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数字化工厂技术在生产线规划中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以分析数字化工厂技术的应用效果为目的,讨论虚拟环境中的生产线规划,介绍数字化工厂软件eM-Power,并举例说明在其生产线仿真优化工具eM-Plant环境下进行生产线建模仿真、分析瓶颈设备的过程,证明数字化工厂技术在制造业领域的良好应用前景.  相似文献   

Global filtering of AC interference in the digitized ECG is introduced as a new concept. Two different filters embodying a global approach are presented. One is based on a least-squares error fit, the other uses a special summation method. Both methods are compared with a local predictive filter by applying each filter to artificial signals and to real ECGs. A critical evaluation of the results is given.  相似文献   

为了实现动车组数字化调试线中复杂数据的快速有效分析,本文提出了一种基于知识库的数据融合分析方法,通过对车辆采集信息的结构化与标准化转换,制定数据分析规则并构建对应的知识库,从而实现针对不同的车型、设备、试验器,可以灵活配置数据处理规则,并以此为基础,提高调试过程中复杂数据处理的效率与准确率。  相似文献   

Estimation of portfolio efficiency frontiers is performed here under three alternative specifications on the basis of ten mutual funds randomly selected from a set of 115 funds analysed previously by Jensen (1969) and others. The estimates show three broad results: that portfolios exist which perform much better than the market portfolio, that the balanced portfolios behave significantly differently from the growth portfolios, and that a quadratic efficiency frontier is as good as a linear risk-return relationship following from the capital asset pricing model of efficient markets.  相似文献   

文章从发送信号动态范围,发送信号功率控制,线路噪声影响,硬件复杂度等方面了ADSL技术实用化所面临的技术问题可能的解决方案。  相似文献   

A closed-form expression has been reported in the literature for LN, the number of digital line segments of length N that correspond to lines of the form y=ax+β, O⩽α, β<1. The authors prove an asymptotic estimate for LN that might prove useful for many applications, namely, LN=N 32+O(N2 log N). An application to an image registration problem is given  相似文献   

A genetic algorithm is proposed that uses not the adaptation (fitness) itself but the increment of adaptation during selection. The algorithm proposed makes it possible to avoid the premature convergence of computations. The efficiency of the algorithm is experimentally estimated. __________ Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 3, pp. 70–75, May–June 2006.  相似文献   

Holmes  N. 《Computer》2002,35(4)
Digital technology tempts with empowering connectivity while it threatens our privacy and leisure time. As digital technology gets more and more personal, so do its personal effects. The obvious personal effect is communication by snapshot, which might or might not banish e-mail fatigue. This trend will certainly bring snapshot marketing to consumers in its wake, particularly with digital speech and location processing. Given their special knowledge and skills, the author warns that computing professionals must be even more alert to the possible side effects of the digital systems they design and manufacture than they are to these systems' direct effects. These computing professionals must persuade their employers to avoid or counteract these side effects, and they must inform the public of anticipated side effects outside their employers' control.  相似文献   

数字水印技术是保护多媒体版权和图像认证的一种新技术,已成为多媒体信息安全领域的一个研究热点.本文对该技术的产生、现状、发展趋势以及原理进行了较为详细的研究与分析,具有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

自行火炮中型底盘传动装置中心线校正是装配与维修工作中一项重要的工作,基于DSP技术研制自行火炮数字式中心线校正装置,可以直接显示被测部件加减调整垫的厚度,提高了校正精度,适用范围广。  相似文献   

面对每天有数以百万计通过网络传播的多媒体数据,到底哪些内容是真实可信的,虚假内容的背后又经历了哪些篡改?数字取证技术将给出答案。该技术不预先嵌入水印,而是直接分析多媒体数据的内容,达到辨别真实性的目的。任何篡改和伪造都会在一定程度上破坏原始多媒体数据本身固有特征的完整性,由于其具有一致性和独特性,可作为自身的“固有指纹”,用于鉴别篡改文件。随着篡改媒体的数量与日俱增,社会稳定甚至国家安全受到了严重威胁。特别地,随着深度学习技术的快速发展,虚假媒体与真实媒体之间的感官差距越来越小,这对媒体取证研究提出了巨大挑战,并使得多媒体取证成为信息安全领域一个重要的研究方向。因此,目前迫切需要能够检测虚假多媒体内容和避免危险虚假信息传播的技术和工具。本文旨在对过去多媒体取证领域所提出的优秀检测取证算法进行总结。除了回顾传统的媒体取证方法,还将介绍基于深度学习的方法。本文针对当今主流的多媒体篡改对象:图像、视频和语音分别进行总结,并针对每种媒体形式,分别介绍传统篡改方法和基于AI(artificial intelligence)生成的篡改方法,并介绍了已公开的大规模数据集以及相关应用的情况,同时探讨了多媒体取证领域未来可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

电力线载波通信在我国是一门既古老又年轻的学科,作为电力系统不可或缺的通信手段,传统的模拟设备已不能完全满足现有市场对通信质量的要求。本文提出利用通用数字信号处理(DSP)芯片实现数字电力线载波(DPLC)的新方法,实现了电力线上进行1200bps的传输,误码率Pe≤10-6,与现有同类电力载波通信设备(Pe≤10-5)相比,误码率降低了一个量级,同时通过两条线路的自动切换和互为热备份保证了通信的高可靠进行。在传统的电力线载波通信领域,电力线载波机的调制解调单元都是用模拟器件实现的,这种传统的载波机已不能完全满足现有市场对通信质量的要求。  相似文献   

介绍了数字化开关电容滤波技术,并设计了可以通过改变开关时钟频率来自由调整中心频率的开关电容带阻滤波器,使中心频率具有很高的精度和稳定度。提出的抗混叠滤波技术能有效消除高频混叠和噪声干扰。在中心频率为200Hz,Q值为3的条件下,陷波深度可达到29dB。  相似文献   

在现代技术教育不断发展的时期,职业教育呈现出自身独特的办学特色,以为社会培养众多的高技能型人才为其发展的目标.文章对职业院校数控技术专业数字化资源库的有效建设作了控究.  相似文献   

介绍了0.6 GHz~ 3.0 GHz 11位数控延迟线组件的设计和实现,阐述了该组件的指标、方案和关键部分的设计.该组件延迟步进为5 ps,总延迟时间为10 ns,同时对组件的延迟损耗进行补偿,实现0dB增益.  相似文献   

Compression of chain codes is achieved by breaking the sequence into strings of digital straight lines whose representation is stored in a table. It is shown that the number of table entries is (12)N4 + O(N3log N). A computational method is given for an exact determination which shows that the asymptotic approximation is accurate.  相似文献   

继多媒体、计算机网络之后,虚拟现实技术成为在教育领域内最具有应用前景的技术。随着该技术的不断发展,它在数字化校园的建设与应用中将发挥其特有的优势。本文将从虚拟现实技术的概念及特点出发,进一步探讨虚拟现实技术在数字化校园中的具体应用。  相似文献   

The digital content market is undergoing an evolution in networking and digitalization technologies, offering diverse information and services. Due to the characteristics of these emerging technologies, the digital content market is growing rapidly and traditional content providers face service transformation decisions. While a majority of the previous technology adoption studies have focused on the viewpoints of users and customers, cost reduction, or electronic channel related technologies, in this research we analyze the emerging technology adoption decisions of competing firms for providing new content services from a strategic perspective. Utilizing game theoretical models, we examine the effects of market environments (technology cost, channel cannibalization, brand power, brand extension, information asymmetry and market uncertainty) on firms’ adoption decisions. This research contributes a number of unique and interesting implications for the issues of emerging technology adoption for new content service provision.  相似文献   

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