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根据美国葡萄酒市场理事会(The Wine Market Council)近日公布的数字,美国葡萄酒消费在持续了近10年的高速增长后,2003年再次创下2.32亿箱的市场销售新纪录,人均年葡萄酒消费也达到了12L的历史新高。一项消费跟踪调查显示,美国的核心消费者,也就是将葡萄酒观为日常饮品的消费者,比2000年增长了32%。  相似文献   

按照BeverageDaily.com的最新报道,美国不久将代替法国成为世界第一大葡萄酒消费国.这对于旧金山海湾地区、国内其他地区及最大的销售商和知名品牌的葡萄酒公司来说,绝对是个极好的消息.  相似文献   

随着美国葡萄酒消费者的增加和人均消费量的上升,美国葡萄酒供大于求的状况正在逐步改观,葡萄酒行业开始迎来4年萧条后的复苏。  相似文献   

美国加洲起泡葡萄酒生产概况美国加洲起泡葡萄酒商业性质的生产开始于十九世纪五十年代后期,生产增长的速度是带有周期性的。到1965年,加洲起泡葡萄酒年产量达到10202000加仑,而到1979年则达到19100000加仑。在加洲生产起泡葡萄酒的工艺有三种...  相似文献   

葡萄酒是世界上最古老的酒种,也是当今世界除啤酒以外,人类饮用最多的饮料酒。如果把世界葡萄酒的产量,按世界人口平均分配,每人每年消费5公升葡萄酒。葡萄酒能有这样强大的生命力,经过几千年长盛不衰,说明葡萄酒是世界上最健康、最美好的饮料酒。国际葡萄酒局(简...  相似文献   

考察美国的葡萄酒,不能不去加州,那里的葡萄酒产量占美国总产量的94%。如果把加州当作一个独立的产酒国,那它仅次于意大利、法国、西班牙居世界第四位。考察加州的葡萄酒,不能不去那帕谷地,它是加州著名的葡萄酒产区——加州北海岸产区中最重要的葡萄酒乡。它的著名在于它的“精美”。那帕酿酒葡萄栽培面积占加州的1/10,由于酿酒选料上的“精益求精”,它的葡萄酒产量只占加州的4%,然而这里的葡萄酒厂多达240余家,占全加州葡萄酒厂总量的近1/3。那帕葡萄酒乡以“精小”的葡萄酒庄和集“三美”于一体(美酒、美景、美食)闻名于世…  相似文献   

葡萄酒在美国人的生活中占相当重要的位置,美国人对酒的认识程度比较高,葡萄酒的销售形势好,也促进了葡萄酒工业的发展。1996年9月至1998年3月,笔者有幸去美国学习葡萄酒的酿酒工艺,现将美国葡萄酒工业概况介绍于下。1 美国葡萄酒产区分布美国葡萄酒厂主要分布在东西两岸,但以西岸(太平洋沿岸)居多。在太平洋沿岸的加利福尼亚州(California)是美国葡萄酒生产的主要州。表1列出了截止1997年底,美国各州的葡萄酒厂数量。表1 美国各州葡萄酒数量表州名 (STATE) 数量(QUANTITY)州名…  相似文献   

最近,一个来自美国加州70人的代表团访问了中国,主要是由加州那帕地区的葡萄酒商组成。此行的目的是向中国消费者推销该地区的葡萄酒。 Girard酒厂的Todd Zapolski解释到,我们的葡萄酒几乎遍布世界各地,但是在中国可能法国葡萄酒更为人所知。“在中国,澳大利亚葡萄酒有非常诱人的价格,智  相似文献   

1 考察概况2000年10月下旬,我国新疆、甘肃、宁夏、上海、天津、北京、河北、云南、山东、黑龙江等省市从事葡萄科研的技术骨干在国家轻工业局王书任同志的带领下,前往美国主要葡萄产区加州和纽约州进行了为期半个月的葡萄与葡萄酒生产技术考察。1.1 美国加州葡萄酒生产概况加州是世界著名葡萄、葡萄酒产区,葡萄种植面积约31万公顷,除鲜食、制干葡萄外,酿酒葡萄种植面积也很大,其中大大小小的葡萄酒厂800余个,每年葡萄酒产量175万吨,占美国葡萄酒产量的94%。加州的葡萄酒起源于1769年,1830年开始商业化生产,至1890年产量达到10万…  相似文献   

在美国酒类市场,盒装葡萄酒已经流行了几十年,并占葡萄酒销量的15%~20%。如今美国新一代酿酒商也顺应这一潮流,把获奖的项级葡萄美酒装盒出售,受到消费者的青睐。盒装酒通常是把酒装在囊袋里,再装盒。密封酒的塑料袋囊附有像水龙头一样的开关,能够让酒流出来,又不让空气进入,以免减损酒的风味。美国盒装葡萄酒使用的包装袋是上世纪50年代为瓶装水发明的包装,过去几年经过改进,又设计出开关装置。  相似文献   

Wine consumption can help improve one’s social image. Given this social aspect of wine, we predict that because individuals who are high in narcissism strive for social admiration, wine represents a product of choice for them. In Study 1 (N = 654), we show that for narcissistic people, wine is associated with greater social attractiveness, which in turn leads to higher consumption of wine. We also draw a typology of narcissistic wine consumers. In Study 2 (N = 192), we replicate the mediation results of Study 1 and take a step further by examining the influence of anticipated emotional value. More specifically, we show that the sequence above whereby narcissistic people consume higher amounts of wine due to its social attractiveness not only holds, but is stronger when the emotional value that such people anticipate from wine consumption is low. In other words, narcissists engage more in wine consumption for social reasons when they do not (versus do) anticipate wine consumption as a pleasurable experience. We provide a discussion of the practical implications of our results for wine producers and policymakers.  相似文献   

The ability to measure past experience of alcoholic beverage consumption would be useful in order to understand current wine consumption. A pilot study, using a recently validated tool, measured the lifetime experiences of 51 wine consumers. Linear increases in wine consumption over the course of a wine consumer’s life, contrasting with beer and spirits consumption, and patterns of changing attitudes were found. Correspondence analysis found associations between differing attitudes and consumption patterns. Results encourage application of the tool with representative samples of consumers. Results from the current and future studies will enable an understanding of the long-term development of preferences that may be useful for marketing strategies.  相似文献   

Emotion may be defined as a special perception that informs us about current body status and its modification due to internal or external stimuli and feelings such as mental representations of bodily changes, including thoughts (Damasio, 2003). Emotions have been generally associated with products but there has been little published research on emotions related to food, and more specifically to wine. Every culture may describe its emotions in different ways and may have its own emotional lexicon, allowing feelings to be socially shared: the purpose of this research is to develop a list of emotional adjectives appropriate to the Italian culture to describe the feelings of wine consumers. By means of three studies, we selected 16 words which allow wine consumers to describe their feelings while consuming wine. The emotion terms selected could be divided into two categories: high/low arousal and high/low pleasantness. Unlike the general prevalence in the emotional lexicon of languages of words expressing unpleasant emotions, most of the 16 Italian terms focused on emotions elicited by wine consumption fall into the pleasure category.  相似文献   

The growth of the California wine industry since Prohibition derives from a sound technical base and a deliberate attempt to improve quality.  相似文献   

最近,VINEXPO和IWSR宣称,未来几年英国葡萄酒市场将会日益强大,起泡酒消费量将比其他欧洲国家多得多。预计到2010年,英国的葡萄酒零售额将达到50.5亿英镑,超过法国、德国和意大利而位居欧洲第一。  相似文献   

Future trends and consumer lifestyles with regard to meat consumption   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Grunert KG 《Meat science》2006,74(1):149-160
Using the food-related lifestyle model as a conceptual framework, one possible trend each is discussed for the following four components of food-related lifestyle: quality aspects, ways of shopping, cooking methods, and purchase motives. These trends refer to the increasing use of extrinsic cues in quality perception, shopping fast and easy vs. shopping in specialized outlets, the role of convenience and meat avoidance in cooking, and the role of concerns about the meat production process in purchasing. Indicators for each of these trends are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper is in keeping with a long term research program in the field of marketing and particularly in the study of consumer behaviour. In continuation with the cognitivist paradigm, a connectionist approach to attitude modelling is proposed and the theoretical and metatheoretical bases of this research are presented. This orientation consists of studying how the recourse to the neural networks should be constituting an interesting and innovative decision support in this field. This research is particularly based on Beckwith and Lehmann's (1975) model which is inspired by Fishbein's (1963) linear and additive representation of the attitude concept and Bass and Talarzyk's (1972) model. It is demonstrated how a basic automata network can improve knowledge of attitude dynamics by showing different attractors (fixed points and limit cycles). This work opens a new research axis in the food marketing area.  相似文献   

Probiotic foods: consumer perception and attitudes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The objective of this study was to evaluate the perception and the attitudes towards probiotic foods of the population in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Four hundred and twenty (100.0%) people were interviewed in small-, medium- and large-sized supermarkets located in various parts of the city of Rio de Janeiro. One hundred and twenty-two (29.05%) people defined probiotic foods correctly. Ninety-one (21.67%) were unable to mention a single example of a probiotic food. The results of this study indicate the need for an elementary easy-to-understand educational programme using accessible language in order to fix the concepts related to these products.  相似文献   

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