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深度学习在各种实际应用中取得了巨大成功,如何有效提高各种复杂的深度学习模型在硬件设备上的执行效率是该领域重要的研究内容之一.深度学习框架通常将深度学习模型表达为由基础算子构成的计算图,为了提高计算图的执行效率,传统的深度学习系统通常基于一些专家设计的子图替换规则,采用启发式搜索算法来优化计算图.它们的不足主要有:1)搜...  相似文献   

图修正问题是指在一个图中进行删除点、删除边或加边操作,使这个图转变成另一个具有某种特殊性质的图。图修正问题一直被广泛研究,尤其对弦图、区间图以及单位区间图的图修正问题的研究更是如此。弦图是完美图中最重要的一类图,也是(单位)区间图的父类图,很多经典的NP难问题在弦图上都是多项式可解的。区间图以及单位区间图在生物计算上有着广泛的应用。对这几类图的图修正问题的研究对计算机理论和实践有很大的贡献。首先介绍并总结了关于弦图、区间图以及单位区间图的图修正问题的重要算法和技术,然后对这些问题的研究现状进行分析,并提出了今后研究中值得关注的问题。  相似文献   

Learning Graph Matching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As a fundamental problem in pattern recognition, graph matching has applications in a variety of fields, from computer vision to computational biology. In graph matching, patterns are modeled as graphs and pattern recognition amounts to finding a correspondence between the nodes of different graphs. Many formulations of this problem can be cast in general as a quadratic assignment problem, where a linear term in the objective function encodes node compatibility and a quadratic term encodes edge compatibility. The main research focus in this theme is about designing efficient algorithms for approximately solving the quadratic assignment problem, since it is NP-hard. In this paper we turn our attention to a different question: how to estimate compatibility functions such that the solution of the resulting graph matching problem best matches the expected solution that a human would manually provide. We present a method for learning graph matching: the training examples are pairs of graphs and the 'labels' are matches between them. Our experimental results reveal that learning can substantially improve the performance of standard graph matching algorithms. In particular, we find that simple linear assignment with such a learning scheme outperforms Graduated Assignment with bistochastic normalisation, a state-of-the-art quadratic assignment relaxation algorithm.  相似文献   

社交网络信息已被广泛的应用到传统的推荐上,一定程度上减轻了数据稀疏和冷启动问题.随着表示学习的兴起,出现了利用表示学习进行推荐的算法研究.然而社交网络过大,表示学习可扩展性差,难以在有限内存中进行计算.聚集图通过空间压缩,保留了关键的结构关系,去除次要或噪音的结构数据,便于表示学习能够有效学习图结构,从而更好地找到相似用户进行推荐.首先,利用图聚集算法同时考虑分组间及分组内的结构得到最终的聚集图;其次,在聚集图上计算随机游走的转移概率,然后选择每个具有偏差概率的后继节点并生成节点序列;最后将节点序列输入到skip-gram学习用户的潜在表示,获得节点的表示向量整合其信息到贝叶斯个性化排序模型(BPR)来解决项目排名问题.实验结果表明,该方法相比于社会化贝叶斯个性化排序(SBPR)、协同用户网络嵌入(CUNE)等基线方法在推荐任务中保持时间效率的同时有效提升了准确率、召回率和平均精度均值.  相似文献   

In domains like bioinformatics, information retrieval and social network analysis, one can find learning tasks where the goal consists of inferring a ranking of objects, conditioned on a particular target object. We present a general kernel framework for learning conditional rankings from various types of relational data, where rankings can be conditioned on unseen data objects. We propose efficient algorithms for conditional ranking by optimizing squared regression and ranking loss functions. We show theoretically, that learning with the ranking loss is likely to generalize better than with the regression loss. Further, we prove that symmetry or reciprocity properties of relations can be efficiently enforced in the learned models. Experiments on synthetic and real-world data illustrate that the proposed methods deliver state-of-the-art performance in terms of predictive power and computational efficiency. Moreover, we also show empirically that incorporating symmetry or reciprocity properties can improve the generalization performance.  相似文献   

In pattern recognition and related fields, graph-based representations offer a versatile alternative to the widely used feature vectors. Therefore, an emerging trend of representing objects by graphs can be observed. This trend is intensified by the development of novel approaches in graph-based machine learning, such as graph kernels or graph-embedding techniques. These procedures overcome a major drawback of graphs, which consists of a serious lack of algorithms for classification. This paper is inspired by the idea of representing graphs through dissimilarities and extends our previous work to the more general setting of Lipschitz embeddings. In an experimental evaluation, we empirically confirm that classifiers that rely on the original graph distances can be outperformed by a classification system using the Lipschitz embedded graphs.  相似文献   

《Information Sciences》1987,43(3):205-228
This paper presents distributed algorithms for some graph problems on a network model of computation. These graph problems include breadth-first and breadth-depth searches of graphs, recognition of directed acyclic graphs and strong connectedness, finding weights of all the shortest paths from a single source to all other nodes in a weighted directed acyclic graph, and analyzing activity networks. The results of computations (i.e., the outputs) of all the algorithms but the algorithm for recognition of directed acyclic graphs are available in a distributed manner. For algorithms in such a computational model, two types of complexity measures are important. One is the time complexity and the other is the message or communication complexity. Both of these complexities are obtained for each of the aforesaid distributed algorithms.  相似文献   

Structural and behavioral parameters of many real networks such as social networks are unpredictable, uncertain, and have time-varying parameters, and for these reasons, deterministic graphs for modeling such networks are too restrictive to solve most of the real-network problems. It seems that stochastic graphs, in which weights associated to the vertices are random variables, might be better graph models for real-world networks. Once we use a stochastic graph as the model for a network, every feature of the graph such as path, spanning tree, clique, dominating set, and cover set should be treated as a stochastic feature. For example, choosing a stochastic graph as a graph model of an online social network and defining community structure in terms of clique, the concept of a stochastic clique may be used to study community structures’ properties or define spreading of influence according to the coverage of influential users; the concept of stochastic vertex covering may be used to study spread of influence. In this article, minimum vertex covering in stochastic graphs is first defined, and then four learning, automata-based algorithms are proposed for solving a minimum vertex-covering problem in stochastic graphs where the probability distribution functions of the weights associated with the vertices of the graph are unknown. It is shown that through a proper choice of the parameters of the proposed algorithms, one can make the probability of finding minimum vertex cover in a stochastic graph as close to unity as possible. Experimental results on synthetic stochastic graphs reveal that at a certain confidence level the proposed algorithms significantly outperform the standard sampling method in terms of the number of samples needed to be taken from the vertices of the stochastic graph.  相似文献   

近年来,多核图聚类(MKGC)受到了广泛的关注,这得益于多核学习能有效地避免核函数与核参数的选择,而图聚类能充分挖掘样本间的复杂结构信息。然而现有的MKGC方法存在着如下问题:图学习技术使得模型复杂化,图拉普拉斯矩阵的高秩特性使其难以保证学到的关系图包含精确的c个连通分量(块对角性质),以及大部分方法忽略了候选关系图间的高阶结构信息,使得多核信息难以被充分利用。针对以上问题,提出了一种新的MKGC方法。首先,提出一种新的上界单纯形投影图学习方法,直接将核矩阵投影到图单纯形上,降低了计算复杂度;同时,引入一种新的块对角约束,使学到的关系图能保持精确的块对角属性;此外,在上界单纯形投影空间中引入低秩张量学习来充分挖掘多个候选关系图的高阶结构信息。在多个数据集上与现有的MKGC方法相比,所提出方法计算量小、稳定性高,在聚类精度(ACC)和标准互信息(NMI)指标上具有较大的优势。  相似文献   

In the real world all events are connected. There is a hidden network of dependencies that governs behavior of natural processes. Without much argument it can be said that, of all the known data-structures, graphs are naturally suitable to model such information. But to learn to use graph data structure is a tedious job as most operations on graphs are computationally expensive, so exploring fast machine learning techniques for graph data has been an active area of research and a family of algorithms called kernel based approaches has been famous among researchers of the machine learning domain. With the help of support vector machines, kernel based methods work very well for learning with Gaussian processes. In this survey we will explore various kernels that operate on graph representations. Starting from the basics of kernel based learning we will travel through the history of graph kernels from its first appearance to discussion of current state of the art techniques in practice.  相似文献   

The notion of 1-planarity is among the most natural and most studied generalizations of graph planarity. A graph is 1-planar if it has an embedding where each edge is crossed by at most another edge. The study of 1-planar graphs dates back to more than fifty years ago and, recently, it has driven increasing attention in the areas of graph theory, graph algorithms, graph drawing, and computational geometry. This annotated bibliography aims to provide a guiding reference to researchers who want to have an overview of the large body of literature about 1-planar graphs. It reviews the current literature covering various research streams about 1-planarity, such as characterization and recognition, combinatorial properties, and geometric representations. As an additional contribution, we offer a list of open problems on 1-planar graphs.  相似文献   

李慧博  赵云霄  白亮 《计算机应用》2021,41(12):3432-3437
学习图中节点的潜在向量表示是一项重要且普遍存在的任务,旨在捕捉图中节点的各种属性。大量工作证明静态图表示已经能够学习到节点的部分信息,然而,真实世界的图是随着时间的推移而演变的。为了解决多数动态网络算法不能有效保留节点邻域结构和时态信息的问题,提出了基于深度神经网络(DNN)和门控循环单元(GRU)的动态网络表示学习方法DynAEGRU。该方法以自编码器作为框架,其中的编码器首先用DNN聚集邻域信息以得到低维特征向量,然后使用GRU网络提取节点时态信息,最后用解码器重构邻接矩阵并将其与真实图对比来构建损失。通过与几种静态图和动态图表示学习算法在3个数据集上进行实验分析,结果表明DynAEGRU具有较好的性能增益。  相似文献   

Social networks are usually modeled and represented as deterministic graphs with a set of nodes as users and edges as connection between users of networks. Due to the uncertain and dynamic nature of user behavior and human activities in social networks, their structural and behavioral parameters are time varying parameters and for this reason using deterministic graphs for modeling and analysis of behavior of users may not be appropriate. In this paper, we propose that stochastic graphs, in which weights associated with edges are random variables, may be a better candidate as a graph model for social network analysis. Thus, we first propose generalization of some network measures for stochastic graphs and then propose six learning automata based algorithms for calculating these measures under the situation that the probability distribution functions of the edge weights of the graph are unknown. Simulations on different synthetic stochastic graphs for calculating the network measures using the proposed algorithms show that in order to obtain good estimates for the network measures, the required number of samples taken from edges of the graph is significantly lower than that of standard sampling method aims to analysis of human behavior in online social networks.  相似文献   

Appropriately defining and efficiently calculating similarities from large data sets are often essential in data mining, both for gaining understanding of data and generating processes and for building tractable representations. Given a set of objects and their correlations, we here rely on the premise that each object is characterized by its context, i.e., its correlations to the other objects. The similarity between two objects can then be expressed in terms of the similarity between their contexts. In this way, similarity pertains to the general notion that objects are similar if they are exchangeable in the data. We propose a scalable approach for calculating all relevant similarities among objects by relating them in a correlation graph that is transformed to a similarity graph. These graphs can express rich structural properties among objects. Specifically, we show that concepts—abstractions of objects—are constituted by groups of similar objects that can be discovered by clustering the objects in the similarity graph. These principles and methods are applicable in a wide range of fields and will be demonstrated here in three domains: computational linguistics, music, and molecular biology, where the numbers of objects and correlations range from small to very large.  相似文献   

深度学习作为人工智能的一个研究分支发展迅速,而研究数据主要是语音、图像和视频等,这些具有规则结构的数据通常在欧氏空间中表示。然而许多学习任务需要处理的数据是从非欧氏空间中生成,这些数据特征和其关系结构可以用图来定义。图卷积神经网络通过将卷积定理应用于图,完成节点之间的信息传播与聚合,成为建模图数据一种有效的方法。尽管图卷积神经网络取得了巨大成功,但针对图任务中的节点分类问题,由于深层图结构优化的特有难点——过平滑现象,现有的多数模型都只有两三层的浅层模型架构。在理论上,图卷积神经网络的深层结构可以获得更多节点表征信息,因此针对其层级信息进行研究,将层级结构算法迁移到图数据分析的核心在于图层级卷积算子构建和图层级间信息融合。本文对图网络层级信息挖掘算法进行综述,介绍图神经网络的发展背景、存在问题以及图卷积神经网络层级结构算法的发展,根据不同图卷积层级信息处理将现有算法分为正则化方法和架构调整方法。正则化方法通过重新构建图卷积算子更好地聚合邻域信息,而架构调整方法则融合层级信息丰富节点表征。图卷积神经网络层级特性实验表明,图结构中存在层级特性节点,现有图层级信息挖掘算法仍未对层级特性节点的图信息进行完全探索。最后,总结了图卷积神经网络层级信息挖掘模型的主要应用领域,并从计算效率、大规模数据、动态图和应用场景等方面提出进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

张健  丁世飞  张楠  杜鹏  杜威  于文家 《软件学报》2019,30(7):2073-2090
概率图模型是目前机器学习研究的热点,基于概率图模型构造的生成模型已广泛应用于图像和语音处理等领域.受限玻尔兹曼机(restricted Boltzmann machines,简称RBMs)是一种概率无向图,在建模数据分布方面有重要的研究价值,RBMs既可以结合卷积算子构造深度判别模型,为深度网络提供统计力学的理论支持,也可以结合有向图构建生成模型,提供具有多峰分布的先验信息.主要综述了以RBMs为基础的概率图模型的相关研究.首先介绍了基于RBMs的机器学习模型的基本概念和训练算法,并讨论了基于极大似然估计的各训练算法的联系,比较了各算法的log似然损失;其次,综述了RBMs模型最新的研究进展,包括在目标函数中引入对抗损失和W距离,并构造基于RBMs先验的变分自编码模型(variational autoencoders,简称VAEs)、基于对抗损失的RBMs模型,并讨论了各实值RBMs模型之间的联系和区别;最后,综述了以RBMs为基础的模型在深度学习中的应用,并讨论了神经网络和RBMs模型在研究中存在的问题及未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

Reaction Graph   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The paper proposes reaction graphs as graphical representations of computational objects.A reaction graph is a directed graph with all its arrows and some of its nodes labeled.Computations are modled by graph rewriting of a simple nature.The basic rewriting rules embody the essence of both the communications among processes and cut-eliminations in proofs.Calculi of graphs are ideentified to give a formal and algebraic account of reaction graphs in the spirit of process algebra.With the help of the calculi,it is demonstrated that reaction graphs capture many interesting aspects of computations.  相似文献   

The main aim of this paper is to propose an efficient and novel Markov chain-based multi-instance multi-label (Markov-Miml) learning algorithm to evaluate the importance of a set of labels associated with objects of multiple instances. The algorithm computes ranking of labels to indicate the importance of a set of labels to an object. Our approach is to exploit the relationships between instances and labels of objects. The rank of a class label to an object depends on (i) the affinity metric between the bag of instances of this object and the bag of instances of the other objects, and (ii) the rank of a class label of similar objects. An object, which contains a bag of instances that are highly similar to bags of instances of the other objects with a high rank of a particular class label, receives a high rank of this class label. Experimental results on benchmark data have shown that the proposed algorithm is computationally efficient and effective in label ranking for MIML data. In the comparison, we find that the classification performance of the Markov-Miml algorithm is competitive with those of the three popular MIML algorithms based on boosting, support vector machine, and regularization, but the computational time required by the proposed algorithm is less than those by the other three algorithms.  相似文献   

Path-based relational reasoning over knowledge graphs has become increasingly popular due to a variety of downstream applications such as question answering in dialogue systems, fact prediction, and recommendation systems. In recent years, reinforcement learning (RL) based solutions for knowledge graphs have been demonstrated to be more interpretable and explainable than other deep learning models. However, the current solutions still struggle with performance issues due to incomplete state representations and large action spaces for the RL agent. We address these problems by developing HRRL (Heterogeneous Relational reasoning with Reinforcement Learning), a type-enhanced RL agent that utilizes the local heterogeneous neighborhood information for efficient path-based reasoning over knowledge graphs. HRRL improves the state representation using a graph neural network (GNN) for encoding the neighborhood information and utilizes entity type information for pruning the action space. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets show that HRRL outperforms state-of-the-art RL methods and discovers more novel paths during the training procedure, demonstrating the explorative power of our method.  相似文献   

Learning hash functions/codes for similarity search over multi-view data is attracting increasing attention, where similar hash codes are assigned to the data objects characterizing consistently neighborhood relationship across views. Traditional methods in this category inherently suffer three limitations: 1) they commonly adopt a two-stage scheme where similarity matrix is first constructed, followed by a subsequent hash function learning; 2) these methods are commonly developed on the assumption that data samples with multiple representations are noise-free,which is not practical in real-life applications; and 3) they often incur cumbersome training model caused by the neighborhood graph construction using all N points in the database (O(N)). In this paper, we motivate the problem of jointly and efficiently training the robust hash functions over data objects with multi-feature representations which may be noise corrupted. To achieve both the robustness and training efficiency, we propose an approach to effectively and efficiently learning low-rank kernelized1 hash functions shared across views. Specifically, we utilize landmark graphs to construct tractable similarity matrices in multi-views to automatically discover neighborhood structure in the data. To learn robust hash functions, a latent low-rank kernel function is used to construct hash functions in order to accommodate linearly inseparable data. In particular, a latent kernelized similarity matrix is recovered by rank minimization on multiple kernel-based similarity matrices. Extensive experiments on real-world multi-view datasets validate the efficacy of our method in the presence of error corruptions.We use kernelized similarity rather than kernel, as it is not a squared symmetric matrix for data-landmark affinity matrix.  相似文献   

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