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采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)和附带能谱仪(EDAX)的扫描透射电子显微镜(STEM)对Al-4.6Zn-0.9Mg合金三级时效工艺过程中强化相析出行为进行了系统研究。结果表明,100℃单级时效合金强度优于120℃单级时效;三级时效的再时效过程中,由于二级时效温度不同,合金内析出相的种类、尺寸及分布有显著差异;多级时效过程中如果二级时效温度位于300℃~400℃之间,第一级时效形成的析出相会溶解,且在再时效前期合金元素在晶界处显著偏聚,尽管在该回归温度区间内时效,很多析出相会溶解,但其中的合金元素并没有完全扩散开,依然留下了某种成份偏聚。这些偏聚的原子集团不能在后续再时效过程中重新形成GPII区。这使得再时效时析出相成核数量很少但粗化速度非常快,材料强度偏低。  相似文献   

本文采用透射电子显微镜(TEM)、能谱分析(EDAX)对人工时效条件下晶界无析出带(PFZ)的演变规律进行研究.实验选用同一投影方向测量PFZ的宽度,结果表明PFZ的宽度对时效温度的敏感性远远高于对时效时间的敏感性.时效温度越高PFZ越宽,而在同一时效温度下PFZ的宽度并不随时效时间的延长而宽化.PFZ的宽度与相邻两个...  相似文献   

本文采用透射电子显微镜(TEM)、能谱分析(EDAX)对人工时效条件下晶界无析出带(PFZ)的演变规律进行研究。实验选用同一投影方向测量PFZ的宽度,结果表明PFZ的宽度对时效温度的敏感性远远高于对时效时间的敏感性。时效温度越高PFZ越宽,而在同一时效温度下PFZ的宽度并不随时效时间的延长而宽化。PFZ的宽度与相邻两个晶粒之间的取向差有关系,在相同处理条件下,小角度晶界附近PFZ宽度小于大角晶界。能谱分析显示PFZ内为贫溶质原子区,Zn元素缺失尤为明显。  相似文献   

本文利用原子分辨的高角环形暗场扫描透射电镜(HADDF-STEM)成像技术并结合第一性原理计算的方法研究了Mg97 Gd2 Y1(at.%)合金200℃时效初期结构的形成和演变过程.结果表明,合金时效初期优先形成与富稀土原子柱近邻组合关联的各种纳米级细小富稀土团簇.这些由富稀土原子柱构建的团簇可以通过分解、重组而转变成...  相似文献   

本文利用EBSD技术研究了室温下AZ31镁合金多向压缩变形中的孪生行为。实验结果表明TD方向预压缩变形以{10 12}〈1011〉拉伸孪生为主,导致晶体取向产生86°旋转,{0001}极图中TD附近出现极强的峰值,从而使后续ND方向压缩变形时有利于退孪生行为发生,{0001}极图中ND附近重新出现极强的峰值。  相似文献   

本文利用EBSD技术研究了室温下AZ31镁合金多向压缩变形中的孪生行为.实验结果表明TD方向预压缩变形以{1012}〈1011〉拉伸孪生为主,导致晶体取向产生86°旋转,{0001}极图中TD附近出现极强的峰值,从而使后续ND方向压缩变形时有利于退孪生行为发生,{0001}极图中ND附近重新出现极强的峰值.  相似文献   

The precipitation products of a Cu-1.5Ni-0.32P (wt.%) alloy isochronally aged at 400°C and 600°C were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). There are two different sizes of precipitates formed in the 600°C aged specimen. Large precipitates appear to be lath, the length of which varies from 100 nm to 500 nm, whereas small dotty contrasts around 10 nm in diameter are uniformly distributed in the matrix. Only small dotty contrasts are observed after 400°C aging. In the composition range 0–33.3 at.%P, both the previous studies and the calculated Ni-P binary phase diagram indicated that the possible nickel phosphide phases are Ni3P, Ni12P5, Ni5P2, and Ni2P. However, selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern analysis in conjunction with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) identified the large lath precipitates as Ni12P5 phase. On the other hand, the small precipitates could not be analyzed by EDS due to thinness; thus, the structure is estimated to be a Ni5P4 phase from the relationships between d-spacing and angles between planes measured from a selected area diffraction pattern.  相似文献   

Mg/Si含量比值对Al-Mg-Si合金析出行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用显微硬度计、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、高分辨透射电子显微镜(HRTEM)及能谱仪,研究了不同Mg/Si含量比的Al-Mg-Si合金在不同时效温度下的时效析出行为.合金为Mg含量相同,Mg/Si摩尔比接近2.0、1.0和0.5的三种A、B和C合金(合金总含量依次增多).结果表明:Mg/Si含量比对析出动力学有很大影响,温度越高Mg/Si摩尔比对时效动力学影响越大.SEM分析表明:Si含量越高的合金,晶界析出相越连续且尺寸越大,并有一定的晶界无析出带.HRTEM分析表明:过时效阶段,β′相的形成跟Mg/Si比和温度有关;两种时效温度下,在A合金中均析出β′相;而B和C合金在180℃时效主要析出β″相,250℃时效时,B合金中易形成TypeB相,C合金可析出TypeA、TypeB和TypeC三种相.  相似文献   

本文用TEM确定了Cu—Ni—Be合金时效时G·P区和γ’析出相(NiBe)是合金硬度、电导率变化的重要原因,同时确立了NiBe与母相之间的相位关系:(110)_P//(100)_M,[001]_P//[001]_M;惯析面为[001]。  相似文献   

用高分辨透射电镜(HRTEM)和显微维氏硬度计细致地研究分析了7xxx系AlZnMgCu铝合金的单级时效硬化和强化相析出行为,从不同的晶体学方向跟踪观察了硬化析出相形貌和晶体学演变规律。结果表明:在120℃保温时效该合金具有很明显的时效硬化特性,时效4 h硬度即为210 HV,时效20 h达到峰值227 HV;继续时效,存在一个较长时间的时效平台。GPII区在时效最初10 min后即迅速形成,与基体完全共格;η′相由GPII区发展而来,在时效8 h左右形成,也与基体完全共格;合金峰值时效是GPII区与η′相联合起主要强化作用。时效202 h,观察到初期的η相。没有观察到所谓{100}面上的GPI区。  相似文献   

沉积静电效应及防护研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了沉积静电的形成机理;介绍了沉积静电的3种放电形式:跳火花和电弧、表面流光放电、电晕放电;具体讨论了沉积静电放电效应;通过对无沉积静电、轻度沉积静电、严重沉积静电三种条件下电磁场天线接收信号的分析,研究了沉积静电对导航系统的影响;针对沉积静电的危害,从沉积静电防护的目标和具体的防护措施两方面讨论了沉积静电的防护对策。  相似文献   

本实验将自聚发光分子四苯基乙烯(TPE)和聚集淬灭分子阿霉素(DOX)连接为荧光分子复合物(TPEDOX conjugate,TD),并通过荧光光谱分析和扫描电镜观察结合的方法,对TD纳米聚集体中TPE和DOX的荧光淬灭机制进行了研究。实验发现,在TD分子内,TPE和DOX之间发生了"能量传递接力"的现象,即TPE通过荧光能量共振转移将能量传递给DOX,导致自身荧光发射淬灭;DOX由于TD纳米聚集体的形成,发生了聚集淬灭现象,致使TPE转移的能量和DOX自身的荧光发射均被淬灭,达到一个荧光双淬灭的效果。研究中采用荧光分析与电镜观察结合的方法,阐述了将两种具有相反发光性质的荧光分子在纳米尺度的荧光淬灭机理,为纳米尺度上的分子内荧光淬灭研究提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

重点发展的超高精度纳米结构材料的制备技术有:机械合金化技术和工艺、化学合成技术与工艺、生物学技术与工艺、磁控溅射技术等。本文以Fe-P合金为例,对现在被广泛用作制备纳米材料的机械合金化技术和工艺过程进行研究。很多文献报道了金属粉体在机械合金化过程中出现层状结构。  相似文献   

This paper focused on the microstructure of SnAgCu-rare earth (RE) solder alloy and its small single-lap joints, focusing on phases present and the distribution of RE in the SnAgCu solder. Energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) analysis was used to observed the RE-rich phase. The RE atoms also tended to aggregate at boundaries of primary dendrites in the joints and form as a weblike structure, which surrounded the dendrites and restrained the dendrites from sliding or moving. It is assumed that this would strengthen the boundaries and increase the resistance to creep deformation of the solder matrix. The creep-rupture life of joints can be remarkably increased, at least seven times more than that of SnAgCu at room temperature. The aggregation mechanism of RE at dendrite boundaries in SnAgCu solder joints was presented. The drive for RE atoms to aggregate at the boundary is the difference of the lattice-aberration energy between the interior and the boundaries of the dendrites, which is caused by a solution of RE atoms.  相似文献   

重点讨论了降水粒子谱仪的光学系统的设计方法和实验结果。整个光学系统分为光束整形模块和粒子成像模块,分别介绍了两模块的设计原理和设计结果,以及实验测试结果。激光二极管发出的光束整形为40 mm×3.9 mm、长宽比接近10∶1的长条形光斑,作为粒子照明光束;测量了不同尺度圆形不透明图案的成像,以及轴上及轴外的成像,实现了1/5放大倍数的粒子成像。测量结果与设计结果非常吻合,达到了设计目标,满足了系统测量的功能要求。研究成果为粒子谱仪的技术改进和产品化提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

An underfill encapsulant was used to fill the gap between the chip and the substrate around the solder joints to improve the long-term reliability of the flip-chip interconnecting system. The underfill encapsulant was filled by the capillary effect. In this study, experiments were designed to investigate the effects of bump pitch and the edge detour flow on the underfill encapsulation. The bump array was patterned on a glass plate using the lithography technology. This patterned glass plate was used to simulate a flip-chip with solder bumps. The patterned glass was bounded to a substrate to form a simulated flip-chip system. With the lithography technology, it is easy to construct the test samples for underfill flow experiments with different configuration of solder bumps. It was observed that the filling flow was affected by the bump pitch. The edge detour flow depends mainly on the arrangement of the underfill dispensing process.  相似文献   

航空铝合金经过多次使用存在紧密闭合型裂纹严重威胁飞行安全,以带有疲劳裂纹的7075铝合金为检测对象,利用超声振动做为振动红外热成像技术的激励源,通过多次调节功率、焊枪与平板之间预紧力和激励位置实现对铝合金板缺陷的识别,实验结果表明,振动热成像技术能检测出紧密闭合裂纹,同时发现检测效果受控于激励功率的影响,功率大振幅显著检测效果好,且功率较大的情况下预紧力对检测效果影响较大,功率较低时预紧力对检测效果小,最后发现在功率一定的情况下合理的调节预紧力和激励位置能使缺陷成像结果更加清晰。  相似文献   

钒合金是典型的低活化材料 ,具有高温强度高和抗中子辐照尺寸稳定性好等许多优点 ,是未来核聚变堆结构材料的理想选材[1] ,同时也适用于有中子辐照的其他核工业环境下使用。但目前钒合金应用还存在氢环境中易发生氢脆断裂等缺点。国外普遍采用拉伸实验评价钒合金的氢脆行为[2 ] ,但在工程部件实际使用条件下 ,受力情况与评定有一定的差异。为此 ,我们在研制钒合金的同时 ,也在寻找更好的方法。本实验采用拉伸方法和J积分方法测试合金性能 ,利用扫描电镜 (SEM )对氢脆断口观察分析 ,从而确定出可靠的方法来评价钒合金的氢脆特性。拉伸实…  相似文献   

The current saturation behaviors of Dual Direction Silicon Controlled Rectifier (DDSCR) and N+ Modified Dual Direction SCR (NMDDSCR) are investigated under transmission line pulse (TLP) stress, compared with Unidirectional SCR (USCR). DDSCR and NMDDSCR are more prone to saturation current state due to different ESD discharge paths, which are verified by TCAD simulation. The saturation current behavior should be suppressed for better ESD effectiveness and robustness. By increasing the lengths of N+ and P+ diffusion area, the saturation current can be suppressed effectively.  相似文献   

Suzuki segregation to stacking faults and coherent twin boundaries has been investigated in a Cu-7.15 at.% Si alloy, heat-treated at temperatures of 275, 400 and 550 degrees C, using field-emission gun transmission electron microscopy. Silicon enrichment was observed at the stacking fault plane and decreased monotonically with increasing annealing temperature. This increase in the concentration of solute at the fault is due to the stacking fault energy being lowered at higher values of the electron-to-atom ratio of the alloy. From a McLean isotherm, the binding energy for segregation was calculated to be -0.021 +/- 0.019 eV atom(-1). Hardly any segregation was observed to coherent twin boundaries in the same alloy. This is because a twin has a lower interfacial energy than a stacking fault, so that the driving force for segregation is diminished.  相似文献   

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