western Russia.  相似文献   

Monitoring and understanding plant phenology is becoming an increasingly important way to identify and model global changes in vegetation life cycle events. High elevation biomes cover twenty percent of the Earth's land surface and provide essential natural resources. These areas experience limited resource availability for plant growth, development, and reproduction, and are one of the first ecosystems to reflect the harmful impact of climate change. Despite this, the phenology of mountain ecosystems has historically been understudied due to the rough and variable terrain and inaccessibility of the area. In addition, although numerous studies have used synoptically sensed data to study phenological patterns at the continental and global scales, relatively few have focused on characterizing the land surface phenology in mountainous areas. Here we use the MODIS/Terra + Aqua satellite 8-day 500 m Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance product to quantify the land surface phenology. We relate independent data for elevation, slope, aspect, solar radiation, and temperature as well as longitude and latitude with the derived phenology estimates. We present that satellite derived SOS can be predicted based on topographic and weather variables with a significant R²adj between 0.56 and 0.62 for the entire western mountain range. Elevation and latitude exhibit the most significant influences on the timing of SOS throughout our study area. When examined at both the local and regional scales, as well as when accounting for aspect and temperature, SOS follows closely with Hopkins' Bioclimatic Law with respect to elevation and latitude.  相似文献   

Remote sensing provides spatially and temporally continuous measures of forest reflectance, and vegetation indices calculated from satellite data can be useful for monitoring climate change impacts on forest tree phenology. Monitoring of evergreen coniferous forest is more difficult than monitoring of deciduous forest, as the new buds only account for a small proportion of the green biomass, and the shoot elongation process is relatively slow. In this study, we have analyzed data from 186 coniferous monitoring sites in Sweden covering boreal, southern-boreal, and boreo-nemoral conditions. Our objective was to examine the possibility to track seasonal changes in coniferous forests by time-series of MODIS eight-day vegetation indices, testing the coherence between satellite monitored vegetation indices (VI) and temperature dependent phenology. The relationships between two vegetation indices (NDVI and WDRVI) and four phenological indicators (length of snow season, modeled onset of vegetation period, tree cold hardiness level and timing of budburst) were analyzed.The annual curves produced by two curve fitting methods for smoothening of seasonal changes in NDVI and WDRVI were to a large extent characterized by the occurrence of snow, producing stable seasonal oscillations in the northern part and irregular curves with less pronounced annual amplitude in the southern part of the country. Measures based on threshold values of the VI-curves, commonly used for determining the timing of different phenological phases, were not applicable for Swedish coniferous forests. Evergreen vegetation does not have a sharp increase in greenness during spring, and the melting of snow can influence the vegetation indices at the timing of budburst in boreal forests. However, the interannual variation in VI-values for specific eight-day periods was correlated with the phenological indicators. This relation can be used for satellite monitoring of potential climate change impacts on northern coniferous spring phenology.  相似文献   

Leaf area index (LAI) collected in a needle-leaf forest site near Ruokolahti, Finland, during a field campaign in June 14-21, 2000, was used to validate Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) LAI algorithm. The field LAI data was first related to 30-m resolution Enhanced Thermal Mapper Plus (ETM+) images using empirical methods to create a high-resolution LAI map. The analysis of empirical approaches indicates that preliminary segmentation of the image followed by empirical modeling with the resulting patches, was an effective approach to developing an LAI validation surface. Comparison of the aggregated high-resolution LAI map and corresponding MODIS LAI retrievals suggests satisfactory behavior of the MODIS LAI algorithm although variation in MODIS LAI product is higher than expected. The MODIS algorithm, adjusted to high resolution, generally overestimates the LAI due to the influence of the understory vegetation. This indicates the need for improvements in the algorithm. An improved correlation between field measurements and the reduced simple ratio (RSR) suggests that the shortwave infrared (SWIR) band may provide valuable information for needle-leaf forests.  相似文献   

Climate change is predicted to alter the canopy phenology of temperate and boreal forests, which will affect carbon, water, and energy budgets. Therefore, there is a great need to evaluate remotely sensed products for their potential to accurately capture canopy dynamics. The objective of this study was to compare several products derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to field measurements of fraction photosynthetically active radiation (FPAR) and plant area index (PAI) for a deciduous broadleaf forest in northern Wisconsin in 2002. MODIS products captured the general phenological development of the canopy although MODIS products overestimated the leaf area during the overstory leaf out period. Field data suggest that the period from budburst to canopy maturity, or maximum PAI, occurred in 10 to 12 days while MODIS products predicted onset of greenness and maturity from 1 to 21 days and 0 to 19 days earlier than that from field observations, respectively. Temporal compositing of MODIS data and understory development are likely key factors explaining differences with field data. Maximum PAI estimates differed only by 7% between field derived and MODIS-based estimates of LAI. Implications for ecosystem modeling of carbon and water exchange and future research needs are discussed.  相似文献   

Landsat time series data sets were acquired for the Santa Fe National Forest in New Mexico. This area includes the San Pedro Parks Wilderness area, which was designated as an official wilderness in 1964. Eight autumnal Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) scenes acquired from 1988 to 2006 were analyzed to determine whether significant changes have occurred throughout the region during the past 18 years and, if so, to assess whether the changes are long-term and gradual or short-term and abrupt. It was found that, starting in about 1995, many of the conifer stands within the Wilderness area showed consistently gradual and marked increases in the Shortwave Infrared/Near Infrared Index. These trends generally imply decreases in canopy greenness or increases in mortality. Other high-elevation conifer forests located outside of the Wilderness area showed similar spectral trends, indicating that changes are potentially widespread. The spatial patterns of forest damage as inferred from the image analyses were very similar to the general patterns of insect defoliation damage mapped via aerial sketch mapping by the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Forest Health Monitoring Program. A field visit indicated that zones of spectral change are associated with high levels of forest damage and mortality, likely caused by a combination of insects and drought. The study demonstrates the effectiveness of using historical Landsat data for providing objective and consistent long-term assessments of the gradual ecosystem changes that are occurring within the western United States.  相似文献   

On the relationship of NDVI with leaf area index in a deciduous forest site   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Numerous studies have reported on the relationship between the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and leaf area index (LAI), but the seasonal and annual variability of this relationship has been less explored. This paper reports a study of the NDVI-LAI relationship through the years from 1996 to 2001 at a deciduous forest site. Six years of LAI patterns from the forest were estimated using a radiative transfer model with input of above and below canopy measurements of global radiation, while NDVI data sets were retrieved from composite NDVI time series of various remote sensing sources, namely NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR; 1996, 1997, 1998 and 2000), SPOT VEGETATION (1998-2001), and Terra MODIS (2001). Composite NDVI was first used to remove the residual noise based on an adjusted Fourier transform and to obtain the NDVI time-series for each day during each year.The results suggest that the NDVI-LAI relationship can vary both seasonally and inter-annually in tune with the variations in phenological development of the trees and in response to temporal variations of environmental conditions. Strong linear relationships are obtained during the leaf production and leaf senescence periods for all years, but the relationship is poor during periods of maximum LAI, apparently due to the saturation of NDVI at high values of LAI. The NDVI-LAI relationship was found to be poor (R2 varied from 0.39 to 0.46 for different sources of NDVI) when all the data were pooled across the years, apparently due to different leaf area development patterns in the different years. The relationship is also affected by background NDVI, but this could be minimized by applying relative NDVI.Comparisons between AVHRR and VEGETATION NDVI revealed that these two had good linear relationships (R2=0.74 for 1998 and 0.63 for 2000). However, VEGETATION NDVI data series had some unreasonably high values during beginning and end of each year period, which must be discarded before adjusted Fourier transform processing. MODIS NDVI had values greater than 0.62 through the entire year in 2001, however, MODIS NDVI still showed an “M-shaped” pattern as observed for VEGETATION NDVI in 2001. MODIS enhanced vegetation index (EVI) was the only index that exhibited a poor linear relationship with LAI during the leaf senescence period in year 2001. The results suggest that a relationship established between the LAI and NDVI in a particular year may not be applicable in other years, so attention must be paid to the temporal scale when applying NDVI-LAI relationships.  相似文献   

Vegetation phenology is the chronology of periodic phases of development. It constitutes an efficient bio-indicator of impacts of climate changes and a key parameter for understanding and modelling vegetation-climate interactions and their implications on carbon cycling. Numerous studies were devoted to the remote sensing of vegetation phenology. Most of these were carried out using data acquired by AVHRR instrument onboard NOAA meteorological satellites. Since 1999, multispectral images were acquired over the whole earth surface every one to two days by MODIS instrument onboard Terra and Aqua platforms. In comparison with AVHRR, MODIS constitutes a significant technical improvement in terms of spatial resolution, spectral resolution, geolocation accuracy, atmospheric corrections scheme and cloud screening and sensor calibration. In this study, 250 m daily MODIS data were used to derive precise vegetation phenological dates over deciduous forest stands. Phenological markers derived from MODIS time-series and provided by MODIS Global Land Cover Dynamics product (MOD12Q2) were compared to field measurements carried out over the main deciduous forest stands across France and over five years. We show that the inflexion point of the asymmetric double-sigmoid function fitted to NDVI temporal profile is a good marker of the onset of green-up in deciduous stands. At plot level, the prediction uncertainty is 8.5 days and the bias is 3.5 days. MODIS Global Land Cover Dynamics MOD12Q2 provides estimates of onset of green-up dates which deviate substantially from in situ observations and do not perform better than the null model. RMSE values are 20.5 days (bias -17 days) using the onset of greenness increase and 36.5 days (bias 34.5 days) using the onset of greenness maximum. An improvement of prediction quality is obtained if we consider the average of MOD12Q2 onset of greenness increase and maximum as marker of onset of green-up date. RMSE decreases to 16.5 days and bias to 7.5 days.  相似文献   

The potential of multitemporal coarse spatial resolution remotely sensed images for vegetation monitoring is reduced in fragmented landscapes, where most of the pixels are composed of a mixture of different surfaces. Several approaches have been proposed for the estimation of reflectance or NDVI values of the different land-cover classes included in a low resolution mixed pixel. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for the estimation of sub-pixel NDVI values from multitemporal coarse resolution satellite data. Sub-pixel NDVIs for the different land-cover classes are calculated by solving a weighted linear system of equations for each pixel of a coarse resolution image, exploiting information about within-pixel fractional cover derived from a high resolution land-use map. The weights assigned to the different pixels of the image for the estimation of sub-pixel NDVIs of a target pixel i are calculated taking into account both the spatial distance between each pixel and the target and their spectral dissimilarity estimated on medium-resolution remote-sensing images acquired in different periods of the year. The algorithm was applied to daily and 16-day composite MODIS NDVI images, using Landsat-5 TM images for calculation of weights and accuracy evaluation.Results showed that application of the algorithm provided good estimates of sub-pixel NDVIs even for poorly represented land-cover classes (i.e., with a low total cover in the test area). No significant accuracy differences were found between results obtained on daily and composite MODIS images. The main advantage of the proposed technique with respect to others is that the inclusion of the spectral term in weight calculation allows an accurate estimate of sub-pixel NDVI time series even for land-cover classes characterized by large and rapid spatial variations in their spectral properties.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an improved procedure for collecting no or little atmosphere- and snow-contaminated observations from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor. The resultant time series of daily MODIS data of a temperate deciduous broadleaf forest (the Bartlett Experimental Forest) in 2004 show strong seasonal dynamics of surface reflectance of green, near infrared and shortwave infrared bands, and clearly delineate leaf phenology and length of plant growing season. We also estimate the fractions of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) absorbed by vegetation canopy (FAPARcanopy), leaf (FAPARleaf), and chlorophyll (FAPARchl), respectively, using a coupled leaf-canopy radiative transfer model (PROSAIL-2) and daily MODIS data. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method (the Metropolis algorithm) is used for model inversion, which provides probability distributions of the retrieved variables. A two-step procedure is used to estimate the fractions of absorbed PAR: (1) to retrieve biophysical and biochemical variables from MODIS images using the PROSAIL-2 model; and (2) to calculate the fractions with the estimated model variables from the first step. Inversion and forward simulations of the PROSAIL-2 model are carried out for the temperate deciduous broadleaf forest during day of year (DOY) 184 to 201 in 2005. The reproduced reflectance values from the PROSAIL-2 model agree well with the observed MODIS reflectance for the five spectral bands (green, red, NIR1, NIR2, and SWIR1). The estimated leaf area index, leaf dry matter, leaf chlorophyll content and FAPARcanopy values are close to field measurements at the site. The results also showed significant differences between FAPARcanopy and FAPARchl at the site. Our results show that MODIS imagery provides important information on biophysical and biochemical variables at both leaf and canopy levels.  相似文献   

Long term observations of global vegetation from multiple satellites require much effort to ensure continuity and compatibility due to differences in sensor characteristics and product generation algorithms. In this study, we focused on the bandpass filter differences and empirically investigated cross-sensor relationships of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and reflectance. The specific objectives were: 1) to understand the systematic trends in cross-sensor relationships of the NDVI and reflectance as a function of spectral bandpasses, 2) to examine/identify the relative importance of the spectral features (i.e., the green peak, red edge, and leaf liquid water absorption regions) in and the mechanism(s) of causing the observed systematic trends, and 3) to evaluate the performance of several empirical cross-calibration methods in modeling the observed systematic trends. A Level 1A Hyperion hyperspectral image acquired over a tropical forest—savanna transitional region in Brazil was processed to simulate atmospherically corrected reflectances and NDVI for various bandpasses, including Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), NOAA-14 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), and Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+). Data were extracted from various land cover types typically found in tropical forest and savanna biomes and used for analyses. Both NDVI and reflectance relationships among the sensors were neither linear nor unique and were found to exhibit complex patterns and bandpass dependencies. The reflectance relationships showed strong land cover dependencies. The NDVI relationships, in contrast, did not show land cover dependencies, but resulted in nonlinear forms. From sensitivity analyses, the green peak (∼550 nm) and red-NIR transitional (680-780 nm) features were identified as the key factors in producing the observed land cover dependencies and nonlinearity in cross-sensor relationships. In particular, differences in the extents to which the red and/or NIR bandpasses included these features significantly influenced the forms and degrees of nonlinearity in the relationships. Translation of MODIS NDVI to “AVHRR-like” NDVI using a weighted average of MODIS green and red bands performed very poorly, resulting in no reduction of overall discrepancy between MODIS and AVHRR NDVI. Cross-calibration of NDVI and reflectance using NDVI-based quadratic functions performed well, reducing their differences to ± .025 units for the NDVI and ± .01 units for the reflectances; however, many of the translation results suffered from bias errors. The present results suggest that distinct translation equations and coefficients need to be developed for every sensor pairs and that land cover-dependency need to be explicitly accounted for to reduce bias errors.  相似文献   

This study systematically evaluated linear predictive models between vegetation indices (VI) derived from radiometrically corrected airborne imaging spectrometer (HyMap) data and field measurements of biophysical forest stand variables (n=40). Ratio-based and soil-line-related broadband VI were calculated after HyMap reflectance had been spectrally resampled to Landsat TM channels. Hyperspectral VI involved all possible types of two-band combinations of ratio VI (RVI) and perpendicular VI (PVI) and the red edge inflection point (REIP) computed from two techniques, inverted Gaussian Model and Lagrange Interpolation. Cross-validation procedure was used to assess the prediction power of the regression models. Analyses were performed on the entire data set or on subsets stratified according to stand age. A PVI based on wavebands at 1088 nm and 1148 nm was linearly related to leaf area index (LAI) (R2=0.67, RMSE=0.69 m2 m−2 (21% of the mean); after removal of one forest stand subjected to clearing measures: R2=0.77, RMSE=0.54 m2 m−2 (17% of the mean). A PVI based on wavebands at 885 nm and 948 nm was linearly related to the crown volume (VOL) (R2=0.79, RMSE=0.52). VOL was derived from measured biophysical variables through factor analysis (varimax rotation). The study demonstrates that for hyperspectral image data, linear regression models can be applied to quantify LAI and VOL with good accuracy. For broadband multispectral data, the accuracy was generally lower. It can be stated that the hyperspectral data set contains more information relevant to the estimation of the forest stand variables LAI and VOL than multispectral data. When the pooled data set was analysed, soil-line-related VI performed better than ratio-based VI. When age classes were analysed separately, hyperspectral VI performed considerably better than broadband VI. Best hyperspectral VI in relation with LAI were typically based on wavebands related to prominent water absorption features. Such VI are related to the total amount of canopy water; as the leaf water content is considered to be relatively constant in the study area, variations of LAI are retrieved.  相似文献   

Improved and up-to-date land use/land cover (LULC) data sets that classify specific crop types and associated land use practices are needed over intensively cropped regions such as the U.S. Central Great Plains, to support science and policy applications focused on understanding the role and response of the agricultural sector to environmental change issues. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) holds considerable promise for detailed, large-area crop-related LULC mapping in this region given its global coverage, unique combination of spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions, and the cost-free status of its data. The objective of this research was to evaluate the applicability of time-series MODIS 250 m normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data for large-area crop-related LULC mapping over the U.S. Central Great Plains. A hierarchical crop mapping protocol, which applied a decision tree classifier to multi-temporal NDVI data collected over the growing season, was tested for the state of Kansas. The hierarchical classification approach produced a series of four crop-related LULC maps that progressively classified: 1) crop/non-crop, 2) general crop types (alfalfa, summer crops, winter wheat, and fallow), 3) specific summer crop types (corn, sorghum, and soybeans), and 4) irrigated/non-irrigated crops. A series of quantitative and qualitative assessments were made at the state and sub-state levels to evaluate the overall map quality and highlight areas of misclassification for each map.The series of MODIS NDVI-derived crop maps generally had classification accuracies greater than 80%. Overall accuracies ranged from 94% for the general crop map to 84% for the summer crop map. The state-level crop patterns classified in the maps were consistent with the general cropping patterns across Kansas. The classified crop areas were usually within 1-5% of the USDA reported crop area for most classes. Sub-state comparisons found the areal discrepancies for most classes to be relatively minor throughout the state. In eastern Kansas, some small cropland areas could not be resolved at MODIS' 250 m resolution and led to an underclassification of cropland in the crop/non-crop map, which was propagated to the subsequent crop classifications. Notable regional areal differences in crop area were also found for a few selected crop classes and locations that were related to climate factors (i.e., omission of marginal, dryland cropped areas and the underclassification of irrigated crops in western Kansas), localized precipitation patterns (overclassification of irrigated crops in northeast Kansas), and specific cropping practices (double cropping in southeast Kansas).  相似文献   

Understanding a disturbance regime such as gap dynamics requires that we study its spatial and temporal characteristics. However, it is still difficult to observe and measure canopy gaps extensively in both space and time using field measurements or bi-dimensional remote sensing images, particularly in open and patchy boreal forests. In this study, we investigated the feasibility of using small footprint lidar to map boreal canopy gaps of sizes ranging from a few square meters to several hectares. Two co-registered canopy height models (CHMs) of optimal resolution were created from lidar datasets acquired respectively in 1998 and 2003. Canopy gaps were automatically delineated using an object-based technique with an accuracy of 96%. Further, combinatorics was applied on the two CHMs and the delineated gaps to provide information on the area of old and new gaps, gap expansions, new random gap openings, gap closure due to lateral growth of adjacent vegetation or due to vertical growth of regeneration. The results obtained establish lidar as an excellent tool for rapidly acquiring detailed and spatially extensive short-term dynamics of canopy gaps.  相似文献   

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