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There is a function of dynamic mapping when processing non-linear complex data with Elman neural networks. Because Elman neural network inherits the feature of back-propagation neural network to some extent, it has many defects; for example, it is easy to fall into local minimum, the fixed learning rate, the uncertain number of hidden layer neuron and so on. It affects the processing accuracy. So we optimize the weights, thresholds and numbers of hidden layer neurons of Elman networks by genetic algorithm. It improves training speed and generalization ability of Elman neural networks to get the optimal algorithm model. It has been proved by instance analysis that new algorithm was superior to the traditional model in terms of convergence rate, predicted value error, number of trainings conducted successfully, etc. It indicates the effect of the new algorithm and deserves further popularization.  相似文献   

Birth asphyxia can result in death or permanent brain damage. To prevent it, the fetal heart rate (FHR) is recorded in labour on a paper strip. In clinical practice, the complicated FHR patterns are assessed by eye, which is error-prone, inconsistent and unreliable. Objective alternatives are needed and thus we investigated the applicability of feed-forward artificial neural networks (ANNs) for FHR analysis. Six FHR features were extracted and combined with six clinical parameters to form a feature space of 12 dimensions. The feature space was reduced to six dimensions by principal component analysis. Subsequently, a network committee of ten ANNs was trained with the data of 124 patients (a balanced set of 62 adverse, coded 1, and 62 normal outcomes, coded 0). The ANN committee was tested on another balanced set of 252 patients obtaining misclassification rate of 36%. Finally, the committee was tested on a large dataset of 7,568 patients (non-balanced). As the committee output continuously increased from 0 to 1, there was a consistent growth of the adverse outcome rate (from 0.26 to 5.3%) and the low umbilical pH rate (from 2.6 to 16.7%.) Based on this correlation between the committee output and the risk of compromise, we concluded that ANNs can be successfully applied to FHR monitoring in labour. However, extensive further work is necessary, for which we outline our plans. To our knowledge, this is the first time that an automated method for FHR diagnostic analysis has been tested on a database of this size.  相似文献   

Artificial neural networks: a tutorial   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Artificial neural nets (ANNs) are massively parallel systems with large numbers of interconnected simple processors. The article discusses the motivations behind the development of ANNs and describes the basic biological neuron and the artificial computational model. It outlines network architectures and learning processes, and presents some of the most commonly used ANN models. It concludes with character recognition, a successful ANN application  相似文献   

人工神经网络技术在超临界流体密度预测中的应用   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
超临界流体的性质常与其密度相关。因此,如何精确计算超临界流体在不同操作条件下的密度值,对于超临界流体过程的研究和设计均十分重要。本文尝试采用人工神经网络技术来预测计算超临界流体的密度。网络结构为3层BP网,经优化中间隐藏层单元数为6。通过训练和学习,在压力6MPa-8MPa、温度300K-320K范围内,神经网络预测的密度值,其相对误差<0.35%。比P-B状态方程计算的结果精确。  相似文献   

In this work, compressive strength of lightweight geopolymers produced by fine fly ash and rice husk–bark ash together with palm oil clinker (POC) aggregates has been investigated experimentally and modeled based on artificial neural networks. Different specimens made from a mixture of fine fly ash and rice husk–bark ash with and without POC were subjected to compressive strength tests at 2, 7, and 28 days of curing. A model based on artificial neural networks for predicting the compressive strength of the specimens has been presented. To build the model, training and testing using experimental results from 144 specimens were conducted. The data used in the multilayer feed-forward neural networks models are arranged in a format of six input parameters that cover the quantity of fine POC particles, the quantity of coarse POC particles, the quantity of FA + RHBA mixture, the ratio of alkali activator to ashes mixture, the age of curing and the test trial number. According to these input parameters, in the neural networks model, the compressive strength of each specimen was predicted. The training and testing results in the neural networks model have shown a strong potential for predicting the compressive strength of the geopolymer specimens in the considered range.  相似文献   

Classification is a central endeavour in Biology. Heterogeneity of biological systems makes classification more challenging, but this is crucial for effective disease control and management. This study is a computational modelling attempt to classify a plant disease using visual symptoms to ease crop management programmes. Weligama coconut leaf wilt disease (WCLWD), a phytoplasma-borne coconut disease characterised by three foliar symptoms (flaccidity (bending of leaflets), yellowing and marginal necrosis) found in Sri Lanka, was used to demonstrate its applicability. Self-organising map (SOM) was optimised to discover naturally existing categories of WCLWD using foliar symptoms. Ward clustering of SOM identified three distinct disease categories. Results agreed with the nature of disease progression and are supported by K-means clustering. Conversion of SOM clusters to a parsimonious multi-layer perceptron (MLP) supported by a novel efficient network pruning algorithm regenerated identical results proving that precise models can be developed for WCLWD classification using these approaches. The MLP (100 %) outperformed counter propagation (CP) neural network (91 %) in generalisation ability indicating the validity of the MLP model. The study identified flaccidity as the most influential symptom followed by yellowing and necrosis. Comparison of our results with expert decision on disease severity classification revealed 73.45 % correspondence. In-depth investigation into the results from the two approaches using statistical methods revealed that when multiple symptoms are blended, expert decisions rely more on the intensely visible symptom and mainly on a single dimension, whereas the SOM/MLP classifier more accurately captures the average, variation and multi-dimensionality in data indicating that the model is more realistic and capable than the naked eye in detecting the disease.  相似文献   

《Computers & chemistry》1993,17(3):303-308
Three-layer artificial neural networks (ANN) with back-propagation of error were used to classify the odors of chemical compounds. The network's architecture and parameters were optimized, and an empirical rule for dynamically adjusting the learning rate of network was put forward. It was found that the network gave the maximum recognition rate of 100% and converged quickly by using the plural semiconductor gas sensors' response data in combination with the molecular structure codes of odorants. The network's predictive ability for untrained samples was also satisfactory.  相似文献   

This paper explores the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) as a valid alternative to the traditional job-shop simulation approach. Feed forward, multi-layered neural network metamodels were trained through the back-error-propagation (BEP) learning algorithm to provide a versatile job-shop scheduling analysis framework. The constructed neural network architectures were capable of satisfactorily estimating the manufacturing lead times (MLT) for orders simultaneously processed in a four-machine job shop. The MLTs produced by the developed ANN models turned out to be as valid as the data generated from three well-known simulation packages, i.e. Arena, SIMAN, and ProModel. The ANN outputs proved not to be substantially different from the results provided by other valid models such as SIMAN and ProModel when compared against the adopted baseline, Arena. The ANN-based simulations were able to fairly capture the underlying relationship between jobs' machine sequences and their resulting average flowtimes, which proves that ANNs are a viable tool for stochastic simulation metamodeling.  相似文献   

This work aims to investigate a simple to use and easy to interpret methodology for assessing the relative importance of input variables in artificial neural networks (ANNs) applied to epidemiological modelling. The independent variables were 43 variables of the social, economic, environmental and health sector of 59 Brazilian municipalities, and the outcomes were infant mortality rates from these municipalities. Two assays were developed for the ANN modelling. On the first, all 43 variables were taken as input; and on the second, input variables were chosen with the help of factor analysis (FA). The relative importance of the input variables was investigated by means of bootstrap replications of the ANN model on the second assay. Further, multiple linear regression models (LRMs) were developed with the same data set and compared to the ANN models. The FA analysis allowed the selection of eight variables for the second assay. The percent of explained variance R(2) on the ANNs was in the range 0.74-0.80, while linear models had R(2)=0.4-0.5. These findings were validated by the bootstrap replications, in which the ANN models remained with higher R(2) and lower mean square error than the LRMs. The analysis of the best (second) ANN model indicated the highest ranking of importance for the variables literacy, agricultural and livestock sector jobs, number of commercial establishments and telephones. The approach presented here successfully integrated a data-oriented model with expert knowledge, indicating the potentiality of ANN modelling in the prediction, planning and assessment of public health actions.  相似文献   

Artificial neural networks with such characteristics as learning, graceful degradation, and speed inherent to parallel distributed architectures might provide a flexible and cost solution to the real time control of robotics systems. In this investigation artificial neural networks are presented for the coordinate transformation mapping of a two-axis robot modeled with Fischertechnik physical modeling components. The results indicate that artificial neural systems could be utilized for practical situations and that extended research in these neural structures could provide adaptive architectures for dynamic robotics control.  相似文献   

《Computers & chemistry》1997,21(4):237-256
Artificial neural networks provide a unique computing architecture whose potential has attracted interest from researchers across different disciplines. As a technique for computational analysis, neural network technology is very well suited for the analysis of molecular sequence data. It has been applied successfully to a variety of problems, ranging from gene identification, to protein structure prediction and sequence classification. This article provides an overview of major neural network paradigms, discusses design issues, and reviews current applications in DNA/RNA and protein sequence analysis.  相似文献   

Although artificial neural networks (ANN) are more known in the field of image recognition and forecasting, cost estimation has become another emerging area in recent years. In this study, the establishment of an intelligent system was attempted for forecasting the total cost of sheet metal stamping dies. In this context, where the cost of stamping dies is estimated with a conventional approach which has been applied in the company up to now, the ANN and multiple regression analysis and the performance of the three cost-estimation models are examined. The examinations are based on the data of previous costs and use a number of critical criteria which are decided by experienced tool makers and engineers from every level of the organization of the seven companies which produce stamping dies. The comparative study reveals that the ANN system outperforms the traditional linear regression analysis model and conventional approach used for cost estimation. Thus, it is possible for firms which produce stamping dies to obtain a fairly accurate prediction with an ANN model and determined criteria.  相似文献   

Artificial neural networks have been extensively applied to document analysis and recognition. Most efforts have been devoted to the recognition of isolated handwritten and printed characters with widely recognized successful results. However, many other document processing tasks, like preprocessing, layout analysis, character segmentation, word recognition, and signature verification, have been effectively faced with very promising results. This paper surveys the most significant problems in the area of offline document image processing, where connectionist-based approaches have been applied. Similarities and differences between approaches belonging to different categories are discussed. A particular emphasis is given on the crucial role of prior knowledge for the conception of both appropriate architectures and learning algorithms. Finally, the paper provides a critical analysts on the reviewed approaches and depicts the most promising research guidelines in the field. In particular, a second generation of connectionist-based models are foreseen which are based on appropriate graphical representations of the learning environment.  相似文献   

Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are information processing systems motivated by the goals of reproducing the cognitive processes and organizational models of neurobiological systems. By virtue of their computational structure, ANN's feature attractive characteristics such as graceful degradation, robust recall with noisy and fragmented data, parallel distributed processing, generalization to patterns outside of the training set, nonlinear modeling capabilities, and learning. These computational features could provide enhanced inferencing functionality and real-time capabilities to develop approaches for traditional difficult problems such as flexible manufacturing system (FMS) scheduling. In this paper three different schemes of ANN's are applied to the FMS scheduling problem. These include a) relaxation-based networks, b) competitive-based schemes, and c) adaptive pattern recognition scheduling.  相似文献   

Artificial neural networks in process estimation and control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this contribution, the suitability of the artificial neural network methodology for solving some process engineering problems is discussed. First the concepts involved in the formulation of artificial neural networks are presented. Next the suitability of the technique to provide estimates of difficult to measure quality variables is demonstrated by application to industrial data. Measurements from established instruments are used as secondary variables for estimation of the “primary” quality variables. The advantage of using these estimates for feedback control is then demonstrated. The possibility of using neural network models directly within a model-based predictive control strategy is also considered, making use of an on-line optimization routine to determine the future inputs that will minimize the deviations between the desired and predicted outputs. Control is implemented in a receding horizon fashion. Application of the predictive controller to a nonlinear distillation system is used to indicate the potential of the neural network based control philosophy.  相似文献   

One of the important issues in software testing is to provide an automated test oracle. Test oracles are reliable sources of how the software under test must operate. In particular, they are used to evaluate the actual results produced by the software. However, in order to generate an automated test oracle, it is necessary to map the input domain to the output domain automatically. In this paper, Multi-Networks Oracles based on Artificial Neural Networks are introduced to handle the mapping automatically. They are an enhanced version of previous ANN-Based Oracles. The proposed model was evaluated by a framework provided by mutation testing and applied to test two industry-sized case studies. In particular, a mutated version of each case study was provided and injected with some faults. Then, a fault-free version of it was developed as a Golden Version to evaluate the capability of the proposed oracle finding the injected faults. Meanwhile, the quality of the proposed oracle is measured by assessing its accuracy, precision, misclassification error and recall. Furthermore, the results of the proposed oracle are compared with former ANN-based Oracles. Accuracy of the proposed oracle was up to 98.93%, and the oracle detected up to 98% of the injected faults. The results of the study show the proposed oracle has better quality and applicability than the previous model.  相似文献   

NAND-NOR materializations of partially and completely inhibited typical sums of minterms are tabulated. Conclusion about opportunity of virtual and partial inhibitions are presented for each type of inhibition minterm. Optimization of NAND-NOR networks is allowed by the separate calculations of the NAND- and the NOR-gates required.  相似文献   

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