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Critical experiments of two cores each loaded with fresh 5 × 5 test PWR-type fuel rods of 235U enrichment of 3.8 wt% or irradiated 5 × 5 test rods of rod average burnup of 55 GWd/t in the REBUS program were analyzed using diffusion, transport, and continuous-energy Monte Carlo calculation codes coupled with nuclear data libraries based on JENDL-3.2 and JENDL-3.3. Biases in effective multiplication factors k eff's of the critical cores were about ?1:2%Δk for the diffusion calculations (JENDL-3.2), ?0:5%Δk for the transport calculations (JENDL-3.3), and ?0:5 and 0.1%Δk for the Monte Carlo calculations (JENDL-3.3 and JENDL-3.2, respectively). The measured core fission rate and Sc- or Co-activation rate distributions were generally well reproduced using the three types of calculation. The burnup reactivity determined using the measured water level reactivity coefficients was ?2:35 ± 0:07Δk/kk′. The calculated result of the Monte Carlo calculations agreed with it; however, the diffusion and transport calculations overestimated the absolute value by about 7%, which would be mainly attributed to the errors in the calculation of the reactivity caused by changing the fuel compositions from fresh fuel to irradiated fuel.  相似文献   

Measured isotopic compositions of UO2 and MOX fuel samples taken from irradiated light water reactor fuel assemblies were analyzed by CASMO5 coupled with a JENDL-4.0 base library to assess the uncertainties in the calculated isotopic compositions on heavy and fission product nuclides. The burnup calculations for the analysis were performed based on a single-assembly model taking into account the detail fuel assembly specifications and irradiation histories. For the MOX fuel samples, a multiple-assembly model was also adopted taking into account the effect of the surrounding UO2 fuel assemblies. The average and standard deviation of the biases (C/E ? 1's (here C and E are calculated and measured results, respectively)) were calculated for each nuclide separately on the PWR and BWR UO2 fuel samples. The averaged biases for 235U, 236U, 239Pu, 240Pu, 241Pu and 242Pu were 2.7%, ?0.9%, 0.3%, 0.7%, ?2.4% and ?1.7% for PWR UO2 samples, and 6.7%, ?1.5%, 2.5%, ?0.6%, 0.4% and ?0.1% for BWR UO2 samples, respectively. The biases with the single-assembly model on the MOX fuel samples showed large positive values of 239Pu, and application of the multiple-assembly model reduced the biases as reported in our previous studies.  相似文献   

Critical experiments were performed in the REBUS program on a core loaded with a test bundle including 16 irradiated BWR-type MOX rods of average burnup of 61 GWd/t. The experimental data were analyzed using diffusion, transport, and continuous-energy Monte Carlo calculation codes coupled with nuclear data libraries based on JENDL-3.2 or JENDL-3.3. Biases in effective multiplication factors of the critical cores were ?1.0%Δk for the diffusion calculations (JENDL-3.2), ?0.3%Δk for the transport calculations (JENDL-3.3), and 0.2%Δk for the Monte Carlo calculations (JENDL-3.2). The measured core fission rate and co-activation rate distributions were generally well reproduced using the three types of calculations. The burnup reactivity determined using the measured water level reactivity coefficients was ?2.41 ± 0.08%Δk/kk’, which also agreed with the results of the three type of calculations within the measurement and calculation errors. The most probable isotopic inventories in the irradiated MOX rods was tentatively obtained by using the ratios of the calculation to chemical assay data on a pellet sample, and the burnup reactivity was reanalyzed to split the calculation error into those due to the inventory and reactivity calculations. This approach showed that the inventory calculation error compensated the reactivity calculation error.  相似文献   

The perturbation theory based on the transport calculation has been applied to study sensitivity of neutron multiplication factors (keff's) to neutron cross sections used for the reactivity analysis of UO2 and MOX core physics experiments on light water reactors. The studied cross sections were neutron capture, fission and elastic scattering cross sections, and a number of fission neutrons, ν. The obtained sensitivities were multiplied to relative differences in the cross sections between JENDL-4.0 and JENDL-3.3 in order to estimate the reactivity effects. The results show that the increase in keff, 0.3%Δk/kk′, from JENDL-3.3 to JENDL-4.0 for the UO2 core is mainly attributed to the decreases in the capture cross sections of 238U. On the other hand, there are various contributions from the differences in the cross sections of U, Pu, and Am isotopes for the MOX cores. The major contributions to increase in keff are decreases in the capture cross sections of 238U,238Pu, 239Pu, and those to decrease in keff are decreases in ν of 239Pu and increases in the capture cross sections of241Am. They compensate each other, and the difference in keff between JENDL-3.3 and JENDL-4.0 is less than 0.1%Δk/kk′ and relatively small.  相似文献   


In connection with the accuracy of the 10B(n, α) cross section in the thermal- and epithermal-neutron energy regions, criticality calculation results were examined for six benchmark sets of light-water-moderation critical experiments of UO2 and MOX fuel lattice cores with un-borated and borated water. Two of the benchmark sets were those implemented in the Tank-Type Critical Assembly (TCA). The others were taken from the International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments (ICSBEP), and the International Handbook of Evaluated Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments (IRPhEP). The enrichments of the UO2 fuel range from 1.9 wt% to 2.6 wt%, and the Pu contents of the MOX fuel do from 2.0 to 6.6 wt%. The boron concentrations in water are up to 1511 ppm. The effective neutron multiplication factors (keff ) were taken from the published documents. They were calculated with continuous-energy Monte Carlo calculation codes in combination with JENDL-4.0, and other evaluated nuclear data libraries. It was confirmed that the keff values of the critical cores increased with the boron concentrations, which indicates that the 10B(n, α) cross section in the thermal- and epithermal-neutron energy regions should be larger than those in JENDL-4.0 and other libraries.  相似文献   

Comparing with the fission product nuclide (FP) decay heat summation calculation result in MeV/sec/fission based on the JENDL FP decay and yield data files 2011 for the burst fission, FP decay heat calculated by ORIGEN2.2 coupled with JENDL-4.0 base library ORLIBJ40 was verified at the cooling time from 1 sec to 108 sec for 235U (thermal), 238U (fast), 239Pu (thermal) and 241Pu (thermal). For these fission nuclides, FP decay heat calculated by CASMO5 at the same cooling time after a short irradiation (104 sec) was also compared with that of ORIGEN2.2. In the analysis of decay heat measurements at the cooling time from 2.3 years to 27 years consisting of four data sets on the fuel assemblies discharged from the US PWRs and BWRs, and the Swedish PWRs and BWRs, the average values of the ratios of the calculated to measured results (C/E's) were from 0.972 to 1.031 for ORIGEN2.2, and from 0.977 to 1.016 for CASMO5. The standard deviations of C/E's for the four data sets were from 0.02 to 0.03 for the both codes except for those of the US BWR fuel assemblies which were from 0.11 to 0.12. The obtained C/E's were similar to those in the precedent study.  相似文献   

The atomic fractions of 238Pu and 241Am in MOX fuels recycled in light water reactors are 1% to 2% and not significant compared with those of major Pu isotopes. On the other hand, recent evaluated nuclear data libraries, such as JENDL-4.0 and JEFF-3.2, give noticeably different thermal and epithermal neutron capture cross sections for 238Pu and 241Am. The thermal neutron capture cross sections of 238Pu and 241Am in JEFF-3.2 are 31% and 9% larger than those of JENDL-4.0, respectively. This paper shows the effect of the differences in the neutron cross sections on analysis results of two different integral experiments. The first is the isotopic compositions of 238Pu on UO2 and MOX fuels irradiated in BWR and PWR, and the second is the critical experiments of the water moderated cores fully loaded with MOX fuels. The former was analyzed by using the continuous energy Monte Carlo burnup calculation code MVP-BURN and the latter by the continuous energy Monte Carlo calculation code MVP. The comparisons between the calculated and measured results indicate that the most likely thermal and epithermal neutron capture cross sections of 238Pu and 241Am should be around at the middle between those of JEFF-3.2 and JENDL-4.0.  相似文献   

Analysis of measured isotopic compositions of four high-burnup BWR MOX fuel samples was performed by using a general-purpose neutronic calculation code SRAC and a continuous-energy Monte Carlo burnup code MVP-BURN. The initial Pu fissile content of the samples was 5.52 wt%, and the burnups ranged from 50 to 80 GWd/t. It is confirmed that a geometrical model including the effect of UO2 assemblies adjacent to the MOX assembly is necessary in the burnup calculations to obtain accurate calculated isotopic compositions. The calculated results of MVP-BURN with JENDL-3.3 taking such effect into account show more accurate results for major actinides (U, Pu, and Am isotopes) and most fission products than those of infinite assembly calculations. The paper also shows the results calculated using SRAC with JENDL-3.3, ENDF/B-VII, and JEFF-3.1.  相似文献   

The Doppler reactivity effect of 238U was measured in simulated MOX fuel using the FCA facility for the purpose of obtaining data on the 238U Doppler reactivity effect in light-water-moderated MOX fuel and evaluating the prediction accuracy of the current analysis code systems and nuclear data library. Experimental data on the Doppler reactivity effect from room temperature up to 800°C were obtained for a uranium fueled core and mockup cores for MOX-fueled LWR using cylindrical natural-uranium samples. With the use of various samples with various neutron spectra, 238U Doppler reactivity effects at energies generally in the low range below 1 keV were evaluated. Analyses were performed using the current standard analysis code systems for fast and thermal reactors, with the JENDL-3.3 data library. Both analyses yielded calculated/experimental value (C/E) ratios of 0.96 to 1.06 for the MOX cores, a good agreement within the experimental error, and those in the uranium core were similar.  相似文献   

Critical experiments of UO2 and full mixed oxide (MOX) fuel cores conducted at the Tank-type Critical Assembly (TCA) were aNalyzed using BWR design-purpose codes HINES and CERES with ENDF/B files and Monte Carlo fine analysis codes VMONT and MVP with the JENDL-3.2 library.

The averaged values of the multiplication factors calculated with HINES/CERES, VMONT and MVP agreed with those of experiments within 0.3%ΔAk. The values by the design-purpose codes showed a small difference of 0.1%Δk between UO2 and MOX cores. Monte Carlo code results showed that the JENDL-3.2 library had a tendency to overestimate the multiplication factors of UO2 cores by about 0.3%Δk compared with those values of MOX cores. The root mean square errors of calculated power distributions were less than 1% for HINES/CERES and VMONT.

These results showed that (1) the accuracy of these codes when applied to full MOX cores was almost the same as their accuracy for UO2 cores, which confirmed the accuracy of present core design codes for full MOX cores; and (2) the accuracy of the 190-energy-group Monte Carlo calculation code VMONT was almost the same as that of the continuous-energy Monte Carlo calculation code MVP.  相似文献   

In order to provide reference for the evaluation of thorium parameters for the conceptual design of fusion–fission hybrid energy reactor, a dedicated integral experiment was carried out in a thorium powder cylinder bombarded with D-T neutrons. Thorium capture and fission rates in the 0° direction to the incident D+ beam were obtained using the activation method followed by the off-line gamma-ray technique, experimental uncertainties were ~3.1% for thorium capture rate, and were 5.5%, 8.1%, and 6.3% for thorium fission rates based on fission products 85mKr, 143Ce, and 87Kr, respectively. The thorium fission rate based on 85mKr agreed well with the simulation employing ENDF/B-VII.0 library data. The influence of the oxygen contained in the thorium oxide powder and the scattering neutrons from the experimental hall was also evaluated. MCNP simulations employing ENDF/B-Ⅶ.0, JENDL-4.0 library data agreed with experiment within uncertainties except that employing ENDF/B-Ⅶ.1 (6.0%) and CENDL-3.1 (7.9%) for thorium fission rate, while for thorium capture rate, simulation employing JENDL-4.0 agreed with experiment best. The influence of reaction channels of thorium transport medium employing different library data on the thorium reaction rates could be neglected according to the simulation. The thorium capture to fission ratio demonstrated that the fuel breeding efficiency is quite low and energy production plays a leading role under the neutron spectra in this experiment.  相似文献   

We show that by use of hafnium cladding, a fast neutron spectrum is achievable in the top of uprated BWRs. Monte Carlo calculations have been made for Hf clad inert matrix nitride and low fertile MOX fuels, with fuel segments located in the upper part of an uprated BWR, where the coolant void fraction exceeds 70%. The nitride fuel results in the hardest neutron spectrum, but the low fertile MOX fuel still yields fission probabilities for even neutron number nuclides similar to those of sodium cooled reactors. The inert matrix nitride fuel configuration yields high burning rates, permitting to stabilise TRU inventories with less than 50% BWR cores of the here suggested type in the power park. The core with low fertile MOX fuel is less efficient, but still a zero net producer of TRU. Fuel and coolant temperature feedbacks are affected by introduction of absorbing elements in the fuel, but remain within acceptable ranges for the low fertile MOX fuel. Although control rod worths are reduced, shutdown margins are sufficient to ensure sub-criticality in cold conditions. From a materials point of view, the behaviour of hafnium clad MOX fuel would be similar to zircalloy clad MOX fuel already used extensively in nuclear industry. Thus, if dynamic stability of the core can be ensured, the here proposed fuel may be considered as a low cost solution for transmutation of minor actinides on industrial scale.  相似文献   

为提高铅基堆中子学模拟的可靠性,基于启明星Ⅱ号铅基零功率反应堆,开展铅基堆相关核数据的入堆宏观基准检验研究。采用周期法测量堆芯反应性,进而获得有效增殖因数keff为1001 14±0000 07。采用MCNP程序对铅基堆进行精细化建模,结合不同数据库内的中子评价核数据,计算实验燃料棒装载下的铅基堆芯的keff。比较结果可知,4种截面库计算的铅基堆keff模拟结果与实验结果吻合较好,最大相对偏差小于1%,其中,ENDF/B Ⅶ.1库的模拟结果与实验结果吻合最好,相对偏差和绝对偏差分别为025%和251 pcm。通过计算关键材料元素核数据引起keff的变化量,可知铅元素核数据引起的堆芯keff结果的波动量最大,在CENDL 31和JENDL 40中的铅元素引起keff的波动值分别为219 pcm和166 pcm。  相似文献   

The measured isotopic compositions of fuel samples taken from high-burnup spent PWR MOX and UO2 assemblies in the MALIBU program has been analyzed by lattice physics codes. The measured isotopes were U, Np, Pu, Am, and Cm isotopes and about 30 major fission product nuclides. The codes used in the present study were a continuous-energy Monte Carlo burnup calculation code (MVP-BURN) and a deterministic burnup calculation code (SRAC) based on the collision probability method. A two-dimensional multi-assembly geometrical model (2 × 2 model) was mainly adopted in the analysis in order to include the fuel assemblies adjoining the relevant fuel assembly, from which the samples were taken. For the MOX sample, the 2 × 2 model significantly reduces the deviations of the calculated results from the measurements compared with a single assembly model. The calculation results of MVP-BURN in the 2 × 2 model reproduce the measurements of U, Np, and Pu isotopes within 5% for the MOX sample of 67 GWd/t. The deviations of their calculated results of U, Np, and Pu isotopes from the measurements are less than 7% for the UO2 sample of 72 GWd/t.  相似文献   

Measurements of reaction rates have been performed in three uranium-fueled zone-type cores of the FCA constructed for a series of experiments on a high conversion light water reactor (HCLWR). These cores possess central test zones of different fuel enrichments and moderator to fuel volume ratios. Radial and axial fission rates of 236U, 239Pu, 238U and 23,Np were measured in each test zone by means of the micro-fission counter traverse. A region where the fundamental mode spectrum is established in the test zone were determined by utilizing these fission rate distributions. Central reaction rate ratios relative to the 235U fission rate were obtained from the measurements by the micro-fission counters and metallic uranium foils to examine changes in the reaction rate ratios among the three cores.

The measured data were analyzed by the SRAC code system on the basis of the nuclear data file JENDL-2. The calculated fission rate distributions agree well with the experimental results for the all cases. The results of reaction rate ratios show that the calculations over- predict the experimental values of the 238U capture/235U fission and 238U fission/235U fission rate ratios in the three cores.  相似文献   

Pulse irradiation experiments with irradiated ATR/MOX fuel rods of 20MWd/kgHM were conducted at the NSRR in Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute to study the transient behavior of MOX fuel rod under reactivity initiated accident conditions. Four pulse irradiation experiments were performed with peak fuel enthalpy ranging from 335 J/g to 586 J/g, resulted in no failure of fuel rods. Relatively large radial deformation of the fuel rods due to pellet-cladding mechanical interaction occurred in the experiments with peak fuel enthalpy above 500 J/g. Significant fission gas release up to 20% was measured by rod puncture measurement. The generation of fine radial cracks in pellet periphery, micro-cracks and boundary separation over the entire region of pellet were observed. These microstructure changes might contribute to the swelling of fuel pellets during the pulse irradiation. This could cause the large radial deformation of fuel rod and high fission gas release when the pulse irradiation conducted at relatively high peak fuel enthalpy. In addition, fine grain structures around the plutonium spot and cauliflower structure in cavity of the plutonium spot were observed in the outer region of the fuel pellet.  相似文献   

Evaluation for JENDL-3.3 has been performed by considering the accumulated feedback information and various benchmark tests of the previous library JENDL-3.2. The major problems of the JENDL-3.2 data were solved by the new library: overestimation of criticality values for thermal fission reactors was improved by the modifications of fission cross sections and fission neutron spectra for 235U; incorrect energy distributions of secondary neutrons from important heavy nuclides were replaced with statistical model calculations; the inconsistency between elemental and isotopic evaluations was removed for medium-heavy nuclides. Moreover, covariance data were provided for 20 nuclides. The reliability of JENDL-3.3 was investigated by the benchmark analyses on reactor and shielding performances. The results of the analyses indicate that JENDL-3.3 predicts various reactor and shielding characteristics better than JENDL- 3.2.  相似文献   

Benchmark testing for the newly developed Japanese evaluated nuclear data library JENDL-4.0 is carried out by using a huge amount of integral data. Benchmark calculations are performed with a continuous-energy Monte Carlo code and with the deterministic procedure, which has been developed for fast reactor analyses in Japan. Through the present benchmark testing using a wide range of benchmark data, significant improvement in the performance of JENDL-4.0 for fission reactor applications is clearly demonstrated in comparison with the former library JENDL-3.3. Much more accurate and reliable prediction for neutronic parameters for both thermal and fast reactors becomes possible by using the library JENDL-4.0.  相似文献   

Interface current approach to solution of neutron transport equation has been earlier used for LWR lattice problems. The analysis of the C5MOX benchmark is a opportunity to test its applicability to heterogeneous reactor problem. Computer code COHINT, which incorporates a routine for solution of neutron transport equation in X-Y geometry by interface current approach was used for this analysis by representing the fuel rod as a square one. Region interface angular fluxes are represented by a four-term expansion. It is found that the average pin power error is about 2.28 % (peak pin error 4.1 %) relative to reference calculations. Further improvement is possible by introduction of the capability to represent circular rods with in a square cell in COHINT.  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(9-10):2164-2168
Titanium is contained in lithium titanate which is a tritium breeding material candidate. In the nuclear design, accurate nuclear data are needed. However, few benchmark experiments had been performed for titanium. We performed a benchmark experiment with a titanium assembly and a DT neutron source at JAEA/FNS. The titanium assembly was covered with Li2O blocks in order to reduce background neutrons. Dosimetry reaction rates were measured with niobium, indium and gold foils inside the assembly. And fission rates of 235U were measured by using micro fission chambers. This experiment was analyzed by using the Monte Carlo neutron transport code MCNP5-1.40 with recent nuclear data libraries of ENDF/B-VII.0, ENDF/B-VII.1, JEFF-3.1.2, JENDL-4.0 and JENDL-4.0u1. The calculation results were compared with the measured one in order to validate the nuclear data libraries of titanium. The calculated results with ENDF/B-VII.1 agreed with the measured one the best because the (n,2n) and (n,n′cont) reaction cross section data and resonance parameters were improved.  相似文献   

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