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A practical interconnection network RP(k) and its routing algorithms   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Based on Petersen graph, a new interconnection network, the RP(k) network, is devel-oped and the properties of the RP(k) network are investigated. The diameter of the RP(k) network is [ k/2] + 2 and its degree is 5. We prove that the diameter of the RP(k) network is much smaller than that of the 2-D Torus network when the number of nodes in interconnection networks is less than or equal to 300. In order to analyze the communication performance in a group of nodes, we propose the concepts of the optimal node groups and the diameter of the optimal node groups. We also show that the diameter of the optimal node groups in the RP(k) network is less than that in the 2-D Torus net-work. Especially when the number of nodes in an optimal node group is between 6 and 100, the diam-eter of the optimal node groups in the RP(k) network is half of that in the 2-D Torus network. Further-more based on the RP(k) network we design a set of routing algorithms which are point-to-point rout-ing, permutation routing, one-to-al  相似文献   

Given N matrices A1, A2,...,AN of size NtimesN, the matrix chain product problem is to compute A1timesA2times...timesAN. Given an NtimesN matrix A, the matrix powers problem is to calculate the first N powers of A, that is, A, A2, A3,..., AN. We solve the two problems on distributed memory systems (DMSs) with p processors that can support one-to-one communications in T(p) time. Assume that the fastest sequential matrix multiplication algorithm has time complexity O(Nalpha), where the currently best value of a is less than 2.3755. Let p be arbitrarily chosen in the range 1lesplesNalpha+1/(log N)2. We show that the two problems can be solved by a DMS with p processors in Tchain(N,p)=O((Nalpha+1/p)+T(p))((N2(2+1/alpha/p2/alpha)(log+p/N)1-2/alpha+log+((p log N)/Nalpha)) and Tpower (N,p)=O(Nalpha+1/p+T(p)((N2(1+1/alpha)/p2/alpha)(log+p/2 log N)1-2/alpha+(log N)2))) times, respectively, where the function log+ is defined as follows: log+ x=log x if xges1 and log+ x=1 if 0相似文献   

We generalize the well-known odd-even merge sorting algorithm, originally due to Batcher (1968), and show how this generalized algorithm can be applied to sorting on product networks. If G is an arbitrary factor graph with N nodes, its r-dimensional product contains Nr nodes. Our algorithm sorts Nr keys stored in the r-dimensional product of G in O(rrF(N)) time, where F(N) depends on G. We show that, for any factor graph G, F(N) is, at most, O(N), establishing an upper bound of O(r2 N) for the time complexity of sorting Nr keys on any product network. For product networks with bounded r(e.g. for grids), this leads to the asymptotic complexity of O(N) to sort Nr keys, which is optimal for several instances of product networks. There are factor graphs for which F(N)=O(log2 N), which leads to the asymptotic running time of O(log2 N) to sort Nr keys. For networks with bounded N (e.g. in the hypercube N=2, fixed), the asymptotic complexity becomes O(r2). We show how to apply the algorithm to several cases of well-known product networks, as well as others introduced recently. We compare the performance of our algorithm to well-known algorithms developed specifically for these networks, as well as others. The result of these comparisons led us to conjecture that the proposed algorithm is probably the best deterministic algorithm that can be found in terms of the low asymptotic complexity with a small constant  相似文献   

We consider the problems of routing and sorting on a de Bruijn network. First, we show that any deterministic oblivious routing scheme for permutation routing on a d-ary de Bruijn network with N=dn nodes, in the worst case, will take Ω(√N) steps under the single-port model. This improves the existing lower bounds provided d is not a constant. We also show that the lower bound is indeed a tight one. Second, we present a deterministic nonoblivious permutation routing algorithm which runs in O(d.n2) time on a d-ary de Bruijn network with N=dn nodes. This algorithm is currently the fastest known nonoblivious deterministic routing algorithm for de Bruijn networks of arbitrary degree. Finally, we present an efficient general sorting algorithm for the de Bruijn networks of arbitrary degree. This algorithm is the best sorting algorithm known so far. It runs in O((log d).d.n2) time for directed de Bruijn network with dn nodes, degree d, and diameter n. As a corollary, we show that on a binary de Bruijn network of Nnodes, our sorting scheme requires at most 2 log2 Nsteps  相似文献   

We study the problem of leader election in the presence of intermittent link failures. We assume that up to N/2-1 links incident on each node may fail during the execution of the protocol. We present a message optimal algorithm with message complexity O(N2)  相似文献   

Fault-free Hamiltonian cycles in faulty arrangement graphs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The arrangement graph An,k, which is a generalization of the star graph (n-k=1), presents more flexibility than the star graph in adjusting the major design parameters: number of nodes, degree, and diameter. Previously, the arrangement graph has proved Hamiltonian. In this paper, we further show that the arrangement graph remains Hamiltonian even if it is faulty. Let |Fe| and |Fv| denote the numbers of edge faults and vertex faults, respectively. We show that An,k is Hamiltonian when 1) (k=2 and n-k⩾4, or k⩾3 and n-k⩾4+[k/2]), and |Fe|⩽k(n-k)-2, or 2) k⩾2, n-k⩾2+[k/2], and |Fe|⩽k(n-k-3)-1, or 3) k⩾2, n-k⩾3, and |Fe |⩽k, or 4) n-k⩾3 and |Fv|⩽n-3, or 5) n-k⩾3 and |Fv|+|Fe|⩽k. Besides, for An,k with n-k=2, we construct a cycle of length at least 1) [n!/(n-k!)]-2 if |Fe|⩽k-1, or 2) [n!/(n-k)!]-|Fv |-2(k-1) if |Fv|⩽k-1, or 3) [n!/(n-k)!]-|Fv |-2(k-1) if |Fe|+|Fv|⩽k-1, where [n!/(n-k)!] is the number of nodes in An,k  相似文献   

This short note presents constant-time algorithms for labeling the connected components of an image on a network of processors with a wide reconfigurable bus. The algorithms are based on a processor indexing scheme which employs constant-weight codes. The use of such codes enables identifying a single representative processor for each component in a constant number of steps. The proposed algorithms can label an N×N image in O(1) time using N2 processors, which is optimal. Furthermore, the proposed techniques lead to an O(logN/loglogN)-time image labeling algorithm on a network of N2 processors with a reconfigurable bus of width log N bits. It is shown that these techniques on be applied to labeling an undirected N-vertex graph represented by an adjacency matrix  相似文献   

We introduce and analyze a new interconnection topology, called the k-dimensional folded Petersen (FPk) network, which is constructed by iteratively applying the Cartesian product operation on the well-known Petersen graph. Since the number of nodes in FPk is restricted to a power of ten, for better scalability we propose a generalization, the folded Petersen cube network FPQn,k =Qn×FPk, which is a product of the n-dimensional binary hypercube (Qn) and FPk. The FPQn,k topology provides regularity, node- and edge-symmetry, optimal connectivity (and therefore maximal fault-tolerance), logarithmic diameter, modularity, and permits simple self-routing and broadcasting algorithms. With the same node-degree and connectivity, FPQ n,k has smaller diameter and accommodates more nodes than Q n+3k, and its packing density is higher compared to several other product networks. This paper also emphasizes the versatility of the folded Petersen cube networks as a multicomputer interconnection topology by providing embeddings of many computationally important structures such as rings, multi-dimensional meshes, hypercubes, complete binary trees, tree machines, meshes of trees, and pyramids. The dilation and edge-congestion of all such embeddings are at most two  相似文献   

秦飞  刘明  汤红霞  方木云 《微机发展》2007,17(11):57-59
对紧优双环网络G(N;1,s)的直径求解算法做了研究,提出基于生成树的紧优双环网络G(N;1,s)求解算法,给出了双环网络的直径d(N;1,s)公式,对生成树的性质做了研究。利用C#作为编程语言来实现这一算法,并对生成树的结构模型进行了仿真实现。验证了双环网络直径的分布特点:具有最大值、最小值和中间对称性。对任意给定N而2≤s≤N-1的这样一系列双环网络中的所有的紧优双环网络都可以计算出来。该算法的时间复杂度为O(N)。  相似文献   

We consider a decentralized bidirectional control of a platoon of N identical vehicles moving in a straight line. The control objective is for each vehicle to maintain a constant velocity and inter-vehicular separation using only the local information from itself and its two nearest neighbors. Each vehicle is modeled as a double integrator. To aid the analysis, we use continuous approximation to derive a partial differential equation (PDE) approximation of the discrete platoon dynamics. The PDE model is used to explain the progressive loss of closed-loop stability with increasing number of vehicles, and to devise ways to combat this loss of stability. If every vehicle uses the same controller, we show that the least stable closed-loop eigenvalue approaches zero as O(1/N2) in the limit of a large number (N) of vehicles. We then show how to ameliorate this loss of stability by small amounts of "mistuning", i.e., changing the controller gains from their nominal values. We prove that with arbitrary small amounts of mistuning, the asymptotic behavior of the least stable closed loop eigenvalue can be improved to O(1/N). All the conclusions drawn from analysis of the PDE model are corroborated via numerical calculations of the state-space platoon model.  相似文献   

We introduce a new family of interconnection networks that are Cayley graphs with fixed degrees of any even number greater than or equal to four. We call the proposed graphs cyclic-cubes because contracting some cycles in such a graph results in a generalized hypercube. These Cayley graphs have optimal fault tolerance and logarithmic diameters. For comparable number of nodes, a cyclic-cube can have a diameter smaller than previously known fixed-degree networks. The proposed graphs can adopt an optimum routing algorithm known for one of its subfamilies of Cayley graphs. We also show that a graph in the new family has a Hamiltonian cycle and, hence, there is an embedding of a ring. Embedding of meshes and hypercubes are also discussed  相似文献   

Quadtrees are compact hierarchical representations of images. In this paper, we define the efficiency of quadtrees in representing image segments and derive the relationship between the size of the enclosing rectangle of an image segment and its optimal quadtree. We show that if an image segment has an enclosing rectangle having sides of lengths x and y, such that 2N-1 × max (x, y) ? 2N, then the optimal quadtree may be the one representing an image of size 2N × 2N or 2N+1 × 2N+1. It is shown that in some situations the quadtree corresponding to the larger image has fewer nodes. Also, some necessary conditions are derived to identify segments for which the larger image size results in a quadtree which is no more expensive than the quadtree for the smaller image size.  相似文献   

Edge congestion and topological properties of crossed cubes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An n-dimensional crossed cube, CQn, is a variation of hypercubes. In this paper, we give a new shortest path routing algorithm based on a new distance measure defined herein. In comparison with Efe's algorithm, which generates one shortest path in O(n2) time, our algorithm can generate more shortest paths in O(n) time. Based on a given shortest path routing algorithm, we consider a new performance measure of interconnection networks called edge congestion. Using our shortest path routing algorithm and assuming that message exchange between all pairs of vertices is equally probable, we show that the edge congestion of crossed cubes is the same as that of hypercubes. Using the result of edge congestion, we can show that the bisection width of crossed cubes is 2n-1. We also prove that wide diameter and fault diameter are [n/2]+2. Furthermore, we study embedding of cycles in cross cubes and construct more types than previous work of cycles of length at least four  相似文献   

网络嵌入是互连网络研究的一个重要方向,通过网络嵌入可以用一种拓扑结构模拟另一种结构,高效的嵌入会提高并行程序的运行效率。构造了10*k个节点的双环网结构,基于文献[3]提出的互连网络RP(k),提出了一种将双环网嵌入RP(k)的算法DLN-RP(k),此算法得到的4个性能参数为拓展、负载、延伸、拥挤度分别为1,1,2,2,并证明了该结果为最优值。  相似文献   

Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) optical networks provide huge bandwidth by allowing multiple data streams transmitted simultaneously along the same optical fiber, with each stream assigned a distinct wavelength. A key issue on WDM optical networks is to minimize the number of wavelengths for communications. All-to-all broadcast (gossiping) is a fundamental communication application on computer/communication networks. It is known that the minimum numbers of wavelengths for realizing gossiping in one-hop of optical routing on the ring and the two-dimensional torus of N nodes are cN/sup 2/ and cN/sup 3/2/, c /spl ap/ 1/8, respectively. These numbers can be too large even for moderate values of N. One approach to reduce the number of wavelengths is to realize gossiping in multihops of routing. We give routing algorithms which realize gossiping in k-hops (k /spl ges/ 2) by O(N/sup 1+1/k/) wavelengths on the ring, O(N/sup 1+1/(2k)/) wavelengths on the 2D torus, and O(N/sup 1+1/(3k)/) wavelengths on the 3D torus on a simple multihop routing model. We also discuss the multihop routing for gossiping on a merge model. We give the upper bounds on the numbers of wavelengths for gossiping in two-hops and three-hops for the ring, 2D torus, and 3D torus on the merge model.  相似文献   

We consider the time of deterministic broadcasting in networks whose nodes have limited knowledge of network topology. Each node v knows only the part of the network within knowledge radius r from it, i.e., it knows the graph induced by all nodes at distance at most r from v. Apart from that, each node knows the maximum degree Δ of the network. One node of the network, called the source, has a message which has to reach all other nodes. We adopt the widely studied communication model called the one-way model in which, in every round, each node can communicate with at most one neighbor, and in each pair of nodes communicating in a given round, one can only send a message while the other can only receive it. This is the weakest of all store-and-forward models for point-to-point networks, and hence our algorithms work for other models as well, in at most the same time.

We show trade-offs between knowledge radius and time of deterministic broadcasting, when the knowledge radius is small, i.e., when nodes are only aware of their close vicinity. While for knowledge radius 0, minimum broadcasting time is Θ(e), where e is the number of edges in the network, broadcasting can be usually completed faster for positive knowledge radius. Our main results concern knowledge radius 1. We develop fast broadcasting algorithms and analyze their execution time. We also prove lower bounds on broadcasting time, showing that our algorithms are close to optimal.  相似文献   

有向双环网络G(N;1,h)(N是节点数,1和h是步长)是重要的互联网络结构。给出了有向双环网络G(N;1,h)的若干性质。作为这些性质的两个应用,给出一类有向双环网络的直径公式,以及这类有向双环网络的单播路由算法,这个算法是简单且最优的。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种效率较高的无线传感器网络的分布式数据存储方案。该方案将数据D加密成n个秘密共享份分别存储于无线传感器网络的n个存储节点中,只有从这n个存储节点中获得有效秘密共享份数大于或等于预先设定的阀值k(1≤k≤n)时才可重构原始数据;而获得任意小于份的共享份数将得不出原始数据。这样,在加密了数据的同时,又能使得WSN在一部分节点失效(失效的节点数小于k)的情况下仍然能获得原始数据,从而提高了数据的可靠性和容灾性。相对于运用Shamir秘密共享方案,本方案将更有效率。  相似文献   

The existence of parallel node-disjoint paths between any pair of nodes is a desirable property of interconnection networks, because such paths allow tolerance to node and/or link failures along some of the paths, without causing disconnection. Additionally, node-disjoint paths support high-throughput communication via the concurrent transmission of parts of a message. We characterize maximum-sized families of parallel paths between any two nodes of alternating group networks. More specifically, we establish that in a given alternating group network AN n , there exist n−1 parallel paths (the maximum possible, given the node degree of n−1) between any pair of nodes. Furthermore, we demonstrate that these parallel paths are optimal or near-optimal, in the sense of their lengths exceeding the internode distance by no more than four. We also show that the wide diameter of AN n is at most one unit greater than the known lower bound D+1, where D is the network diameter.  相似文献   

A cross-bridge reconfigurable array of processors is a parallel processing system which has the ability to change dynamically the supported interconnection scheme during the execution of an algorithm. Based on this architecture, several O(1) time basic operations such as the transpose, the untranspose, the shift, the unshift and the prefix sum of a binary sequence are first proposed. Then, these basic operations can be used to find the kth smallest element of N m bits unsigned integers in O(m) time using N processors and to sort N data items in O(1) time using O(N5/3) processors instead of using O(N2) processors as those proposed by other researchers  相似文献   

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