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As research regarding small- and medium-sized nuclear reactors (SMRs) has rapidly increased worldwide, the Regional Energy Research Institute for Next Generation (RERI) is designing a new conceptual nuclear reactor, called the Regional Energy rX-10MWt (REX-10). The REX-10 is an integral-type nuclear reactor and adopts natural circulation for heat removal. Since the REX-10 is designed for district heating and small-scale power generation near residential areas, it has to guarantee safety under all circumstances. Thus, the REX-10 Test Facility (RTF) is designed to evaluate the natural circulation behavior in the REX-10. On the basis of a theoretical model and reactor safety, two experimental parameters (heater power and feedwater flow rate) were chosen and various transient experiments are conducted. As a result of six transient experiments, the RTF guarantees safety against abrupt changes in the experimental parameters. Furthermore, all the experiments are simulated by using the MARS code. In most cases, the results of the MARS code show good agreement with the experimental results. However, in case of the chiller trip, the MARS code overestimates the temperature and generates a fluctuation of the primary flow. However, both results show a similar trend after the fluctuation is finished.  相似文献   

We report the development of a thermal-hydraulic analysis code (called TAC-DS: Thermal-hydraulic Analysis Code for Dry-storage System). The spent fuel dry-storage system of High-Temperature Reactor Pebble-bed Modules in China is simulated using the TAC-DS to confirm the design basis and to analyze the transient behavior following an accident involving blower failure. The TAC-DS includes mathematical models for the air-coolant system, heat conduction within spent fuel canisters, and thermal radiation between heat structures. The time-dependent hydrodynamic model of the TAC-DS is formulated using one-dimensional mass, momentum and energy equations, and solved using semi-implicit finite-difference scheme. The complicated heat transfer models of heat structure are incorporated into the hydrodynamic system implicitly with enclosure correlations. Code is written in Fortran 90. A validation calculation is performed by solving a simplified model. Thermal performance of the buffer storage region in the system under forced ventilation scenario is studied with TAC-DS to validate the design requirement, as well as to provide the initial condition for the transient analysis. Blower failure accident is studied to assess the performance of the safety features during the transient accident. Since the code is modular, TAC-DS can be easily modified and applied to other spent fuel dry-storage system in the future.  相似文献   

The liquid fuel salt used in the molten salt reactors (MSRs) serves as the fuel and coolant simultaneously. On the one hand, the delayed neutron precursors circulate in the whole primary loop and part of them decay outside the core. On the other hand, the fission heat is carried off directly by the fuel flow. These two features require new analysis method with the coupling of fluid flow, heat transfer and neutronics. In this paper, the recent update of MOREL code is presented. The update includes: (1) the improved quasi-static method for the kinetics equation with convection term is developed. (2) The multi-channel thermal hydraulic model is developed based on the geometric feature of MSR. (3) The Variational Nodal Method is used to solve the neutron diffusion equation instead of the original analytic basis functions expansion nodal method. The update brings significant improvement on the efficiency of MOREL code. And, the capability of MOREL code is extended for the real core simulation with feedback. The numerical results and experiment data gained from molten salt reactor experiment (MSRE) are used to verify and validate the updated MOREL code. The results agree well with the experimental data, which prove the new development of MOREL code is correct and effective.  相似文献   

A code PNCMC (Program for Natural Circulation under Motion Conditions) has been developed for natural circulation simulation of marine reactors. The code is based on one-dimensional two-fluid model in noninertial frame of reference. The body force term in the momentum equation is considered as a time dependent function, which consists of gravity and inertial force induced by three-dimensional ship motion. Staggered mesh, finite volume method, semi-implicit first order upwind scheme and Successive Over Relaxation (SOR) method are used to discretize and solve two-phase mass, momentum and energy equations. Single-phase natural circulation experiments under rolling condition performed in Institute of nuclear and new energy technology of Tsinghua University and two-phase natural circulation experiments under rolling condition performed by Tan and colleagues are used to validate PNCMC. The validation results indicate that PNCMC is capable to investigate the single-phase and two-phase natural circulation under rolling motion.  相似文献   

During reactor operation, many complex changes occur in fuel rod which affects its thermal, mechanical and material properties. These changes also affect the reactor response to the transient and accident situations. Realistic simulation of fuel rod behavior under transients such as reactivity-initiated accident (RIA) is of great significance. In this study, thermal hydraulic analysis code THEATRe (Thermal Hydraulic Engineering Analysis Tool in Real-time) has been modified by addition of fuel rod behavior models for dynamic simulation of nuclear reactor. Transient changes in gas-gap parameters were taken into account by modeling the gas-gap behavior. Thermo-mechanical behavior of fuel rod is modeled to take into account the thermal, elastic and plastic deformation. To simulate RIA, point reactor kinetics model is also incorporated in the THEATRe code. To demonstrate the transient fuel rod behavior, AP1000 reactor is modeled and three hypothetical RIA cases are simulated. The RIA is considered at three different reactor power levels, i.e. 100, 50 and 1% of nominal power. The investigated parameters are fuel temperature, cladding stress and strain, fuel and cladding thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficient in gas-gap. Modified code calculates the fuel rod temperatures according to updated fuel, clad and gas-gap parameters at the onset of steady-state operation and during the transient. The modified code provides lower steady-state fuel temperature as compared to the original code. Stress and strain analyses indicate that the hoop and radial strain is higher at high power locations of the fuel rod; therefore, gap closure process will initially occur in the central portion of the fuel rod and it should be given more emphasis in the safety analysis of the fuel rod and nuclear reactor during accidents and transients.  相似文献   

The fluid–structure interaction (FSI) effect should be carefully considered in a seismic analysis of nuclear reactor internals to obtain the appropriate seismic responses because the dynamic characteristics of reactor internals change when they are submerged in the reactor coolant. This study suggests that a seismic analysis methodology considered the FSI effect in an integral reactor, and applies the methodology to the System-Integrated Modular Advanced Reactor (SMART) developed in Korea. In this methodology, we especially focus on constructing a numerical analysis model that can represent the dynamic behaviors considered in the FSI effect. The effect is included in the simplified seismic analysis model by adopting the fluid elements at the gap between the structures. The overall procedures of the seismic analysis model construction are verified by using dynamic characteristics extracted from a scaled-down model, and then the time history analysis is carried out using the constructed seismic analysis model, applying the El Centro earthquake input in order to obtain the major seismic responses. The results show that the seismic analysis model can clearly provide the seismic responses of the reactor internals. Moreover, the results emphasize the importance of the consideration of the FSI effect in the seismic analysis of the integral reactor.  相似文献   

A natural circulation evaluation methodology has been developed to insure safety of a sodium cooled fast reactor (SFR) of 1500 MWe adopting a natural circulation decay heat removal system (NC-DHRS). The methodology consists of a one-dimensional safety analysis which can be applied to safety evaluation for SFR licensing taking into account the temperature flattening effect due to buoyancy force in the core, and a three-dimensional fluid flow analysis which can evaluate thermal-hydraulics for local convection and thermal stratification in the primary system and DHRSs. The one-dimensional safety analysis method and the three-dimensional fluid flow analysis method have been validated using the test results of a water test apparatus and a sodium test loop for some typical transient events selected from the design basis events of the SFR. Finally, it has been confirmed that a good agreement between the test results and analysis results has been obtained, and reliability of each method has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

In order to perform the parametric survey for an accelerator-driven system (ADS) core with the subcriticality adjustment mechanism, a new calculation code system, ADS3D, was developed on MARBLE which is a comprehensive and versatile framework for reactor analysis. The application of ADS3D was also demonstrated on the neutronics design of ADS operated by control rod (CR) movement. Through the neutronics calculation, it was shown that the maximum proton beam current was decreased from 20.5 to 11.6 mA due to the switch from beam-operated to CR-operated core.  相似文献   

《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2004,31(15):1667-1708
This paper summarizes RELAP5-3D code validation activities carried out at the Lithuanian Energy Institute, which was performed through the modeling of RBMK-1500 specific transients taking place at Ignalina NPP. A best estimate RELAP5-3D model of the INPP RBMK-1500 reactor has been developed and validated against real plant data, as well as with the calculation results obtained using the Russian STEPAN/KOBRA code. The obtained calculation results demonstrate reasonable agreement with Ignalina NPP measured data. Behaviors of the separate MCC thermal-hydraulic parameters, as well as physical processes are predicted reasonably well to the real processes, occurring in the primary circuit of RBMK-1500 reactor. The calculated reactivity and the total reactor core power behavior in time are also in reasonable agreement with the measured plant data, which demonstrates the correct modeling of the neutronic processes taking place in RBMK-1500 reactor core. The performed validation of RELAP5-3D model of Ignalina NPP RBMK-1500 reactor allowed to improve the model, which in the future would be used for the safety substantiation calculations of RBMK-1500 reactors. Future activities are discussed.  相似文献   

随着计算机软硬件技术的发展,三维数值分析技术已经成为池式快堆堆芯和钠池热工设计和计算分析的重要组成部分,并在其中发挥着不可替代的作用.通过对池式快堆几个典型热工现象的分析,展示了我国第一座池式快堆(中国实验快堆)热工设计和安全分析中所拥有的设计手段和工具,总结了三维数值分析技术在快堆工程中的应用,并指出了其对今后快堆热工设计的重要意义.  相似文献   

根据下一代核能系统的发展目标,提出了采用自然循环的一体化小型氟盐冷却高温堆的概念。利用修改后的RELAR5-MS系统分析程序,建立了一体化小型氟盐冷却高温堆模型,并得到其稳态特性参数。在此基础上,对其在满功率运行状态下的反应性引入事故和失热阱事故进行了分析。分析计算表明,在反应性事故工况下,由于自然循环的存在,堆芯冷却剂流量随着堆芯温度发生动态变化,最终达到新的稳态,燃料棒和冷却剂温度均处于安全限值范围内。在失热阱事故下,反应堆负反馈的特性使得堆芯功率逐渐降低并实现自动停堆,即使不考虑余热排出系统的作用,燃料组件和冷却剂温度上升缓慢,在140 h内,燃料棒和冷却剂温度均处于全限值范围内。结果表明,一回路采用自然循环冷却的一体化小型氟盐冷却高温堆具有良好的固有安全性。  相似文献   

The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute has developed the SMART integral reactor, and SCOPS and SCOMS were also newly developed as advanced real-time core protection and monitoring systems for SMART. SCOPS calculates the minimum DNBR and maximum LPD based on several on-line measured core state parameters, and SCOMS calculates the limiting conditions for operation variables and assists the operator in implementing the technical specification requirements for monitoring. The design features and characteristics of SCOPS and SCOMS were described. The performance of the SCOMS power distribution synthesis method was evaluated and shows negligible power distribution synthesis errors. A technically reliable uncertainty analysis method was developed, and a preliminary uncertainty analysis was evaluated. The overall analysis results are similar or more improved compared to those of cycle 1 for Younggwang units 3&4 of Korea. In particular, uncertainty factors of SCOMS are much improved because of an improvement in the power distribution synthesis and DNBR calculation algorithm. Finally, thermal margins were estimated, and the DNB overpower margin of SCOMS is large enough to accommodate a 40% required overpower margin and 15% top-tier requirement thermal margin.  相似文献   

KAERI has been operating an integral effect test facility, Advanced Thermal–Hydraulic Test Loop for Accident Simulation (ATLAS), for accident simulations of advanced pressurized water reactors. As an integral effect test database for major design basis accidents has been accumulated, a domestic standard problem (DSP) exercise using ATLAS was proposed in order to transfer the database to domestic nuclear industries and to contribute to improving the safety analysis technology for pressurized water reactors (PWRs). As the third DSP exercise, a double-ended guillotine break of the main steam-line at an 8% power without loss of off-site power was decided as a target scenario. Seventeen domestic organizations joined this DSP exercise. They include universities, government, and nuclear industries. The participants of DSP-03 were classified into three groups and each group has focused on the specific subject related to the enhancement of the code assessment; (1) scaling capability of the ATLAS test data by comparing with the code analysis for a prototype, (2) multi-dimensional thermal–hydraulic phenomena anticipated during the steam-line break transient, (3) effect of various models in the one-dimensional safety analysis codes.  相似文献   

氟盐冷却球床堆是当前国际上一种新的研究堆型,尚无已经建造完成的反应堆,因此,选择相似且具有运行经验的反应堆作为基准题有助于堆芯核设计软件适用性分析。利用国际上常采用的相似性分析软件,可对熔盐实验堆(Molten Salt Reactor Experiment,MSRE)及10 MW高温气冷堆(10 MW high-temperature gas-cooled test reactor,HTR-10)与氟盐冷却球床堆的相似性进行分析,定量判断它们作为基准题的合理性。分析结果表明,MSRE和氟盐冷却球床堆的能谱峰位能量接近且堆内元素种类相近,二者相似程度较高;常温临界HTR-10和氟盐冷却球床堆冷却剂不同,且能谱峰位能量差异较大,二者相似程度较低。因此,MSRE是氟盐冷却球床堆中子物理设计软件较理想的基准题。  相似文献   

A coupled system thermal-hydraulics (T-H) and three-dimensional reactor kinetics code, MARS/MASTER, was developed to attain more accurate predictions for nuclear system transients that involve strong interactions between neutronic and T-H phenomena. In this paper, a 12-finger control element assembly (CEA) drop event in a two-loop pressurized water reactor (PWR) plant under a full power condition was analyzed, where the 12-finger CEA that is nearest to the hot leg of Loop 2 is assumed to incidentally drop. This instantaneously results in an asymmetric radial power distribution and, in turn, asymmetric loop behavior, which may lead to a reactor trip due to a low departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) ratio at the intact side of the core or an excessive difference between the cold leg coolant temperatures. This event clearly requires a coupled calculation of system T-H and three-dimensional reactor kinetics to realistically investigate the thermal-hydraulic behavior of the reactor core. A simple theoretical modeling is also devised to evaluate the cold leg temperature difference under a quasi-steady state.  相似文献   

The CONSEN (CONServation of ENergy) code is a fast running code to simulate thermal-hydraulic transients, specifically developed for fusion reactors. In order to demonstrate CONSEN capabilities, the paper deals with the accident analysis of the magnet induced confinement bypass for ITER design 1996. During a plasma pulse, a poloidal field magnet experiences an over-voltage condition or an electrical insulation fault that results in two intense electrical arcs. It is assumed that this event produces two one square meters ruptures, resulting in a pathway that connects the interior of the vacuum vessel to the cryostat air space room. The rupture results also in a break of a single cooling channel within the wall of the vacuum vessel and a breach of the magnet cooling line, causing the blow down of a steam/water mixture in the vacuum vessel and in the cryostat and the release of 4 K helium into the cryostat. In the meantime, all the magnet coils are discharged through the magnet protection system actuation. This postulated event creates the simultaneous failure of two radioactive confinement barrier and it envelopes all type of smaller LOCAs into the cryostat. Ice formation on the cryogenic walls is also involved. The accident has been simulated with the CONSEN code up to 32 h. The accident evolution and the phenomena involved are discussed in the paper and the results are compared with available results obtained using the MELCOR code.  相似文献   

An annular linear induction electromagnetic pump (ALIP) with a flow rate of 2265 L/min and a developed pressure of 4 bar was designed and fabricated to test the performance of the components of a sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) in a sodium thermal hydraulic experimental loop. The design characteristic of the ALIP was calculated using the electrical equivalent circuit method typically used for analyzing linear induction machines. Preliminary tests, such as verification of the moving function using an annular Al pipe, were carried out. The linearity between the input voltage, current, and magnetic flux density was verified. The developed force demonstrated an increase proportional to the square of the input current, whereas the velocity was linearly proportional to the input current. The main design variables of the pump were calculated theoretically for the SFR thermal hydraulic experimental loop. The pump was optimized for the design variables including input frequency, and the characteristics of the optimized pump were compared with those of the pump at the commercially used frequency of 60 Hz.  相似文献   

To identify a safety margin in the case of an inadvertent control rod withdrawal event of a 65-MWt advanced integral reactor, safety analysis has been carried out by using the Transients And Setpoint Simulation/System integrated Modular Reactor (TASS/SMR) code. The diverse initial conditions, various reactivity insertion rates into a core, different combinations of a reactivity feedback and three different speed modes of a main coolant pump (MCP) have been considered to identify the effect of each parameter on a critical heat flux ratio (CHFR) and the initial condition resulting in the worst consequences from the viewpoint of the minimum critical heat flux ratio. The analysis results show that the worst consequences occur when a reactivity of 17.61 pcm/s is inserted into a core at an initial condition of a 45% initial core power, high coolant temperature at the core inlet position, low system pressure and a thermal design flow. It is also assumed that the least negative fuel and moderator temperature coefficients are applied. The safety parameters such as the minimum critical heat flux ratio and the system pressure are maintained within the safety limits and the reactor is safely transferred to a safe condition by a functioning of the safety systems of the advanced integral reactor.  相似文献   


Reactivity control of the Fugen Nuclear Power Station is performed by the control rods and the adjustment of the concentration of 10B dissolved in the heavy water as boric acid.

An accurate evaluation of the 10B concentration in the heavy water is important in order to determine the excess reactivity.

It has been a conventional method to sample the heavy water and measure the 10B concentration in it directly, which is time- and labor-consuming and. moreover, costly. We have developed an economical and expedient calculation method to determine the 10B concentrations in the heavy water. This method uses a model of boric acid injection, boric acid removal, poison burning in the core and heavy water purification system.

The calculation result has been evaluated by the comparison of calculated 10B concentrations with the data obtained by mass spectrometry method, and the calculation accuracy is approximately ±0.1 ppm. This calculation program is practical and successfully in use now.  相似文献   

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