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夏敏 《计测技术》2009,29(6):57-58
结合实验室人员培训管理工作中的经验,从员工培训的策划、组织实施和有效性评价等方面,论述了保证实验室培训工作有效开展的保障措施和考核机制。  相似文献   

当中国加入WTO,中国民航面临着航空运输全球化、自由化的强烈冲击,传统侧重业务技能的地服人员培训方式已无法适应现服务品牌化的民航发展需求,寻求适应民航发展趋势的培训项目,确保培训效果是地服人员迫切需要解决的问题。本文旨存探讨多样化的培训方式,找出适合地服员工的培训方法,为民航地服人员培训提供借鉴。  相似文献   

针对实验室人员培训工作中存在的一些问题,系统地分析了实验室人员培训的需求和培训的主要内容。重点阐述了构建科学高效的培训体系需要注意的问题,包括培训制度、培训计划、培训方式和培训效果评价几方面,为广大检验检测实验室开展人员培训工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

该书为“企业人力资源管理丛书”之一。该书以企业为导向,从职业经理人的角度出发,系统介绍了企业进行员工培训的意义、培训的内容以及怎么培训等知识、技能和方法。员工培训是企业的一项长期性战略性的任务,是一个全局性的系统工程,因此本书在深入分析培训过程的每个环节,为职业经理人提供系统的规范化的具有可操作性的培训知识、技能和方法的同时,紧扣经理人日常培训管理中必然要遇到的一些实际问题,如各层人员培训、各类人员培训、各种技能培训等,一一进行解答。从而从理论与实际的紧密结合上更好地把握培训工作。  相似文献   

实验室人员培训是人力资源管理学科研究范畴的重要内容之一,其实是实验室对人力资本或资源的一种重要投资,实验室如果重视员工的培训工作,并付于实施的话,将是对整个机构体系和对员工本人都是一个双赢的体现。本文结合企业建设发展实际,从制定培训计划、实施计划、效果评估等方面简要阐述了做好实验室培训的重要意义。  相似文献   

生产技能人员在推动电力企业发展、提升企业安全生产和优质服务水平等方面具有不可替代的重要作用,因此生产技能人员培训是电力企业人力资源管理的重要组成部分和关键职能,也是企业最重要的人力资本投资。电力企业在日常的培训工作中,应切实加强生产技能人员培训的组织领导工作,将生产技能人员培训工作列入重要议事日程,定期研究解决工作中存在的主要问题。采取多种培训方式,设计合适培训内容,不断建立、完善生产技能人员培训考核激励机制,保证生产技能人员培训工作的有效开展。  相似文献   

事业单位正处于管理体制改革的关键时期,在该阶段员工的思想呈现多元化发展态势,这对事业单位员工思想政治工作提出了更高的要求。本文主要分析了加强事业单位员工思想政治工作的重要性,针对当前事业单位思想政治工作中存在的主要问题提出了几点可行性的改进策略。  相似文献   

特种设备作业人员培训质量是保障特种设备作业人员安全规范作业的关键一环。本文分析了目前特种设备作业人员培训工作的特点及现状,为日后提高培训工作质量提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

黄小方  常艳  赵立芬 《计测技术》2013,33(Z1):154-158
应用六西格玛管理中的DMAIC流程对测试实验室技术人员培训工作进行了定义、测量、分析、改进和控制,利用因果分析矩阵、问卷调查等方式对培训课程进行了设计,确定了各知识点所占的比例。将改进后的培训内容分配比例应用于人员培训工作,验证了改进的有效性。  相似文献   

绩效考核是提高员工绩效的重要工具,是晋升和培训工作的依据。定期考核可以使管理层和员工认识到自身的不足,揭示经营中的低效率决策行为,强化已有的正确决策行为。我国煤炭企业由于受内、外部环境影响和自身体制的问题,在人力资源管理方面存在着结构不合理、人员培训不系统、绩效考核和激励机制缺失等问题。本文针对这些问题提出了绩效考核建议。  相似文献   

毕然 《质量探索》2014,(12):54-56
培训质量是培训机构发展的生命线。实行培训项目全面质量管理是全面提高培训质量、有效实现人才培养、创新培训质量管理模式的手段之一。在文献查阔、问卷调查的基础上,分析与培训项目质量相关的因素,构建了培训项目全面质量管理评价指标体系,并采用模糊层次分析法(FAHP)对指标体系进行评价。  相似文献   

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin has pursued a rational and considered course of action for adapting the methods of Total Quality Management (TQM) for improving a broad range of our administrative processes. To initiate this effort, the academic, shop and research staff along with members of the faculty holding administrative responsibility participated in an in-house six day series of training meetings on the tools of TQM. Topics of the training included team functioning principles, data acquisition and statistical analysis tools, process identification and evaluation, self assessment, and strategic planning techniques. Members of the staff and faculty took part in the training on an equal basis. Quality teams have been established to address processes selected from an extensive list of candidates. Most teams have members from both faculty and staff, plus a trained quality advisor. In addition, quality groups have formed spontaneously from functional working groups of staff following equipping with TQM tools. Initial results have been encouraging, with improved service to customers, reduction of cycle times, and improved interpersonal relations.  相似文献   

TCS is a UK Government scheme in which 2-year innovation projects are implemented by teams comprising senior staff from a company and from a higher education institution or research organisation, as well as graduates (TCS Associates).This article describes a TCS Programme between the Mechatronics Research Centre at Loughborough University and Feedback Instruments Ltd. The objective of the work was the mechatronics workbench, a concept for a range of didactic equipment facilitating the teaching and training of mechatronics principles in industry and in further and higher education institutions on a global scale  相似文献   

This study uses data on publication, and patents, of 347 universities and technical institutes of India from 1970 to 2010, to understand their current research status. We find that though the total number of patents and publications has been increasing gradually, the contribution of Indian academic institutions in patenting is still low and needs to be incentivized.  相似文献   

The engineering profession faces many challenges as we begin the new millennium. In the UK the popularity of engineering as a career is declining and employers in some fields report difficulties recruiting appropriately qualified staff. We are not, however, alone in our difficulties; other countries in the western world face similar declines, but in the Asia-Pacific region expansion is still strong. The paper analyses these relative positions and illustrates how the supply and demand patterns have changed over time. Following a brief historical review of the emergence of engineering as a profession, it goes on to consider the vital formation stage of an engineering career and shows how the education and training environment has been changed. The paper then looks forward to the emergence of Internet-based delivery of both continuing professional development and elements of undergraduate education and goes on to show how the approved changes to the IEE membership structure should help address the future needs of the profession. The address concludes with an analysis of the policy decisions required at both government and professional level and some personal predictions as to the future shape of the professional institutions.  相似文献   


The Sundance Thermal Generating Plant has six 375-megawatt generators. Before 1979, its annual maintenance shutdowns were handled entirely by external specialized contractors. In 1980, the plant staff started to assume project management control of the shutdowns, using the contractors as subcontractors. Working initially with a training consultant, the plant crew started with short planning sessions and manually updated CPM networks. Over the next 4 years, the project management methods quickly advanced to a simple computer critical path on a time-share system, and then to a complex resource-balanced program on a dedicated VAX. By this time, most of the contractors had been replaced by locally hired tradespeople who were managed directly by the plant staff.

The consultant left the project in 1984, and the maintenance staff took over the training and development tasks associated with the system. Seven years later, in 1992, the project management system was observed, evaluated, and compared against the original 1979 objectives.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to propose a cluster analysis methodology for measuring the performance of research activities in terms of productivity, visibility, quality, prestige and international collaboration. The proposed methodology is based on bibliometric techniques and permits a robust multi-dimensional cluster analysis at different levels. The main goal is to form different clusters, maximizing within-cluster homogeneity and between-cluster heterogeneity. The cluster analysis methodology has been applied to the Spanish public universities and their academic staff in the computer science area. Results show that Spanish public universities fall into four different clusters, whereas academic staff belong into six different clusters. Each cluster is interpreted as providing a characterization of research activity by universities and academic staff, identifying both their strengths and weaknesses. The resulting clusters could have potential implications on research policy, proposing collaborations and alliances among universities, supporting institutions in the processes of strategic planning, and verifying the effectiveness of research policies, among others.  相似文献   

This paper links the industrial policy and national systems of innovation literature to the investigation of learning capabilities of suppliers in the context of the automotive parts industry of Pakistan. Drawing data from 50 Pakistani autoparts suppliers, the findings suggest that industrial policy has been helpful in creating a local parts supply base and facilitating the entry of Japanese assemblers in the market. However, the implementation of the policy has been weak, and it is an arduous journey for the local suppliers to develop ambidextrous (exploratory and exploitative) learning capabilities. The findings also indicate that where local training and support from R&D institutions are weak, networking alone with foreign multinationals is not sufficient on its own to develop exploratory learning capabilities of local suppliers. This paper shows the importance of creating national–provincial institutions offering learning and skills development aimed towards innovation.  相似文献   

In March 2003, a series of cases of sudden respiratory disease syndrome (SARS) has been reported to be spreading in Toronto. With limited knowledge of the causative agent, an immediate strategy that would help contain and prevent the dissemination of the disease especially among our immunosuppressed hemodialysis patients was required.
Objective:  To share the precautionary measures implemented in our unit in containing or preventing the spread of the virus among our hemodialysis patients.
Methods:  Retrospective analysis of the impact of the implementation of strict measure of disease control and education of all staff. Other data were gathered through interviews of some Microbiologists in Toronto, St. Michael's Hospital Infection Control Department and Health, Canada.
Result:  The precautionary measure implemented has been successful. None of our dialysis patients or health care workers were affected.
Conclusion:  The measures implemented has not been proven 100% effective in protecting our dialysis patients and our staff, but we hope that the data will help prepare other health care professionals and other dialysis institutions in the event of another outbreak.  相似文献   

程旭  赵云志 《中国标准化》2014,(5):119-121,123
在当今的信息时代,云技术、物联网和基于二者的大数据技术正推动经济社会发生着变革。未来经济在互联网等技术的作用下变得越来越个性化,对大数据技术的应用将有利于标准化事业对经济社会发展做出更大贡献,标准化的服务内容由经济主体自由选择,标准化机构和研究人员更多地关注经济主体的个性化培养,标准化机构由被动服务逐渐转变为主动服务。在逐步到来的大数据时代,网络标准化服务与实体标准化服务将逐渐分离,更多的交往互动、个性化服务和灵活的服务方式将使标准化事业获得新的生机。  相似文献   

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